Chaos Walking: Tom Holland & Daisy Ridley Film 'Deemed Unreleasable'

>According to the Wall Street Journal, the film -- which has already cost Lionsgate $100 million -- has “turned out so poorly it was deemed unreleasable by executives who watched initial cuts last year, according to current and former employees.”


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>Lionsgate acquired worldwide distribution rights to a film adaptation of the Chaos Walking trilogy

This and that Hellboy reeboot?

Who the fuck is burning all of Lionsgate's money with these shit decisions? Literally any of us would avoid these decisions and be more wualified.

two people who cannot act in a film where you can't speak or you die or some shit based on a tweenager novel by a shit writer.

Gee I wonder why...

>this is the new stock of lead actors in Hollywood

that Kid cant Harry a movie like Tony

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So the fuck was this move meant to be about?

a hundred fucking years of making feature films and they manage to fuck $100,000,000 up this bad

how is it even possible

It's all coming to a head in the internet age. Now people are realizing that two black guys beating the shot out of each other in a knockout compilation is more entertaining that Hollywood marks who want people to pay 18 bucks to watch them suck at acting

>already cost Lionsgate $100 million
Jesus. Are they burning money or what?
This is unsustainable.

I remember last year, a "insider" (aka LARPer) was saying that Tom cucked Zendaya with Daisy on the set for this movie.
Based coke heads fucking after a day of shooting.
>this is going to be shit, isn't it, daisy?
>I don't care, we're getting paid, so shut up, take a line and fuck me, spiderboy

Tom Holland is gay. He probably fucked Nick Jonas. Better than fucking a Xeno.

literally happens every year

Where is the proof? I want to believe you, but everywhere is said that he's a womanizing brat, with his band of bros.

i'd read a column about someone who gets access to various studios' shelved films and reviews them

thats daisy ridley?
she looks like pic related with a wig LMAO

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Honestly its probably some kind of tax dodge. Hollywood loves to play with its money like that.

>It's all coming to a head in the internet age. Now people are realizing that two black guys beating the shot out of each other in a knockout compilation is more entertaining that Hollywood marks who want people to pay 18 bucks to watch them suck at acting

I always said bumfights was true kino but nobody believed me.

Beards are a thing. And those bros are probably giving him the dong behind closed doors

It's sabotage by Disney. They'll swoop in and buy them out at the last minute. They won't stop until they've consolidated the entire entertainment industry.

I've spent a bunch of time reading unproduced scripts; it's never as interesting as you think it's going to be. if you haven't already seen it, you could watch Passengers with J Law and meme man, or Kostner's The Postman.

they're always projects where the problems were there from the outset, people thought they could solve them, and it didn't happen.

I could see Disney buying the Twilight franchise or Hunger Games but everything else they have is shit.

I kekd at the Gemini Man trailer, with the fanmade version with Clint being better than what is showed.

money laundering at its finest

>cast a barren woman as the last hope for the human race
>it turns out poorly

>money laundering at its finest
Lose $100 million


You clearly don't understand what 'money laundering' means, it's about turning illegimate PROFITS into legimate PROFITS. There are no profits here.

the state of her face

>In the near future, Todd Hewitt has been brought up to believe that a viral germ has killed all women in a colony world and unleashed Noise, the special ability to hear people's and animals' minds. Later, he comes upon a patch of silence and soon discovers the source of the silence: a mysterious woman named Viola Eade. On the run, they learn more about the true history of the New World.

this sounds like an incredibly stupid premise

>not understanding how hollywood launders money

>directed by doug liman
>written by charlie kaufman
how is this not kino again?

they look like two monkeys

What happened to bats in the barbel channel

Yeah that's ridiculous. We all know Daisy is in love with Boyega

I liked the book when I read it years ago but I don’t know how you could/ why you would make a film out of it. It’s a stupid fucking concept for a movie.

>I don't care, we're getting paid, so shut up, take a line and fuck me, tiger

Daisy is engaged to some Bateman dude. And Boyega is gay.

Have sex

They look like NPC characters, where are the leads lol.

Not even these two could save this shit fest of a concept. Making CW into movie is difficult. It works only as books.

check out who they got to act in it

tbf it's just some random shot but yeah, they look so bland

Half the reason the books were any good was because text lent itself well to portraying Noise. They’d never be able to pull it off in a visual medium.


Yup. This. This movie really is living up to it's name. Chaos Walking.

This looks cancerous.

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is that the desi aunty from the office lmao

I enjoyed this book as a kid and i have trouble believing someone can fuck an adaptation up this bad.

If you took the star wars label off of those films they would be unreleasable too. Beta star wars fans will eat dog shit.

daisy is cute

Damn this, especially Daisy she looks like that bitchy girl that gets lost 5 minutes into the movie


thing is its being written by charlie kaufman of all people.

Fine premise for a book, awful for a movie.

He's the most glaringly obvious closeted gay actor in the biz currently. How can you not see it?

well, shit. i was looking forward to Mads' performance

>Studio lets four-year-old write blockbuster, makes $115 million loss
It was Paramount in that case but you'll never know.

>We have decided to allow Disney to buy Lionsgate... what? What's a "monopoly"?

I could see this. I mean, the only proof we have that the film even exists is a single screenshot.

The Fox acquisition has shown that this is their truest motive.

>Studio lets four-year-old write blockbuster
is this real

Here's the thing: execs genuinely thought TLJ was a masterpiece. Normies and insiders all loved TFA. Considering that, how bad does a film have to be to be considered "unreleasable"?

Just search engine the fucking headline.


I love how Hollywood stripped all the christian themes out of the movie.

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search engine+copy+paste+Enter = can't even

daisy's cuteness 'deemed unbelievable'

Mads, Waltz and Fassbemder must be playing a game for who can take the worst scripts

>muh disney

>women holding back our psychic abilities

Fucking thots

he plays tails the fox type butty boy in the marvel movies and kisses his daddy iron man and says mmm this is nice daddy

crikey that screams YA so loud they can hear it in their minds

Watch the producers user.

this makes sense.
if they tank tom holland and daisy ridley's public appeal or out them as garbage actors, it's going to badly negatively affect the two largest film franchises, ever.

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this alone makes me interested, if anyone can do it it's him

lol it's not like you cunts appreciate good acting either
Brie Larson & Kirsten Stewart are the best of their generation and get no love

What are the chances that it’s actually kino, and the execs just got pleb filtered?

she's 5'7... damn she wears heels so often I thought she was like 5'11. fucking jew wizardry to make dudes feel insecure

why did you fucking link some scammy article you dumbass the answer is NO
no they did not let a kid write a movie someone just happened to think something a kid said was a good pitch

>100 million dollars
>Movie isn't even going to be released

Remember these things the next time someone challenges you for doubting captain marvel made over a billion dollars legitimately

Lol. Never heard that term before. Are you a poo?

The fact that they're still trying to capitalize on shit preteen novels this fucking long after the success of Harry Pothead and JLaw's xanned tf out Hunger Games shows that Hollywood is completely bankrupt creatively. Like, they buy all these original scripts from writers, I've known writers that have sold scripts for like 40 grand or some shit, that get shelved and sit in a warehouse or storage building on a lot in LA for fucking years just so they can throw money at stupid, inane shit like this as a lame cash grab. They legit only fucking care about money and hoarding all the good scripts in the world so that no other studio can be successful. It's so insane, not about the art of film anymore in any way, just money and consolidation of power.

Also, Daisy is like a decade older than Tom, she's my fucking age and Tom is like a child in my eyes. Why would they try to play her off as a teenager when she's on the other side of 25? Early 20s maybe, but 27? Jesus fucking Christ, what genius thought this would ever work?

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>jews own most of the nations wealth
>somehow the idea that they would use a fraction of their billions to further their ideology is inconceivable
why even try to convince normies user? they're done, they're hypnotized, you should know that by now

its a de facto "category"

The defining feature of Chaos Walking is that it is a film on the page. Ness's style is more cinematic than literary, but Noise could only be done in a book.

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Imagine if they were stupid enough to try and adapt it by having their thoughts in text form floating around their heads in different fonts and everything
Then when Todd noise-fights the Mayor in the sequel it’ll literally just be animated text flying across the screen

>John Boyega is box office poison outside of SW
>Daisy Ridley is box office poison outside of SW

Mark Hamill, Hayden Christensen, and Jake Lloyd know this feels.

>Doug Liman
>Edge of tomorrow
>American made
Doubt this is as big a tranwreck as they say, even if the book it's based on sounds retarded.

bro, hear me out. the execs made the company pay for the movie, right? but, now this part is important, instead of investing that money into a good script and good film, they....

>blew it all on cocaine gangbangs with daisy

thats how money laundering works

>in a film where you can't speak or you die or some shit based on a tweenager novel by a shit write

Do we really not have enough of these though? Like seriously this concept was old the first time it popped up on Netflix. Why do we need blockbuster releases of this trash?

Hollywood is a different scheme. You take invested money from producers, you write it up as a budget, you spend 1/10th of it, and you pocket the rest.

There's a reason that fucking forensic accountants are a huge business in Hollywood, and it's because everyone is stealing money from everyone else.

>media perpetuates arranged relationships and other shit to maintain a curated image in the public eye
He's grade A gay

Also why they don't produce many films in the UK, because you can't get away with anywhere NEAR the shit as in Hollywood. Too many laws and shit for transparency.

The cute part is the way Hollywood presents unbankable people as the stars without caring that it's the movie franchise and NOT the people in it that bring in the money.

>Lionsgate makes this instead of another Warcraft movie
Let them burn for their transgressions

Warcraft? More like Warcrap lmao amirite my broskies???

The absolute state of contemporary """""""cinema""""""".

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It’s probably the opposite knowing Hollywood, Liman’s made some kino adaptation of shitty YA source material and the execs are too braindead to understand what they’re seeing.

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How is Disney responsible for other people making bad movies?

All this nu school YA postapoc bullshit, I just want my FUCKING Tripods trilogy

It's only a 4 year difference, calm down. Tom is almost 23. Daisy can play a teenager convincingly, imo, the problem is that she can't act for shit.

I dunno offer the decision maker more money to tank the business and set it up for acquisition? There is no such thing as brand loyalty in the corporate marketing age. The only thing that people want is more money and social connections. If one of the biggest players in the entertainment world came knocking and offered them a place at the table if they help Disney, it wouldn't take much to make it happen.

That's absurdly illegal on top of being very easy to get caught doing.

Is this the new Planet of the Apes movie?

>YA postapoc bullshit

why are all the scenarios always totally bizarre , do the writers think that random insanity equals original

Keep licking that boot.

Making bad business decisions is illegal? You dont seem to understand the kind of people that work in entertainment.

>why are all the scenarios always totally bizarre
the authors of this genre have a low opinion of people under 20, so they never put effort into the plots themselves because it doesn't matter, they don't feel any responsibility to tell good stories.
>do the writers think that random insanity equals original
No, originality is a dirty word. These types of authors want easy brand recognition and lots, lots of dumb date money. No one in their right mind thinks the Hungergames is a watchable franchise - but it was an easy movie to go to with your Stacey girlfriend.

Tom's 23? He needs to fucking lift more then because he looks about 14.

Hamill at least has his voice acting going on for him.

Simple. It's money laundering. Oh dear, we spent 100 mil paying these totally unrelated contractors to make this movie but now it's so bad, we can't even release it. Oh woe is me.

WTF these people's standards for unreleasable?
Most of thing that come out now a days is unreleasable, especially from Lionsgate.

Meh, thought the book was pretty mediocre. And fucking Daisy Ridley looks ridiculous in that photo.

I'm disappointed. Disappointed, but not surprised. I like the series, but it isn't something I imagined would ever make for a good movie. Final battle is literally the kids screaming


telepathically at each other until the Mayor gives up and walks into a sea of giant maneating fish

>There is no such thing as brand loyalty in the corporate marketing age.
t. some retard who's never worked anywhere remotely close to film companies

You’re using the term “brand loyalty” exteremely wrong

If you read the plot on the wiki page, it gets even stupider.

>The germ actually just makes men (and animals) broadcast their thoughts.
>Women aren't affected.
>The men in todd's village killed all the women because they were jelly of the women's ability to not broadcast their thoughts.
>Everyone else in the world told them to go away and live together.

A grade YA wish fulfillment trash.

Poor lass looks deplorable in that wig. But Tom is a cute!

I like Tommy but he looks awful in that pic. Seems like those boyish looks are slowly fading away.

All I know is that I'd keep licking his fucking firm ass till my tongue falls off. No homo.

>Tom is a cute
Lol, he looks like a goblin. As expected from an Anglo.

Sheesh, you must have very high standards. His body and ass alone are a tiebreaker. And definitely not a goblin.

Come on user, he looks horrible in that pic
He still a cute in my book

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Ok, so on a 1 to 10 faps I give him a 3 on OP's pic. Happy?

>you must have very high standards
I do but even if that's the case, I still find no interest in him. Keep it for yourself, user.

There's probably a massive amount of money laundering in the business.

you're ok user

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he's only one of six writers though. his draft might've already been thrown out.

Like JMS' more accurate script for World War Z being entirely discarded, but he still got credit because of WGA rules.

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I see the Disney defense force has arrived.

Studio executives are a different breed of stupid, and they're also massively arrogant, which is a dangerous combination when you're dealing with such a hit-or-miss industry. Go read those leaked emails from Sony where they furiously jerk each other off about the brilliance of shoehorning unnecessary villains and Philip Phillips into the last Amazing Spiderman movie if you need proof.

I would happily stick my dick into Daisy.


yeah, imagine actually defending disney, truly pathetic

>his band of bros.
the one who lives with him and the one who jacked off with his cousin on omegle?

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Who is this? This looks like a cross dressing Alfredo Diaz

imagine the bukkake

>Daisy femdomming gay Tom Holland


What passes as a "cute twink" in Hollywood is a lot different than what passes in the real world. Tom is a bit of a butterface.

You're thinking of Sharkboy vs. Lava Girl, and I liked that movie

100% diverse battle royale remake when?

Tom Holland is a good actor though.

THIS is obviously too Kino for normies.

Have you actually seen the photos of them? He’s in a video saying he loves that giant black guy who lives with them, he’s photographed riding his back ffs! And his other antics...

They also thought Snyder's version of Justice League was "unwatchable" and Whedon's reshoots were an improvement.


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>no u
About what I expected from a double-digit IQ.

Feels good to have someone else's waifu bullied for once.

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Well, Joe Eszterhas wrote Showgirls, even great script writer aren't on their own established level 100% at all times.

He’s a beautiful twink, if he lifts more he’ll look creepy. He’s too short and cute to be butch.

His family are based catholics, dad did well.

This guy gets it.

This. Hollywood continues to find new ways to disappoint and disgust me.

Eszterhas is a shit writer though, only a known name because Hollywood was going nuts at the time and massively overpaying for scripts
Screenwriting seems like one of the least rewarding professions out there. 99% of them never get sold, 99% of what sells is never made, 99% of what's made has nothing to do with the actual script. It's no wonder most movies suck, you might as well just get a crew together at random and tell them to "make a film".

you sound angry are you alright? just relax and get some water

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