Is he okay guys? I'm worried.
Way to deny that bird a meal you fat fuck
Hes resorting to killing animals now? After he's tasted blood you can't stop him
People flipping out more dramatically for a dead animal than for a dead human are fucked up people
Yea Forums is full of autistic sociopaths, of course you guys wouldn't understand being concerned about another living thing.
all life is sacred.
>I didn't kill my fat piece of shit wife
>I didn't kill that disgusting squirrel
that squirrel was later found to have 14 different types of Rx medicine in her system.
>siding with a tree rat over a based crow
This happened to me a couple of times. The best thing to do is put it out of its misery as fast as possible.
rip tree nigger
>squirrel still dead
>crow starves to death
>all that wasted meat
i have rescued two squirrels in my yard and took them to someone that rehabilitates them and then lets them go back into the wild. both were little baby squirrels. one was on our back deck and the other was found by my dogs. depressingly, the first one didn't make it as apparently he had suffered head trauma during the fall. the second one apparently survived and we last heard he was playing with the other rescue squirrels and was almost ready.
felt pretty good, man. i enjoy seeing the squirrels play in the trees. my dogs and i will sit out on the back deck whilst i smoke a cigar or something and just watch them or the birds. it's very nice.
Vegans are almost as bad as trannies.
this. quit fucking with nature let the predator species eat it's hard enough for them
>0 tweets about 300 dead in Sri Lanka
>8 tweets about literal who roadkill
What did he mean by this?
>run out of ways to virtue signal
>kill a squirrel and tweet about it
>Deny crow a meal
>Stand around watching squirrel die
>Too much of a pussy to put on some gloves and bury the thing
Yep sure did all he could!
all those rescue squirrel and bird place just sell them to reptile stores for a flat per pound price.
Are you constantly in tears over the countless little critters dying at every single moment? Squirrels die, their purpose in life is to get eaten and spread seeds.
oh now suddenly you care about the lives of brown people half a world away? kys
he want water, he can drink paddy water
>Unironically caring about a rat with a fluffy tail
nah. these were legitimate veterinarians that did this in their spare time.
The cure squirrels life is unironically worth more.
What’s the deal with this dude?
This is a really weird way to virtue signal.
>animal control
why does no one know what their responsibilities are?
they're not there for every harmless animal... only for real shit like alligators, things that cause a danger to humans...
Theyre there to control animals... its literally in the fucking name god damn
>shithole with terrorism experiences terrorism
News at eleven.
I hope the manager of this Arby's told him to fuck off
What is the right thing to do in this situation? obviously he couldn't have saved it, should he have just killed it to end it's misery?
Third worlders don't matter and never will.
Let the crow eat it. Don't interfere with nature since a squirrel is a wild fucking animal
he killed his wife by putting a fentanyl patch on her while she slept.
No, just the ones I personally can help because your strawman doesn't take into account what's humanly possible. You literal schizo.
You nibbas really trying to spin this as a bad thing because he has a different political alignment?
But why this one? Why does the squirrel matter over everything else? It needs to die to feed others, it'll die eventually. I don't understand why you need to inject your help into the middle of the food chain. Let it die. Be at peace.
>Wasting animal controls time on a tree rat dying is a good thing
Do sperges operate solely on the abstract? If they find a person suffering or about to die, do they just walk away because they can't resolve it with everybody winning at the end?
>Patton Oswald tweets about dying squirrel
>Patton Oswald releases Netflix special about squirrel
>Patton Oswald releases book by the squirrel confirming the identity of the zodiac killer
How does he keep getting away with it?
That's already more purposes than most people ITT.
>spin as bad
spin it how?
>intervenes where he shouldnt
>squirrel dies anyway
>litters in the wood by burrying a shopping bag
>ensures the corpse won't feed anything thanks to said bag
he did everything wrong
He should have euthanized it or let nature take its course.
>What is the right thing to do in this situation?
>wasting their time
What else were they doing? The guy that dropped by didn't seem to mind. Better than scratching your balls and sniffing your fingers waiting for the next call.
Holy shit
We were sooooo closed to a patton gets his face mangled by a squirell episode.
They will fuck you up. They arent cute and cuddly.
He should have fucked it. That is what a man would do.
He killed his wife, and now he's trying to be seen as a hero for narrating the gruesome death of a squirrel? What a sadist.
He really is a manchild. I knew this when i was 5.
Squirells are dangerous, please tell your children not to mess with them.
He's not the one with the bag and the pic is too compressed, but I think the guy only used it for transport. The fucking crow will just find another corpse.
he never said he cared about the squirrel or the people, he's pointing out squirrel man's priorities
Jesus this is pathetic, the man is 50. He has kids. What would he do if his car broke down while he was out of cellphone range? just cry, stomp his feet and scream at the sky until somebody comes along to help him?
>all life is sacred
>I only care about the lives I see
Dummy nigger
Nah he'd kill his wife for sympathy
>psh morality? that's for the weak.........
Okay, r/atheism.
the hell is going on?
why would you even bother typing this absolute non-sequitor
It's not like that fat faggot is a vegan or anything, so he obviously doesn't give a fuck when it might be inconvenient or doesn't offer him a way to get attention. literally what possible reason is there to stop a random wild crow from eating a random wild squirrel or to even look twice?
Hes probably had too many hollywood roles where animals are cartoons and cool and had really awesome liberal ideologies
Why? Getting upset over a random squirrel or deer is odd, sure, but I'd rather some stranger I dont know die than my dog
He killed a squirrel
Because you keep implying empathy is a weakness. Now how do I know your father abused the fuck out of you?
Are you posting from some mirror universe where the course of this thread is different? I'm just saying you're a fucking dumbass for saying all life is sacred then saying you don't cry over every dead squirell on earth
What are the chances he killed the squirrel? Seriously, with him killing his wife he probably has a taste for killing and knows he can't kill some random person
Lraen too spel squirrel yuo retrad.
Nobody (as in, not a single solitary soul) ever implied taking care of a dying squirrel would make Patton a saint. It's just what humane individuals do when faced with suffering. The fact that you think the average Samaritan expects a reward says all kinds of sociopathic things about you.
Also have sex.
>face the inevitability of death
>"time to sit on my phone and tweet furiously in your last moments, that means I helped your passing!"
This shit bothers me the most. Fucking phonespergs
All jokes aside I'm fairly convinced he actually murdered his wife
What in the fuck are you on about? This is not at all contextually relevant to anything in this thread
>Have sex
Who would fuck a dead squirrel. You are being gross user.
Yeah, like fuck Sri Lanka massacre, this squirrel is dying. Ha I used to hunt and skin squirrels for fun.
He probably rolled on top of her, the marshmallow fuck.
>no, he's just being nic-
Do you have me confused with a different user? Please stop replying with out of context shit
retarded and cringe-pilled
This thread is getting confusing. Did he fake the squirrel's suicide or not?
Nah, they were both druggies and he slipped a lethal dose of fentanyl in her stash.
Look at the schizos realizing how fucking insane they came off, lmao.
He started that rumor because it is less embarrassing than smothering her to death with his man tits.
She musta crawled under there for warmth or sumthin
>teasing schizos
voice in my head says ur a cheeky cunt m8
This. Crows are /ourguys/
Let the crow eat it.
Birds > m*mmals
Have sex
Imagine how bad he must feel for the billions upon billions of bacteria cells that die each and every day
Fucking wife murderer reenacting the scene out of guilt
I legit feel bad when a critter is suffering/dying. At least I can be rational with it and acknowledge that something else will likely benefit from the remains of the dead one, but the initial feeling still sucks.
Oh so you are anti abortion!
Nature obviously disagrees
The fucking state of discord trannies... wow
he probably scared the crow off so he shouldnt let it go to waste
>Just didn't want his last moments of life he had being eaten
Instead of going into shock and dying as his body was ripped apart he had to spend an even longer period of time suffering while a fat piece of shit kept taking pictures of you to post on twitter.
Yeah Mike Patton is the greatest vocalist of this or any generation.
Ngl that's a pretty cool way to murder someone
Wow sociopath you don't want that poor Crow to eat?
He seems like a nice guy. Poor squirrel.
Still, once it died he should have moved it off to the side and let the crow eat.
Am vegan and I would still put that little guy out of his misery and leave him somewhere so nature can decompose him
Why does he assume the crow was there to eat him and not just try to help or see of he was ok?
It is because crows are black?
Obvious racism.
It's retarded. He wasn't saving the squirrel from manmade destruction, he was denying a crow the meal it just spent all its energy trying to get
>burying a squirrel
That shit SHOULDNT faze anyone because this is a normal part of life and happens everywhere at any given time.
Of course the fact it bothers people like you and that fat drug-addicted piece of shit is because you guys dont live in the real world (a lot of people dont) and you dont even want to acknowledge it and instead like to pretend you are the measuring stick of reality and everybody else is the odd one out.
he regrets killing his wife and now feels the need for good karma points by trying to save road kill
I agree*munches hamburger* all life is important *downs a sausage in one inhale*
Most ppl here already dont like him and that is an enourmously faggy thing to social media about.
He deserves roasting.
Crow Humongous: Walk away
I'm concerned about the crow that was trying to eat
Can we all agree regardless of his course of action he shouldn't have tweeted this? He could have gone to and read the answer immediately instead of waiting for a reply.
yeah the only thing he accomplished was denying the crow its food. After it passed he should have just left it alone and let nature take its course.
what you guys likely didn't know is that squirrel was a mildly successful fiction writer.
There is a reason the Romans despised actors and considered them as low as prostitutes. Subjecting yourself to the public gaze is gross and makes you a flaky, psychologically unstable person. He's clearly reached that point where when anything unusual happens, he has to post it to social media in order for it to be "a thing". Like, it isn't really real and he can't process it unless its shared. That, and he's probably on medication that fucks with his head and drinking. They all do this.
>oh shit a squirrel is dying
>better tweet about it, that'll help
Imagine getting your wife addicted to drugs so you can enslave her to your will, then when you find someone else to fuck you drive her to an overdose to get her out of your way. Then less than a month after your wife's death you're talking about getting engaged to your side piece that you dumped your wife in a grave for.
Imagine being Patton's dead wife looking down from heaven about him whinging about a dying squirrel on Twitter for hours. I think that's how Lucifer was created. What's the fucking point of being a good person when people who are pure evil like Patton get rewarded and praised for this shit?
this is bullshit. laboratory mice and rats make up the almost entirety of feeders for snakes and other reptiles. chicks and rabbits are also used sometimes. you wouldn't feed your pet a wild animal because it's ridden with parasites. fucking dumbass
>don't feed a pet a wild animal
>feed it with a mouse that has been injected with god knows what in a lab
Makes perfect sense. Also, no-kill shelters are just no-kill because any dog there longer than 3 weeks is sold to animal testing.
>he thinks all laboratory mice are bred in actual laboratories
>he thinks someone would actually waste chemicals or shit on a mouse that's going to be fed to a ball python or something days later
You're not very bright are you
6 million (lol) dogs and cats are slaughtered in shelters every single year in America. 500 million squirrels die a natural death every year as they typically only live 2 years in the wild. Nature is a harsh mistress.
I think it's autistic to show an unnessesary amount of empathy towards stuff that will never return this empathy towards you.
Like how Lenny in Of Mice and Men obsesses over rabbits
Existing on earth makes you a part of the cycle of death and life. Everything around you is constant death and you are a part of that system. How the fuck does any adult go through life not accepting or understanding this? Fucking hell, it was the main lesson in The Lion King.
>Interfering with nature so you can feel smug and get social media likes
These people are absolute scum.
>things that make you a sociopath
>knowing that predator hunts prey
Holy FUCK are liberals Sheltered. It really isn't a meme, is it?
>Tweeting all of that
No matter how you perceive his actions, no sane non-narcissistic person handles it like this. He wanted to make himself seem compassionate on social media
If he truly wanted to be humane and had any balls he would've stomped its head quickly. Better a visually gruesome but quick death than a slow and presumably extremely painful one.
You're a literal low t basedboy. I'd say have sex but incels are incapable. Fucking yikes and cringe homo.
This faggot has mastered the art of humble bragging.
The user means in reference to his fucking wife who laid beside him in bed dying and he did nothing but continue reading on his Ipad just thinking she was having trouble sleeping.
He showed more concern for this squirrel then a person like many of these people do, even my mother does that, screams and throws a fit over movie animals dying but in real life people die and she dosent even blink.
cheers tweeted this to him
Imagine the first time you meet someone the first thing they say is "I wouldn't kill my wife" without any reason. Its still weird. Its because they think its normal for everyone to want to kill their wife, and they want to shout to the world how good they are. This is the same. Most people don't like animals to die for no reason, but he makes a show about to show how good he is. If he really cared he would of twitted it, and if he was a good person he wouldn't of killed this wife
>literal who roadkill
Checked the threads on twatter, they've got around a thousand replies. Either he touched some tarded nerve with people or he's curating the replies.
Either way he is a murderer of humans and a hospice squirrel worker.
>hungry crow
>not a living thing