It's too bad Josh Brolin already double-dipped as Thanos and Cable, he would have been a great Wolverine for the MCU

It's too bad Josh Brolin already double-dipped as Thanos and Cable, he would have been a great Wolverine for the MCU.

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The right size for it.

Good cause he was a terrible cable

are there any manlets in hollywood right now that could portray wolverine?

Huge Jackedman proved being a manlet is not required to play a good Wolverine.

If Hugo Weaving can play everything...

Jon Bernthal would make a perfect Wolverine desu. He's kinda short, somewhat jacked, and screams and curses a lot

sure but let's pretend they want to be faithful to the comics next. who is a manlet in hollywood that would fit the job?

Danny Devito

Tooooooo old

Comic Logan is 5'3 or some shit. Brolin is 5'11, which is still too big for Wolverine.

I would love the MCU to have three Josh Brolin's in it. Hell, let him be Sabertooth as well.

They're never going to cast an ugly 5'3 dude to headline a franchise.

>mid 30's
>under 6 foot
This should be our Wolverine.

Attached: jared_keeso.jpg (1086x724, 72K)

Not in the slightest. No one's gonna beat Hugh Jackman.

this, hugh is too hard to top. they are better off going with some brand new actor no one knows, thats the only way to have a chance

let him triple dip, 1 role per claw.

I got your MCU Wolverine right here.

Attached: 467px-Karl_Urban_by_Gage_Skidmore_2.jpg (467x599, 62K)

You mean Tom Hardy.

Good choice.

Attached: 0a1d459a38ef050d17e0b1198e0566f3.jpg (625x800, 70K)

Far better Wolverine than Punisher at least.

Already in the MCU.

Hunger Games Josh Hutcherson, 5'5 in the right shoes.

Attached: Josh Hutcherson.jpg (540x699, 53K)

Attached: Wolverine-Jon-Bernthal-Fan-Art-X-Men.jpg (720x379, 258K)

In the Ultimate Universe, Cable was Wolverine from the future.

He’s too old for it.

If we’re going to disregard age, Joe Pesci.

>look bubbernaut we can go back and forth about who's wrong and who's right but as sure as a duck's ass is water tight neither of us will leave here without a proper scrap

>cyclops, yer fuckin ten ply, bud

Daniel Radcliffe

they are recasting actors now anyway, and Skurge was a nothing of a character

Oscar Isaac

Don't care, isn't there precednet of an actor playing two roles in mcu?

He would have made a good X Man as well.

Does size matter?

False, but an opinion anyway.

Why do they have to be “Manlets”?

Wolverine is short as fuck.

Attached: Wolverine-Height.jpg (738x369, 74K)

Just how I like them, except for the dipshit personality

I mean, on one level I'm not sure, but on the other hand he really commits to stuff, no matter how weird... so maybe he can pull it off.

>The Thing is only 6ft tall

>they are recasting actors now anyway
Like who?
