
Cakeboss Edition


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Other urls found in this thread:


who's excited for John Wick 3


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Faggot sodomite freaks and whore sympathizers will not be tolerated in this general so if any of those discriptors apply to you then fuck off and I hope you hit your head on the way out you repugnant sack of worthless shit


Think we will see the bolton's come back as white walkers? Probably in a drawn out moment of shock for Sansa, Jon or dickless?

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>Winterfell is lost
>Only Jon and Bran left
>Jon and Bran are flying away
>NK right behind them gaining on the undead dragon
>Dragonglass arrow through the eye he shatters
>1 in a million shot on a moving target
>It was Hot Pie
>"Fresh outta the oven"

Attached: hotpie.png (290x426, 98K)


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What did him and the Hound talk about?

She's coming back.

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Yeah yeah, we all seen that metokur clip about the zombie CIA nigger freaks. Take a nap.

Reminder that NK will be defeated by Sam commanding Gilly to unhinge her jaw and swallow the army of the dead.

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Bolt-On is true

they sat in silence


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Unironically the best actor on the show

what it feels like to have a longsword slice through your shoulder

Post 10/10 GoT asses

I'll start

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can't wait


What's this stance called, exactly?

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nth for Stannis

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Suck my cock you little freak, I’m not lying and I don’t care what you think, just know I am capable of crushing your fucking spine, that is if you have one you utter fucking dirt grub worm

I’ve had more pussy than you’ve had little boys arseholes you fucking smelly tramp

Don’t even know who or what that is so how about you jump headfirst into traffic and take a permanent nap you brainwarped cunt

His voice is like pure honey I love it when he speaks

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There, fixed Jon's retarded battle plan.

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That's a body double, dumb ass. Have sex.

The vagina hoverbone


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>Cute Alfie is going to die next episode

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It's just infuriating. I don't care that she got raped, tons of dark shit happens on this show. But the aftermath or "butterfly" effect GRRM calls it has just been out of control for Sansa. She is nothing at all like her book character and it's a reaction to the rape scene backlash.
No SanSan, Sandor being a walking meme factory with no plot, Little Finger's cringe-worthy death, that horrible Jonsa shit we had to suffer through... so much shit all because they didn't just do what they did to Bran and have her sit out a season.

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also goodnight /got/.

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>haha I'm not really a manlet guys. I'm just making myself look shorter.

Lets all hope that fat slag eats herself six feet under and decomposes in the ground

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First to pay homage to the Holy Trinity

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Is there any reason for them not to stay behind the walls and force a siege attempt?

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What happened to religion in GOT? It used to a huge part of all the characters lives. Only Beric talks about it anymore. Remember when Jon and the starks wouldn't shut up the trees? Now during end of the world no one is appealing to religion. You'd think the northerners would be surrounding the godswood

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Winterfell is lost
>Only Jon and Bran left
>Jon and Bran are flying away
>NK right behind them gaining on the undead dragon
>Dragonglass arrow through the eye he shatters
>1 in a million shot on a moving target
>It was Patchface
>"I know, I know, oh, oh, oh"

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I know there's like 0% chance but I hope he makes it and lives out his last remaining life in peace.


goodnight user


God I want them back

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Ha that old guy was supposed to badasss and then gets killed by some random shitter. Bravo George RRR Martin

Gloriously good spot.

Why is everyone resigned to death, when they have 2 dragons? Those strafing the horde alone would be enough to win. Just have 1 distract the ice dragon and the other wipe the troops.

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Is that the Yea Forums janitor?

When it's fuckin ready user I'm workin hard on it *cooks and eats 47 pizza rollls*

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Behold the tactical expertise of D&D

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sexiest woman in the show and it's not even close.

>implying you wouldn't have your nose entirely up her butthole

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fuck tradition! oh and consitency and logic

You reek of tumblr

Nice selfie brother, I get it, you’re ugly as sin and a little virgin too. I can always tell when I’m talking to a virgin. I bench 1.5 pl8 for reps you stupid little cocksucking sodomite faggot, it’s beyond conception for you because you’re a faggot HIV positive weakling with no aspirations or discipline, because you’re not a man. Choke on my cock and die you clown.

>no stannis

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What an interesting audition that must have been.

no this is a bad plan we should make a bunch of axes out of obsidian and give them to peasats to fight off the wights on an open field

dabid and dan

What's with the chick in the armor?

>those tits
>that face
>that voice

dios mio it's goblin prime

Why didn't Jon & Co. fled Winterfell after they heard about the fall of the wall? What's there to gain on sitting in that castle, in the middle of an empty snow field, when the enemy managed to bring down the fucking wall? Especially now considering that literally everyone but the wights have fast travel

What do you call those type of tits, mini torpedoes?

100000 dothraki screamers... 95% dothraki women that scream while their men fight

George R R Martin didn't have a hand in later seasons and all of it is pandering to leftist tranny sympathizers like the ones posting in this thread?

Varys is still alive, isn’t he?

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Yeee nigguuh

He moves but he is not alive.

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Pretty sure this is advanced trolling

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Based, fuck these sodomite degenerate freaks. I’m out.


This is funny copy pasta, brother, it shows.

Based raging autist

His contract with HBO prevents him from publishing new volumes of the story until the show has finished. This clause triggered once the show passed the books. Once the show is over, both of the last two books will be released almost simultaneously.

You can't run forever. The Night King is bringing the Long Night with him, he has to be killed.

If they can't beat him at Winterfell, with their dragons and dragonglass, they wouldn't be able to do it anywhere else.


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I’m quite literally, unequivocally, honestly, 110% not “trolling”. I’m dead serious. I have no reason to lie, I do not give a shit, I’m venting on you sodomite freaks.

eat my ass you fucking niggerloving fag

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If they just start roasting the WW it's going to give the NK the opportunity to lance another one and get more ice dragons. they can only screen for the army and need to stay moving and on the lookout for that nigger and his hax.

imagine sticking your face right in that and sniffing her pusy!

>I can always tell when I’m talking to a virgin
>you’re a faggot HIV positive
I'm seeing a new pasta right before my eyes

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bullshit but I believe it

I hope he teaches us his sick skills, I'm digging the madlib swearing.

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what about moat cailin?

You put the exact text that I just typed out into google and you’ll get nothing because it’s not copypasta, it came out of my fucking head with ease because I’m not a braindead spasticated niggerloving cunt like you, and I can tell you with 100% honesty that photo is me and I could crush you like a fucking flump you faggot little virgin cocksucker.

Does anyone have that greentext saved of Azor Jaime ending with the Kingslayer chants?

how the fuck is bran gonna fly, he's in a wheelchair.

>wrong filename
you are not worthy

they'll just go around. they know where they're going.

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Fuck off reddit try hard. Read the book instead of watching reaction videos. If you don't SanSan you're a fucking idiot. GRRM has admitted that while he doesn't understand the love for Sandor, Sansan has been his intention from the get go.

Yeah I guess religion doesn't serve the nihilist vision they are going for anymore. Its only to be portrayed as fanatic cults like the High Sparrow and the Red women. Can't have people actually finding comfort in religion or tradition.

I mean, I guess it's better to vent here rather than sperging out in public, but it's a little over the top.

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Goodnight you sodomite fucking freak cunts I hope you choke and die in your sleep you hideous degenerate virgin goochlicking cunts

>the average bernie supporter

Not unless they are the Dothraki. It's fine to be Muslim.

I once dated a girl with tits like those, safe to say it was part of the reason I broke up with her

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He turns into an airplane, dummy.

>salt wife tits
me too, user. me too.


oof and yikes and cringe

Just admit you sofomites got beaten by the better man:
A betterlooking man
A stronger man
A man who isn’t a virgin
A man who isn’t a sodomite
A man who isn’t a degenerate
A man who is more intelligent

Jump headfirst into traffic you confused tranny freaks

>rewatching got
>20 good men just happened
>they know the land better than we ever will
actually laughed out loud

please cumback to us

>10,000 hours in MS Paint

>finna snipe dis niga

holy shit

>Winter Fell
>tfw winter is about to be felled at a castle called winterfell

B R A V O!

Nigger loving swine go suck a nigger and let him shoot poz cum down your gullet you disgusting freak

Moat Caillin is a swampy ruin. It can hold the Neck against the South but not the North.

As for the Eyrie, you'd die of cold before they climbed up all the steps.

>a weapon to surpass metal gear

>t. Gamma male

>wins the election anyway

>Winterfell is lost
>Only Jon and Bran left
>Jon and Bran are flying away
>NK right behind them gaining on the undead dragon
>Dragonglass arrow through the eye he shatters
>1 in a million shot on a moving target
>It was Denys Mallister
>"Now my watch has ended"

Attached: denys.jpg (1119x875, 374K)

Who the fuck you think you're talking to you fucking CISlord scum? Get the fuck out Yea Forums is a trans proud board you disgusting breeder scum.

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Isn't it constant winter in the north?

You degenerate nigger-fisting wastebag scumulate! How dare such a micro-penisted pinte sized wastual niggerfisting scumbag from Cincinnati dare clame that his copypasta of retarded cumstain garbled words are anything but the copypasta of a halfwhitted niggerfister degenerate?


Bernietards are delusional. Nobody but pozzed retards and 16 year olds like him

Trannys get gassed.


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How will GRRM rewrite characters to match their show counterparts now that it is /confirmed/ that the show is canon?

Would play TW with/10

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When its revealed she's carrying the last male heir of the Greyjoys

also why the fuck did jon snow show up outside the wall with all the wildlings at hardhome, why didnt they just sail south of the wall, now all the ships are moored somewhere north of it, plus its more risky walking through terrain north of the wall, this doesnt make sense

No refunds!

haha wow guys this is just a forum, not a GoT episode! ;) how about we all act nice to each other, huh? :D peace out!

This Dude has the best goddamn voice. I wish I had his dulcet tones.

I’ll tirn your spine into a flump if you ever cross me mentally deranged freak

Nice word salad, it’s unfunny, uninventive and cringeworthy, what more could I expect of a literal HIV riddled faggot with severe mental health issues? Sort your life out you virgin freak, you aren’t impressing anybody

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I miss this lil nigga like you would not believe

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It's acted too. His actual voice is nothing like it.



Just finished watching season 4 for the first time.
Should I continue on to season 5?

>Anons are acting out what they would say to trannies, in the middle of a /got/ thread.
What the fuck is happening?

ruh roh

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You're halfway done.

im currently on a rewatch and season 5 isnt as bad as i remembered, though it has plenty of shit moments.
should be noted that i skip all the arya scenes though, and dorne is a fucking mess, but at least i get enjoyment out of watching jaime and bronn

I just finished E2. Is there something I didn't get or was the whole episode filler?

i'm right here, bro. good times, great bros, sick tricks. woooo!

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The dead would World War Z the walls and be over it in minutes and the unsullied are only really useful in phalanx formation.

This. Yea Forums is hella toxic. I just wanna come chill with y'all and talk some /GoT/. Season 8 is freaking epic so far. I love that this show is really leading the fight when it comes to representation of women and PoC's in television. Take your fragile masculinity back to /pol/. Women in positions of power is a good thing and seeing all you incels cry about capable female warriors is amazing.

There are sodomites ITT I’m dealing with them so other posters don’t have to

>Asking for people to tell you what do think of something
what you SHOULD continue to do is kill yourself


probs trying to get the general banned, idk

season 6-7 is when they go full liberal-feminist

Downvote :^(

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>some random poll
Wow you know fuck all about politics. Trump will win again, probably against Biden, since even that senile neolib perv is more electable than that jew fraud.

No I’m not trying to get the general banned you spasticated freak, you always have to try and presuppose there’s some logic behind my actions, the only logic that I subscribe to is a visceral hatred for nigger lover poz cunt faggot sodomites like you, I’ll put you in the dirt you fucking rat


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How dare the lesser virgin freaks and HIV riddled degenerate nigger fisting cumstain halfbreeds speak back to such a strong, handsome individual?

I'm mixed up, are you the guy who first started posting sick wordsalads or the original 'I'm jacked irl!' Guy? Im on my phone so it's hard to stay along.

night king = winter, which is why "winter is coming" is the stark words, they simply lost their meaning from winter meaning white walkers to winter = actual seasonal winter over time as the white walkers became myth.

25 sick, starving and leaderless Ironborn managed to hold Moat Cailin against a Bolton siege of several hundred. This is the whole reason why Theon was needed. the Moat is impregnable from the south, but is still almost impossible to take from the north.

Kill yourself, sperg

Congrats on not having pleb taste. It was 70% filler that should have been deleted scenes.

I’m both and I too am phoneposting, and yes, you should know your place which is UNDER me

not often I meet a kindred spirit in this place! wish we could have some wine together and discuss Dany and Jon's future irl.

>some based autist raging at sodomites degens will get the general banned
Hi r*ddit

The Hound is going to get a shitty ending, isn't he?


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Sodomites are running scared kek we’ll done lads my work is done here goodnight to one and all (except the poz freaks)

ruh roh


I hope so, she's so fucking hot.


Just kidding. Fuck yourself and go back to r3ddit, dike lmfao

Kek. Does Vayrs have any fighting abilities? I know hes a good spymaster but does he have any practical skills that can be put into place during the upcoming battle?

As the last season is here, I want to personally thank Yea Forums for being the only place that isn’t

>my favorite characters are the dragon queen and the imp!
or more recently
>I don’t get it who is Jon snows dad?


>all this terrible writing
>it’s me the midget with plot armor hehe it’ll be fun dying soon xd


>GEE Jon you’re the expert on winterfell and the enemy we’re facing, where is the best place to hide the weak people among us who can’t fight, such as elderly and women and children?
>Well we are facing an enemy who can literally raise the dead to fight for him from miles away by casting a Harry Potter spell in their general direction
>let’s put them in the dark spooky crypt where we loosely bury our dead people underneath their favorite swords
>sounds like a swell fucking idea jon
>9 year old will kill a white walker and some plot device will kill all the others

It’s all so fucking obvious, makes me sad. David and dan can fuck right off.

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Based Bianca boob poster.

He can suck a mean cock, what do you think his euneuch maysers taught him? When’s. Boy like that can’t cum they train them in the art of throating hard, summer isles cock


Voice kino

>do I look like a warrior to you Lord Stark

Im sure. I do a radio show and generally pitch my voice lower and smoother for entertainment purposes. But damn Richard Dormer is based for making Beric pop on screen.

>the Moat is impregnable from the south, but is still almost impossible to take from the north.
give me an airboat and 20 good men. I'll impregnate the bitch

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>another poll
Are you fucking stupid? You really need me to explain why a single poll is useless in analysis?
Lol. Try again retard. At least try use an aggregate. The Mueller report being a massive nothingburger solidifies Trumps reelection chances even more.

Is it true that Varys is the best deepthroater in all the seven kingdoms? I heard he polished Jon Snows knob and emptied Tyrion’s sack like a man possessed

Based Sapochnik will make all this bullshit worth it, don't you worry.

>let’s put them in the dark spooky crypt where we loosely bury our dead people underneath their favorite swords

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Dont leave. I'm on hour 6 of a 12 hour shift. You degenerate HIV filled manlet of a cumstained CIA freakfest orgy of degenerate HIV halfbreeds.

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Alex Jones has a really good radio persona too.

>>they say lady sansa is impregnable from the south, but is still almost impossible to take from the north
give me 20 good summer isle BVLLS. I'll impregnate the bitch


How did he die again?

ruh roh

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I guess that could cum...in handy. Ahohoho

Is it only fire and dragon glass that works? I guess poison would be worthless. Didnt he say his balls were chopped off by a warlock, did he learn any magic?

possibly the most based moment of season 8
maybe a hint of redpill too

Wax drip.

And your sister...

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Your clumsy writing is so uninventive and tiresome I just know you have a brain the size of your tiny shrivelled up testicle which has fallen into disuse ever since you started taking those hormone blockers, isn’t that right pederast freak? Now get off your phone, stop polluting this general and get back to work you tranny piece of dirt

I'm astronaut

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>retard literally doesnt understand polling and approval
Can't wait for Bernie the Jew sellout to inevitably lose again, while you remember me laughing at your ignorance ITT.

In case you didn't notice, the mainstream media doesn't know how to poll for shit. Only a handful of people on the outside foresaw Trump's election.

where the fooks the night's watch you fucking southern cuntttt

>He doesn't remember 2016

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Today I will remind them

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Well I did launch you into orbit

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I was tired of Lyanna Mormont the second time they showed her and I'm sure as shit tired of her now.

Is it true that the final story arc is that sansa, dany and maisie all got impregnated by summer isle BVLLOCKS and are carrying half caste nigger babies? That’s crazy but I really like the direction the show is heading in if true

there's like what, 10 of them left? everyone at eastwatch = dead outside of the few that survived with tormund (did they just take the wall west to castle black to get down?)

Also, whatever happened to the men at the shadow tower? literally went through the entire war doing nothing lmao

:D thanks for staying. You hamfisted, tiresome degenerate HIV filled niggerfister.

Why start wordsalad wars if you arnt willing to follow through with them? Or are you just bored and want to get back to game of thrones shit?

I know the red witch got kicked out but surely she would come in handy for the upcoming fight. Was it ever explained about her shadow birthing powers? Couldn't she birth another and send it to attack the NK?

It was cute at first but now it's tilting full retard. And she's losing her loli charm. Does she have bong genes?

>what are precentages

>thinks polls are projection

>still no argument
uhmmm, sweetie?

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How would you feel if Tommen survived and through his alliance with the Sparrows created a Crusader army against the WW that is so massive that it makes Jon and Dany worry about who'll have the Iron Throne after the War of the Dawn?

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Also, single polls are useless. Aggregates over time give you a more accurate representation.

be honest lads

Be honest

Is Dany going to die? That little bit of mad queen showing when Jon told her the truth. They wouldn't dare, would they? Kill the cunt? She's too WOMAN STRONK figure now.

but will they?

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The other guy is way more talented.

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>says user has no argument
>all of his replies are as follows:
I get that you are trolling at this point but sitll.


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Who’s admitting defeat? I’m certainly not. I’ve already destroyed you and your responses are illustrative as that, your retorts are as piss weak as you are in character. Fuck off and die you hideousvirgin freak.


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The night king is an anti-racist and he is only coming to winterfell to punish the children who wouldn't talk to missandei and grey worm

this isn't happening

what is happening is tommen coming back as a white walker and running straight up to his mother and freaking her the fuck out, and possibly killing her

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>retard runs out of irrelevant polls to spam
>so BTFO she resort to unironic yikes and sweetieposting and telling others they dont have arguments because shes too lazy to refute anything
You're such a fucking failure. Kill yourself discord tranny.

There is something about seeing a woman seizing a moment to bully a weaker male, that makes you want to see some real buff male come in, in that exact moment and rape her stupid. How incredible that would be if it happened just as she pushed Tyrion.

saying that, his brother does it daily

Based night king I hope he spreads his cheeks for summadat summer isle BBC, I know sansa and dany already have, they’re carrying little niglets, GRRM confirmed this is the final plot twist

>than that jew fraud
>mfw thought you were describing Trump

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One of the warhammer fantasy novels about Nagash had something like that in it, just when it looked like the Emperors armys were about to be defeated the wild mob of sigmarite fanatics broke from the woods, destroying the enemy army.

It would of been a cool twist but unfortunately the only king that would of been a fair and just ruler killed himself.

Thousands of undeads will eventually overrun them (they will just world war z over the walls at some point). But if winterfags rush through them and kill Others they actually gain some chance of surviving. That's like one of few things that still make sense.

I think the humor lies in how incredibly mild her shove was after her flurry.

>STILL no arguments
Ruh roh

Trump isnt Jewish. He also won and didnt sell out and his delivered on most of his promises. The opposite of boinie sandoys, the sellout jew.

fewer in number but 5 cunts in armor is worth 1 man of the black


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>Siege attempt
>In winter
>against an army that doesn't tire or require food
Surely this cannot have any flaws.

>ruh roh
If I could murder you I would, I’d beat your face into a fine red paste and have your hacked up body strung up a lamppost for all the world to laugh at. A hanging little sodomite piece of dirt.

>the absolute state of discord trannies in 2019

Why do women like the Hound so much? What is it about burn victims in their forties who lust after little girls is attractive to them?

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Fuck you fascist there is literally nothing wrong with being gay

Strong tortured men with a hidden good side are attractive

is there some autist pretending to argue with himself?

Or better yet
Cercei wins.

The perfect balance between a grim and happy ending if you ask me.

He's broken but he also has the heart of gold? I didn't know women really gave a shit about him. Jorah is dad material though.

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I’m not here to debate your blatant moral deficiencies you mentally/physically degenerative sodomite scum, I don’t care how you’ve rationalised your mental illness. I just want you to fuck off and die, and I could break you in two irl.

>not a single argument
not a good look, ngl

The hound is unironically one of the most well liked characters on this site


I'm just so thankful they actually had Dany become obsessed with the throne again instead of that dumb plot of trying to free slaves and poorly run some godforesaken part of the world. She's actually gotten interesting again.

It's not like the undead would just sit there and starve them out. Or have they been shown to have any type of Intelligence? Even with the generals they just rushed the wildlings fort.

>The hound is unironically one of the most well liked characters on this site

I understand why men like him but not why so many women write stories about him fucking sansa

So, just to be clear

next episode = Death toll begins, correct?

Should we be expecting loads of deaths next ep or is it a bait episode?

>so many women write stories about him fucking sansa
Hot, got any links to said stories?

the latter.

>implying all media-reported polling isn't mere 'push polling' designed to steer public perception of the race
>implying the campaigns dont use their own proprietary, internal polling (which was also wrong, but not as much)

It's supposed to be a real episode this time. I hope it's all based around winterfell and not cutting every 5 min to Circi looking out a window drinking wine or some shit.

>accuses others of dodging arguments when she keeps deflecting
Based discord tranny

Women love "taming" dangerous males, or something like that. It's a female fantasy, just like the damsel in distress is a male fantasy. Probably.

learn to troll better, ill teach you

They've been directed by Walkers. For instance waiting until the lake froze instead of just continuing to mindlessly run into the water.

Do you guys need to be so macabre with the OP posts? What the fuck does cakeboss mean?

Loads of deaths but all characters no one gives a fuck about like Beric or Grey Worm or Dolorous Edd


Hey divkheads

Attached: A61A326C-D177-448A-86EA-4CF0A144014C.jpg (1079x1085, 84K)

holy based

God I hope so. I loved how Sam immediately saw through her bullshit.

how would you guys feel if around ep 4 everybody dies, walkers win, and the last episodes is entirely based off the white walkers and what they plan to do, and just what they're doing with the win

He could cut through five kingsguard like carving a cake.

>that fireside chat
All could think was
>this is reddit, this is memes

Fun fact that moment was improved

They rely on subversion and being passive aggressive, it’s really pathetic but what can we expect of sodomites? They have degenerated themselves mentally, spiritually and physically beyond repair. I haven’t known one faggot tranny that wasn’t a mentally ill pederast. They should ideally be locked up and put in camps.

>Literally not a single argument
I wonder when you start feeling dumb

Not bad, but I still don't see an argument

Ah that's right, I totally forgot about that last season. I waited too long to rewatch it all.

>They should ideally be locked up and put in camps
Would that not be a waste of resources?

this show sucks



It literally was an argument. Keep regurgitating /pol/ memes like a cringey newfag instead of actually engaging with the points made.

Hey faggot knucklehead, you aren’t worth debating. There’s no argument present because none of the half-cooked diatribes you have sputtered out of your HIV poz cum filled gob have had any substance whatsoever. Banal nonsense for a dull, uninventove little sodomite cocksucking freak like you.

Clap? Idk, that shit never happens in movies or TV. That last avengers movie was the only one ive seen where the bad guy wins.

that scene was improvised. She apologized to The Dink right after for putting him on his little ass.

S08E02 was possibly the worst episode so far.


Attached: 1554973158172.webm (1280x720, 1.21M)


Weren't you going to bed? Big boy has a big day tomorrow.

Resources spent making sodomites suffer are resources well spent? Why give them death, it’s the easy way out?

Must be slightly anxiety inducing to be a midget like Dink, that even a short petite woman like Lena could easily fling to the ground if they wanted to.

Literally the opposite. Unironically the best episode since season 6.

And yet he’d still use your defunct shriveled up little nutsack for a speedbag tranny scum

>didnt sell out and his delivered on most of his promises
the burger propaganda machine is working as intended.

Attached: sam.gif (500x281, 1.37M)


Who was the bigger joke in the show? Stannis or Doran?

Just get Bran to wargh into the ice dragon and turn it on the NK.

Attached: funny-salad13.jpg (660x495, 133K)

Keep ignoring these berncuck. Your gay jew idol is going to get assraped by biden the senile old perv. Individual polls are statistically worthless. The one aggregage you cherrypicked doesn't show anything. Keep deflecting, worm.

But if the ice dragon breathed ice at the night king wouldnt that just make him bigger?

I asked many girls if they would date Dinklage irl, all said no. Some dated manlets, but a dwarf was unnaceptable to them. Feel bad for the little fella

>a woman will never look at you like this


Attached: screenshot-www.youtube.com-2019.04.23-22-39-45.png (2005x846, 1.85M)

>le word salad
It’s only word salad when it’s an incomprehensible string of words that bear no relation to one another, everything I have said up until now and including this post has been extremely witty, so witty infact that it is beyond the intellectual capacity of a sub 90 IQ mongoloid such as yourself.

this is why you retarded redditors are universally hated here on Yea Forums. Both episodes of season 8 have been absolutely horrifically bad

Found this on rebbit.


Attached: y1e4nuzbw2u21.jpg (1024x768, 449K)

What happend to his warg abilities? Did he lose them? He warged Hodor I to a retard fit so I imagine now hes the 3ER hed be better at it.

Jesus Christ, libtards really are delusional.

Attached: multiple-women-laughing-with-salad.jpg (600x350, 28K)

Nobody wants to take care if a retard dragon.

wew lad

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He warged into some ravens last season

normies save all the quip masters and reddit tire characters only to have all the interesting ones die, if the entire list was flipped it would be kino.

Should still have them I'd imagine he's busy digging through 3ER memories for more about the NK

Not an argument. Trump renegotiated NAFTA, left ththe climate agreement, has tightened border patrol and is trying to get the wall, withdrawn from Syria, lowered taxes across all brackets, brought back manufacturing and energy jobs and fixed the economy in general, competing with China and the EU. Just off the top if my head.

Also, what propaganda machine? Nearly all the media in the US is left wing and irrationally hates Trump. You sound like more of a propaganda victim than I do, since you are just saying things without facts.

yeah... about that...



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Now I want to watch a spinoff that's Bran warging random people into retards at random times.

Mostly agree but I really doubt they will kill the big bitch.

Fucking gold, literally lold

New Thread:


literally no argument

>doesn't understand a poll vs a projection, doesn't understand percentages

Uh oh

Season 7 was by far the worst the show had ever gotten. Season 8 isn't even good, but the first two episodes have already produced more quality scenes than all of Season 7 combined.

sorry not answering that bait

All hail the royal thread

>believing all that shit
some of it's true but you need to pay attention. he's most def not getting out of syria, not in any meaningful sense because we didn't have troops in syria to withdraw. and he's absolutely killed our trade with china, which does not make us richer. it makes a small amount of manufacturers richer, and the vast amount of consumers poorer.

>h-haha ya he delivered on all those promises but im too stupid to think of a rebuttal and have realized i am wrong
You're pathetic.

would you just let your shit thread die? It's been 3 editions ago and no one wants to post in it and you keep bumping it.

>haha its not a single poll
>its literally partisan democrat speculation
>haha ya the projections and polling were catastrophically innaccurate last time around but this time they are highly accurate just cuz
You're such a fucking retard. Try again, discord tranny.

Try putting a finger up your ass, it will feel wrong


What if you don't do the ass stuff? Just blow each other and kiss ( no homo ) is that gay?


He pulled thousands out of syria butbhas stopped. You are incorrect. As for china, you dont know what youre talking about. The USA can go anywhere else for trade. We do not need China. We are at an advantage over them. Manufacturing jobs are ckming back here not just because od china either. So ya, i was correct about Trump delivering. You calling me a propaganda victim was a total projection.

>please fishy eat the bait pleaaassseeee I'm boooooreeeeed
no, go do something else

>deflecting this hard
Nice try. You are the propaganda victim, you were projecting. You literally have no argument or facts and just say what left wing msm told you.

>get BTFO
>call it bait because you have no argument
Libcucks are babies

Bran worgs into a dragon, duhhh!!!

we need more death bingos

weirder that his brother is the showrunner
werider that his brother has an american accent

Attached: thought crime.png (640x640, 820K)

It's the timbre in the voice. That gravely-ness that makes it a manly ASMR.

if only it was facts and not feelings and outright lies, then maybe I could argue them.

you beat off to filterman dont you?

>deflecting this hard
>leaving the climate agreement, renogiating NAFTA and trade with China, heightened border security and withdrawing troops from Syria are feelings and not facts
You're a fucking pathetic retard and a coward. You have no argument, so you deflect with this effeminate cowardly bullshit. Good to know I'm right and you are silenced by the truth and the slow understanding of your own brainwashing.

>its lies because i say so



you guys ok or should I call an ambulance?

>she cant actually point out a single factually incorrect statement

>this passive-aggressive attack and outright innability to even try engaging with the factually accurate statements
Kill yourself, leftist propaganda victim.


>point out a single factually incorrect statement
literally all of them
I'm sorry I offended you by telling the truth.
hey, here's an actual fact: most criminal state leader in history.

why are you talking about this gay shit here?

we still have 200 troops on the ground and haven't ceased air raids. that's not withdrawl. he's not smart enough to be anti interventionist.

there's not gonna be a wall and we haven't left a single war, he's even trying to start shit with Iran and Venezuela. he lost all of his little political capital with the mueller investigation. the best thing that can come out of his dumbass term is exposing the spooks in the deep state. only good thing he's done is leave the climate accord.

if you're for tarrifs and against free trade you're a literal retard. what am i saying you're a trump shill shitposting in /got/ of course you're a literal retard.