Any more kinos that chronicle the decline of the West

Any more kinos that chronicle the decline of the West

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>stahp liking things I don’t like

Redditor detected

"The West" isn't even a real thing, incel. Have sex.

>whatever it takes
>doesn't include free meth


This entire board is dedicated to excess. Honestly, why are you even here if people enjoying themselves tortures you so much?

Coming to this site every day.

>said the incel

just stop eating shit.

Stop supporting shit movies

>watching 22 fucking movies
>in a fucking row


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formerly came here infrequently

>bunch of sweaty nerds in one room for over two days worth of movies
conceptualize the odor

>"The West" isn't even a real thing

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I see OP missed the Jazz threads. Would somebody write up a quick Lynchian pasta as to why capeshit is Lynchian?

>hygeine kits
unless there are unironic cinema showers there it's gonna smell pretty bad

>hey guys what do you think will happen in the next movie?
>i bet the hero wins

Based Breadtubefag

>implying 100% of the audience hasn't already seen every single flick at least once - and likely most of them many times

>"The West" isn't even a real thing

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like it even matters when they're all the same movie


i bet [popular character] dies and comes back in two movies


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Wait hol up tho Jesus Christ CNET

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why is she doing the marathon if she's surprised that she liked iron man

>"The West" isn't even a real thing

>look at me an all the things I'm doing

yes. stop liking this shit its terrible


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Holy shit is that J Cole on the far right of the second row?

What has the west achieved in the last 50 years that wasn't inherently degenerate? It needs to be destroyed asap, enjoy your slow feminist, incel and manchild degradation

>Whatever it takes
So I can shit on a designated shitting seat?

you mean besides all the technical advancements, feeding the world and trying to save it for future generations?

this shit is exclusive to white people lmao

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Now that the dust has settled can we finally decide? Was it kino?

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For a second I thought it was going to turn out that people were scared to let her in or something due to the hijab
The name and hijab didn't give it away?

have sex

Is this incomplete or am I not getting the point

wtf happened in october

There’s a series of docs called the Decline of Western Civilazation

Nigga u high

desu i thought islam was resistant to western debauchery

Legend of galactic heroes already did

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That theatre is going to smell like stale söy farts and b.o. before GotG starts

what the literal fuck

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You failed to save the west. There are children right now being groomed to be trannies in California.

nigger my grandparents fought for the good guys in WWII

That post even says fucking “promotional” on it in bold motherfucking letters on it
Are you really trying to feel better than an ad?

>nigger my grandparents fought for the good guys in WWII
wow you still live with your grandparents?

You shouldn't like shit movies user, it's not good for you or cinema


>be born to the western society some generations ago
>the values are there, they breed strong character; independance, as well as freedom, is taken, not given
>some time passes
>slowly new values set in
>cant hit your kids no more, cant educate them, theyre free now and can be w/e they want, even a different gender at the age of 3
>except they cant, theyre kids, they dont know any better
>theyre raised in this informational holocaust, they have no will, their biggest effort is a 15 second IG video, a loud pop song, a heavy handed movie with emotional responses calculated to give the most on-surface satisfaction which asks for no brain work
>eveything is normalised, every idea, every movement - no matter how dumb it is, its brave, its right, as long as youre willing to pay the price
>you cant pay with effort or a thought, the only valuable thing you have left is your wallet
>'whatever it takes'
I am sorry for my bad English lads, my hands are shaking as I have realised the Jews have won.

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>be compliant in the decline of media goyim!
>you don't need good stories goyim!
>you just need your McDonald's entertainment goyim!

There's a guy at my work who's in debt. Has no car, no house, but has shit tones of Funko Pops. He's been missing for 4 weeks - everyone hates him. Fuck you, and fuck Marvel fans.

By yours truly

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>Literally : we live in a society

End yourself my dude.

Who’s up to break some records?!? Do it while watching Avengers: Endgame, now in theaters!!!

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> “the good guys”

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Petersonian revisionist claptrap. The last 50 years were the (((banking))) cartels and CIA fucking over everyone they could, who the fuck have the west "fed" what the fuck are you talking about retard

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>chilling in the theatre watching capeshit
>muslim girl sitting next to me
>half way through the movie she checks the time
>gets up
>leaves her stuff behind
>leaves her backpack behind
>she sneaks out the fire exit
>I hear Allah Akbar from outside

What is the proper etiquette in this situation?

>how do you know someone only is german? he will tell you
