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Mulan was a Mongol
Can't show kissing because it promotes the spreading of the coronavirus.
Removing a kiss is nothing near the shit Disney has pulled
>Can't show a character falling in love with someone who they thought was a boy
>Can't show someone with authority being the love interest of a girl because of the power dynamic correlating to the #MeToo movement
>Just cut out the romance, who gives a shit
I mean, if we're gonna be faithful to the original myth, then Mulan's head better fucking roll by the end the movie.
I don't understand. kissing guy bad. being lesbian good?
How does the real ending end?
That's only in the Sui Tang Romance version.
Most versions she returns home ready to marry somebody her parents arranged her to marry off screen.
dismembered by horses
Most versions she returns home after 12 years at war and Except the Sui Tang Romance
Nobody has ever said this in the history of the world.
>In the Sui Tang Romance, Mulan comes to a tragic end, which "differs from the endings of most of the Hua Mulan legends." Xianniang's father is vanquished after siding with the enemy of the Tang dynasty, and the two sworn sisters, with knives in their mouths, surrender themselves to be executed in the place of the condemned man. The act of filial piety wins reprieve from Emperor Taizong of Tang and the imperial consort who was birth-mother to the Emperor bestows money to Mulan to provide for her parents and wedding funds for the princess who confessed to having promised herself to general Luó Chéng(In reality, Dou Jiande was executed, but in the novel he lives on as a monk.)
>Mulan is given leave to journey back to her homeland, and once arrangements were made for Mulan's parents to relocate, it is expected that they will all be living in the princess's old capital of Leshou. Mulan is devastated to discover her father has long died and her mother has remarried. According to the novel, Mulan's mother was surnamed Yuan and remarried a man named Wei. Even worse, the Khan has summoned her to the palace to become his concubine.
>Rather than suffer this fate, she commits suicide. But before she dies, she entrusts an errand to her younger sister, Youlan which was to deliver Xianniang's letter to her fiancé, Luó Chéng. This younger sister dresses as a man to make her delivery, but her disguise is discovered, and it arouses her recipient's amorous attention.
One again, This BAD END is exclusive to the Sui Tang Romance.
If you want to know more about the original version of the story compared directly against the Animated Disney film I recomend this
>People being angry at Disney and not China
What, they don't even like straights now?
>no shang
kiss with who?
Because people are dumb and actually believed that Disney had convictions or morals and wasn't just doing all this shit for money.
Personally, I don't care, China's not my country so I don't give a fuck how they choose to run it.
People are pissed with Disney because they are catering to China, instead of ignoring the Chinese market, like they should be doing instead.
Who ever said Disney were the good guys, SJW?
Disney has the decision to do what they want, not China, retard.
Its the US' fault for not being a more lucrative market than the Chinks. You got out captalist'd son!
Who the fuck is defending Disney who isn't a mindless drone at this point?
No one has ever said this if you didn't post that screen shot it would've been a wojack.
the chinese are too fuckig degenerate to appreciate the innocence of a kiss. Pathetic
Nobody who isn't two faced that is.
Well, they do, every time Disney so happens to throw in token woke shit to appease them.
Of course, everytime Disney shows their true colours, they take it back, only to give it to them again whenever Disney does their token gestures.
Yeah being called a "good guy" by the likes of them isn't worth anything these days.
So? If the people who's myth it is based on found it disprespectful whats wrong with cutting it?
If China made a movie about washington and there was a scene where he was fingering his dog's ass before his first battle and we asked them to remove it and they did, would you call them evil?
Does no one remember that Shang was removed as her love interest, so clearly its not her kissing a guy that angered chinese viewers.
I bet she was making out with a chick, probably that evil witch they added, only for their test viewers to hate it even more.
IRL tranny here. Nobody in the LGBT community likes nuDisney. Everyone sees through this shit where LGBT characters are in one-off scenes that can easily be removed for the Chinese release. A lot of us would rather they didn't feature us at all rather than this pathetic pandering. The only people that support LGBT rights and nuDisney are cishet fake allies trying to get woke points.
>IRL Tranny here
Not for long
>Having culture
Yeah, yeah, I know. I just thought it was important for you guys to know that literally nobody likes this, and nobody falls for it.
You're a good sport.
>End of 2020. Disney plus will go live in Mexico and All latinamerican countries.
I will never see Amphibia again...
If they actually did it to please China I don’t see it as such a big deal in this case - Mulan is a Chinese story after all.
>they actually did it to please China
If you want money, pleasing China is a must.
Chinese and Italian culture are literally the only cultures people talk about. I have no clue where this "muh China has no culture" meme comes from. It's just a /pol/ cope.
No company would be dumb enough to ignore the single biggest middle class market on the planet. Don't be delusional. They don't care about you. A company's purpose is to make money.
I feel so bad for Walter Disney.
I don't get it? Why did the Chinese not like it?
Saddly SJW's are helpful idiots of the corporations.
didn't Disney contribute good stuff like The Disney Afternoon?
why don't people say Walt Disney like that?
Mulan as Disney tells it has a shit ton of queer themes (The entire song Reflection, Shang grappling with his attraction to "Ping") and China is even more virulent about LGBT content than /pol/.
could've just cut the kiss in China but cut it EVERYWHERE?
I thought China's theaters were closed after that whole outbreak?
It's not like anybody in China is gonna be alive long enough to watch the movie when it comes out in theaters, if the theaters are even open when it premieres anyways.
Fuck China.
That is all.
China is one of the few countries that recognises homosexuality as a mental disorder.
That's why there needs to be an executive order barring trade of any kind with China, that will sort this problem out very quickly.
>Being this anti-capitalist
God I hope you Bernie Bros all fucking die.
Disney has never been good and once the Jews took over they became the King of Evil who must be killed.
Wrong, I'm just anti-China.
Well, if your intentions were quarntine saddly we have passed that stage a month ago.
My intentions are for the fall of communist China.
who the fuck talks about italian culture. For real. Maybe japanese
who the fuck ever said that?
The Chinese makes the best electronics and their entertainment industry is slowly improving. I won't complain.
I hate both
Kissing spreads corona virus, please understand.
Reminder that Chinese values matter more than yours, guys.
>Disney has never been good and once the Jews took over they became the King of Evil who must be killed.
Is this true?
More like hyper-capitalist
Americans deserve it for becoming self-hating losers. And worse, self-hating losers who like to financially support every single corporation that gives them the middle finger. So if Americans won't show self-respect why should these companies even bother to pretend to respect these losers. So when you think of the west remember that America = Loser.
>in any way
Wew lad, do you seriously have unironic loyalty to that shithole, or is your government threatening your family if you don't try hard enough?
Isn't all of China mongol mutts?
They are building their economy by building fake cities and pretending they are having a big boom. Their economy will pop the bubble in 10 years and we shit gonna repeat like it did in 2008.
>spend decades and billions of dollars to bed over backwards for China
>they shit out a steaming pile of corona virus right at Hollywood's front door
Was it worth it?
>Being this retarded
China is by no definition, communist though. What is communist about that country? It's authoritarian capitalism.
>Bends over for China for decades
>China repays them by shitting out a respiratory plague
This can't get any funnier. They're all gonna die now.
>China isn't a threat they said
>Who cares if they produce half our shit they said
>Russia is the real problem they said
the last article said it was because of #metoo
Not a Chang. Just a /g/ fag and I am not afraid to admit: I LOVE CHINK TECH AND IM PROUD.
There. I said it.
>AlphaGo was Google
>Watson was IBM
How in the fuck does your chart rate China above America for AI?
Yes, after the Yuan dynasty basically
No seriously eat the penis Chang. Your shitty country is a paper tiger and now with Coronavirus you can kiss your hegemony goodbye as investors go to other Asian countries for slave labor.
You were never a great nation.
I’m making sure that every piece of art whether visual or audio that I create will be the most anti-ch*na thing possible. I want it all to be revolting to them, deeply confusing and aggressively American.
God bless.
Eastasia, Eurasia, Oceania.
All the same thing, all the same threat, doesn't matter who's fighting who at the moment.
Considering all the inhumane things China does on the regular being homophobes the least of their problems.
So Star Wars the Last Jedi?
Not him, but AI definitely is something that China excels at. Their surveillance and AI tech is some of the most advanced in the world. This is already seen as a threat to America with all of the "AI used for evil" fear mongering.
They might not be the biggest market in a few months.
By what comparable metric do you rate China as ahead of America in AI?
Actually she apparently still has a male love interest in the film, just not Shang.
No dragon, no cricket, no musical numbers, and turned into a generic wuxia movie.
Many people believe it, but I don't understand how one would measure that. But China does put tons and tons of funding into AI where we don't.
>China is by no definition, communist though.
Let me guess, real communism hasn't been tried yet?
Chins is fascist with a mercantilism economy.
Communist economic activity was halted in the late 80s to early 90s.
It has, it was called Maoism. But that failed and now they have an untranationalist authoritarian government and a hyper-capitalist free market economy. It's like if a fascist and a libertarian came together to come up with some weird hybrid system.
>China burns money
Repeat after me mindslave--paper tiger.
>regenerative medicine
As if you needed more proof the list wasn't bullshit.
>untranationalist authoritarian government
>hyper-capitalist free market economy
Pick only one, morons.
The CCP runs China as if it's one giant company. If that's not ultra-capitalist, I don't know what is.
>Americucks are seething
Deal with it. China won, learn to lose.
>Disrespectful to the original myth
NPC brain.
No argument.
>unironically defending non-americans
Holy shit, you're retarded.
Corona is God's punishment on the Chinese for being Chinese.
>Mostly kills male boomers and weak people
>Not a single child has died so far
God's punishment for China is to solve their demographic crisis? That's nice of him.
They literally go hand in hand you fucking bootlicker. Capitalism is pretty much built on the bourgeoisie cucking the working class out of decent wages and exploiting them as much as possible while forcing them to consoom for their own survival (precluding the creation of independent farming communities as in the past). Corporations might be free to do whatever the fuck they want but that doesn't mean you're not under their yoke, or that the "free market" isn't just a spook designed to rationalize your own slavery..
Said no one ever.
TIL that wanting free markets is bootlicking.
>Capitalism is pretty much built on the bourgeoisie cucking the working class out of decent wages
Employees agree to the wages that they are paid, if they don't think it's enough, they can ask for a raise, go elsewhere, or become more valuable. What burgersuits do with the leftover money is none of your business.
>forcing them to consoom for their own survival
W-wh-what do you mean that people don't just give away stuff for free???
Well, this is the first I've heard of slaves being able to have choices in life, or make money, for that matter.
>and nobody falls for it.
If that were true we wouldn't constantly be hearing about it and they wouldn't constantly be printing money.
>The Chinese makes the best electronics
God no, Chinese electronics are notorious for being dogshit.
Hence why most of the higher end electronics that aren't trash like phones and video game consoles are always manufactured in South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Vietnam.
China won what? The modern black plague?
What government isn't ran like a giant company you tard?
It's killed children.
Fuck you commie. Hope you like watching comrade Bernie eat shit.
I just find it ironic that Disney pulled something for not being true to the mythos when everything they make is a travesty to its source material. I mean Hercules? King Author? Hunchback of Notre-Dame!?
And that's a good thing
>Disney Cuts Kiss scene to appease China
>Disney Cuts Li Shang out of film to appease #MeToo
So which one is it?
How about DISNEY wanted to take away the love interest to help amp up the "We Can DO IT" girl power aspect of the film, and now they are creating 101 fake news articles where they are blaming woman, China, incels, and penguins.
Check the noses.
Unironically this.
Ironically the sjws on twitter are mad as fuck at disney for this
> We're totally not a monopoly guys! Plenty of competition to go around!
This shit won't get better until we fix antitrust laws, but I'm afraid that any politician who even talks about it will get Epstein'd
> Chinese
> Making the best of anything
As someone who has done business with China let me tell you that they are the shadiest motherfuckers around and will find any way they can to screw you out of your money. They always cut corners no matter what the product is, always.
Only applies to Hong Kong in the loosest possible definition. They are an authoritarian surveillance state.
>doesn't have I'll Make a Man Out Of You
It was shit from the second they dropped the song.
it was shit from
>live-action remake
The original had no kissing in it either, so what exactly are we riled about?
>presents a list of rankings with no sources or even context as to how the ranking is supposed to be calculated
C'mon, son.
You're alright. I hope you're part of the other 60%
This is not about respect for a culture, it's about bowing before a party state.
Mulan is just one story among many, not the foundational myth of China.
Incidentally, the first Emperor of China is probably the most maligned person in Chinese history.
Because he persecuted the Confucian scholars, who later wrote all of China's history.
A kiss in an American movie adaptation of a folk myth is the least disrespectful or relevant thing done to a historically important Chinese person.
Yeah, nobody ever mentions French, British or German cultural achievements and stories.
And they don't dominate half of Disney's movie catalogue.
Happy A24 is doing something with Arthurian legend, that entire mythos is ripe for exploitation.
Ching chong ping pong pang
nobody has ever said this
Well, the Hunchback of Notre Dame really was an 18th century propaganda piece for the restauration of the cathedral. And a racist diatribe against gypsies.
It got changed massively in every adaptation, even when the author adapted his own book into a stage play.
Goddamn you spaghetti americans are insufferable. I wish the actual Italians would call you out on what faggots you are like the Irish do to the plastic paddies
We need a movie adaptation of Götz von Berlichingen's exploits.
He became famous for writing in a public letter for someone to kiss his ass.
And he had a badass mechanical hand prosthetic that got him nicknamed iron fist.
Said no one unless Disney does token gestures that is.
>blatant /pol/ screech thread
>up for 9 hours
Perhaps they'll finally wake up and see that corporations don't give a shit about their causes, only the market. Perhaps. But I doubt it.
No singing at all.
China wins again. Americans are like China's dogs
Walt Disney wouldn't have cut it. The more I read about him, the more I actually respect him and the more disgust I have for what Disney has become.
Why are SJWs/LGBT supporters in American big companies so fucking pro China and support Chinese communist propaganda?
Then why the fuck would I see that chinesse pandering piece of shit film then? Atleast the other remakes keep some songs.
Disney is just good at rationalising to them. Notice how they've tied cutting the romance to #MeToo even though that actually has nothing to do with it.
Americans actually love China nowadays and are getting more and more pro China. While they are getting more and more anti Japan and try to ban Japanese stuff.
Its sad this is happening but this shit is a fucking fact. Nobody can stop it anymore.
>And a racist diatribe against gypsies.
No, it was all true.
>t. Romanian
Even before the coronavirus outbreak China was a horrible market since the government takes most of the local profits. In fact its logistically baffling Disney and Dreamworks even so much as attempted to appease to a market they can't really earn anything from.
Walt Disney was a great guy, the man was smart he hired more woman than anyone at the time since most woman were more delicate then man with painting. Let’s break that down not only was he smart for this but he was also seen as the good guy for hiring woman.
The suits at Disney just saw a country with a billion people and went "CHA-CHING!" They didn't stop to think. Greed does that to people.
>"Don't let the Jews get the company", I said. Why didn't they listen?
I suppose so. Capitalism cultivates stupidity.
Eh, greed isn't exclusive to capitalism. Wherever there are people, and whether there is stuff, there are assholes who think all the stuff should be theirs.
Ohhh it all makes sense now. China is right
>a country with a GDP the size of Texas is equally a threat as the communist gook state that produces 87% of all American pharmaceuticals
Mulan still has a male love interest, it's just not Li Shang.
Every time Disney has thrown “woke” shit, everyone has hated it because it’s lazy garbage pandering that can be removed if need be. Even SJWs are calling Disney our on their bullshit.
>why do far leftists support far left governments?
Japan’s the biggest threat to a lot of American entertainment companies so it makes sense. They’re operating under the presumption that the Chinese would take anything because everything there is low quality shit while Japan is directly forcing its way into the American market through manga and anime.
We talk shit on weebs, yet enable them with our shitty practices. Fucking end me.
>Thinking manga and anime is a threat to Disney
Disney wipes its ass with the money manga and anime makes.
Disney is already making steps towards that demographic
China >>>>>>>>>>>> All
>media is reporting Russia and China censored out the lesbian in Pixar’s Onward
In reality Disney removes them themselves to appease Russia and China. Yet the media won’t blame Disney.
>Disney wipes its ass with the money manga and anime makes.
Disney is in a shit ton of debt and their golden goose, MCU has peaked and Disney have massively devalued the Star Wars brand in just a couple of years.
Anime and Manga is no threat today, but Disney is not in some stellar position, and buying up the competition like they've been doing just removes a competitor from the market, meanwhile the market itself is shrinking.
Less people are going to the movies, ticket prices increase to make up for the shortfall, meaning fewer people go to the movies, ticket prices increase to make up for the shortfall...
This can only go on for so long.
>Disrespecting a myth.
People are getting mad over making up shit about made up shit. The fuck is even going on anymore?
Pretty much. The Mongols straight up conquered the entire country and ruled it for centuries. And then the Manchurians went and did the same thing after that.
You forgot that every conqueror of China essentially assimilated and became Han overtime. The first Mongol emperors were biologically Chinese within 3 generations. The Manchus kept their traditions, but they adapted many Han ones as well. The Chinese are just expert race mixers and assimilators. They're doing it to the Uighurs as we speak.
No, what they're doing to Uyghurs is putting them in concentration camps and harvesting their organs for chinese government agents.
>You forgot that every conqueror of China essentially assimilated and became Han overtime.
I'm not forgetting that. But the user I was replying to was calling Chinese "mongol mutts" and that's essentially accurate from a biological standpoint, plenty of Mongol blood went into the Chinese gene pool.
>The Manchus kept their traditions, but they adapted many Han ones as well.
Some, but they also imposed a lot of their own traditions on the Han (manchu clothing, hairstyles), clamped down on Han culture and literature, and built the Willow Palisade to stop Han migration into Manchuria.
>The Chinese are just expert race mixers and assimilators. They're doing it to the Uighurs as we speak.
That's completely different. They're tossing the Uighurs into internment camps, it's not at all like the Yuan Dynasty gradually assimilating voluntarily or the Manchu slowly picking up some Han traditions.
Wait, I thought they removed the love interest, so what kiss scene?
Romance is dull. Where's the cool explosions and giant robots?
It's a part of Han culture to assimilate other races into their own. That's how they have so many people in the first place. Unlike Euros, they don't care at all about blood, rather it's culture that they value. So yeah, I guess you could say they are mutts under one culture. So we can assume that the Uighurs will be Han in a few generations.
Also Manchus have the most fucking hideous hairstyle ever. The Han hairstyle is to tie it in a topknot, like the Japs. The Manchus were disgusting.
>Also Manchus have the most fucking hideous hairstyle ever.
Agreed. Qipaos are cool though
I can say now that while China does play a big part in LiON batteries, they don't make the best. The best you could say it that they manufacture batteries that other countries design.
I don't think anybody ever said so
>Chinese cybersecurity claims #1
Why? Because they get all that practice in snuffing out people who ask about the Tiananmen Square massacre?
>Sorry China we apologise for aping your myth
>Wait, Japan is still mad about Kimba? Well fuck them lmao
Why is everyone sucking the chinese cocktail sausage?
They removed an entire movie.
Dobson art is bait by default
Oh no poor george and his billions of dollars
PRC pretty much decimated centuries of Chinese culture in favor of some whitewashed state approved bullshit