So did he died?
So did he died?
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yeah he had a heart attack like 10 years ago
>James Gandolfini died 10 years ago
Where the fuck does the time go?
Only plebs believe this
I really do hope he was killed. He was an evil man. Chrissy wasn't perfect, but he didn't deserve to be killed. Fuck Tony.
Yes he did. He was a fuck up and already squandered several second chances. He should have killed Chris after he shot at him in the Bing
Watch it, Chrissy!
Christopher was a danger to everyone around him
He only became a real fuck up because Tony had the love of his life murdered. Also, Tony never respected Christopher. Fuck Tony Soprano.
>He only became a real fuck up because Tony had the love of his life murdered.
He was doing dope and heroin from the first episode
I knew Christophah was evil the second he chose to tell Ton-E about his fiancée. When he went to the gas station and saw that family, and still chose to not run away with her? Horrible
You mean Richie.
Chris killed him as revenge.
His voice sounded so funny once he pilled up on the weight.
Maybe he didn't deserve to be killed but under the circumstances he was too much of a liability for Tony and the family. Tony took the opportunity to finish his life after he'd let him down for the umpteenth time. What do you think the significance of Tony being in a car crash with both Ade and Chris was? Tony was to blame for the first car crash and wasn't punished for it (except the accusations) so I guess it shows him as a hypocrite for punishing Chrissy for essentially the same thing (drug related car crash)
Chris was worse than Tony. He was a deranged drug addict who betrayed the only person who loved him (Adriana) because he knew he would be a down-and-out loser without the mob.
Tony, for all his faults, was loyal to his family. The mafia was a way for him to make money and satisfy his appetites, but he genuinely loved Meadow, AJ, and to an extent Carmela.
Chris didn't love anyone (including himself). Tony put him out of his misery. It was a mercy.
And to the OP, yes, Tony was whacked. It's indisputable.
>Still chose
That was what solidified his decision to turn Adriana over to Tony. In his heart he knew he was a loser who only got this far in life because of his uncle and the mob.
no, he went on to live as kevin finnerty
How the fuck is this still a debate?
It was literally forshadowed 3 times in previous episodes. Do people really think that the shady Members Only guy takes a piss and leaves the bar?
I will be eternally triggered by this.
Tony shouldn’t have given away that jacket
>Fuck Tony.
it's self explanatory
song says DONT STOP as in don't relax because some guy could try to kill you at any moment. he started to stop paying attention to the guy and relaxed. he was killed. that's it. its a very good ending and perfectly illustrates how these people die. they stop paying attention. they start to relax and they're killed. it's a terrible life.
Chrissy was worse than Tony. Merd'c way more innocent people and was a druggy who pissed his life away at the expense of his family. He had plenty of chances to reform.
Killing anyone off screen is a very "hack" way of killing someone. Doing that to the main character is unforgivable. I dont think Chase would do that.
Plus you talk about foreshadowing, there is much more evidence in the opposite direction.
And Chase I believe has said that Tony didn't die. If you ask me he left it up to the viewers with a ambiguous open ended ending, probably because there was a plan for a movie (So many fucking rumors after it ended!) and you can pick a few reasons why it didnt happen most of them are James Gandolfini dying.
I got banned for posting this thread like two days ago. mods are fags
>Tony, dead? I dont think so, user. It only makes sense that he was wacked if Phil was NOT clipped. The NY crew have no reason to continue the war as the their leaders clearly said to Tony and Phil.
Didn't the creator say that both sides were a possibility?
Go read what Chase said about it at the time. He knew the audience wanted to see Tony whacked onscreen and the idea of that disgusted him. Killing him from Tony's POV was the only way to do it as a final FU to the fans.
no, the point of the song for former musician David Chase is that being killed prevents Tony from listening to the rest of it the song. it's straightfowardly ironic.
the lyrics are about the unfolding of life with all its bustle and fleeting experience. Chase is saying there's something worth living for in spite of the disorder, but that Tony's actions have led to him being eliminated from experiencing it, just like he doesn't get to actually register the presence of his daughter.
he's not killed "off-screen" what we see is effectively Tony's POV, until he suddenly doesn't have one.
you're retarded. stop replying to me.
>Tony and Bobby talk about how you don't hear anything where you get shot, it all goes black
>Tony stands at the dock, hears a bell and looks to his side
>All the shit with Members Only
What more did you need? Did you want Chase to write "Tony got shot btw" on the black screen?
Tony's death was not a cop-out because it was perfectly set up and executed, literally the best written conclusion to a series ever.
But tone deaf degenerates who haven't been paying attention to any detail got mad because "NO EPIC SHOOTOUT >:(".
perhaps spongebob fans will validate your thoery if you post more images from the show.
None of that is actually set up the way you describe it. Those conversations are interspersed all over the lengthier season and they only work if you focus on the last five episodes or so.
>Those conversations are interspersed all over the lengthier season
yes, that's what "setup" means.
We as the audience were whacked.
It's true, we knew too much and constantly talked about it.
I just found out that the actor that played Bevilacqua has been recently release from prison after having been involved in the killing of an officer.
sugarless mothuh fuckuh
I fucking hate the ending. Dude spent all this time telling a story and then gets to the end and says lol fuck it you figure it out. I think it's lazy
>kevin finnerty, and awayyy
ahhh fuck you guys
That’s the only alternative to tony getting whacked that I can get behind
Jack shot him despite Walt begging him not to.
Who ordered the hit on him?
>there's people still debating whether he died or not
Imagine being this retarded.
There's just no way he wasn't clipped.
All the foreshadowing, the setup in the last scene, the clear homage to Godfather.
It's clear that he was killed by the Members Only guy, it baffles me how anyone can doubt this.
Unironically Little Carmine
thee... rosato brothers
>tony in a coma
>paulie comes in
>starts talking
>tonys heart rate immediately begins rising
always makes me laugh
Adriana couldn't have kids. Chris wants a family, but he's too stubborn and traditional to consider adoption, a surrogate or any other alternative with Adriana. He isn't wrong however.
No one won in that story. Adriana wanted Chris to be free so badly, and Adriana was Chris's only hope to be more than another dead soldier. Everyone in this show sucks
I thought it was Butch tying loose ends.
Why didn't Paulie just tell him about the joke? Would T really have whacked one of his closest friends for something so small?
I don't think he got whacked then. Sure he was on a guaranteed path to getting whacked or arrested but I think the diner scene was just suppose to symbolise what Tony's actions and paranoia had done to him by the end of the series.
uh yeah, he would have.
That's some method acting.
Even worse that we know Carlo sold him out so it could be a matter of hours until they get enough shit to arrest him. Taking him and the rest of Jersey out would be the far better thing for the other families
This is correct
>You mean Richie.
and Ralphie and Tony and most of the characters
So he accepts Antony Jr into his film shit then whacks his dad? What for? Little Carmine didn't have the balls to order that
Yes? Tony is a sociopath. You can't think that he would follow the logic you or I would. He would have killed Hesh over the 200k debt if his GF didn't die
Fuck off degenerate useless junkie. Tony gave you everything and you ruined it.
yeah, they should have had morgan freeman do a voiceover about it while it happened
>ywn smack her and take the money out of her purse
Some things weren't meant to be
the vipers
Little Carmine didn't have the balls
Tony didn't die. It was just his mind playing tricks. None of the people coming in the restaurant were trying to murder him. Getting killed would be too good for Tony. He needs to wander around on earth fearing to get killed for all those murders he committed.
??? This is the most beta post I have ever seen on Yea Forums. Holy fuck.
Chase even said the idea of the DON'T STOP and sudden cut is that this is Tony's life from now on. Always having to watch over his shoulder, always on guard. It ties in I think to one his main struggles as a character, his depression and constant impending sense of doom. AJ repeating Tony's "enjoy the little things" line to him in the final scene reinforces the idea that life goes on and mustbe dealt with. There is no great resolution or revelation, shit just keeps going like in real life
He got food poisoning from the worst onion rings in the state
He finna got dabbed on
They didn't want to pay money back for killing bobby, for one
>like in real life
people are killed in real life all the time
Ive been totally fuckin ostra-fied
>excellent taste in pork
>HQ and informative post
>mfw based & porkpilled
Coincidence? I don't think so!
>Tony dies
>Junior has dementia
>Bobby is dead
>Silvio is in a coma
>Paulie finds out his mum is a whore, then she dies
Does anyone have a happy ending?
Best ending song right?
Furio and Carmella can finally be happy together.
more like 2013
>implying Furio didn't get whacked
Tony said he had men looking for him
Meadow can finally date a nigger
It's true, after a few seasons it was hard for me to really sympathize with any of the characters except for Ade. Even the FBI guys who are supposed to be the good guys, on came across as just another organized crime group. I especially hated AJ. Whiny little bitch.
it's not hack if the groundwork is laid thematically, which it was to anybody with more than a room temperature IQ
Which character did you feel worse for?
Even that goofball AJ
Unironically Furio
And Sil, to a lesser extent
>the lyrics are about the unfolding of life with all its bustle and fleeting experience.
While that is true, I think the last song was just a joke that the "movie never ends it goes on and on and on and on" aka Sopranos will forever live on in syndication (and make them even richer)
My point... It's babies. They're the future.
It's also worth noting that a young David Chase wrote about 25% of the rockford files episodes. So that's another one that goes on and on and on and on (in syndication).
Dunno mate, it cut to black before I could see anything.
That ep was rough
Has anyone ever just drawn a really good picture of Tony being shot after that final scene, with his brains everywhere and his family starting to panic
This. The point Tony can die right now or later. His life is over, just like the italo-american mafia and his end will come, there or maybe tomorrow or maybe until he is old.
Give me all the Members Only references
>tony hearing it in his coma dream, and slamming against the wall trying to get him to shut up
KEEP IT DOWN IN THERE or whatever. Hilarious.
No, he had sex
>Uncle Paulie, the main thing is no negative talk, it helps with his recovery
>I was just talking to him and suddenly the machines went "BULLSHIT!"
kino scenes
Yes, but you missed the point.
thee... rosato brothers
had tone clipped
David Chase said the singer of Journey would've never allow him to use the song if Tony was wacked.
have sex
Both were scumbags.
Tony should have mercy killed Chris a long time ago, he killed a dog because of how negligent and fucked up he was. Tony knew he should have killed him the first time he fucked up after telling him to knock it off but he really did love the kid and couldn't do it until the moment presented itself.
Tony did the right thing for once in his life when he aided his suicide.
death comes to all of us
Just like there's no perfect resolutions. Tony was going to die but we don't know when.
somebody post the sopranos ending version of this meme, I can't find it
yea real alphas are piece of shit fat slobs who leech off of other people's successes and weaknesses.
All I remember was the last one has Meadow kills Tony.
>it was sean!
my headcanon is Tony lived, Silvio died
>the saddest thing in life is wasted talent
Is “remember when...” the lowest form of conversation?
He was shot in the back of the head by a contract killer as Meadow walked into the restaurant. This is what happened. The real question is who payed for the hit, probably one of the New York crew.
>tony has that much power in italy
cute he doesn't even have that much power in new york
He was making the Italians a lot of money with the stolen car racket. They'd want to keep him happy. Messing with a made guys wife and trying to kill him is unacceptable on both sides of the Atlantic.
Sopranos fans love chase desire the fact he’s the only tv show runner who went out of his way to make the show as insulting to the viewer and unsatisfying as possible. They’re like an abused spouse.
this guy gets it
>stunned by this stupidity
soooooooo many things must have gone over your head while watching this series
Totally forgot about the russian. Womder what happened to him.
I read about the circumstances surrounding his arrest and the fact that a cop lived next to the dealer he copped from is the dumbest shit I ever heard
>Implying he didn't get his revenge in the end
>Implying he isn't ruling Newark with an iron fist
Rewatching and Patsy is actually a really good character for someone constantly in the background.
isn't that his brother in the picture?
Na, it's from when he threatened Gloria. I also don't think his brother wore glasses.
Patsy was one of the most solid guys. He already had his arc by the 2nd or 3rd season. He came to terms with what happened to his brother and decided to stay loyle to his capo
Yeah, I feel like somewhere along the line they just went with the "Tony is a disgusting freak murderer" angle.
And he is.
is that a reference to moltisanti's typos ?
No but he stopped believing
Obviously ya dink