>We need someone ugly as fuck
We need someone ugly as fuck
post a pic of yourself OP and we will decide who is better looking
He's not ugly
tfw i look like him but balding and with a bigger nose and eyes
im doomed bros
>Mm. Yes, quite. The nasal glabella is simply too far apart. A genetic dead end, I simply must say. Certainly doesn't compete with a dark, handsome, cultured man such as myself.
that guy you posted does look better though
He is fucking loaded. How did he get so rich by being a meme actor? ?
Post yourself.
unlike other celebs he probably doesn't blow his money on drugs or grope women and have to buy their silence
Is this guy still around?
Apparently his iq is off the charts. Puts his money to work
i hope he plays reviewbrah in the upcoming documentary
Do you know what a documentary is?
Got a good chuckle off this.
That Lost episode is one of the best imo
>We need Emma Stone but I only have 30 bucks and a happy meal for payment
>Got you
>We need Willem Dafoe
Guy in pic related is a 100% chad if he went to the gym and loses his fedora and glasses.
>ugly as fuck
>still Chad firefighter in 911 saving lives and breaking up bar fights and getting stabbed
Why can't incels be more self aware like him?
DJ usually makes everything better. He's probably one of the better guest stars because the script doesn't have to revolve around him.
He was pretty good looking for most of his life (minus his teeth). He's 63, leave him alone
He's dead.
>We need a gritty Mexican and Olmos is unavailable
I got you fampai.
>tfw he died
Hmmm... picking on a skinny guy. We now all know OP is a fat fucker.
>Most dangerous psycopath in the world. Even other violent prisoners are terrified of him. Escapes the authorities and lives the high life in Las Vegas.
>Flies to an asteroid heading for earth to blow it up. Rodeos a nuke. Volunteers to stay behind and detonate the bomb. Still survives the mission.
>Armed robber who gives no fucks about tipping service staff.
Buscemi has had a lot of chad roles.
Clint Howard owns that job