Zoomers are missing the 2007-2012 era of icarly and bieber on social media now, blissfully unaware it was widely considered the "Downfall into shit era" on forums at the time.
Zoomers are missing the 2007-2012 era of icarly and bieber on social media now...
>kid shit in 2007 - 2012
Retard, you're a zoomer.
Why do millennials get so offended that people have nostalgia for things they dont?
Just feels weird that Zoomers miss what was widely considered the "downfall into shit era" on forums at the time.
>[Insert demographic] are missing the [insert decade ago] of [insert things], blissfully unaware it was widely considered the Downfall into shit era on [means of communication] at the time
holy shit amazing. you fucking retard.
>tfw /1997/ zoomer and already feeling old
>look mom i made an image very specific to me thinking that people can universally relate im epic
/1996/ here, literally feel like a dinosaur at my camps
I actually relate besides thew unabomber phase
I didn't make this, but it is scarily relatable. Clearly I'm not the only one since the doomer meme was one of the biggest of 2018 (probably the equivalent of this year's honk honk)
I can relate to it
What is the map next to Fortnite? Is it Pokémon Diamond/Pearl?
>people are nostalgic for things from their childhood
stop making this thread you turboautist
The Wii sports resort biplane map
If it's any comfort, I bet that in a few years the mid-to-late 2000s zoomers will make these current ones (2000-2004) feel old as well
Everything in the mainstream was already garbage by 2007
Only vestigal things like niche forums and imageboards retained some semblance of their identity for much longer and even those largely had been lost by 2010. By 2013 most of Yea Forums outside of Yea Forums was pure normalfags, in 2016 Yea Forums itself suffered a final defeat. Three years later, we inhabit the apocalyptic remains of what was once a vibrant and unique community.
Way it goes.
>most of Yea Forums outside Yea Forums
Stopped reading right there.
>forums of the time
Lol you sound like such a fucking incel when you say this. Have sex.
Yea Forums was the heart of the website for most of its existence. Not counting post moot Yea Forums as that is basically just a husk.
based genuinely stupid boomer user who doesn't understand how nostalgia works
'91 boomer here
>yes, you zoomers really did miss out
I never gave a fuck about videogames or cartoons and other popular shit as a kid so it's all the same to me. I grew up during the early 2000s but I don't remember anything at all from them.
>He doesnt know about the doomer
lurk moar
financial crisis
Obama winning
life was objectively better before those things. even 9/11 didnt fuck up the american way of life as bad as 2008 did.
It's actually pretty sad, they have no idea what they consumed was extremely diminished returns of pop culture. The afterbirth fluid of the 20th century. It was mostly trash.
Why are conservatives so butthurt about Obama? He did basically nothing while in office. You should thank him for paving the way for Trump, and bombing brown people overseas, which I know is very important to you.
True, 07-08 was a massive shift in the universe. We might as well be in a different dimension.
He brought in thousands of Somalians into the US. He's a N
"Thousands" isn't a statistically signficant number user. Around 330 million people live in the US.
Why do people keep saying this?
>constantly hear boomers talking about the "glory days of Yea Forums"
>look up some of the memes out of interest
>it's just retarded shit like "i leik mudkips" and linking to Rick Astley
This is what happens when you grow up playing video games in your room instead of going out
He emboldened SJW culture
wtf I love doge now
>2007-2012 era of icarly and bieber
Fuck me those were the worst times
Because SJWs love not supporting gay marriage until it was politically convenient, refusal to implement universal health care, and drone strikes on the Global South.
You don't deserve to know those memes.
Somalians literally turned my city third world
Is there one for 27? Because that one is already hitting close to home with at least half being true.
Millennials are the worst generation. They are literally all lazy stupid entitled useless faggots with delusions of grandure
Generally they're early twenties only, but I think I saw a couple of edits going older. Start a doomer thread on /r9k/ or /bant/ or something. Maybe make one on /pol/ but frame it in terms of clown world, because the mods have been gay over there
Based on this pic, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer? I'm a based Zoomer (born 98).
I feel I got the best of vg range. Grew up on n64, ps1 games. Then the ps2 era. And high school was the start of the cod era. Mw2, bo1, cod4, gta4.
But films from the 70s 80s are better than the ones now.
Millenials are the most retarded generation but not the worst. They’re more concerned about the generations after them and at least trying to maintain a habitable world.
It was a unironically a time where the internet was a more or less niche place for people all over the world to connect with eachother and exchange knowledge on subjects. Now its trash
>oh no, this person was born after I was and I can't deal with someone being younger than me!
Where do you live?
>born 86
>can only laugh at capeshit craze and amerimutts literally crying over a soulless movie franchise
>tfw grew up in the best time period
>was graduating undergrad
>mom offers to buy me a new phone to replace the one I broke in a drunken stupor
>she says there's a new phone called the iPhone which looks cool
>tell her it looks lame and a gimmick that'll fail
>she buys it anyway
>been stuck in the apple ecosystem ever since
Thanks for the phone, though, mom. I had a first generation iPhone until I broke it, so I went and got an iPhone 5s. Had that until I broke it, then went and got an X. Will probably have it until the iPhone XXX butt fuck you harder and faster edition.
As someone who would be considered a zoomer (albeit only just) by most anons here, I started using the internet at 4 years old and remember a lot of early 2000s internet culture. IMO memes now are on the whole better than they have ever been. They're so much more layered and versatile.
Why’s there this rising tension between millennials and zoomers? I don’t ever remember hating genX.
If you didn't spend your formative years trolling IRC as a script kiddie, you need to shut the fuck up as you don't know shit about shit.
Yea Forums is full of conservative millenials who are just now becoming old enough to confidently hate on the generation after them
>that whole image
You gotta understand the Yea Forums was pretty left-leaning back in ye early tymes before Obama was a thing. Some of them are oldfags who have been shitposting for a decade plus, I believe that's where the "left can't meme" originated. There aren't many oldfag liberals hanging around anymore. They either shifted to the right, as people tend to do as they age, or moved to other platforms.
Gen X was the same way and boomers before that.
Gen x thinks millennials are retarded mini boomers
I miss playing that sword game in Wii Sports resorts. That was fun as fuck.
Oldfag here, Yea Forums was literally never "left-leaning" in any meaningful sense of the word. It was less right-wing though, overall.
Early millennial. Feels weird when I see children feeling nostalgic over anything post 90s thqh
For me post 2005, the early 2000s still had a bit of the "magic" feel.
It wasn't that left leaning, everyone just hated bush
Nostalgia is incel shit. Accept that society is moving forward and have sex.
>me smart and unique
>me also depressed xD
Vs Yea Forums today where damn near every piece of OC is either a new Pepe or a new Wojack?
what about sneed
>You gotta understand the Yea Forums was pretty left-leaning back in ye early tymes before Obama was a thing.
Been posting here almost since the beginning and you are 100% wrong
Why do you faggots always try to push this lie?
Yea Forums was in it's prime back then. Chanology shit ruined everything
The left and right were also much different with todays left and right. There was a time when 'free speach' was far more closely associated with the left than the right
kek, captures my feelings on this bullshit perfectly
Reminder that Fortnite is hated by two kinds of people
1- Zoomers who grew up with Minecraft and literally can't into PVP
2- Boomers who grew up playing single player and co-op games and literally can't into PVP unless they're holding hands with their favorite co-op friend
I'm /1996/ and I don't feel any nostalgia for my youth. The Yank shit on television was just as awful as it is today except half the faggoty white people have been replaced with varying shades of faggoty brown people
Yea Forums was libertarian back then. I still remember all the Ron Paul shilling on here during the 2008 election
you weren't posting tv characters as pictures on the internet in forums anonymously back then... it was pretty innovative.
They like to think that the left used to be "cool" and even Yea Forums supported it but then le SJWs happened so now it's uncool. Thus justifying their move to the right as they grow older. In reality they're just getting crabby and suffering from not having sex
>Chanology shit ruined everything
I disagree, chanology certainly harmed the website but it didn't "ruin" it. The reddit invasion of the mid 2010s was what really ruined Yea Forums
>revisionists who were either not here or are reluctant to admit they were part of the Yea Forums groupthink of the era
>probably also Project Chanology faggots also
Ah, I was right.
I've noticed Phineas and Ferb being talked about in a nostalgic manner for a few years now. It certainly made me realize that a lot of people who were not previously around were suddenly flooding in. I'm not even old but I imagine this is what it feels like when you start to get old. I have doctors younger than myself now.
Back then it was all of the neocon cuckservatives trying to censor shit and not the left
Not as cringe as your faggy meme is, David
That's interesting because I recall many attempts by conservatives to censor Ilhan Omar only a few days ago
That shit was like... yesterday though.
Those memes were very strong for years after chanology and I agree they were great.
>my memes are better than yours kiddo
Imagine being such a fucking loser, lmao
They should just let her run her mouth. She does a lot to help the right everytime she opens it
We didn't have "memes" back then. We had image macros.
chanology and boxxy shit was the beginning of he end
>being concerned about meme generations to begin with
Barely even knew what they were before I started coming here
For sure but Yea Forums still had a few years of life left and plenty of hilarious shit came from it.
‘92 here, I’d trade it all to be 16 again.
My nigel
It feels like Zoomers began taking over the internet around 2013-2014 when filthy frank started, then completely exploded all over the internet and took over around the 2016 election.
Millenials are still a pretty strong presence on the internet, at least for now
>it is my mom's fault that I am a slave to Apple
lmao this person does not exist.
>oc donut steel /pol/ tryhard mentions of jews and peak oil
>hates porn AND the internet AND reads books AND has a normie girlfriend AND passes as a normie but "secretly hates them"
if this shit were true they wouldn't be a doomer because someone who hates the internet and has a girlfriend is a normie.
this is clear some deluded poltards attempt to make their fellow retard poltard incels lives better because they can circlejerk together about how secretly normie they all
'85 here, I'd love to be 13 again, that's when it all started going downhill for me.
>2001 was the best year to be born
Who would take pride in being born into a post 9/11 world?
|-|()\/\/ 70 r00lN 4 7|-|r34|) l|\| 1 34zy 573p 45|< |\/|3 |-|0\/\/!!!!!!11!1!!!!!1
There's no alternative. You know of a decent phone in current year that's not Apple kusoware or Android kusoware?
>chink shit
Nah, dude. Something else.
>it's another r_thedonald faggot false flagging to cover up their role in turning Yea Forums into a site full of faggot christcucks and nazis
>unironically liking BO2
OH fuck this. Modern warfare 2 is where it was at.
I bet zoomers can't even tell the difference, all cods look similar.
Zoomers just don't know what they missed. They think being 8 in 2009 was awesome when it was heavily watered down.
It was pretty interesting to see /pol/ shift to reactionarism, hardline conservatism and fascism few years before Trump got elected.
Unironically the only thing that makes me happy looking at these pathetic degenerate zoomers is that they will all die horrible deaths screaming because of climate change. Have fun starving and choking to death on oxygen starved air. Cunt kids.
>millennials believe in climate change
Before Trump /pol/ was way more pessimistic innawoods shit
>we're as far away from CoD4 as CoD4 was from Doom
Passed like rain on the mountains
0/10 awful
The golden years of video games are gone now
Honestly while I can understand the "you're complaining about them but it was the same for you" crowd, it really wasn't. I was born in 1992 and I can safely say that the late 80s kids had it slightly better than us looking back as neutraly as I can on the content of the entertainement available in those times, while the second part of the 2000s were really shit and these kids are deluded. Some of them will probably realize it at some point, like my 1999 born little brother did.
So your zoomer brother thought post-2005 stuff was bad? Did you show him pre-2005 stuff instead as a remedy?
culture was already shit in 2005
He realized it was bad when I started showing him what I grew up with yeah. It started with him calling the Simpsons shit and he couldn't understand why it was so popular, so I showed him the first seasons and it went from there.
they died when WoW got their first expansion.
I said PRE-2005 idiot
Old Yea Forums memes were far less self conscious.
Nowadays everyone is afraid of looking like they're having genuine fun, so memes have to be heavily forced, painfully ironic and last a month and get dropped otherwise you're in danger of being "reddit".
You first
The internet is a lot more jaded and cynical than it was back in 2005-2010 or so
Every doomer image describes a completely different person
>posts reddit/twitter macro image
literally neck yourself retard
Falling for the climate change jewry
You sound like huge fucking normalfaggot
early zoomer
Absolutely based
>People born in 2000 are 19 years old.
Holy fuck please kill me.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
my man
I should have been an early zoomer but ended up being a mix of core/late millennial when it comes to gaming since my parents were poor and couldn't afford more recent consoles.
Thank god it at least educated my tastes on the hobby, I'll never forget my roots.
the "year you were born and your age" thing is actually pretty funny
Also every generation thinks they're different or that the things their generation were into were somehow new and never been done before. Also what's new doesn't actually matter with the internet where you have nearly the complete backlog of humanity at your fingertips.
Jesus Christ. This thread.
zoomers are literally cancer.
And we miss what some boomer considers society's downfall into shit.
How are people too stupid to understand this simple nature of humans?
>Yea Forums
>left leaning
Kys retard
End youself reifag.
85 boomer here
Can someone please explain to me why people say "zoomers are based and redpilled" when they literally grew up consuming nothing but trash?
Who actually liked that canned laughed shite? I remember I went to my cousins once. He was a few years younger than me and he was watching it. Sweet Cody life or some shite. It was actually vapid
>tfw born after the agricultural revolution
my sides, I didn't realize it was a common feel
Not that user but realistically this site isn't full of jaded outcasts and a lot of us can blend in pretty well, have relationships etc.Regardless of our private views and hobbies. I've been on here for the better half of a decade and never felt like the basement dweller piss bottle shit applied to me.
>too young to be a 90s kid but too old to relate to Musical.ly and Jake Paul
this hit me wright inna heart, altho I'm actually 20 but come on a single year of 90s doesn't make you a 90's kid
because they're sick of all the trash. They're sick of seeing the world around them collapse while their boomer parents talk of greatness, even though they were actually the ones who started the downward spiral. They're sick of all the shit that's been shoved down their throats about "being yourself" and whatnot, especially after their job as a McWagie disillusioned them. They're sick of seeing what remains of times they can only assume must have been better rot away or be forcefully removed. Society is going to shit and Zoomers are a generation educated to believe that it's not but then be brutally disillusioned when they leave their parents home and go look for a job.