
...And Their Horses, Too Edition


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fake sansa tits

Azor Theon

what do you think of this?

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I want to suck on sansas sweet tits and slobber all over her warm and inviting pussy until she’s convulsing with pleasure

I want to FUCK her

This can mean so many different things

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>tfw i was body-doubleposting ironically and people started doing it unironically

This is a reference to Hannah Murray's noticeable weight gain since last season.

Aye wanna fight too

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nth for Stannis

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It's the hottest new meme

Sansa is a qt3.14

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>I need this thread to be perfect, Yea Forums

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Why'd they stop lightening her eyebrows? It looked good.


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GOT fans are the weirdest, they seem to not want to believe any nude scenes are real and easily fall for claims. Right back to season 1.

Tits are way too big in this shot. Probably a body double

>preparing for a necromancer
>hiding the civilians in the crypts
What’s in the water at Winterfell? Is the wine made Roman style (lead caldrons)? Or are “the smartest people” all a bunch of woman-brains

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Haha ya. For the most part they are real except for natalie dormers, aryas and ygrittes just off the top of my head. Apparently those were CGI/doubles.

>can't have a long term series without half your female cast turning into cows

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She actually looks like a Targaryen here.

Sophie Turner Makes Odd Easter Toast To Arya Stark's 'Pussaaayyy'

Who's killing whom?

>Random Wight -> Brianne, Tormond
>Night King -> Arya, Dordoran, Theon
>Jamie -> Night King, Cersei, Tyrion, himself
>Tyrion -> Danyeres, Jon
>Danyeres -> Ice Dragon
>Jon -> Bunch of randoms

What is up with all the goblinoid females in this show now?

A /got/ thread without at least three body doubles is considered a dull affair.

>Costume design is still one of the best parts of the show though, I'd hardly say it's declined.
I'm going to respectfully disagree and by respectfully I mean fucking hell are we watching the same goddamn show

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Are we getting undead Ned Stark lads?

I heard that for the Lena Headley shaming scene too

This but unironically

It doesn't really work when people are aware of your meming user.

>Season 2-3 Sansa

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war... war changes

Which characters will die in episode 3?

Also, when did Sansa just become cersei? Why do people say she's smart?

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>Night King -> Arya
God I hope so

1. To satisfy the target audience of unlovable bratty lesbians
2. Condition us to not recognize beauty for the NWO to be implemented by 2030.

Gilly wasn't this fat when she was show pregnant.

Night King will probably kill Bronn as well.

Theon, Beric


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No man was more punk.

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Stick tk r3ddit kiddo

Holy fuck, lol, my brain kinda goes off during GOT with how stupid things have gotten. How have I missed that?

I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe

How does he consistently light the sword? Is it always drenched in oil?


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ned chad atrak lad is dead too and he can control the spirits of his ancestor unlike that virgin nihgt king that wank just some corners and play homm3 and drinks milk.

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Fuck sake. She was supposed to remind him of Shireen. Face is scarred not by Greyscale but by fire.

Arya will kill the night king. Guarantee. And maybe bronn too.

Thats not fire that just aids

Sorry but Leon Grayboat returned to Winterfell to die. It's either this ep or next. Wraps up his character arc and gives something for Sansa to be vulnerable about for once instead of always being so smug.

anyone else waiting for the Jaquen comeback?

She will def kill cersei and jamie

>Grey Worm -> White Walker Generals, probably 2 of them because he's black
>Jorah -> Helps kill Ice Dragon, dies to random Wright
>Sandor -> Lives and kills the Mountain, goes back and establishes the Church for the Lord of Light
>Mellisandre -> Comes to the aid as "Gandalf" and kills every zombie around, igniting Jamie's Azor Ahai powers, and basically bullshits the war
>Arya -> Gendry's cock.

Are you saying they will both kill him?


I worked on a movie set once as a stunt guy and extra. Had to stand with burning torch in bumfuck nowhere. You really have to relit it every 5 minutes with oil to keep them burning so brightly.

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This is kind of sad, honestly. Everyone is rumoring that she's pregnant. But she hasn't confirmed any pregnancy. And these scenes were shot a long time ago, so if she had a child, you figured the rags would have found out already.

One of two things must have happened.
1. She WAS pregnant, and miscarried.
2. She just got depressed, and ate herself fat.

I don't know what's going on in her life, but I feel sorry for her. Hope she gets well.

I think bronn will fail and the jaime the valonqir will strangle cersei with his golden hand.

Were there men in little hats trying to touch your weewee?

>bronn finally gets his castle
>its because he is 1000th commander of the nights watch

No reason to kill Jamie. And it's better for her to finally forgive and forget her quest of revenge. Especially with Jamie's foreshadowing about how he did it all for "love of his family". Arya's quest for revenge doesn't do anything for her house, and her getting revenge shits on the theme of revenge being petty and doesn't solve anything that GoT pushed since season 1.

It's basically fucking confirmed.

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Thoros had his sword drenched in Wildfyre. He had to change swords after every melee because it would be ruined afterwards.

I think Beric has actual magic from R'hllor from the near 20 times he's been ressurected. Wich should be a pretty big deal but apparently not.

Beric, Pod, Brienne, Missandei, Bran, Tormund, Gendry

Within the next to episodes at least.

You got fat.

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Didn't the original costume design lead leave the show around season 4-5? Or am I remembering wrong?

Literally why would Sansa think this? She hasn't been with him for any of his clever moments.

except neds bones never made it back to winterfell, and they were just bones, have we seen undead skeletons? im pretty sure only zombies

Tyrion is smart but not compared to Sansa who is the smartest person in the show now

Jon is a stupid man who just needs to listen to womyn.

>In April 2019, Turner revealed that she suffered depression over fan criticisms over her role in Game of Thrones.[24] She added that she is taking a break from acting to focus on her mental health.[25]

God forbid anyone object to or merely remark upon the spiraling quality of the show you self absorbed little slut

Can anyone bring Beric back again?

I think Jamie's golden hand will melt and fuse with some dragonglass into some super sword, and stab the Night king

>I'm worried about whats-her-face that plays Gilly
Oh, don't worry. She'll be fine.

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>oh no some rich and famous chick got fat!!??
Boo hoo

Unnecessary yet welcome nudity, who did it best?

The Knight King

Who ready for some Aegonkino in the battle scenes

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Well she better say something because it's only going to get worse if she stays silent.

Reminder to you all that the Night King will be destroyed at the end by Sam ordering Gilly to unhinge her jaw and swallow him whole.

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Zombie Lyanna confirmed

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She did. S1-5 was Michele Clapton, since then it's been April Ferry.

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why don't they cover winterfells walls with wildfire

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why does varys actually exist anymore

All of the Unsullied and Dothraki, Theon, Bran, Gendry.

They've made it back in the show, not the books. Cat and Robb were dumped in the Trident. Rickon is in the crypts too.

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so they can make fun of his lack of BALLS LMAO XDDDD

It's not criticisms of the show that bothers her, it's criticisms of her. She talked about it on Dr. Phil's podcast. Thousands of comments on the internet saying she's gotten fat or she's a shit actress and she takes it all to heart.

why is there like zero material of her

Arya isnt going to die. Two episodes later she will appear in Kings Landing and kill Cersei. She will be like now they can call me the Queen Slayer. All the fat women will clap

He's got

When you think about it, Starks coming back to life in the winterfell crypts isn't too far out there. It's been said by many people and somewhat apparent that the series takes some elements from LOTR. Helms deep, a Satan like antagonist, etc. Maybe they'll go along with something like the dead Starks coming to help defend winterfell.

Goddammit. Please tell me I didn't follow this nigger for 8 seasons just for a sacrifice death. If he dies, he better BTFO the night king with him.

Quads confirm. At least the battle will look good.

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And burn the castle down? What are you on?

Only Cersei has wildfire and we don' even know if she or Qyburn can make any anymore. The Alchemist Guild didn't share the secret and the lasts tocks were used to blow up the Sept.

>season 1-2 Arya

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>Cersei is supposed to be choked to death by Jamie
>Jamie says he wants to die in the hands of the woman he loves IE Brienne

How will they resolve this? Arya wears Jamies face, makes out with the queen and then cuts her head off?

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I hate all the women in this show except for Brienne..

Back when her being weird looking made her cute

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What if they come back and "Stark magic" makes them fight against the white walkers?

barys has no benis :DDD

Lmao what a fucking baby. Grow up.

I'd feel sorry for you too, if you were going through some rough shit. Just because she's rich and famous, that doesn't mean she isn't human. She's clearly someone who too care of herself. As she's always been in perfect shape in the past. This sudden change can only come from a bad place.

Reminder D&D abandoned canon SanSan just so they could see Arya naked.
We could have had the best on-screen beauty and the beast romance ever.... REAL naked Sansa tits, healing sex with a harsh man acting all gentle, and actual followthrough on a book plot.

Instead, we get
>"sTrOnG woMAn KNOWS what she WANTS and TaKes iT." Starring Arya and 3 of Robert's bastards merged into one character.

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Brienne's goofy smile with tears in her eyes was a nice moment.

Brienne is a based bitch with honour unlike the rest of these yassss slay queens
Also catelyn stark



>Still best season villain

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That explains a lot.

Oh fuck off you massive cock sucking faggot cunt
Go lick a niggers arsehole you ugly little gimpass queer

uh no. his character was completely butchered. Stannis was the better villian.

>Reminder D&D abandoned canon SanSan just so they could see Arya naked.
what has one got to do with the other? Arya didn't have sex with the Hound

I kinda can't wait for Dany to get BTFO boys. I think it's happening.


Here's another one. 1/10 ass.

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the actor for the hound is too old.

this. It was an actually touching moment.

Obviously, but i wont waste time feeling sorry for her because she got a little chubby. Are you 10?

Aghhh etc

>have we seen undead skeletons

Yes actually, but children of the forest threw fireballs at them.

they turned him into a complete cartoon

yeah wow i hadnt noticed that big of a dropoff

>they all come back to life
>everyone about to die
>arya teleports behind the night king
>"heh,,,,night night" *unsheathes valyrian dagger*
>all the undead go back to just being regular dead and the day is saved

You know he's a great villain when he kills the best character before the show even begins

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Yeah that's what I'm saying like when the ghost army comes into play in LOTR

Absolute unit.

Was kind of like when people wanted Bronn and Bad Poosy to bone, he's 34 years older than her in real life, they'd never film that

He has to die in this strange country.

You know what would have been based? Strong military man stannis destroys everyone else and subjugates the slay queen sultry whores, everything goes back into its rightful order and all is good.

They could just use a body double like they did for her other seen

>dead crawl out of their tombs
>about to rip apart the womens and childrens
>dead crawl back into their tombs


Holy shit. I forgot that she was actually hot. Remember when they actually tried to make the characters look like fantasy characters instead of modern day british people in black dresses and leather coats. Fuck beards and short hair.

Probably because jew producer cock doesn't taste that good.


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The joff was better

Roose was actually really good as well, but I think he simply looked too plain and didn't catch on with the fans. The actor did a great job, but maybe if they had someone who more resembled the pale, long hair book counterpart, maybe throw in some leeching, then he would've stuck out more. Ramsey and Roose would've been quite the iconic evil duo


The only things that have not increased or decreased in quality in this show's entire run have been the Stark soldiers and the Night's Watch.

Coincidentally, their costumes respectively consist of nothing but a brown vest and a black cloak.

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Yeah they decided to make the characters ugly

I'm an Oscar nominee you know

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what an unfortunate looking lass

Someone say cake?

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>You're too late, Batman!

>Holy shit. I forgot that she was actually hot
The keen eyed will observe she's significantly lighter in this picture, probably at least 10 lbs less, and obviously younger and less jaded by Hollywood.

Back when she could play with knives, without the audience crying about her being a female empowerment super assassin.

They had no time for a Sansa/Sandor reunion. They needed screen time in e1&2 to make sure Arya gets a dragon glass stick to go along with her needle and valyrian steel dagger.
The rape scene in S5 has made D&D terified to touch Sansa with a romance plot. She needed someone to hug so they give her the dickless squid.

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Maybe if Roose actually shown skinning someone the audience cared about he'd have been more memorable.

Did she have better tits then Margaery?

Remember makeup free Dany pre-season 1?

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I missed /got/ so much lads.

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>"You had best run back to your room, little sister. Septa Mordane will surely be lurking. The longer you hide, the sterner the penance. You'll be sewing all through winter. When the spring thaw comes, they will find your body with a needle still locked tight between your frozen fingers."


>the dickless squid

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Someone be real with me because I haven't watched s8 yet, is this a shop?


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Jesus that /pol/ conspiracy of trannys flooding Yea Forums and /his/ doesn't seem too far fetched when you read posts like this. What an absolute cuck you must be.

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>He speaks to ask you the time

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Well someone is wasting time mocking her, just because she got a little chubby. Are they 10?

She's pretty big in this season.

It's an unfortunate angle/facial expression but no, she is a lot tubbier.

>tfw only 6 more weeks of /got/
fucking hell, im going to miss you lads. you better come back here for the prequel show, even if its shit

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Every minute spent on the she-goblin and her quest for a +1 stick of undead slaying is a minute not spent on actual good shit

what the fuck happened to her?


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>Le cartoon character argument

*Rolls eyes*

HBO really missed out. In the books, he is essentially Kylo Ren. A sad 20-something-year-old rich boy with a scar and out of control emotions who is in love with Sansa. I'm pretty sure he cries more times then he says fuck.
The chicks would have gobbled him up like they do Kylo. Fuck we'd never get Jonsa if HBO just went with how he is in the books.

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stop ripping my boys d and d off

>implying there won't be threads for at least a month after

>Winterfell is lost
>Only Jon and Bran left
>Jon and Bran are flying away
>NK right behind them gaining on the undead dragon
>Dragonglass arrow through the eye he shatters
>1 in a million shot on a moving target
>It was Sigur Ros
>"And who are you...."

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Stop shilling your deviantart


Oh my god you really are a cock sucking little faggot, taking the moral highground in defense of some hideous slut that ate herself into obesity? Why should I? Why should anybody have any sympathy for this fat fucking slag? I hope she fucking rots and eats herself into the grave. Your sympathies mean nothing to this fat fucking slag so shut your trap you hideous little virgin cunt freak.

If you think it's an if, you haven't been paying attention

/got/ will never die


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>implying Dany's ambition doesn't make her the best villain.

in her personal circles they most likely tell her she's amazing and hasn't gained wieght. Then she goes online where people aren't bound by sucking her toes(except white knights) and learns some truths about herself.

Official /got/ holy trintity ...

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well of course its going to be bad, i just want to post boar pictures with you guys

I won't know what to do after this.
I was already lost after breaking bad ended and the threads died with it.

>NK shows up
>just surrounds the castle and waits

literally gg

It's real and she won't say why she got so fat.

It might be she got intentionally fat for another role, she's starring in some other stuff this year.

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He was too good for this show.

>what has one got to do with the other?
Lack of time.

Here's a good example: Tyrion, originally, was supposed to shoot Tywin after he tells Tyrion that the whore Jaime supposedly paid to marry him was actually not a whore at all, but a girl from a minor noble house who genuinely loved Tyrion. Jaime had ACTUALLY fought off a bunch of bandits, Tyrion had taken her to safety, and they had 100% orange juice fallen head over heels for each other. Because Tywin disapproved of the match, he had her raped to pieces and forced Jaime to break his heart.

They didn't film any of that because D&D said they ran out of time. Where was this time spent? Grey Worm's romance that literally nobody gives a fucking flying shit about.

There's nothing wrong with being a cuck or trans lol you're just jealous.

>the dickless squid.
i chortled

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I still have a weird fetish for Gilly

Those tits need good quality user

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Meli's milky tits conquer all

I hate how everyone is like "Arya has Needle, and a valyrian steel dagger, how many weapons does she need?!"
Did everyone forget that Needle is a teeny flimsy little stick, that will snap in two, the moment she tries to stab a wight's bone?

She needed a real weapon. And it's good she's going for a staff, since she trained with that the most.

All deepfakes

i watched this scene recently and brienne says a bunch of mumbo jumbo, but she says "renly, first of his name, rightful king..." i know shes not dumb, how on earth can she say this and still claim all that honor and what not of being a knight. she outright knows stannis would be king before renly

>how dare someone make fun of a fat person on Yea Forums
Cry more dike. People are being made fun of for being short on the actual show, which is actually out of their control.

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Remember when the Lannisters and Boltons were the bad guys and there was no magical ice zombie shit?

I think Missandei had better tits then fake Sansa.

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It would fit his character better too. But noooo,they just had to cast him as some middle aged man that's dejected with the world.

The Hound's name would be perfect for all the Hounds that eat people and Sansa being married to Ramsay.

>Ramsay's hounds
>Sansa's hound



>that /pol/ conspiracy of trannys flooding Yea Forums
Uhmm sweetie

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Yeah, you really showed him with these words on the internet. He better think twice about showing sympathy round these parts again!

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Yeah there will be random threads here and there but the jannies are fucking FAGGOTS and will ban the comfy perpetual /got/ general for good after the finale.

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she probably thought the whole rightful king thing went out the window the moment Stannis used blood magic
idk I'm trying a bit hard to make sense of it

till the better end pal

mods will ban the general again

He's just correcting the other user, who made a false statement. He didn't even understand what he was complaining about. He just wanted to complain.

How short this user? Shorter than Tyrion? Shorter than Jon?


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Take me back

You realize the Others were already the bad guys before the Boltons were even a thing?
>The Others: Season 2
>Boltons: Season 3

That movie was alright.

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spectacular tits

>Did everyone forget that Needle is a teeny flimsy little stick, that will snap in two, the moment she tries to stab a wight's bone?
Uh no, nobody forgot. In fact anyone who has been paying attention to Dabid and Weiss's magical realm of fanfiction still remembers that little stick stopping a longsword's downward momentum in a head on BLOCK (not a parry or deflection).

Why is it always anime fags that are like this

The CGI budget must be huge to be able to render all these fake titties

The one on the right was cgi

Gonna be shot in the middle of the fucking night. Not gonna be able to see shit. Have to save money for the dragons.

Nice selfie brother, you’re ugly as sin and it shows

Her Indian and bong genes activated and accelerated her decline. She hit the wall head first.

Then we'll escape to /vg/ when the video game comes out and then come back for the prequels.

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>They've made it back in the show,


Nice self-potrait

I hope she'll see this

If only I could triforce


You guys are trying too hard to sound edgy on the internet.

who dat

>banning a general
are mods fucking retards? general fags keep their shit in one thread, and that's how it should be.

Literally a brain aneurysm and multiple strokes in her early 20's

She has been using a rapier-type sword for 8 years according to the show. She used staff for a few weeks while she was blind.

sevens preserve us

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You guys realize she is coming back with army of Red Priests to save the day right? You really think the fucking hardcore thugs that inhabit Asshai who worship R'hllor, who's literally the religious antithesis of the Night King, are not going to show up to the fight with their magic that is proven to work?

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Anime turns men into weakling betas, not joking

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Yeah, you really showed him with that brainlet meme on the internet. He better think twice about being edgy on Yea Forums again!

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>Winterfell is lost
>Only Jon and Bran left
>Jon and Bran are flying away
>NK right behind them gaining on the undead dragon
>Dragonglass arrow through the eye he shatters
>1 in a million shot on a moving target
>It was Ser Illyn Payne

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Gilly's eating more than the dragons.

>episode comes out
>2 to 3 generals posted at any given time
>despite this, /got/ fags still make a dozen threads about the show

>So we got some kind of Song Of Ice And Fire going on out there huh?

DD forgot

8 years and +20lbs

I’m not trying at all you cum slurping poz sodomite this flows naturally from me and with great ease unlike your forced and half-cooked philosophical diatribes on sympathising with some hideous overweight fucking slut who we can only pray and hope eats herself six feet under

Fuck you

Oops meant to post this, not the astroturfed yang goyng

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we could go back to /trash/ again but it won't last long


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Fucking stellar comeback.
>N..No ur a dummy head!

Why be such a bitch?

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meant for

>Literally stabs the table like some edgy cunt, ready to stab her sister.
>"Yeah, Arya was so FIERCE back then. What happened, bros?"
>Throws a few spearheads to show off for the boy she likes.
>"Ugh, I'm tired of all these female empowerment messages. We get it! She's a strong wahman"

>everything that hurts my feme feelings is just le edginess


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Magical ice zombie shit is literally the first scene of the series

Kek. It shows.

wish he never killed Roose. Aside from whether it suit his personality and it was a fanservice and all that stuff, I liked them as a duo

so new
and generals that have overstayed their welcome are pure fucking cancer.

white women age like shit

>some edgy tomboy child stabbing her utensils into the table
>a MASTER ASSASSIN throwing dagger perfectly into a wooden beam

She never blocked a longsword headon with Needle.

For FSansa too

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>ur picture not me ur picture you!

Not even him, but that is pretty fuckin weak bros

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I hope the theory that the show swapped Brienne & Sandor's plot is real. Makes way more sense for him to be her sword guard and Brienne to be with the Brotherhood.
Seeing as how she's currently with Stoneheart in the books.
D&D really fucked up when they gave Sansa Pool's plot rape. I guess they were just too afraid to have a guy protect her afterward so to please the YASSS QUEENS they had a woman protect her
We gave up one of the best romances in the book for chick memes and cleganebowl. Makes sense DESU, those sell more T-shirts.

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What are the rules on being rez'd by the night king? Do you have to have a full skeleton and that's it? Zombie-bolton could make a comeback.

Why are you posting like we’re still in 2010 you spasticated boomer mongoloid?

I was talking to normie girls at work today about GOT.
>Dislike Dany
>Unironically thought Sansa was a badass and smart
>Liked Jamie
>Liked the Arya sex scene
>Thought LF had to die

you're so cool and above all of them

You really don't understand how propaganda works.

cut your cock off tranny

And then forgotten about

Nobody gives a shit you fucking mad spastic, you think either of us invested a modicum of time or energy into replying to that weak gimpass cock slurping HIV positive sodomite? Think again, no, infact, reassess your life you ugly little arse licking nigger lover

>so lazy in s6 they literally have a guy in a wool sweater knitted to look like chainmail


he mad

I bet you're jacked irl and not just some scrawny amped up retard yelling at everyone online

>not even him
Sure kid
Its obviously a girl. Unless of course it is a tranny, then you would be correct.

She absolutely does, it's why everyone makes fun of that scene. Her first exchange of blows has her stopping the blade, Brienne freezing as all of her momentum stops, and smacking it a bunch of times head on like a retard.
You know what man I'd post the scene or the play by play again but the conversation literally always dies after I do. Just watch the scene with a non biased objective viewpoint.

Choke on my cock and die you utter freak

p i r a t e j e s u s


I'm 400 lbs

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T-this is a body-double right bros?

She's playing Jake Lamotta ?

Yeah, maybe you have a point. Still, she got good in those weeks.

Don’t make me twist your head off you cock sucking freak

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That's just how it is whenever anything popular comes out. When TWD didn't suck there were dozens of threads. We had multiple Black Panther threads for months. When the furor dies down the point of the general is to contain all the autism so more discussions can be had.

No it's an extra

>Ramsay's hounds
>Sansa's hound
that is actually nice


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3 out of 5 are good though

Sansa's rape was possibly the worst misstep of the entire series, rivaled only by perhaps the Sand Sneks. Not only did it fuck shit up in the ways you mentioned, but it wasn't even effective in its own right. It was rushed, and suffered for it. She should have been a captive in Winterfell for an entire season prior, with the show leading-up to it and building tension. We knew they were going to drop the ball when they brought out "I know what you want" goth Sansa a season before, though.

I see, I always thought the portly were polite

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I'm a janitor on Yea Forums

Is that Yakub?

Mah boi will save humanity.

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New Thread:

Time stamp or gtfo you scrawny fuckling

>Its obviously a girl. Unless of course it is a tranny, then you would be correct.
Didn't even read the argument, I just saw your really lame comeback. I always assume people on Yea Forums are male.

have sex

No, D&D just jack off to Arya and are out to make the most expensive Arya focused fanfiction ever.
I read fanfiction I know it when I see it.
I have money they will kill her off but it will be a "beautiful" death like fanfic writers give their self-inserts.

>scrawny fuckling
How fat and put of shape do you have to be to be impressed by this, dike?

>About 8 years pass.
>Surprised at a character's increased skill.

Explain it to me. I'm all ears. I want to hear what halfbaked idea you've cooked up.

New Thread:

You're female and from r3ddit

no u


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I've reviewed the scene multiple times already. She never directly stops a blow. Post a screenshot, or just stop.
I'll be waiting in the next thread. I have nothing but time for shitposting tonight.


She’s not an extra... she had a name and speaking part...

Don't you remember that training montage? Even blind, she ended up one-upping the waif. She got good. Call it fanfiction if you like. But a staff is a more viable weapon for her, than her flimsy rapier.

>Arya's quest for revenge doesn't do anything for her house
She annihilated House Frey user

like two lines

New Thread:

That's like the only picture I saw where she actually cute

Ypu're too stupid to waste my time on. I would rather punish you for your ignorance and allow you to continue going through life totally unaware of the ways in which you are being manipulated

Not him but interesting how you shifted the goalposts. So now it can be indirectly, not directly?

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brienne is like the forrest gump of got

No goalpost move here. He said, and I quote
>that little stick stopping a longsword's downward momentum in a head on BLOCK (not a parry or deflection).
He's talking about a direct block. he calls it a head on block. Which means the same thing, if you know your English.

Of course Arya meets many blows indirectly. She shifts, and pushes, but she never stops a blow head on.

>teenies mit dicken Titten

Based krauts

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Melisandre will create some sort of spell to prevent people who die in the living army from becoming wights.

Screencap it.

Normie girls disliking Dany is real progress, kinda overshadows anything dumb below it.

God damn the bitch looks like sarah sanders now.

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