>isnt farting nonstop for the next 16 hours
>character drinks milk
Yikes. Must suck to be lactose intolerant.
How does it feel to not be fully human?
I only ever drink water and milk everyday. I never get any problems like what you described. I think you're either just some fat retard who blames your flatulence on milk or a fat retard with lactose intolerance and can't hold in your own farts.
I'm white American, retards.
this show made powdered milk look delicious
It's all a lie though, it's gross
>mfw a lactoselet "person" replies to me
I used to love milk then I had my gallbladder removed now it makes me shid and fard
You're a homo milk drinker that's why.
>drinking milk from a cow gives side effects
>not fully human
that would only make sense if human milk gave me negative effects
im 140 lbs
I really, really fucking hate the mutt meme
but it's yummy, frens.
Wow that must be annoying. Milk is fucking based and never affects me adversely in any way
that's because it hits close to home, sanchez
>140 lbs
>think's he's human
I don't care about the farts or if I even get diarrhea. Dairy is just worth it
I grew up only around white people and it blew my mind that non-white mongrels can't enjoy milk or ice cream
how much do you weigh then?
>Bought whole milk my whole life
>It always tastes funky like it's half spoiled even when it's just opened, might as well be spoiled a week before the expiration date cause I can't use it at that point and need to dump it
>Started buying 2%
>It tastes better and the expiration date actually means something so I can keep it until that day
I'm always doing something wrong my whole life and only finding out about it in my mid twenties.
guys my gf is always burping and farting and complaining about stomach aches and she drinks a lot of milk and eats cheese and pizza is she lactose intolerant?
>drink one glass of milk
>fart for 16 hours
the ABSOLUTE STATE of american bowels
Are you not buying cold/pasturized milk? I grew up on skim and switched to whole when I moved out and it's leagues better than skim. It does spoil usually a day or two after the date though, as opposed to skim milk which can last an extra week or two.
>that would only make sense if human milk gave me negative effects
well? Does it?
I love milk so much. Almost as much as being white.
i dont have a gf to drink milkies from haha