Listen, shes going to say the N Word!

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did he say it?

I wish all Niggers back to africa!

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You remind me of the frog

You remind me of the word


What word?

The word with the power

Word with the power

what power?

power of abloo bloo ;_;

Good Goblins and Goblettes,
I have an announcement to make!

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you made me smile today user

>tfw no labrynth 2

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the sequel comic books were very good

david is dead so there is no point anymore

I could get behind a sequel where the goblin king has died and Toby has to claim the throne. Have Tilda Swinton or some other androgynist woman as the Queen who comes back and tries to take it.

Sounds boring. I want a ss version where Connely is the goblin queen with Pierce Brosnan is her dietician.