ITT: movies only incels hate

ITT: movies only incels hate

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It's just a house party why is it this a movie.

its a relatable film for NORMAL people
its not for YOU

t. missed the era of project x imitation parties

have sex


the last american virgin

Ahh reviving old memes i see. Anyone remember when the zoomers whose balls hadn't even dropped yet were trying to argue this is how parties actually are. Good times.

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I'm incel and I loved this. It's the classic guilty pleasure movie.

You literally don't understand at all. You're a loser.

this, superbad, old school and neighbors are all top tier

Incel here, can confirm
I hate these during College

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what is hangover doing there? not even relatable to anyone, the other 2 are actually good

>go to a strangers house
>drink till you throw up
>do drugs
>listen to shitty music
>normalfags consider this "fun"

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>not even relatable to anyone


Have sex

>shit tier Vegas trip with other slobbish dudes
>incels cant relate
Dude, Vegas is literally incel central

Yeah, NEETs go on vacation ALL THE TIME with all their disposable income.

For example, a lot of programmers have jobs

I hate movies like these because I hate rich ungrateful cunts who unnecessarily destroy shit for fun.


>t. poorfag
Spoiled brats fuck shit up for fun to fill the hole they have in their souls when they realize financial success as the ultimate western ideal isn't fufilling


the cool kids like Face: A Frat Party Massacre, not thing cringefest

geuss im an incel

It is like a nostalgia movie about parties you have when your 14-15 and your friends parents are gone, sure they were not this good but it captures the emotion of it.

We had one called project destruction where some dude was moving out of a rental and wanted to destroy the place before he left. People drove hours to go and the night ended with a shotgun being fired at the house and the cops promptly came in and arrested a lot of people.

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>my gf cheated on me twice during the biggest party I went to
Honestly wish i was a 27 year old virgin (but not hugless)

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Kino soundtrack

>not having small kickbacks with your close knit group of friend, ordering a pizza and getting decently drunk or high if you want to no pressure

>does everyone remember
OP is doing it right now. Problem is, this movie tried to make a “Hangover” and “Old School” for zoomers. It of course failed though because its target audience was actually having sex or partying It worked in the other movies because they had situations you WISHED you had, but knew you shouldn’t, whereas this movie tried to glamorize the whole situation without anything redeeming about the plot or the characters. Anyone who defends his movie now is being ironic for the reason above.

You mean she had sex with two guys that night that were not you?
Did she also have sex with you that night?
Can I have her kik?

so did they showed cp on that movie? were they really 17?
also i hated those movies but i have to admit it was fun to watch and larp as the main character on them

>waited for a found footage comedy film
>finally know of this and see it
>not funny at all

I probably would have liked it when I was 16. Found footage being dominated by the horror genre is a travesty.

All the chicks have giant tits, highschoolers have mosquito bites

>highschoolers have mosquito bites
not in 2019

>highschoolers have mosquito bites
what the fuck nigger
i knew double d's in middle school

Did people really do this? The only parties I went to were in shitholes owned by weird old dudes who probably just wanted to fuck high school girls even though they were too big of losers to be able to provide alcohol.

It is fun you fucking loser. Stay assmad because no one invited your lame ass anywhere.

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This franchise

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>highschoolers have mosquito bites
Oh if only you've seen the things that I have seen...

I think red letter media posed the question "could you direct a movie sarcastically?" in reference to F7 and if you don't get why that's beautiful you're a joyless slob

I do this by myself, am I a turbonormalfag chad now?

These parties were real. They happened at the rich kids houses and happened due to absent parents who vacationed a lot, or even sometimes the parents themselves would help set it up because they knew that social connections were everything in life and wanted their kids to be successful. They were always in the suburb style mcmansions way out in the middle of nowhere.

>ITT: movies only incels hate

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I have never known an incel to like musicals. Probably because there's "too many" women or complaints that the male lead is usually a Chad or a romantic dork, something incels can't relate to.

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Im going to college is my life going to be like super bad or project x

there's a good christmas one, forgot the name tho. it's the only ff christmas comedy movie, so should be easy to find

Not an incel strictly speaking, but I am a bitter sperg that hates women. In any case, TSoM is a wonderful film and Julie Andrews is a national treasure.

Neither. Why the fuck would you waste money on college in this day and age?

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hangover is the most unfunny comedy ever

>not going with 1 or 2 close friends and getting a little messed up and talking shit about everybody there

That movies sucked and I didn’t even see it. It was trying to hard to capture the spirit of parties but missed the point

I fucking hated that movie. Couldn’t even bring my dad little 18 year old incel self to see it.

What an asshole. The one or two I went to were just kids trashing their parents’ houses while they were skiing or something

Reminder that The Hangover's director is in charge of the new Joker movie.

This movie is to superbad what gas station sushi is to restaurant sushi

What the fuck that's some next level thottery

I don't see the appeal of waking up with a massive hangover and covered in your own vomit.

Superbad was the last teen movie I liked. I remember seeing high school kids trying to make their own project x parties when I was in college and cringing on the inside.

*crack* *sip*
Now Can't Hardly Wait. THAT was a good party movie.

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it had that one good song in it

have sex

Do movie directors direct their own trailers?

/ S I P B O Y S /

I went to a project X type party when I went to college in Syracuse. It got shut down within like an hour and a helicopter shined a light on everyone and told everyone to leave. Pretty retarded since they were pretty much telling everyone to drunk drive