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And that’s that.

>Killing a great enforcer/money maker because "Muh Mafia code" nonsense

Tommy was seriously valuable.

why are goodfellas threads on Yea Forums so good

What was he about to say?

He was a psycho that killed people whenever he threw a tantrum. He needed to go.

You'll never be a made man.

Not really though. In the movie he only ever kills people he needs to kill (Or has been ordered to kill), with the exception of Batts.

that still makes you a liability within the mafia

He was too rebel and too dangerous to become a made guy, the only reason he survived so long was because of Jimmy (James, who was very valuable because of his rackets and money he brought in)

he's gone and we couldn't do nuttin about it



>t. spider

>funny how?
>lemme understand this cuz, well maybe im a little fucked up
>do i amuse you?
>How de FUCK am I funny?

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Deniro was a fucking unit.

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Who the fuck is that old man on the left?

He's a manlet, I'm 6"5' 160 pounds, I'd light this fucker up

Thats nice

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whatdaya want from me? it was a good shot. good shot

>dont paint anymore religious pictures
what he mean by this