Did Bateman imagine the watermark?

Attached: TL7iU.jpg (1600x990, 126K)

Shit card desu I'd probably flip my lid too

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Are you retarded?

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>Pierce & Pierce

That is the watermark.

>ends in 42
why imagine anything ever?

Did Bateman imagine these dubs?

Acquisitions is spelled incorrectly. Paul Allen's card sucked, but Bateman was too retarded to notice.

>10 replies
>still no dubs
Cursed thread

That’s a letterhead



Check these as well

Someone post the get where the phone number matched the post number

this lol btfo

Attached: 13B05677-85DD-4B49-A643-D6C977279F9B.jpg (459x548, 29K)

Wrong. The misspelling of acquisitions is clearly meant to weed out autistic sperg lords... no real business man at that level gives a flying fuck about spellings... heck, most of those fucks skirted by at Harvard business school with near failing grades because daddy’s pocketbook took care of it... Allen was in his element and he deserved to be there. Bateman never fit in as much as he tried...

t. Paul Allen

What even is a watermark? At this point I’m convinced it’s just a made up word that everyone pretends to understand

He always was into that whole Yale thing.

Check me

Only quads can see the watermark

This movie is hipster central.

>P aul ALLEN

Never unsee

That's because his name isn't Paul, it's pronounced "Pahoooul.

What are you gonna spin one of those dradels ya want some potatoe pancakes? Hehehuhu

yeah, well... get your fuckin shine box I guess?


What a brainlet, lol.

Just cool it with the anti semetic remarks

Did I imagine these dubs?

they all misspelt it

check these dubs



Attached: heresyourcardbro.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

Bryce will get dubs

Attached: bryce check.jpg (476x280, 26K)