Just watched it, feel free to ask questions
Just watched it, feel free to ask questions
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One boring franchise with 0 rewatchability after Endgame comes out.
Did you like infinity war?
what was it like telling your parents that you're gay?
Is it good?
Was the three hour run-time necessary or is there a lot of boring filler?
Why did you watch it one year later?
>Was the three hour run-time necessary
absolutely! but I'm not gonna lie, my hands are sore from clapping so much!
question: did you know that i LOVE emma roberts?
at the funeral, who was the boy behind scarlet witch????
>picture of Infinity War and not End Game
Quality bait, OP.
How much do you think box office numbers will dip after this, aside from maybe the new Spider-Man movie?
I don’t watch capeshit. Why do you?
who dies
how does thanos lose
how shitty is it compared to IW
Probably not as bad as we're hoping. Some movies may become Han Solo bombs but, i truly do not know. Cap Marvel made 1 billion, this will easily make 1 billion, spiderman far from home could easily make a billion if they hype it up with new trailers after endgame. Dips may hit in 2020 if they don't tease a new big baddie for a future team up movie.
Iron Man
Snapped by Iron Man.
Very long, very quippy, and equally shitty. The heroes in in a very unrewarding way. I understand the time stone exist, but the whole time-travel thing still doesn't vibe right in the cinematic universe.
how/why does iron man die
the kid from iron man 3
I’m just saying that because Captain Marvel, in my opinion, only got to it’s current numbers because it’s the last piece of the puzzle right before End Game, even if it seems like a shitty, rushed afterthought that they had to scramble to find a good fit for. I think Spider-Man will do well because it’s Spider-Man, but I don’t honestly see the general public caring about the next big bad villain after Thanos. How are they going to make a threat more interesting than wiping out half the universe, and how are they going to surpass a decade of hype on the next installment? The MCU isn’t as new and exciting as it was when Iron Man came out, and I know there are more threatening comic book villains, but keep in mind that they need to come up with something that’s not too comic book-ie, if that makes any since. It’s like how they changed Thanos’s motivation from trying to court death to some empathetic backstory about how his home planet turned to shit. I seriously doubt that they can recapture the golden cash cow that was the first 10 years of the MCU, and I think that after Spider-Man, they’re DONE.
Sorry for being late, was driving from the cinema, also shit noticed I posted infinity war pic,I watched end game obviously
Yeah, it was OK, I would say this one is on the same level
They still don't know
As I said above, I would rank it similar to infinity war, although this time the outcome is predictable. Didn't really notice the filler, if you don't count where every character for a few minutes meets someone from his past while time traveling.
No, but great taste friend
PEople who actually die are Black widow and Tony, Black Widow sacrifices herself to obtain the soul stone, Tony dies when he puts on the glove and snaps to desintegrate Thanos and his forces, as we have seen in the previous movie the snap really fucks your shit up, Tahnos and Hulk survived, well because they were Thanos and the Hulk, but Tony as a feeble human, became fried chicken
Also I'm pretty sure everyone here will be glad to hear that cap Marvel almost has no screen time
Remember the rumor they had two cuts of the movie? One with more Brie and one with less Brie
I would say she literally has maybe 5-6min of screen time in the movie
Why did they make Steve stay in the past?
Why does Tony use the gauntlet instead of Carol? I hate the feminism shit, but she could have taken the hit.
I gotta say, I think it's gonna dip hard after Black Panther 2. Especially if it's not as good as the first one.
Then again, the black community will eat the shit up regardless. These are the same people who sell out theaters playing Madea every year.
Nothing unexpected happend to make him stay if you are asking that, Cap choose to stay after bringing back all the stones, Living the good life as Tony would say Also he made fucking Falcon the new Captain, nobody gives a shit about Falcon wtf
They never planed to use the gauntlet against him, it was a split moment decision, also he made his iron suits compatible with the stones
I liked what was shown of her aside from the girls team up. She was strong and still got beat up by Thanos.
Post Credit scenes?
How long has your mother known you're a faggot?
I thought Falcon is pretty cool.
The worst final battle ever. I watched the shitty Chinese copy and omg it’s bad. I. Am. Ironman. Snap. Weak shit, thank fuck I was t hype
Who are we looking at for the sequel, as in, who's returning for the sequel?
where and how did u see it
Falcon (new cap), spiderman, antman, hulk, the guardians (thor is with them now)
I wanna know how this even links to the new Spider-Man movie
Did the full movie leak already?
Falcon? like the black dude. What happened to regular Cap and Buck?
No. No thanks. I just don't care. Fuck cape shit and fuck the retards that watch this low quality trash.
Then why respond at all? fucking retard.
thanks for the bump. Heres another just to piss you off faggot
I am an INCEL and i hate captain marvel, will i hate this movie because of her? Does she suffer in any part or get beaten?
Did purple man lose?
Iron Man snap is kino, it's just the rest of the fight barring Captain America, Thor, and Scarlet Witch that sucked.
synopsis here pastebin.com
Yea BP2 and GOTG3 are guaranteed to make 1 billion, I think the new heroes they try and introduce for the next saga could do poorly.
>Cap Marvel made 1 billion
Of disney buying their own tickets that is.
Same, I guess I'll join this thread instead of making my own if that's okay
They just laughed, like they do at everything
I thought it was more filled out than Infinity War. The bug fight started and I thought "here we go, an hour of fucking fighting" but it really only followed the characters who had objectives through the fight, instead of emphasising the actual battlefield and stuff. The split up mid-film needed the characters to get together and regroup after so it didn't feel like padding, and the split up was full of character moments so it didn't feel arbitrary.
Damn, I was trying to think wo I'd forgotten from I'M 1/2/3 that it could have been. How did I forget that little shit.
>the girls team up
Literally the most gratuitous thing I've ever seen regarding feminism and it made no sense. Why does the Wasp suddenly want to take on Thanos? Why aren't the airborne characters helping take down the flying Goliath ship things? It was just "here's your feminism bro."
I liked that Scarlett Witch pushed Thanos' shit in for a bit though
black screen and the hammer clanking from Iron Man 1 when he made his first suit
She comes off as inconsistent as fuck. One minute she's defending half the galaxy and the next she can hardly manage a skirmish and loses a 1v1
Why did you waste three hours that way when you could do literally anything else OP?
How many hours do you waste on Yea Forums every day user?
Normies love Spider-Man and it’s next after End Game. After that I predict a big decline unless Marvel pulls a miracle out of their ass.
Usually an hour a day for Yea Forums. 30 in the morning and 30 at night. It’d be more if capeshit movies hadn’t ruined Yea Forums and clogged the board to the point there aren’t storytimes anymore.
This guy is from Italy Can someone explain how and why the capeshit phenomenon has been exported so wide and far to other countries? Italy is know for its classics and renowned directors like Fellini, Antonionni, Bertolucci, and even modern one's like Sorrentino. So why consume this utter garbage?
Roberts cameo in Captain Marvel 2 as Carols fucktoy?
any mention of Dormammy
Because European normies will eat up anything Hollywood pisses out. Italian (and European cinema in general) greatly declined in the '80s. There are very few European filmmakers who actually matter nowadays.
Did the Girl Power zerg rush make your penis cry salty white tears of joy and female empowerment?
There's still plenty of European auteurs reaching critical acclaim both domestically and in the West. They're just not reaching the box-office success of films Hollywood exports. When a Hollywood superhero movie sells more tickets than domestic film, what's the real problem other than consumers themselves?
Breddy gud, will watch.
You guys realize that normal people watch movies as an excuse to spend time together with "friends" or "lovers", right?
I just read it. I'm fucking crying right now.
Post spoilers without tags?
How do you deal with look of dissapointment others give you?
Yeah, normal people don't post about it on mongolian sneed forum though.
>I liked that Scarlett Witch pushed Thanos' shit in for a bit though
This desu. She's actually more OP than Carol but everyone always forgets.
>Yea Forums
>not full of normies
>dr. strange killed tony stark
not OP but I would love if Marvel did something like Dark Avengers. That could take a couple phases to doll out
>needing reasons to watch a movie
The cost of a movie ticket does not warrant such discussion. Buying a shitty game for $60 to play it with friends, maybe.
Why didn't he use a Hulk buster suit while snapping?
Hulk Buster is inferior and not made of nano-machines
>gives the fucking black dude the shield instead of Bucky
>Strange, put on the glove
>Marvel, put on the glove
>Scarlet Witch, put on the glove
Why was Tony the only one who could do it? You have a bunch of people with actual super powers right there.
Tony was the one grappling with Thanos when he actually put on the glove. So Stark uses nanobots to steal the stones out of the glove.
Cool. I have a few questions OP.
1) How old are you?
2) How much do you make per year?
3) How much do you weigh?
Sam becomes Cap in the comics, pleb, and it's better bad ass Winter Soldier stays and lame ass Falcon goes
15.5 stone
Yeah but Marvel was flying around with it only minutes before, what made her incapable of doing it?
does thanos get kicked in the infinity stones
Marvel was supposed to deliver it to the Ant Man Party Van to send it hurtling through time. She and Thor dun goofed so Thanos got the glove. They hadn't planned to snap anyone
Quill gets kicked in the infinity stones
>Why was Tony the only one who could do it?
he wasn't, but RDJ has had enough of this shit and wants to retire
fuck you Anthony Mackie is great
Hmm, how the fuck does Marvel fuck up the alternate timeline where she puts it on instead then, Strange said one shot.
He will be collecting those fact checks till he is old and grey. Its the right move. Its only going to get worse from here.
Bucky is still there
Steve Rogers went back in time to be with Peggy after returning the infinity stones and became an old man
God this board is filled double digit IQs. That's not how bussiness work. Do you have any idea how much they would lose?
Disney is a multi-billion dollar industry unto itself. Captain Marvel was a loss leader, needed to get to that cherished 1bn mark and they wrote it off as marketing costs for EG
>That's not how bussiness work
Did you know that large studios inflate the cost so they don't have to pay as much tax on the profits?
>artificially inflating sales numbers in order to get rep as a successful product is not “how business works”
you don’t know shit about business if you think looking good is irrelevant
Saw it this morning and so many cunts clapped, I don't get it
so when old dying peggy said she had a nice life
did she know?
Why didn't Doctor Strange caught Thanos in a loop?
Why didnt Thanos notice the stones had been taken out of the glove at the end?
I just can imagine old Cap hiding in the closet when young one comes to visit.
There is zero evidence of this though.
Don't click if you don't want the movie spoiled
After the spectacular choreography fight in IW this seems like a retarded looney tunes gag
same reason why Ant Man can’t jump into Thanos’ ass and expand
god, that fucking scene felt so out of place and annoying
No its not.
Does James D'Arcy play Jarvis in this?
I think so, yeah
Aw shit yea Agent Carter rep is always cool
>That hair on captain feminist
Any webms of the fights?
Jesus christ
Captain marvel did cost them, though not directly, being the marvel movie directly leading to End Game, it should have made a lot more than 1 billion, since black panther made that with just racial hype.
Funeral scene ?
what about it
What happens during that scene?
a funeral
Ahh , thank you
She wipes the human Y chromosome from the universe and has no energy left for Thanos
It makes no fucking sense that Bucky doesn't end up becoming the new Captain America. In the comics that's his redemption arc after Steve Rogers gets assassinated. Falcon becomes the new Captain America much later on (which I didn't like, either, Falcon is a cool enough character on his own).
If I wasn't busy holding up my wife's son so he can see better I would have clapped too
Do they explain in the movie why Thanos was wrong to do what he did? Because he is one of the oldest, wisest and most powerful heroes on the universe. If they simply reverse his actions to bring back their friends, the Avengers have doomed countless billions in the universe...
>needing an in-movie explanation about why Thanos is wrong
Are the logical explanations user has given you not enough?
why did you watch it?
No. It’s a comic book movie so logic doesn’t apply. If we applied logic to the actions and motives of MCU heroes they would be totally bizarre, amoral and villainous. We have to accept that their given motives are valid in the context of their stories.
>it’s a comic book movie so logic doesn’t apply
That's not how it works, /pol/. You can infer Thanos is wrong because he wants to eradicate half of all sentient life in the universe for "reasons".
If logic doesn't apply then why do you want explanation in the first place?
The reason was that he witnessed first hand the destruction of a great civilization of super-beings. Didn’t you watch IW. Thanos explains his motive well, and in the end he sacrifices everything to save the rest of the universe from the same fate, knowing that he will be eternally cursed for it.
>when Thanos tries to headbutt SSJ Captain Marvel
Because Thanos said Titan was destroyed by reckless over-population and blind rulers who refused to see the problem before it was too late. If this actually happened in the MCU, then Thanos was right.
>he witnessed first hand the destruction of a great civilization of super-beings
And his first thought is to destroy all civilizations. Do you understand why he's in the wrong now?
Why would that make him right? Dying from blind leadership disqualifies you from the game. The universe was already balanced, user. He just didn't like the kind of balance it had, because he was a biased supremacist autist.
>muh Titan
Thanos is a caricature of historic enemies of the Jews who has perfectly valid concerns but is only able to act on them monstrously, from their perspective, because they themselves are unable to achieve the insight necessary to stop collapses like that.
who the fuck is that female iron man
Thor + Guardians will be Kino. Thats the only thing i'll bother watching in the future.
Maybe Spider-Man out of morbid curiosity, to see how they fuck up Mysterio.
lmao why is flying through ships like, "her thing"?
also Thanos looking like he's about to cry jesus
every time i come to a wedding i see all these people socializing and being happy its really fucking weird and i don't know what to do guys Yea Forums can you help?
Pepper, also called Rescue when she's wearing the suit.
No thanks. It'll take a week of thinking it over before you see the obvious flaws in the time travel aspect of it, plus how poorly they ended Thor (Cap is dumb, but he always ends up handing the mantle off to one of his sidekicks).
He just halves them. You either get 50% or 0%. The right choice is obvious. Now if Thanos was lying, or delusional about Titan and this was shown in the movie, I’d think he was truly The Mad Titan, but it seems he was right, and the Avengers couldn’t handle the shame of defeat, and set the entire universe on the path to a worse fate.
oh, what a weird thing to shove into the movie
>overpopulation bad
Am I the only one who recognizes this whole set-up as fallacious? Humans are afraid that overpopulation will become an issue, but we have not actually seen a single example of a spices dying from overpopulation. Especially not a sapient on,e because we are our only example. In fact it seems that nature compensates it with lower birth rates as living conditions improve and the arguments against overpopulation look like a camouflage to hide the actual problem which is not a lack of resources but a bad management of resources. I bet the planet itself can support 50 billion.
Well, yes, there's the simple argument that quality of life is better than quantity for humans but you try telling that to schizophrenic genetic monstrosities who only understand their own insane cancer logic.
It happened to Titan. In the MCU the humans are the ones convinced that it’s no big deal.
>It happened to Titan.
Using authorial fiat to justify further fiat isn't an argument.
>He just halves them
No matter how many times Thanos tries to rationalize his universal genocide with this meme, the average moviegoer knows this is wrong.
Looks like you just don't get it.
He gets the perfect end to his story. Tony snaps him and he sees all his friends and loved ones disintegrate before his eyes before he disintegrates, too. That's what he forced everyone else experience. The universe is more than just math, and "a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts", and "death is what gives life meaning, knowing your days and numbered", et cetera, similar famous quotes from this long-running franchise of movies.
Thanos's "fix" caused innumerable suffering in the known universe. More than the inevitable death of a few species ever could. Even he was motivated by the death of his own species yet he didn't understand that. That was his mistake.
I'm confused as to whether you were agreeing or disagreeing with me there. Talking about quality versus quantity implies you didn't get that I was saying that you can have both, and the claim that you can't is made by the people who can't fucking manage it but don't want to be put out of power.
we all watched infinity war retard
There is no level of "management" that makes that number of humans desirable, Marxist.
Captain Hagvel is such a jobber, she can't dismantle Thanos' gauntlet in an instant.
The movie was padded out the ass, wouldnt call it filler though. Mainly because of the following...
First hour: Dwelled on the losses of everyone and how post-apocalyptic life was like. Could have been condensed to 10-20 minutes easily.
Second hour: The time travel boogaloo for the stones part 2. Time travel was an already dumb gimmick to use, even the characters were joking about it and referencing a bunch of other pop culture to argue how time travel works. This was also an opportunity for Marvel to bloat up the movie with scenes from past Avengers films.
Third hour: The actual fight. If you go in expecting action and combat youll be disappointed. If you go in expecting a large scale game of football (gauntlet), youd be pleased.
In conclusion I felt like they could have done more with Thanos. He is supposed to be a galactic conqueror, but plays like a galactic greenpeace terrorist. A person who has the drive and strength to conquer galaxies does not simply retire to a garden to eat space grapes.
You don't desire humans, Hitler-kun. They desire themselves. You're not in charge what exists and what does not. Every single thing in existence will always unite against you and fuck you up when you try to do that. It is only nature. It is the in the nature of every single thing in existence to try to keep existing. You cannot ---sucessfully--- cull life. It is stronger than you'll ever be. All you can do it is always support it in it's present state, the best you can.
And management is a matter of creativity.
Quality of life and quantity of people are not opposing concepts.
They needed all the women they could get for the scene I guess
You're both idiots.
Not an argument
Does Dormammu come to quip?
So does Bucky you literal incel leftard pleb. Falcon's run bombed to utter shit and nobody wants to see him as Cap.
What I'm not getting from the discussion is what were the ramifications of not returning the stones, etc.? From what I've heard, they made it where there's some kind of retarded "no take-backs" window on creating a divergent timeline, but I don't see anyone saying why that would be bad. It sounds to me like if they kept the stones or even just destroyed them again like Thanos already had, all they'd have done is create a couple of alternate realities where the snappening would no longer be possible.
He's not gonna lead the avengers, Carol will.
There's never going to be another Avengers movie.
Anyone got a video of her scene?
That's what Tony said at the end of his first movie.
Looks like the de-aging technology works the other way around too.
Also, why did Gamora disappear at the end?
Isn't it just makeup and some special effects.
Anyway the whole thing seems overblown in terms of hype.
The plan wasn't to snap thanos dead, they didn't want anyone else to put on the glove.
Which is retarded as shit because they can clearly just snap him out of existence and if they don't he will try destroy earth and kill just as many as they saved but it's a capeshit movie. They wanted to construct a particular narrative, it's exactly why they specifically gave time and attention to making an excuse earlier in the movie about why they can't just go strangle baby Thanos. The plot and events are designed to meet with the ending.
He looks pretty good for a 120 year old man.
>Am I the only one who recognizes this whole set-up as fallacious?
Overpopulation being bad was literally a made-up scare used in real, actual life to push female empowerment. Now every western country is freaking out over record low birth rates despite barely a decade and a bit ago being concerned about overpopulation.
You can LITERALLY, UNSATIRICALLY go look up old articles and most read as such; "Overpopulation is bad. Empowered women have less children. We need to lower the birth rate, so please empower women.".
The real kicker is now that the West has a low birthrate, under population problem no-one wants to admit the simple solution. Dis-empower women. Literally undo all the empowerment bullshit and the birth rate WILL go up. Just fucking fix what you broke, you already know the two are cause and effect.
Yes it is. In that moment he literally knows that he will die to save everyone and he's consciously choosing it. He's just stands there for seconds not knowing what one-liner to end it on, like his mind is just rewinding, and he arrives at that moment, the first moment. The fact that it just a dry statement and not a quip is the best thing about it. Quipping was part of the narcissism of his character, an attempt to look cool in front of others. In his last moment, it just didn't matter anymore.
Crazy, troll, or Russian psy-op operative?
>Do they explain in the movie why Thanos was wrong to do what he did?
Because people will not be grateful for what he did and will actively try to undo what he did. They will repeat the mistakes they were set to make once he passes and is not there to stop him, because they will never accept his message. Literally learn to read the subtext.
He even fucking says HIMSELF that he did the wrong thing, thanks the Avengers for showing him that through their actions and then vows he will do the 'right' thing by creating a better universe.
Thanos did the wrong thing because with all the power in the stones, there is no need to genocide half the universe. He could have literally forced them to naturally decrease their populations over time without killing anybody, but he's a mad delusional fuckwit whose own planet was too far gone for natural birth rate decline to save and thinks that everywhere is at that level despite the very clearly wide range of technological and society development across the MCU.
tl;dr is Thanos was wrong because most all species in the universe would reject his gift or not even know WHY half their population died. His plan failed because he just left shit to sort itself out without thinking realistically of the true consequences. Before the snapping shit, every planet he 'saved' he physically intervened in. He told them why, he showed them overwhelimg force and he made damn fucking sure they got their shit together to not invoke his attention again. Those planets and civilizations likely tried to improve themselves just so he'd never fucking come back.
So now there are three timelines.
Adult timeline
Child timeline
and the one were the Avengers failed
So basically, Stark got shit done, as usual, and died for it.
Just like in every Avengers movie until now, except that this time they did kill him for real.
Bravo. No one would've seen that coming.
I really now want Thor to be in the third Guardians movie. His interactions with Quill are fucking hilarious. It's literally like Virgin vs Chad.
I want Captain Marv-El to be in the thurd Guardians movie
Was Epic Games bankrolling Endgame? Hulk dabbed on those kids and Thor was literally playing Fortenite.
They probably paid tens of millions for it.
Go away, Jew.
Really a solid chance.
Did anyone do the monkey or the flossy
So, how long did the managers and lawyers negotitations for this movie last? I imagine the jews saying that they want one of the women and minorities to deal the final blow, and Downeys agents throwing a tantrum and threatening for their client to not participate.
Just the dab.
Yes, it will be all female team
They won't have the box office to make that happen. The MCU will be over by 2021.
MCU is dead starting with this movie. In capeshit, there were always 2 people who were irreplacable and are being associated with their role so much that you have to wait 25 years to replace them. Jackman and Wolverine and Downey Jr. as Iron Man. Those are the postercharacters and actors of their respective franchises. Without them, you might not even bother.
Captain Marv-El can take over both roles without problem. She can become Wolv-Er-Ine and Iron Woman no problem.
Stop watching Marvel flicks AFTER Endgame.
Promise yourself that at least.
Just wait a few years for them to pull up with a dump truck of money at Robert Downey Jr.‘s house.
Why didn't Tony just take the stones in the first place?
Hulk said it was too dangerous.
Now it isn't?
He dies.
why did tony snap to make himself disappear instead of snapping to kill thanos and his army?
Rescue got more fight scene than Ironman. Fuck it. And somehow Tony forget that he can repair his suit with nanomachines.
It was pretty odd to stop in their big epic emotional battle scene jsut to make a joke out of domestic sexual abuse,desu
It was both
Or maybe it's just gratutious fanservice. He had no reason to say that line, it doesn't resonate.
where tf are you living ?
nu males dont dissapear with the final movie of this shitty franchise
It's good that the Guardians have someone super powerful like Thor if they plan to take on Adam Warlock
Is quicksilver back?
its prob a dogwhistle of white and jew elites to curb the population explosion that will come out of africa, asian and india
just use ctrl+s fag
I work in a cinema, and we organized a special projection just for us employees, it was fun bantering through the movie with work friends, and we could take a break to piss when we wanted.
She's not their Gamora, she doesn't know them
Nah, only the snapped people are back
>Thor was literally playing Fortenite
On PC or mobile?
Why, when Captain Marvel asked Peter Parker if she had something for him, did he not whip out his Spider-Cock?
PS4, there was the dualshock 4's light bar
I know hardly anyone who watched that movie
WHy was thanos tougher without the gauntlet? Lol.
This. It took me out of the battle, like hey time for some propaganda
Does Spidey do anything cool/relevant?
kills a bunch of mook
also used as a setpiece for feminist propaganda
It would have been fine if they didn't include the dumb fuck cgi character whooping for her. All you need is the shot of Steve watching the war ship being blown up.
Spider fag runs around for a few seconds and gets /ss/ by the yaaas queens.
>kill Natasha, a founder female member who doesn't even have a movie
>Shove shoehorned uggos and dykes on our faces
What did Disney mean by this?
>bring Gamorra back
>Doesn't bring Quickslav
Because I have sex regularly
When did watching capeshit/space opera become a synonymous of having a healthy sex life?
They didn't bring back Gamorra, she was the past version. That's why she hit Starlord, she's not in love with him (yet).
>Nobody will remember you
>Im Ironman
It was to help people remember him
And they didn't bring Quickslav back, that's my point
Have sex then youll know
those are not real people, they might look human but they're not.
>wants to be a mother but can't and sad over it
>loves an incel and understands him but he left
>is intelligent and strong
Makes me think
She has no screen time.
>save Stark and Nebula at the beginning
>reappear at the end to rekt Thanos ship
>try to stop Thanos and his gauntlet for a bit and get fucked in one punch
If I felt like Infinity War was virtually nothing but empty CGI action and quips with no emotional core or interesting cinematography, will I like this one
Probably not. It's just another big Marvel movie, to be honest.
>get fucked in one punch
Any webm of this?
Why did Thor say "I like this one"? It didn't seem to fit into any context.
Because she is like him, she said the same kind of shit about behind better than the Avengers.
Being* shitty corrector.
At least Strange is still based. Can't really say the same about Thor.
Now that
>Tony is dead
>Black Widow is dead
>Cap is an old man and no longer a superhero
>Bruce controls Hulk so no more HULK SMASH
>Thor is a fortnite player
There is no reason to keep watching MCU movies
The heroes who got us into the MCU are gone and now there aren't any fun heroes left
>There is no reason to keep watching MCU movies
Assguardians of the Galaxy will be the next capkino
Tony commited genocide
But I like Spiderman, Dr. Strange and the Guardians. More than those ones, even.
Did a great job of rescuing tony
Foreshadowed in Iron Man 3.
There were a shit load of foreshadowed fanservice shit in this one.
Womans are BASEED
Can anyone explain what happens to Cap and Thor clearly? How does he stay with Peggy? Does he stay in the past?
What does Thor do after his retirement?
There's a few circulating the board. Thanos knocks her away a few times but she always comes back. Finally he rips the power stone out of his own gauntlet and punches her away with it. Results are inconclusive becasue Tony snaps him right after that.
It was so random and shoehorned. The battle was going great, even her stupid OP entrance and then.......some random shit and the worst part is they don't take over the end of the movie they take over like 2mins and then their YAAS QUEEN scene abruptly ends with an ass whooping, back to the big boys? double wtf?
I just watched the MCU for based Paul
Thor leaves with the Guardians. So there's a chance he will be in GOTG 3.
Does the fact that Thanos wields Thor's axe for a split second mean anything? Did I see that wrong?
>Quill got mogged by Chadthor in IW
>Got mogged again by Fatthor in Endgame
Asgardian of the Galaxy Vol 3 needs to come faster.
Cap just took off the suit and stayed in the past. (But I'm not sure why that wouldn't be an alternative timeline, just like Tilda Swinton feared.)
Cap goes back in time tor return the stones, allegedly if you take the stones from a timeline, that timeline is fucked. But instead of going back to present after he tooke them back he goes to 1940s to spend his life with his waifu.
After the snapenig Thor spends his time as a NEET, and Valkyre does most of the managing of New Asgarad (New Asgard is small fishing village Thor formed on Earth where the surviving Asgardians live), so after the big battle he figures that the ruler life isn't the life for him, and tells Valkyre that she's the rightful ruler of New Asgard, while he goes on random adventures with The Guardians
So does he plan on leading a normal life without superhero shit? How does the timeline not change with him in the past?
I'm pretty sure that the Axe doesn't have the whole "Valkyre /Not Worthy" option on it and anybody can lift it.
>black screen and the hammer clanking from Iron Man 1 when he made his first suit
Only kino moment in a 22 movies saga holy shit
Thor gets to be a depressed Lebowski 5 years after they fail to undo the snap. He's fat, unkempt, and lives with his two alien friends he made during Ragnarok. Rocket goes to get him after the team decides to use time travel to fix all this shit. He crown Valkyre queen of Asgard and joins the Guardians after the end of the movie. I'm not sure what that means, considering Asgard is a pile of space debris and the asgardian people were killed by Thanos, but I guess he just gave up.
Cap returns the stones they take from each past to their respective past point as to not beak the timelines, then he decided to stay in his own the past where he marries Peggy. He shows up as an old man at the end of the movie and gives his shield to Falcon.
Wanted to say "Worthy/Not Worthy"
Did you even watch the same movie?
>Bruce, master of gamma males, snapped everyone back
>While they were still celebrating and healing, bombardment out of mid-air
>Clint was the first to find it stuck in the middle of nowhere after bombardment
>Nobody expected Thanos to come knocking after Bruce snap except audience
So pray tell how the fuck would anyone snap Thanos away, considering they saw what happened to Bruce. Tony only snapped because Thanos had gotten the gloves back and came close to snapping a few times and it was a i-die-or-everyone-dies last resort.
Maybe he secretly kept dating Agent Carter, but otherwise stayed away from... well, everything. Not sure how that would work, honestly, but that's what they implied anyway.
Why exactly didn't Tony's snap kill half of the galactic population too? And how the fuck would he control on who gets dusted?
So wait then he never would have formed the guardians.
>He shows up as an old man at the end of the movie and gives his shield to Falcon
One of the most boring shitters in the franchise. Yikes.
So his entire character arc was thrown out the window
Thor didn't, Korg was.
>Obvious sjw pandering
>Not even crowning Sif and giving shield to Bucky
Puking intensifies
"It's time for me to be what I really am, instead of what I am supposed to be"
Not word for word, but he said something like this
Sif didn't even show up in Ragnarok, she died off scene.
>Thor entire character development from Ragnarok gets ignored
Cause the snap is the MCU version of rubbing the magic lamp and telepathically telling genie what you want.
>Died off
Actually she's still alive
Thor needs to give the throne to Valkyrie so he can keep pounding that ebony ass in MIB International.
Just like in IW?
Yeah the shield thing didn't make any sense. Those two don't have much of a connection outside of working and jogging together.
In IW he cares about his people and wants vengeance, in Endgame is "lol my peoplez I'm out"
Image is clean as fuck
Link to cam with that quality?
Bucky isn't really a hero in the MCU. He only fight with them in Wakanda at the end of IW. He's a villain to most of them and if i'm correct his brainwashing problem was never fixed. He was just unfrosted for the final battle. The team would probably never accept him.
He cares so much, that he ruined his chance to kill Thanos just to gloat
Anti-hero would be a more appropriate term, but everything else is correct.
> there people in their mid-20's thinking this film is some sort of master piece of our time
Christ, might as well start to think about converting
Fornight addiction hit him hard
Why are the stones so weak in the movie? I haven't read the whole comic book, but in relevant pages Thanos was pretty much like a god.
Not to mention the entire fighting style is different. The shield would be more fit for a super serum fighter.
Neither of those contradict his character development. He cares for his people but doesn't think he's a good leader because he failed to protect them and also failed to avenge them the first ime around. He needs Stark's time travel bs to even be just part of the solution. and he gets his revenge so that's out the window. He loves his people so he trusts them to someone else he trusts and embraces being a simple warrior and not a leader.
Sounds like a reasonable direction to me.
They fucked the consistency of their time travel all to hell and back in this garbage.
Cap cucked her husband
Comic book PL don't translate well into movie. All the characters are significantly weaker than their comic book counterparts except maybe the ones with less impressive super powers.
I know the answer already since I watched it too, but why the fuck is Thanos more durable than a fucking Infinity Stone when Wanda tried to crush him? And the answer is, he lifts.
I’m never not going to be mad about how thoroughly they’ve fucked Thor and all of Asgard.
Like Bucky in the comics and he still got his shield before Sam, he's also Cap best friend
If 5 years have passed how the FUCK are Peter Parker and his friends still in high school in Far From Home?
They got snapped.
>still coping
But who the hell is Thor? This character is totally inconsistent.
His entire circle of friends? What are the fucking odds?
fuck logic
>Neither of those contradict his character development. He cares for his people but doesn't think he's a good leader because he failed to protect them and also failed to avenge them the first ime around
So either he is an absolute utter brainlet or a hypocrite. He is depressed because he couldn't protect them but also thinks they can survive without him when it has been made abundantly clear that they cannot.
Stop justifying inconsistent characterization in these movies. They did the same thing Tony stark in civil war where he was in a complete opposite stance that he held in previous movies.
>He cares for his people but doesn't think he's a good leader because he failed to protect them and also failed to avenge them the first ime around.
But why he does think like this? He's fucking Thor.
Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to give Asgard to Valkyrie.
So Peter is like 21 years old in highschool. Lol
Galactus is the only one I could see, basically save the universe instead of just the earth.
They can build a time travel machine and a Infinity Gauntlet but can't solve his brainwash problem. Sureeeee.
Anyway how do they manage to build their own gauntlet?
Movie will probably be set before IF
It's a Iron Man nano gauntlet basically
How the fuck do all the events happen but don't, your trying to tell me Captain America was running around at 70 years old doing the events of Civil War.
The movie seem to imply that everytime you alter the past, you create a "branch". And yet Captain America goes to alter the past and it is implied he lives in that timeline? Won't it be better if he lived his life and then came back an old man?
who is hearing her quip?
>Infinity Gauntlet is the most powerful artifact in the whole universe
>nanomachines can replace it
That’s literally the only way it can work out from here. Pete and his supporting-cast classmates all got snapped so they could conveniently all stay in the same class when they come back.
I'm more curious about the Cap from the past. What happened with him?
Movie Bucky doesn't want to fight or be a soldier anymore.
Apparently not a fucking thing. One of the few mortals ever heroic enough to be worthy of Mjolnir stood by for decades and never lifted a finger to right wrongs he knew were coming.
Fucking. Pathetic.
No. Cap go in the past after all those events to live another life so nothing is altered. He don't take his own place in the past.
Maybe it is the primer time travel mechanic. Peggy's husband was always going to be cap, that is why her husband isn't mentioned. Captain is caught in a time loop where he always ends up at the same bench at an old age.
Can someone explain to me what's going on with Captain Marvel getting choked out and how Thanos comes back if he's killed early on.
I'm talking about the "other Cap". There should be two of them, right? Present-time Cap that goes to the past and Past-time Cap.
Without context, this was my favorite moment in the movie.
lmao they just fucked over ironman and captain america. How are you going to shoehorn in another captain marvel movie now that you killed off one of the main characters you need for civil war 2? Can’t do secret invasion because the skrulls are now #refugeeswelcome. Missed the opportunity to do dimension z story line for captain america.
Are you going to ass pull a civil war 2 using black panther in place of tony? I know you have an inhumans movie coming out.
lmao what the fuck are you going to now Disney, you wrote yourself into a corner.
Secret Wars 1984? Hickman’s FF / Avengers/New Avengers?
Fuck the mouse. Franchise dead.
Thanos in current time dies.
Avengers go back in time to retrieve the stones.
Thanos in the past discovers the plot and follows the avengers back to the present.
Final fight happens.
>the Thanos they fight isn't the same Thanos from IW
this should have been the avengers moment, they barely fucking had one aside from the big hurrah at the beginning of the fight. wasted a solid moment to push a political agenda, makes me fkn ree man
They, predictably, want more blacks and more women to be the main characters of the franchise going forward. That black girl from wakanda or rescue will be the new “iron man”, the new captain America is now black and the new queen of Asgard is a black woman. You can tell this is where they are headed by that scene with all female characters fighting together. This is subversive eye candy delivered by Disney and clearly they are moving in the same direction as Star Wars.
That's why he has a show coming up. He's totally going to be a salary man in it
Avengers Assemble should have been a warcry and not what it was.
"Past-Time Cap" do the same thing, he choose to go to the past at the same point.
Why did you buy a car as an expat in China? Anything that pays enough for a decent one in China would also have given you a decent enough relocation package to hire a driver or do Didi business class rides to anywhere.
>Captain Marvel 2 with Shamala Khan
>Chinese martial arts movie
>Black Kangz 2
>Doctor Strange 2 with Namor
>Valkyrie solo movie
>GoTG 3 with retarded white males
>more retarded Spider-Boy, eventually will be replaced with Mile Morales
>Eternals with gay protagonist
>Black Widow solo movie
>Pozzed X-Men and F4
Half the planet will forever be technically 5 years older than they look, or have actually lived.
That's going to cause a lot of legal problems. You're going to have to have a checkbox on every single form and ID that records if you were in the Snappening or not.
Think of all the divorces happening in the next month after the movie. People who got undusted and find out their partner killed themselves.
I dont get it. Did they brought everyone thanks to magic?
>Namor on Dr Strange movie
The director tweeted about Namor and then deleted it. It was the pic of a comic-book with Dr Strange and Namor.
“Past-Time Cap”(call him Young Cap) lived his brief life, fought his war, stopped his Red Skull, and berged his ice.
Old Cap did nothing to alter this in any way. Because reasons. They fucked up the time travel really, really badly. This is alternate reality/multiverse time travel, something that should be familiar to anyone who ever read a Marvel comic, not single-thread, BTTF/Terminator time travel where paradoxes can occur. This was their own most frequently-employed convention in the comics, yet Disney still managed to fuck it up.
Makes no sense, Namor has more in common with FF, Xmen, Captain America...but Strange? That's like pairing up Spider-Man with Nightcrawler
tempted to eat an edible right before seeing it tomorrow. should i do it?
Namor and Dr Strange have been team-mates in the comics for 40 years
>I don't want to fight anymore
>6 months later
>I must fight again
Well Marvel resurrected Agent Coulson. You can expect anything from them.
>Thor is now a secondary character in GOTG
>Valkyrie is the new queen of Asgard
I just wanted a good Thor movie
From Defenders, is not a well know series of comics but they exist