I'm boycotting after this bullshit and you all should to
I'm boycotting after this bullshit and you all should to
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have height
I thought Yea Forums was into shaming inferior men?
Girls discuss every sexual thing you ever did with her with her sister/friend/mom whatever. If you’re in a relationship nothing is private. Them mocking your height in a phony conversation is the least of your worries my man.
>tfw 6' 1"
bow ya shits
The manlet rage over this scene has been great
>women bitch about men being war-loving retards
>women exhibit exact same tendency towards conflict the moment they gain power
The worst thing about GoT is that all of the thematic lessons are entirely lost on the fucking brain-dead audience.
>there are people on Yea Forums RIGHT NOW who are under 6'3"
Why? I'm not a midget
The fact that the writing is so bad these last seasons make me proud to be a manlet. If they're so creatively void and can only come up with a short joke, then we've won. Yes, scrabble your hollow brain for your shitty one liner in your terrible script. Meanwhile I'm the most talented undiscovered prose writer right now.
>Getting this asshurt because you're an insecure manlet
Never watched GoT before t. skinny manlet but still find this funny
>ITT: raging under 6 ft manlets
I know life has been hard but try not to ruin it for the rest of us men
>under 6'3
What if I am not a manlet, can I still watch it? Or are we unifying together on this? Cause I honestly don't care about manlet's rights.
she unironically defended his rapist
Easy now, lad. You're walking a fine line into lanklet country
>tfw 6’4
Literally the perfect height, anyone taller than me just looks gangly and weird and I can call everyone shorter manlets
Maybe one day your brain will get it's first fold.
I just stream it for free. It is completely legal, and easier and faster than getting an HBO account. You mad, jews?
>Raging that the main character, hero, everyman and beloved crush of many women is acknowledged as short when he is short
>Kit Harington, a real living manlet, has made a name, reputation and multiple millions from this
>Every character above 6'0 is cucked, dead, or a joke
DESU the bad things about being short are just the insecurity and being called a manlet.
Imagine caring this much about your height
It was worth the jab when she realized shes been taking her nephews dick for weeks
>Paying for this shit in any way, shape or form
Please tell me you didn't do this user
Famous and successful people tend to be short, true.
>talks shit about his height behind his back, multiple times to multiple people in multiple seasons in multiple castles
>still desperately craves his dick when no one is looking
do women really do this?
>under 6'7
>calling othets manlets
I am advocating that other people also do the same and not pay for it and find it for free online. Get an HDMI cable and waych it on your tv from your laptop.
No, nu-GoT is feminist/leftist propaganda.
This is literally the archetypical female behaviour.
This may shock you but when girls say how hot X is it's mostly a mechanism to fit in and socialise. When they really fancy someone they slag him off to no end. Although this depends on the woman and how social she is.
imagine being this insecure about your height. You must be really short. Like Tyrion tier
It is
>t. 5’9
Nigger everybody knows how to pirate the show, we've been watching it for 9 fucking years.
Imagine caring this much about your height.
A poll showed that around 30% of people on Yea Forums watching it were subscribed to HBO. This is unacceptable.
Imagine caring this much about imagining caring this much about your height.
but i'm tall
Why are Anons so obsessed with their own height?
Im all for making fun of a person's height, but leftists (who love this increasingly shitty show) shit themselves if you make fun of fatties, mentally disabled, blacks, uggos etc etc even tho it is fundamentally the same.
It is hypocritical.
Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with an arbitrary attraction category established by dumb whores?
>nigger so butthurt she can't even formulate a coherent reply
putting memes into dialog is the most cringe bullshit
Indeed. Only gays and females care about that sort kf stuff. GoT has brought many of these undesirables to our home.
That's bullshit
Identifying with the current left-right dichotomy is a sign of pure retardation bro, don't degrade yourself.
You know this from your extensive experience of having sex? DIdn't think so.
So that time a girl randomly invited me to her house party and playfully told me how much she hated me and wanted me to leave and be quiet was actually because she liked me?
This is true as fuck
I've had multiple women call me too short only to later have them asking what I'm doing later when no one else is around. They don't want other women to know they wanna fuck the short dude.
>defended his rapist
>his rapist
Obviously, but is an accurate descriptor which people will understand.
>watching vid of that live viewing at the bar with the fat chick /got/ always bitches about.
>this scene comes on
>multiple women laugh hysterically while there is ZERO laughter from the men
fucking kek do they not let anyone over 6ft in that place?
Not everything is about your height you stupid cunt. It's about the testing and trying to get emotions running.
>I've had multiple women call me too short only to later have them asking what I'm doing later
Haha ya this happens to me all the time ahaha
Its just not funny and belittles men for something very superficial.
>t. 5'9''
Imagine caring this much about your height
>all these seething manlets ITT
when will they learn
>t. Shrimpdick
She either liked you but was ashamed because you didn't have the social status that she felt was desirable or she thought you liked her and wanted to make you feel like shit to make herself feel better or she just wanted attention and thought this would be a good way to manipulate and confuse you
Its always one of those three things
how does it feel knowing that your only good trait is being higher than 6 feet?
anything under 6' is manlet
this is the first time i've been called a stupid cunt on this board
how do i report
Only 6' manlets think this. If you're under 6'8 no woman will ever want you, just give up.
This is whats wrong with the world anymore, its either one of two extremes and thats it...no one can be average height, average weight, or a political centrist...black and white thinking used to be seen as bad, now its fucking promoted
GRRM is only 5'6"
Women would rather get raped than date a manlet
>this thread
Gain height.
Ya it was definitely the first one and i fucked it up because i dont know how to deal with women or understand them. She told me on the phone when she was drjnk that she loved me fuck it who fuckin cares
>this is what giraffes actually think
>Chad dies a horrible death and manlet gets years more of tight royal aunty pussy
As a manlet (5'8"), I don't see the problem.
>tfw roastie cunts can turn this site into its opposite because everyone is really normie scum and they shouldn't really be here.
>now the manlet cutoff is like 20' xDDD
Stop coping with your deformity, subhuman.
gotta be honest i instant click in any height related thread, never fails to entertain
>t. 9'
6'2" Grand Wizard of Manlets reporting in.
It's okay to shame someone over superficial. What makes it fucked up is that men can't do anything about it. It's like shaming women for being old.
Yea Forums is lost. The mods ban people for saying nigger, redditors only brag about their ability to report you and the fact that they prefer r3ddit, there are literal feminists defending GoT, being a virgin is considered atypical and women will try to shame you for it by using a buzzword literally invented by far left twitter "journalists"
>caring this much about your height
I bet you have a small dick and a low IQ and are physically weak
It would be better to shame someone for being weak, or fat but that would be too logical for the jewish feminist writers for nu-GoT
Have sex
Lmao dude
you missed the worst part of all..
this is 4channel. It's all intentional and will never end. The trend will keep getting worse.
There are also discords full of leftists (many of whom are trannies) who shill on here to turn it into an sjw safespace
They are literally janitors. Daily discord activity is a prerequisite for jannie jobs.
>was he into doing the trap sexy talk stuff
>oh ya hes pinkpilled def
These are the people telling you to have sex on Yea Forums.
Disgusting. Trannies can't take care of themselves, how are they expected to take care of this board? No wonder its gone to shit
>t. dilating
I watch online. They dont get my money
Why doesn't cultural marxism extend it's hand to manlets or ugly people? Atleast in first world countries, height and facial structure are more important than race when it comes to oppression, so if they really cared about equity wouldn't they be pushing for ugly or short people's rights rather than minority rights? Kinda weird.
5'4 reporting in.
sub brown subhuman?
I'm from a third world country so this tranny degenerate shit is pretty foreign to me. Are these faggots really that widespread in real life, or do they only plague the internet?
I was also wondering this. They defend morbidly obese bitches all day but not legitimately ugly people
That picture's kind of hilarious taken out of context
Im Jewish
what the fuck is wrong with this guy
I'm 178cm short and live in The Netherlands. If I don't care about my mini status this land of giants neither should you care about yours.
Just accept you are a lesser creature.
I can't wait for the day when simps who swipe on tinder and get no matches have to go to a genetic verification center to get everything listed on their profile so they have pay $30 a month to match with the single mother hiding 2/3rds of her face.
On precisely which episode did GoT get pozzed? I'm thinking S05E02
Its hilarious in context too. Trudeau is a fucking wheelchair retard. Or he isnt, and he pretends to be for some feelgood lefttist reason.
Thank god at 5'11 and 3/4ths I'm not a manlet
Unironically I hate being 5'11. Such a mediocre height.
I live near a large Western city and go to a big name Western school. It isnt that many at all, but you see them occasionally and its fucking disgusting. I imagine outside the city it is even less common as well. Normalizing mental illness is bad, these people should go into proper therapy, not be coddled and be told to cut off their dicks and take hormones. The suicide rate is like 33% among trannies after they "transition". Fucking revolting and messed up.
What is she referring to? I skip every scene where it's just two women talking.
>the /pol/ conspiracies were accurate once again
Fucking christ boys
why do you think Drogo made so many pussies wet worldwide? A friend of mine took a plane just to see him at comicon or whatever it was
Its not that bad, its tall enough that none of the drawbacks of being tall really effects you. Good for lifting too.
>typical Yea Forums poster
>6 episode final season
>3 episodes of filler
>last episode will probably be a prologue
just how much of the budget did they spend on the final 2 episodes?
Anybody else always lol at the manlets who come out in every height thread with there “I’m only 5’x but I get laid TONS” cope? Every time
>h-haha ya you get more pussy than me but im TALLER
I'm 6 foot 2 and get nothing. Good on them I guess.
I thought it was pretty great. I love picking on manlets, too. Her face in that photo on the other hand, not so great at all.
mad at sex, incel?
who is more insecure Yea Forums? manlets or tallers?
+1 good insult. got any more?
>trying to start a boycott in the final season
It gets released on putlocker like a few hours after it airs on tv. Tho considering the board, it makes sense so many people actually pay, since it seems people post on here about the latest scene in the new episode whilst its airing
>A TV show, which has shown murder, rape, incest, and frequently made jokes about dwarves and castration made another joke about the height of one of the main characters
>This is somehow leftist hypocrisy
I think you need to step back from politics a bit user, its clearly colouring your perception of things. Also, considering this of all things is what caused you to sperg out it would make sense for people to assume you're a manlet
>height and facial structure are more important than race when it comes to oppression
Are you an idiot or still in school?
Manlets, obviously. They made a whole thread to whine about a little joke
Im a manlet and I dont get laid at all ever
Nobody who actually has sex feels the need to brag about it on a Siberian endangered moss growing forum
as a 5'10let its all good man
non-sex havers
>mfw 6’ manlet
life is pain
You're a fucking retard. You can stream it live, or see it before its put up on HBO. Typical tech-illiterate millenial.
>muh oppression
You're a literal sjw, that's why everything you said was so fucking stupid.
>leftists shit themselves over black/fat/jew jokes
>are totally OK with height jokes
Ya, theyre hypocrites. You're a fuckin moron btw
So it literally doesn't matter he raped her since he is taller, right?
What's wrong with foids
We basically had free time in my psychology course and everyone at my table started talking about /GoT/. Me and the girl who sits next to me started looking up everyone's height. We were shocked that Tyrion was actually 4'6", Jon snow is literally BARELY more than a foot taller than Tyrion. Come on, that is something you can joke about. It's not like Kit Harrington won't get more pussy in 1 month than most of you will get in a lifetime. Even when he is 80 years old, hot 18 year olds will fuck him just to say they fucked Jon Snow. This was harmless.
pssh, nuthin personel kid but I'm 6'2".
Why does it feel guys care more about each others' height than women ever do? I'm sure they don't sit around going "look at how attractive that guy's face is, but fuck, he's only 5'11"."
when did Khaleesi get so based?
>tfw 6'8
>All the manlets seething in this thread
When will they learn?
The only person whining about oppression itt are manlets who think their height getting made fun of is worse than racism. Only a schoolboy or an idiot would believe in such foolishness so earnestly that they'd share the thought with thinking human beings and expect to be taken seriously.
>Us manlets being short is the real oppression!!! Why aren't the SJWs helping our cause!?!
This is what you look like
Leftists being hypocritical?
What a shocking development.
>muh racism
>muh manlets
Kill yourself sjw. Making fun of someone over being short is the same as making fun of someone over being darker. It's not their fault they were born as a less desirable human. God you are fucking dumb. I can't wait for you to try making the muh historical context argument so you can be humiliated even further, all while trying to sound educated by replacing simple words with more complex ones. Racism in 2019 in the West also isn't an issue. Making fun of a man's height on mainstream TV is totally accepted. I guarantee your IQ is below average.
/pol/ is always right.
My GF said she doesn’t tell anyone which is a shame because I have a massige dong.
>tfw 1'8"
you're the worst kind of tall fag
angry manlet cope
Everyone itt needs to realise that their insecurity is a far bigger barrier to getting laid than their height.
>writers throw in a little cheap joke about one of their main character's heights
>manlets think this is worse than racism and they're oppressed now
>pointing out that this is stupid makes me into an SJW
You know you could probably have sex with more women if you weren't so insecure about your height
This show is dumb and this thread is dumb
>writers throw in a little cheap joke about one of their main character's skin color
You know this would be national news right tranny?
Idk what everyones so mad about
She playfully teased him. She’s literally gagging on his dick, if she cared about his height she wouldnt be with him
Also Emilia clearly is into him IRL, she never kissed Jason Momoa in an interview
Lots of people are trash and will insult people behind their backs, this isn't unique to women.
Someone whiter
I don't know what's worse. You being so fucking insecure or your apparently paying for HBO.
>cultural marxism
What else do you call marxism but infused into social interactions rather than political? Oppressor>oppressed, white>black, male>female, straight>gay. It's the same exact thought process as marxism except in social terms, hence "cultural marxism." Now fuck back off to chapotraphouse because you are either overweight, a tranny, have below 110 iq or all 3.
Jordan, you have been BTFOd publicly. No such thing exists. Foucault, Bourdieu and Derridas were not Marxist. In fact they opposed Marxism every day.
Antonio Gramsci
He still doesn't fit the description given by And today more people on the right read Gramsci than on the left, certainly more than on the Marxist left.
160cm manlet here, (that's 5'2 for you barbarians). It's fun to see fellow manlet gets BTFO.
>the ABSOLUTE manlet cope ITT
>arguing semantics
Who the fuck cares how they call themselves as long as its the same train of thought?
this. I'm so fucking tired of it. I cannot stand it anymore. I'm so tired of being constantly shamed and picked on because I'm 5'5. I don't deserve to be treated like this, I can't control it, yet hambeasts worldwide get to be told "YOU GO GIRL!" or "BODY POSITIVE!" or "NICE CURVES!" for being a fat fucking piece of shit that can't stop shoving endless amounts of sugar down their gullet. Women and now sometimes men that have zero excuses, only their shitty behavior get praised with "body positivity," yet every time I get a match on tinder the first question they ask is my height, and if you call them out on their bs they laugh at you and call you short. This is such fucking bullshit. Why are women allowed to do this to us? Yet me, just because I have genetics that made me short, get constantly put down like I'm some sort of worthless piece of trash. FUCK THIS. Can't even escape my height in a fucking television show that I watch to escape from this. There's literally NOTHING wrong with being short you fucking heightist fucks. We can't control it. We need to rise up against tall normies for this shit.
Fuck you, FUCK YOU! I'm not manlet, I'm a fucking man. Stop picking on us.
manlets rise up haha
>>arguing semantics
When discussing strictly defined ideologies and their related terms? You bet.
is this pic real? omg
>tfw the same height as Kit Harrington
t. lanklet
>lol short men
It's worse than that. They'll randomly tell friends/random people shit that you text them. I don't understand how they think it's okay. There's some weird shit going on there.
How do we purge them, brother.
Agreed, manlets shouldn't be put down, they should be picked up lmao
Even a broke clock is right twice a day
f.. fuk u
Its kinda ironic how triggered people who constantly label people expressing liberal or egalitarian ideas as nazis get when you associate them with the wrong sect of marxist bullshitters.
Being tall or short doesn’t reflect on you. It’s a natural physical characteristic that you can do nothing about. Caring about it even one iota more than “oh I wish I could reach above the cabinets but whatever” or “I wish I didn’t have to duck under doorframes but it’s cool” is the mark of a totally bankrupt personality. There are always women shorter than you that you can hook up with if that’s what you’re worried about. Tall guys have an edge, but if you focus on it you’re just handicapping yourself further. Focus on all the things you can change and have the humility to accept what you can’t change and move on.
Taking pride in your height is just as shitty as being ashamed that you’re short. You didn’t work hard to become tall. Here is the list of things it is totally pathetic to take an outsized amount of pride in:
Social class if you were born into it
Dick size
The movies and tv shows you like
Here are the things you should take more pride in:
Athletic skill
Appearance and style
Ephemeral knowledge
Career achievement
Family or significant other
Other skills and abilities
lmao fucking triggered all the manlets. desu anyone under 6 feet should off themselves
But actually it shows the greatest man in westeros is a manlet and no one likes dany now
that face
>>tfw 6' 1"
>bow ya shits
Hahah he thinks he is tall hahahah
fuck women and niggers
>she never kissed Jason Momoa in an interview
Because Chad Momoa is busy fucking bitches 999999 times hotter than Emilia on a regular basis so she had to settle for manlet Snow
everyone knows lanklets are the ones who make these kind of threads.
>your greatest ally, who turned coat on his own family and country is a dwarf
>mock short men
>"y-your only redeeming trait is that you're tall"
seething manlets are the best
The writing really has been awful. And I'm 5'7 so there's no manlet bias. A perfectly adequate height. Everyone says so.
Cringe manlet cope. I would look down on you like I look at my shit in the toilet.
when will you learn?