On the front page of reddit right now

>I booked endgame tickets for all my friends the second they came online. I asked wether they want to go or not a month before the release, then I constantly asked them once every 2-3 days. The day before tickets went on sale I told them "tomorrow I will buy tickets. everyone who is interested in going hit me up so I can book them for you". Everyone said yes book one for me. While the payment window was still open and I had 60 seconds to pay , I asked them if they were sure. If they would be coming and everyone said yes. Then 4 days after I booked the tickets everyone made one or the other excuse why they won't be going. Then I found out they were all making fun of me behind my back for being excited for a "kids' movie". Please don't do this shit to your friends. Don't be a douchebag. I'm not rich or anything so It's a financial burden on me to have 5 extra tickets and no one paying for them but me. Its also a really sad thing to do. It was the first time I made plans with my friends in a very long time and this will be the last time aswell.

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Other urls found in this thread:


You should probably go back


I don't care! Kys!

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Go back

Seriously, what the fuck has happened to modern men? I wouldn't even date most of them with what's become of today's wimpy basedboys.

>on the front page of reddit right now

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they started to live in a society

his friends sound pretty fucking based

Why do people try to hang out with their friends by watching movies in movie theaters? You can't even talk to your friends in a theater

he got dabbed on

>then I constantly asked them once every 2-3 days
I'd ditch the childish retard too

This is a Disney ploy to pretend they're not buying tickets like they did for the prior movie


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Don't you realize what happened here? Some kid wised up to Reddit and made a fake sob story, knowing onions redditors will donate to his paypal to reimburse the ticket costs. He probably made over a hundred bucks.

>they say no
>he asks again the next day
>same answer
>begs them to go the next day
>they jokingly say yes
>retard takes it seriously and buys 5 tickets
>absolutely seething when they say they don't want to go

>falling for reddit bait
Fuck zoomers

damn, that's actually sad

Was it on the front page or not?

that's nothing new

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>Then 4 days after I booked the tickets everyone made one or the other excuse why they won't be going. Then I found out they were all making fun of me behind my back for being excited for a "kids' movie"
based friends dropping this loser from their group

Why is there reddit coming out of your post Seymour?

Honestly feel bad for this dude. Middle finger to all the /pol/rats who laughed at him.

what's really pathetic is that people are intentionally making themselves look pathetic online for free sympathy attention

There’s also a funny thread about some lame insect fake prank with a spoiler to Endgame where quite a lot of people are sperging out.

Those mean bullies at /pol/ go too far this time, big guy?

I like hanging out with them by watching movies because we can discuss about what we liked later

Amazing thread

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his friends are right it's a stupid fuckin movie who wants to go there with a bunch of brats crowding up everything anyways? insanity.

>its because theyre whimpy
>not because i only like 8/10+ guys i swear!

Why are Yea Forums posters so ashamed?

If you like Avengers you are not attractive or smart.
>4/10 giving it a 4/4

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Imagine being so autistic you can't tell your friends hate you. Hahaha

Its a fucking childrens movie, if you are an adult man go yourself.

>what the fuck has happened to modern men?
Modern women is what happened to modern men.

>it’s a financial burden
This is definitely a fake post, no one loves their corporate overlords this much do they?

>You can't even talk to your friends in a theater
You can if you're black.

Bretty much

>I asked wether they want to go or not a month before the release
> then I constantly asked them once every 2-3 days
>The day before tickets went on sale I told them...
>While the payment window was still open and I had 60 seconds to pay , I asked them if they were sure

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People should create accounts and send DMs to those faggots with all the spoilers of the newest capeship.

based reddit!

>browsing reddit

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Almost certainly bullshit made up for internet points.

What said. The real men went where the real women went. I always get a fucking hoot out of women wanting don draper with 2019 sensibilities while they are a 2019 yas qween and anime-loving-faggots wanting a 1950s housewife when they are a 2019 kikkomanboy.

This is everyone's grave, they dug it.

If true friends are based, it's most likely not true though.

This. How is this not the default response anytime a r*ddit thread pops up? Is Yea Forums just a r*ddit colony now?

It's just for laughs, mate. Just like we post retarded opinion pieces or Twitter posts for the (you)s

>sell tickets online for a tidy profit
>now know the people you considered friends were lying to your face and can shit on their front steps at your leisure

Sounds like a win-win to me.

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>Financial burden
>60 bucks


You are actually subscribed to a subreddit I’d bet my life on it.

They went too far with saying it's a financial burden, otherwise it would have been more believable.


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I did the same thing but I'm not some dumbass and I just refund the tickets I don't end up using. At my theater they'll give me a full refund unless I'm refunding all of the tickets.

I like having a DD so I can get fucked up before and during the movie and it's also fun to hang out and talk after the movie is over.


top tier bait

I'm literally from there.

It can't be real, why would you pay the tickets for them! Worst cuck ever.

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Probably the same mod that posted the sticky here.

The finishing move would be to tell the aspie they still went to see the movie, but without him.

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Wow, the daughter sounds like a huge slut. Who has sex with their boyfriend while their family is in the house? That's just rude.

JOKES on you faggots, he got 3 thousand upvotes and is now going with some local children

>EDIT- I got so many positive replies that I'm feeling really good and I will be going to endgame the first day it releases with some kids from around my neighborhood. I didn't think this post will get so many responses. Thanks everyone for saying kind words:). I hope you all enjoy your viewing with friends and family or alone. Whichever you like. We're in the endgame now


Look at you. You've got no respect.

>he got 3 thousand upvotes
What's the monetary value of those?

anyone got spoilers? i dont care about capeshit
willing to send it to everyone in that thread

1 weird trick to abduct kids with no suspicion.

Yea Forums certainly is. As that famous cap states, they come to Yea Forums to shitpost and say nigger without consequence, but they use reddit to actually discuss Television & Film.

Yeah, it's a reddit colony. The worst thing is they're genuinely hostile to """oldfags""" (meaning anyone from before 2016). They will spam your thread to the bump limit with incoherent screeching if you call them out on their newness. It's like naming the Jew, it's the one insult they cannot handle. They must be hideously insecure about it. Odds are, if you see someone accuse somebody else of being a redditor nowadays, there's a good 80% chance they're a newfag redditor projecting to make them feel like they fit in. They will call you a redditor for not liking reddit memes, unironically. Probably the best example would be that awful "boomer" reddit meme that was literally spammed here for months, with probably dozens if not hundreds of threads deleted for spam, before the newfags decided it was the new EPIC XD Yea Forums meme. This image is like their kryptonite, and they WILL have a full on spergout if you post it in their epic boomer xD meme thread. This is the state of 2019 Yea Forums.

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am I to understand from those icons at the top that around 35 people left some sort of monetary tip for this work of shitposting?

Leaks 1/2

- Early in the opening, the remaining Avengers track down Thanos on New Titan, which looks to have been renamed. He's already destroyed the stones and is living alone, having completed his task. He's about to monologue, and Thor cuts off his head... all before the opening title. The remaining Avengers feel they have lost, and then there is a time jump.

- Rocket and Hulk go to bring Thor back from New Asgard... and he's let himself go. He's chubby.

- Specific scenes from many of the previous Marvel movies are revisited via time travel through the Quantum Realm ? which has already been figured out by savvy fans. The idea of course is to get the stones before Thanos can collect them. The interaction between our current surviving characters and scenes from past movies is a lot of fun. Think Back to the Future 2. It's a great way to honor the legacy, and I think people will really enjoy that part of it.

- Thor does not die, but he does offer Valkyrie the role as the leader of New Asgard.

- Banner does get stuck as Hulk, but he's now "smart Hulk" and can talk perfectly, like Banner but in Hulk's voice.

- Black Widow and Hawkeye go to retrieve the soul stone. One of them doesn't return. You do the math... It’s Black Widow

yes, they increase in value from left to right

Tony Stark and Black Widow die

Plz post screen caps I’ve been dying to see people’s reactions to spoilers

if youre on Yea Forums theres a good 80% chance that youre looking at a redditard post

Leaks 2/2

- Tony gets the Gauntlet in the final battle and snaps Thanos and his army from existence. But he's been badly injured in the fight, and dies in Pepper's arms, surrounded by the remaining Avengers.

The snapped return before the climax. It's a "false win" and everyone must fight together again when Thanos from the past returns. There is a permanent death before the final battle, and another as a result of the final battle (Stark)

The timeline is reset before the climax. Our heroes return ? except for Gamora ? and average people don't remember anything. But with the reset timeline, that also means Thanos is alive again. A bad version of Nebula realizes what's going on during the time travel portion, and she helps Thanos get to Earth. There's also an evil version of Gamora, who fights Quill. The final battle is as massive as you'd expect, with all our heroes fighting and getting their moments. The effects of the final battle are permanent, however.

They visit Morag for the Power Stone, but it's under water. Asgard for the Reality Stone, right before the attack in Thor: The Dark World. Thor talks to Frigga. Avengers Tower, at the end of the first Avengers after Loki has been captured, for the Mind Stone / Space Stone. Vormir, where another Avenger must be sacrificed to get the Soul Stone. Kamar Taj for the Time Stone (Ancient One cameo). That's the info I have. Watches are probably to synchronize their time travel etc.

for the love of god i hope none of you faggots are dumb enough to send this one

I'd stop reading after "- Early in the opening, the remaining Avengers track down" if I was afraid of being spoiled

way too long they'll stop reading part way through the sentence as soon as they realise its spoilers
need more like this are they true though?

what content bothers them the most

Yep it’s the two biggest spoilers there’s cam footage out there

ill make a thread at some point if i get a bunch of responses

does the user receive those tips or is it just some token for display only?

Best are ones that don't start with Avengers

"Hey man I read your post and just wanted to say my best friend died recently, and I mean Tony Stark actually dies in the Avengers"

Well I didn't say to send it like that, just make the major spoilers succinct.

I don't know

If a former-redditor can pass the Yea Forums turing test, so that nobody can tell he used to browse reddit, then who cares. I have always hated reddit, but I won't hold a grudge if you browsed it for a few months before deciding it wasn't for you. It's the shitskins who come here with the expressed intent of carrying their reddit culture with them who are scum. Literally why would you come to Yea Forums if all you want to do is act like you do on reddit?

>wife is amassive plebbitor
>keeps sharing retarded posts like this with me all day
>try to not say anything, because she gets furious if I as much as insinuate that it's all lies and bullshit for attention
>gets amd at me for not talking to her
Fuck reddit. What an absolute pointless shithole of a circlejerk abyss.

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>shoe-horning politics into an unrelated thread
You trumpfags are the worst. Literally the only thing you can ever talk about is identity politics bullshit. Everyone is tired of your shit.

Who the fuck cares about what's on the front page of reddit?

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stop being a fucking pussy and stand up to your wife you beta faggot

Your wife is cheating on you. Her relationship started online.

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Did you even read the post he replied to?

She just gets angry and hurt when I tell her it's just idiots larping and attention-whoring. Some of the shit she shows me doesn't even seem the slightest bit believable. Rebbitors are fucking terrible at baiting - but somehow they get a million "upboats XD" anyway.
No point in having the same quarrel a million times.

Yeah, no. She's a loser NEET like me. We hardly ever lose sight of each other for more than a couple of minutes at a time.

because youre a weak pussy
every woman in the world will just adopt your opinions if youre in a relationship and you state them confidently enough

>We hardly ever lose sight of each other for more than a couple of minutes at a time.

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Assuming this is true, guaranteed he was never really good friends with these people to begin with. Just some spastic that can't take the hint that no one likes him and his retarded taste in movies.
He is a redditor afterall, I know from experience they're the hardest people to get along with.

I miss when we made fun of James instead of that other fag


Can we go back to talking about retarded reddit is?
I already know and accept how retarded you Yea Forumsats are.

how are you and your wife both neets kek

Eternal students, living on student bux.
She's done studying now, but struggles with finding a decent job.

i can feel the soi rolling off this post
why are you so scared to stand up for yourself fag
cant stand up to your wife cant tell people to fuck off without weak passive aggressiveness

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Seems like it is a kid's movie after all!


>going on fucking Yea Forums and not expecting spoilers
i dont know what to even say m8

lol, how about you beat him or put him in kyokushin/boxing at an early age rather than wasting money on a therapist

sent it out to at least 100 maybe 2-300
now we wait

How about you don't marry someone, who you can't tolerate conversation with dumbass


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>Make a Reddit account
>Ruin the movie for redditors and the attention whore roastie in pic related who I know read this comment, as an attention junkie

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>Then I found out they were all making fun of me behind my back for being excited for a "kids' movie
Based ALPHA males

You mean so he could have beaten the boyfriend and his dad?

this is quite sad really

fuck off discordtranny

>Who has sex with their boyfriend while their family is in the house?
I never thought of this before.
Kinda makes me cringe.

>yeah book me a ticket
>psych! Lmao

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This is the god complex of the average roastie. They think the best compliment you can receive is fitting the criteria for a shitty relationship with them.

>I constantly bugged my friends
found the problem

>what happened to modern men?
They are moder men. Old style men are engaged with old style women.

>he refused to engage with the therapist, calling him a "sand nigger" and "pajeet" and "terrorist"
redditors are so easy to bait

>five extra tickets
>financial burden

has it occurred to this guy he probably should be saving money if his financial situation is that tight?

That was unironically mean of them :(


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Me and my ex used to fuck in the house when her family was home. Where else were we supposed to do it? We werent loud though at least.

Serves him right for paying for others. Especially 'friends' and not real friends who would pony up their share in advance. Typical incel

It's called sharing an experience

>act like a controlling jerk and bother your friends every day for a whole month
>wonder why they ditched you


You just knew the sister's boyfriend was going to be black, it's great.

First person to notice

I could blow $1000 and not notice. I do it all the time desu

>Yea Forums Turing test
Yep, you have to go back

>I just come here to shitpost

OP what other high quality content is on the front page of reddit right now?