Now that the dust has settled can we admit it wasn't all that bad?

Now that the dust has settled can we admit it wasn't all that bad?

Attached: AVGN_Movie_.png (700x325, 266K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I've seen worse shit

No. This movie is the embodiment of tryhard plebbitor-esque nerd culture. In the eyes of this board's vocal majority at least, it should be all that bad.

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is that trayvon martin?

Mike should've been a supporting character 2bh

Space Cop is worse

hes was too busy making go go gadget minecraft and Elmo in Grouchland reviews

Mike was never part of the actual show, he just played some characters, but there's no "Mike" to speak of in the AVGN canon

The 3 horsemen of the apocalypse

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i didnt like it
i still bought an autographed poster of the movie to support him because i genuinely enjoy avgn and board james

This is true. Mike wasnt really a thing before this was being made. Mike started doing videos on cinemassacre as himself/Motherfucker Mike BECAUSE james was off filming this movie and the channel needed content.

However, mike probably would have been great as a character in the movie. His texas chainsaw massacre imitation is fantastic


What's with these dorks always having a token black kid? And it's always the most limpwristed, cringey, uninteresting kind that's basically just there to have almost zero presence next to "the cool white geeks".

Now that I think about it, it's always a leading white nerd, le gamer girl and boring nog.

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going to let you in on a little something user, you might not know this from your dank basement, but black people do exist in the real world, and interact with other people like normal people. real life isnt like what you read on Yea Forums

>someone who doug has to pay to be around is his bestie4life xD

>But now fuck that. It's the 10-year anniversary of the year 2000.

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Nice try, James. No it really was that fucking bad. Seriously, not kidding, one of the WORST movies I have ever seen.
>$350,000 to 500,000 for this pile of TRASH

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I know he wasn't really a fixture at this time, but it felt somewhat wasteful making him just a cameo.

wtf where's the spoony movie

He was in the video games.

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Kickassia is classic. Best movie there by far, and they didn't spend anything on it.

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The game jew has a different channel now where he talks about BLUMPF all day.

hee hee hee

Yeah but even AVGN said who the fuck is Mike in the episode where he was reviewing them

Jesus Christ.



Ahh yes, the one everyone picked because it let your vids go on for an extra five minutes.

Where's The Cinema Snob Movie & Farewell Famikamen? At least Space Cop is the best of the three.

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Honestly the TGWTG trilogy should be all three. Especially since they get worse and worse.

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Space Cop was at least 100 times better

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Will we get kino like Kickassia ever again?

Doubt it.

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Imagine the smell.

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I'd really rather not...

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Gogo gadget... Brown

no it was fucking bad. its like he goes out of his way to make his special effects appear more "retro" or old-school. also ET at the end was shit.

The decline of AVGN started once Deadly Towers came out. There were a few good episodes after that, but Deadly Towers is the turning point.

Only one there that's both well-adjusted and popular is Benzaie, who's really popular with French YouTube and gets thousands of views per vid.

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I don't get the same level of cringe from Space Cop as I do from the others. Maybe because they weren't playing their youtube characters in the movie.

It's weird how he was actually a better actor in the early vids, as well. His reactions and dialogue are much more natural.

Tru dat

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Hey guys! Gamester81 here!

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Is there anything more cringy then marketing your name that contains a number (likely year of birth) at the end?

Hey guys, you can get your OFFICIAL Gamelover68 merch right on my website.!

Post more, need to fap

What's even more pathetic, he made a Colecovision video game, and called it Gamester 81, the game. It's about him and they just ripped off 3 levels from other games.

Remember Happy Console Gamer's movie?

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>monkey cheese

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He was young and sprightly. He just got out of college where he did a bunch of student films.

I loaded that page so many times when I was 15. Good times.

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>Kung Fu Bandito
You don't think...

Imagine the smell.

I do

Remember when Douge got super pissed off that Spoony ripped his Bison cape?

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Kickassia was enjoyable just by watching the autism put into it plus the homevideo feel of it. AVGN and Space Cop were plain unfunny and boring.

Why not add Ashens movie and make it 4 horsemen?


It was complete garbage and a piece of shit stuck to my anus hair but it was better than Space Cop

Ashens. Stuart Ashens. Eccentric British guy who reviews all sorts of stuff on his shitty brown couch and has been doing it for like a decade or something.

He reviews a lot of old handheld gaming systems, computer systems, game related merchandise, and shit like that. Usually absurdly cheap and of low quality.

He made a movie called Ashens Quest For The Game Child, where his character tries to find a legendarily bad Game Boy ripoff.

It gets better reviews than the AVGN Movie, Kickassia, and Space Cop.

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>had the balls to say fuck you I'm not reviewing ghost busters and didn't back down when the media hate machine targeted him.
>Ruined his lifes work because he didn't have the balls to say no to forced diversity characters.

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>released January 1st at 00:01

That was his SJW wife's decision. She felt like it was his duty as a successful white man to have a black main character and to do the whole racemixing thing.

Not even joking. His wife is trash.

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I often think a lot of pic related's decisions came from his insane SJW wife

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Space cop is the shit and anybody who dislikes should fucking die

This. Behead those who insult Rich Evans.

Space cop was an even bigger disappointment than avgn I expected more from those guys

has this ever been confirmed?
I think she was actually just unconfortable with her husband kissing a younger hotter actress and made him rework it so the black friend got the girl at the last minute.
Then again his wife has the tattoos of a white girl that fucks black guys so you might be right.

Dude.. it was SUPPOSED to be bad and unfunny.
You're not in on the hilarious joke by the epic RLM bros

What do you mean has this ever been confirmed. The blog post is still up to this day on cinemassacre dot com

It was worse than Kickassia

>destroy any chance your husband had at a directing career because you're a retarded sjw bitch
>now you'll never be married to a comfortably wealthy director
She didn't think that one through

How did this washed up relic from 2010 with no real filmmaking background and a bunch of untalented coattail riders and a miniscule budget make a genuinely better movie than one made by a bunch of self professed film buffs with backgrounds in film editing and film school at the peak of their popularity receiving over 30k in patreon bucks monthly?

Hot take: if the Minecraft video were released in this time period people would be nostalgic for it, and think it was hilarious. It is just as retarded and cringy as Shit Pickle, and any other "guest" James would have on(his shit clone, the glitch genie) but people who watched grew out of that shit by 2011 or 2012 so it's considered a cringe video.

its big bird being there that really lets you know it was mike

>Farewell Famikamen
Absolute kino.

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He should have wrote it with James like they did the series..

Ah look! The Bandito on their channel even back then! Seems like Mike has been there since day one eh?!