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97% of reviewers think it's better than 5/10 amazing wow incredible

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It's all so tiresome.

Attached: Dejected cat in a truck feels quite sombre at present.webm (720x404, 692K)

>DCucks seething
Stay mad with your Shazam flop.

Attached: dcucksJL.jpg (573x566, 90K)

>denounce capeshit
>"you watch capeshit"
The absolute state of capeshit.

Attached: No, I'm really not who you think I am.png (428x488, 338K)

Have you considered not watching movies you don't want to watch.

Didn't Shazam make 3x it's budget? That's pretty good for a character that's been constantly castrated by the company that owns him.

Take a shot for every time the reviewer has glasses and a beard.

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Yeah, pretty glowing.
I'm genuinely and unironically looking forward to watching it.

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>It's a flop
You MCUcks kept screaming that was the case with Spiderverse too

You were wrong then and you're wrong now

A pretty encouraging sight

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>time travel autism
good luck, remember to turn your brain off brah

Attached: confusing 8 outta 10.png (1080x463, 108K)

i bet you have glasses and a beard you soibitch

So are they done making this capeshit trash for at least a little while? Or does it really never end

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the presss screenings are not a good indicators bunch they load the theatre with hype men which makes the move funner to watch. Like watching with screaming pajeets

Now up to 98% and certified fresh

Attached: Endgame.jpg (753x361, 90K)

simply ebin :DDD



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Capeshit hasn't been good since the '90s nigger

This shit reminds me of the ridiculous reception Deathly Hallows Part 2 got





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If they've already churned out 22 films what's stopping them from sharting 44?

fpbp, 6/10 should not be considered fresh at all.

>critics review score is a fair representation of the average viewers score

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Of course they needed 50 heroes to get that score

I'm not sure why you're contesting that - they aren't saying that the movie's good, but that the movie is well-liked. And like, it's pretty believable that lots of people would like it, even if you think that would be dumb.

>"have you considered not watching movies you don't want to watch"
>meanwhile, the rest of the nation is steadily being corrupted by judaic fairy-tales
>capeshit continues to obliterate the imagination of the young viewer, and replace it with the judaic vision of utopia
It's all so tiresome.

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Oh right, people that like movies that you don't like are being brainwashed by the secret global evil Jewish mega-conspiracy, nevermind.
I guess we really all need to like all of the same movies that you.

Yea Forums btfo

Attached: Star-Wars-Last-Jedi-Low-Audience-Score-Rotten.jpg (1032x543, 113K)

That defeats the entire purpose of reviewing a film then. You aren't rating it based on whether other people like it or not, you rate it based on your own view on the film.

RARRRRRRGH!!! Don't you EVER use sarcasm in your reply to me, EVER AGAIN!!!!!!

Attached: One angry frog.jpg (750x546, 32K)

The most shocking thing about Avengers: Endgame is that there are several moments within this colossal movie that feel like a Marvel miracle. These are the pockets of time when what you watch on screen sends a shock of joy jumping through your skin, making your eyes go wide and watery at the spectacle. Endgame is a celebration of, and goodbye to, the superheroes that many of us have grown a decade older with. It’s an earnest reminder of these heroes’ ability to reflect our own feelings about what they stand for and the emotions we share with them.

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Yeah,not a shill at all

No, what I meant was, I don't see why these people would refuse to believe that the movie is well liked.
Like, the anons saw that it got big popularity numbers, and are suspicious that the *actual* popularity would be lower than that. Which, presumably, they think because they think the movie is bad (or, the concept of the movie is bad, since they probably didn't see it), and conflate people liking it with it being good.

It is very possible that lots of other people will like things that you don't like.
Or, to translate that into something a 4channer would understand, it's very possible that lots of other people will like Bad Things, even though they're Obviously Bad.

Fat Thor

Fat Thor

Please tell me this is real. I know DCucks are pathetic, but this would be a new low.

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why is she so fat in this pic?

But I like both? I'm extremely happy.

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Ummm no sweetie... She is getting stronger. even stronger than you incel.

>movie gets good reviews
>its actually awful
why do critics do it???

no but seriously her face looks so much fatter than normal. did she have a root canal during shooting??? I hope she's okay.

Because some people like things that you don't like.

A. Critics are much more critical than the average viewer, a 6/10 from a critic is a solid score
B. The movie has an average rating of above 8.0/10.0 which is very rare for a franchise film
C. It has a 78 on metacritic, which tends to be even more critical RT and has higher standards for reviewers - the average score of the 2019 best picture nominees was also a 78 exactly

Can't stop you from being retarded and claiming the reviews were paid off like TLJ though, so you're free to switch to that argument

how does that explain critics behavior though?

TLJ still doesn't make sense ...its poorly made from an objective standpoint. MCU movies tend to mediocre but at least competent

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not perfect

gives it a 10/10

she is CGI

>reading comprehension

It's well liked by people who want to like it, anyone else who has reason to not like it sees it as a lesser film than Infinity Wars.

The salt comes from the fact that because of the way that RT is, it's treating 6/10 reviews like 10/10 reviews, creating a false positive score. It currently has a better critic score than IW, though I'll give critics time to get in their ratings in if they need time to write better critiques. This is day 1 after all.

It's not comprehension ESL, it's grammatically fucked because it was shortened incorrectly.

What they're saying is
"If this isn't perfect, I don't know what is!"
Which means they're saying it's either perfect, or as close to perfect as they can imagine.

>watching Shazam
>part when Sivana enters the foster home
>zoom in on his face as he calls it a shithole
not even/pol/ but that shit felt like some kinda Donald Trump thing and it took me out the movie

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Three billion?
I. Am. Inevitable.

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>confirmed kino by popular opinion
You doublenigger

*block ur path*

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>being this pre-emptively mad and moving this amount of goalposts

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Why is it always the same thread and the same stupid wording whenever one of these movies comes out? No one is that invested.

Nobody actually thought it'd get a rotten rating did they? These movies have been protected from actual criticism for years. It wasn't gonna change for the last lap for an era.

There is no indication that people are converting to Judaism in any meaningful number.

James Cameron finna commit sudoku after Endgame becomes the highest grossing movie of ALL TIME

The Secret Evil Global Jewish Conspiracy is more complicated and unexplainable and impervious to any form of rebuttal than that, you see.
Their real plan is to make things generally bad by brainwashing people into liking movies that user doesn't like. And that's bad, because the movies user likes are just better than the movies user doesn't like, and people liking what he doesn't like is a bad evil thing that hurts you.