WTF How was he alive back then?

WTF How was he alive back then?

Attached: the-photograph-at-the-end-of-stanley-kubricks-the-shining-explained-by-screenwriter-social.jpg (1500x844, 154K)

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Time travel. Duh

Formerly Chuck's

Satanic power can enable time travel. Notice the pose he's striking.

What the Bible doesn't tell you is that Satan's power is greater than even his father's.

Kubrick used his Yea Forums computer to send Jack back


What the Bible also doesn't tell you is that Satan is a misunderstood hero and that God and his retinue of heaven are the real diabolical, infernal tyrants.

It took Jack 3 months on a typewriter to photoshop himself in

A nigger?

Attached: kinoplex cinema.webm (1280x718, 2.94M)

I was 14 at the time of watching this and just thought he was a ghost or some shit

time travel

I think the implication is that the hotel is a living entity and him appearing in that photo is a metaphor for the fact that it now owns him

I actually never really understood this.

So Jack's soul is trapped in the Overlook Hotel forever? I guess it could be worse. His cunt wife and autistic kid could have been trapped with him. At least they have nigger cooks there.

his spirit is trapped in the hotel with the rest of the guests now. jesus you people are thick

Attached: IMG_6455.png (480x318, 342K)


Attached: Shining-End-Photo.jpg (4080x2400, 1.15M)



god's honestly just fucking with wojak satan

Attached: 1551774108420.jpg (623x702, 217K)

is Satan even actually in the text of the bible

Yes. Any mention of the Jews confirms that.

Satan is a pretty swell guy

>9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

>Synagogue of Satan
Found my new band

Movie magic! ;^)

What is he holding ?

these dubs

He's been absorbed into the hotel and is now one of the ghosts that will torment future occupants


It’s a cinematographic juxtaposition double entendre. Most plebs are going to think it’s just spooky or his soul is trapped in the hotel or something, which is correct. But Kubricks making a larger point here, the whole film centers around the white mans burden dialogue, espically this part. In an interview about The Shining Kubrick admits that he believes that ghosts and the ‘occult’ are indisputably true phenomona that just cannot be proven true or greater researched because of the limitations of science

These caps make me scared to look closer in the image, like there’s a screamer buried deep within it



I almost spat out my drink.

Holy shit how did people not understand this. He was possessed by the guy in that photo by the start of the movie, so that's how we saw him, he didn't actually look like that, but didn't find out until the end of the movie.