What the fuck is up with this guy's nose?

What the fuck is up with this guy's nose?

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Mafiosos are typically of Sicilian descent and we'll leave it at that.

I know but come on.

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Just the curse of being Italian, we either get big noses or in my case big lips. You know we are just north of africa right? They used to rape the shit out of us.

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In the show he is from Naples. Mike is actually from Lazio tho

He's the only one that can smoke a cigarette in the rain. The nose acts as a natural canopy.

It's a Roman nose which is common trait to all med peoples

It's called the Aquiline nose also known as the Roman nose. Most pure blood Italians have it.

>used to
Have you been watching the news buddy


explaining the joke doesn't make it funnier

They call me all kinds of things.
They call me argon.
They call me darkchild.
They call me nightmasta.
They call me the silver bullet.
They call me peabody.
They call me peanut arbuckle.
They call me doorway.
They call me pink dress.
They call me sweezy.
They call me go-go nuts.
They call me pineapple man.

You know Quasimodo predicted all of this

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You wanna talk like a fucking mulignan, I'll send you to slip and fall school.

He’s Italian, that’s a typical nose for them.

>his oh face

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Too bad it wasn't big enough to save him

Why are italians so ugly

>tfw Italian but everyone thinks you're jewish

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Happens alot

Happens a lot with italians, like Chelsea Peret- oh wait

based not getting the joke cause you're a newfag running to wikipedia niggers

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It's a natural canopy.

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jews have a more pronounced nose bridge

He's the only motherfucker who can smoke a cigarette in the rain with his hands tied behind his back.