Could she defeat Thanos?
Could she defeat Thanos?
I mean she defeated a Sith who had been trained for years since he was a fucking child with no formal training whatsoever so at this point she could fucking defeat anything.
I stopped watching after The Force Awakens, but has Rey displayed any amazing combat ability against other force users? She beat Kylo Ren, but only after he took a bullet to the stomach and nearly got killed by the insanely offensive racist caricature of a black guy.
He was shot in the gut though and clearly badly hurt. If you let me fight Connor McGregor on the condition that I get to take a rifle and fire one straight through his abdomen first, then wait 10 minutes while he bled out and fought someone else, and he's in so much pain he could barely walk properly, then I could fight him, I think I'd probably win.
Yes, real question is, can she beat captain marvel, disney's new feminist icon?
It's amazing how many people don't acknowledge this. People on this site are ridiculous with their misrepresentation of anything they argue
She could stand there with a fluoride stare while Thanos is massively weakened by the plot, and then charge in and defeat him. Classic Mary Sue style.
you people do realize that sith gain power from that shit right? pain and anger make them stronger
muh headcanon
Kylo was nearly dying, re watch the fukcing scene
The REAL question: Mary Rey Sue versus Captain Toe Fungus
1. He's not a Sith
2. They still need organs and blood to use the dark side powers
3. He's not even a full on darksider, and his love of his father probably weakened it even more in that moment
Do you even watch the movies
>He was shot in the gut though and clearly badly hurt
Not at all, he was playing with his lightsaber ll the time teasing finn and rey until they hd to remember us he was injured by making hm beat his wound? Even then it didn't look like anything that was serious. It doesn't explain why Rey is an expert lightsaber fighter and why he lost considering he's Luke and Snoke's apprentice! My guess is that making Rey win was a last minute decision and they made quick reshots and added the wound rertoactively to justify his defeat. The idea was culminating with a yass queen moement. This is what happens when a bunch of middle aged feminists are in charge f a story
>Oh my God... She's more powerful than Thor, Thanos with all the infinity gems, Doctor Strange, Shaggy Blanco, Hulk, Silver Surfer, Obi-Wan, Darth Vader, Palpatine, Yoda, Darth Plagueis, Revan, Ulic Qel-Droma, Exar Kun, Nomi Sunrider, Starkiller, Mace Windu, Qui-Gon Jinn, Darth Maul, Savage Opress, Darth Nihilus, Darth Tyranus, Darth Caedus, Darth Insanius, Darth Icky, B.J. Dart, Doctrine Dark, Darth Sneed, Lord Vitiate, Cheradenine Zakalwe, Rehgar Earthfury, Count Dooku, Kyp Durron, Rajah Ubooki, Totooria Helmold, Ax Battler, Tyris Flare, Gilius Thunderhead, Kyle Katarn, Kanan Jarrus, Lord Chuck, Caleb Dume, Asagi Asagiri, Jorus C'baoth, Joruus C'baoth, Cade Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Luuke Skywalker, Luuuke Skywalker, Luke Starkiller, Sky Williams, my ex-girlfriend Callista Ming, my ex-wife Mara Jade Skywalker, my new wife Daisy Ridley, Corran Horn, Festus Haggen, YorHa Unit No. 2 Type B, Prince Isolder, Highlord Alarak, Waru, Kettch, Trioculus, Triclops, Kadann, Thok, KkH'Oar'Rrhr, Rey, Seyg-El, Jek Tono Porkins, Voort "Piggy" saBinring, and Dessel who is also known as Darth Bane, Captain Marvel (DC), Captain Marvel (Marvel), Marv (human), Marv (skeleton), Iron Man, Thanos without all the infinity gems, Loki, Dormammu, Odin, The Hulk, Jessica Jones, Hawkeye, Surtur, Black Panther, Groot, Killgrave, Quicksiler, Valkyrie, Yondu, Abomination, War Machine, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Ghost, Nebula Spider-Man, Ebony Maw, Ego, Hela, Black Widow, The Chitauri, Heimdal, Ronan the Accuser, Killmonger, Corvius Glave, Drax, Iron Monger, Whiplash, Gamora, Ulyses Klaue, Iron Fist, Malekith, Proxima Midnight, Ant-Man, The Punisher, Red Skull, Aldrich Killian, The Ancient One, Daredevil, Captain America, Fenrir, Kaecilius, Ghost Rider, The Mandarin, Falcon, Cull Obsidian, Starlord, Pepper Potts, Vulture, Wasp, The Winter Soldier, Wong, Uchiha Madara, Ultron, The Destroyer, Black Widow, Karl Mordo, Warriors Three, Luke Cage, Yellowjacket, and Chuck all put together...
She'll need a partner
Kylo is 100% not a sith. Hes the absolute opposite.
You do realize that JJ confirmed that Rey was losing that fight until she got her MaREY Sue "powerup" right?
So your arguments are null and void. The only reason Rey won that fight was because of deus ex machina, not because Kylo was injured because he was shitting on her before that and had her backed against a ledge.
lol wut
You mean until she tapped into the Dark Side and was actually going to kill him until the planet broke up and stopped her?
Hes firmly on the light side that is why he gets nothing from doing evil deeds. Its impossible for him to ever go fully dark side.
Daisy Ridley shot down the idea of Rey tapping into the Dark Side in an interview. You're fucking delusional if you think Rey being "Dark Side" is actually going to be acknowledged anywhere in canon.
Reyshitters who try to pretend she is a deep character are hilarious.
>until she tapped into the Dark side
First of all, no that's your headcanon.
Second of all, how is that any better? It's still a bullshit powerup and has NOTHING to do with your bullshit "b-b-but he was injured and emotional!" arguments that you will still continue to throw around after this.
she literally heard palpatine telling her to kill him in her head
its in the CANON novels you retarded rlmfaggots
She overpowered Luke
the dark side feeds on pain. it literally make sith stronger. thats why he started punching his own wound when he found finn and rey. but hey, you tried mouseshills
An interviewer LITERALLY asked her about that moment where she hears a voice in her head and she completely shot it down saying "I have not heard that at all" and was like "no, just no" and was baffled that it was even a thing and seemed completely taken aback at the idea that Rey would even be suggested to be Dark.
Your dogshit waifu is boring and one-note and will continue to be so in EP IX.
>He's not a Sith
sith is a title
>They still need organs and blood to use the dark side powers
something something unnatural abilities and pic related
>He's not even a full on darksider
irrelevant. all pain and all emotion including love can be used to fuel the dark side whether youre a novice or a master