Into the Spider-verse

Is it the best CGI movie since Toy Story?

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She have sex with African males

Miles is mixed race. Go back to /pol/.


live action Spider-Gwen should appear in the next Tom Holland Spider-man movie.

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Iron man dies

They look like they fuck black guys

Oh much better than


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based gwen

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>tfw the low frame rate animation makes me nauseous

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I'm the exact same racial mix as Miles and I just self-inserted as him in this movie (and in the PS4 game) because all I ever wanted in my nerdy HS years was to be the next spider-man taught by peter parker and to have a cute athletic white gf. I know it's all just some jew conspiracy or whatever, but I thought it was cool to see my childhood fantasies in a movie.

*0.01 shekels have been added to your account*

How did Gwen even become a love interest for Miles? Wasn’t she Peter’s?



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This is a porn image, deleted it or you'll be deleted.

Stop posting this trash as an excuse for a blacked thread. Talk Yea Forums or piss off

the bots are getting advanced, poor Tai, what have they done to you...

No, it's shit. And you're a pleb if you think otherwise.

White girls are so fucking perfect

>Expecting consistency in a multiuniverse Spiderman

Depends one which spiderman you're referencing. There are literally over 100 universes given how many adaptations and reboots of a really old character.

She's not even white.


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Look here nigger, THIS is a porn image. That spider-gwen pic is tame.

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Overrated a bit. The story was kinda bad

10/10 visuals tough

So it is true, non-whites are so culturally-stunted they can only identify with people exactly like them.

All this time I just thought liberals were racist.

wait the textbook aryan girl ends up with the mixed-black kid?
when does this stuff stop

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I wish the jews paid me for every post I made on Yea Forums whining about my racial background, I'd be rucking rich by now

No, she's just his friend.


for now


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>So it is true, non-whites are so culturally-stunted they can only identify with people exactly like them.
Well not "only" identify, this is just a weird case in superhero fiction where a character's backstory lines up really closely with mine so it's particularly easy to identify with him. I can identify with other superheroes. Peter Parker is my favorite superhero of all time and he's 100% European. I'm only saying on a personal level I thought it was sort of cool that "Spider-Man's sidekick/successor" was a character who was also a black latino from NY.

Why are lesser races so obsessed with white women?

I always wondered is she getting BLACKED or MILED?

Honestly because they're worth it and they're angelic

I´m only cared about peny and noir

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What do you make think that I didn't before I came here?

>normal universe Gwen dies
>Ultimate universe Peter dies so Miles becomes Spiderman
>Another universe's Gwen becomes spider woman and has her peter die
>Miles and Spider-Gwen meet during Spiderverse and like each other
that's how it is in the comics. The gwen that likes miles is a different and younger gwen then the one that Peter knows

>So it is true, non-whites are so culturally-stunted they can only identify with people exactly like them.
i'm 100% white and i can only identify with white and asian characters

Smoking causes cancer

i don't know if you've met a white woman, especially past 30

>How did Gwen even become a love interest for Miles?

Pure coincidence of course.

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Bitch please, asians (especially trad Japs) are angelic as fuck. I want a Marie Kondo in my life.

So does living in a polluted city, living in a sunny city, eating excess amounts of red meat, eating processed foods, eating foods with nitrites, eating too much acidic food, it goes on and on

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Asians girls age much better than white girls. It's not even fair.

>Other combos
>Mera and Aquaman (2018)

What the fuck does that mean? Is one of them a jew or Jehovah's witness? What the fuck are they implying?

What is this type of character design called?

need me a white bitch


She just likes to hang out with him from time to time.

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Jason Momoa is a Pacific Islander you fucking smoothbrain

Well if we're going by that bullshit, we might as well add Lois Lane and Kal-El, the dude's a Kryptonian.

>Why are lesser races so obsessed with white women?
Look at literally every relevant actress or supermodel on the planet

I'm not a whinging poltard who screeches anytime a women or black does anything but I'll admit a part of me is kinda mad that the best looking animated film in so long is based on the fucking nig ripoff Spiderman.

>tfw latino people make up 25% of the US population but every fucking movie is about white women (20%), white men (15%) or blacks (13%)

It just makes no sense. Also the whites are nearly always jews and they're like 1% of the population.

white women and white men both make up about 30% each

Its a choice that was made in an era when the EIC in Marvel admitted that many decision made at the company were made to piss off as many fans as possible in order to peak interest and nab click bait articles.

How do you feel that your self insert requires peter to die to happen?

Honestly I haven't met that many. Quite a few at work but not personally.
I mostly hang with white girls my age (college)

i like her but

>>tfw the low frame rate animation makes me nauseous
wait i thought i just had a bad rip, was the theatrical release supposed to be like this?

>So it is true, non-whites are so culturally-stunted they can only identify with people exactly like them.
that's literally the complaint coming from white dudes tho

How long do I have to wait for Gwen posting?

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I hate superhero films, unless they're a hero that's hardly been touched before. How accessible is this Spider-Man?

Latinos and Asians are viewed as being okay to stereotype because they generally bitch a lot less.

tfw no punky white blonde gf

what's your definition of accessible

not too long

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We knew a day ago, be quicker next time.

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I need bigger Gwens user. I need my dose.

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never before has an image posted here perfectly encapsulated my inner soul

this one really just does it for me

no problem

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If you watch the behind the scenes with the animators, it was done on purpose. Miles had missing frames from his movements that improved over time as he got better at using his powers.
It's a super stylish movie

Now we're talking.

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They're beautiful. And now that I've said that, some roastie/bugman is going to start whining

But what?

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The only good thing about this movie was chris pine.