The Avengers are now part of Hollywood history

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hopefully MCU is history now too, with avengers done and shit z-tier characters pushed, there's no reson to beat this horse anymore

Why is Brie not on this? Holy sexism

someone NEEDS to shop childrens hands on rdj's triangle

You see the bottom picture of the OP? When you see the full version it's Brie bent over revealing her spread asshole, the part you're seeing in the OP is the asshole.

haha look at rdj's baby hands

the fuck is going on with mark's thumbs?

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Why don't they get one? BvS is one of the biggest movies of all time

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They don't have mousebucks.
Also the movie was shit.

>BvS is one of the biggest movies of all time
By that logic so is Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland

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>zero cultural impact
literally avatar tier

The fuckin ego of this guy

>zero cultural impact
The MCU is bigger than Star Wars

Seriously, it managed to be bigger than STAR WARS

It's a branding thing

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>xxScarlett Johanson
is this her gamer tag?

what is this? surely you can't fit that many hands onto a hollywood square? are they all midgets?

>this is what 39 year-old boomers actually believe

Marvel's getting a special super square.

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>hollywood history matters to anyone who isnt gay or a gay jew

wtf, Brie's asshole looks like THAT?!

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>literally avatar tier
Cry fucking more, fag.

Renner's signature is kino

>t. every DChad thread

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why did you shoop the photo OP?

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>Chris Hemsworth can't even spell his own fucking name

Kiss kiss