What went wrong?

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He was right. Hollywood is a creative and financial wasteland outside of capeshit.

Spielberg is the most overrated director of all time

Creative bankruptcy

Just like Yea Forums

trying to cover for his friend kathleens kennedys failure


they have been saying that since TV appeared in the 1950s. People will always want to get out of the house , especially young people who need dark places to fondle each other.

And yet he doesn’t think films released exclusively on streaming services like Netflix deserve to win academy awards. Spielberg is terrified of the new generation taking over his little ivory tower, especially when he hasn’t released anything worth a damn in about the last decade.

I think they meant ppl would get tired of these soulless blockbusters. But it didn't happen, it's the opposite


Capeshit and Oscar Bait

Hackelberg couldnt conceive of success without all the shilling his 80s movies got.

i go to the movies for the experience (i don't go when its crowded). i also went to blockbuster for the experience, so who knows.

I havent seen a movie in a theater in 10 years

I don't believe it has anything to do with the movie industry itself. Capeshit fad? 100 years ago it was Universal monsters, it'll bring in some money, advance technology and look silly in 20 years, but then they'll get remakes in 50 years with new technology.

It has everything to do with the times as starting with 00s it has become increasingly easier to get movies and watch them home at your own pace and people simply have more options to choose from. Introverts aren't forced to leave their houses anymore and extroverts can watch some shitty youtube video instead if they need a background noise, or just watch Netflix and fuck in parents' room while they are gone.

Movies will eventually go down the TV route and debut in streaming services, and I mean big movies.

Probably the last good year in movies. 2014 and 2015 were good too, but there's no doubt 2016-now has been awful.

Also niggers will always use it as a place to congregate, drink, talk and vandalize

Thinking about Disney streaming service. Pretty sure their plan is getting rid of theaters and sell their shit directly to the consumer's TV or iPhone, they don't care as long as you pay. They're already bullying theaters to force them give away % of the gross. Disney is a fucking media cancer, it destroys everything it touches

Hollywood or the movie industry in general is transitioning right now. There will be people that get left behind, some will fight it and bash it others will embrace this change. We are moving forward, but Hollywood is standing still. Hollywood is no longer progressive, but regressive. They are in denial. The power hold they have is slipping and has been for years. They refuse to move forward and cling the old ways. This is just another part of that transition.

Say the word : Jews.

>US movie industries total revenue has increased by more than 300% since 2001 (adjusted for inflation)
>Oy vey, the impending implosion might bring our revenues down to 2010-levels
>It's like another Shoah

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seething incel marveldrones

and yet every Marvel capeturd. Even something as utterly shit as Captain Vagina Fungi breaks one billion regularly.

do all these movie suck shitdick? yeah!
but hollytrash is making more bank than ever before.

For Fay Wray & King Kong? They got caught in a celluloid jam!

That's the problem with these people, they never get enough. Having their fair share is not enough, they want to take everything and let everyone else on the roadside. They make all their dirty tactics legal by bribing politiicans. Just look at that bitch Trump who allowed Disney to buy his buddy's FOX company.

Spielberg rapes kids according to whistleblower isaac kappy.

Movie theatres won't be replaced completely until we get a better experience in VR.

Brainlet here but what is implosion?

he's a pedo jew but I echo his concerns for the industry. capeshit is a plague.

Imagine being such a brainlet that you can't even google.

It isn't a prediction, it has been a reality for sometime.

he's not a based pedo, just a faggot pederast

what blockbusters? We dont have blockbusters anymore... Only capeshit trash. Compare it to Lord of the Ring trilogy, Gladiator, Braveheart or some older epics like Lawrence of Arabia, Ben Hur, Apocalypse Now etc... Literally every high budget film is right now capeshit trash.

It's mostly because entertainment is changing and the movie industry can't compete with social media, youtube, video games, etc. Another problem is all the nepotism in Hollywood. A lot of famous actors and people who work in the movie industry are from wealthy families, and when you rely on spoiled kids who have had their hands held and doors opened for them all their life, it's a recipe for disaster.

despite years of holding on to power as hard as they can the elite of Hollywood are not in full control anymore. When something "you own/started" is being infiltrated you burn it down and start again.

hollywood cant even do a WW2 movie anymore without adding a bunch of niggers or zombies or other crazy bullshit

>Another problem is all the nepotism in Hollywood

>cant compete with
>social media
movies and social media dont compete

competes with TV, not film

>video games
are in an even worse place than film right now

This is nobodies' fault by the film industry itself. Even Netflix is nothing new as people have had video rentals for decades if they wanted to watch films at their own pace/own time. If they came out with more quality releases more people would go to the cinema, but as it turns out they blow their entire yearly budget on capeshit or Star Wars which means instead of getting a bunch of releases of varying quality we get like four releases that are all mediocre and soulless.

I'll only go to the cinema for must-see movies these days. Back in the day going to the movies was a real treat. The difference between a theater experience and VHS on a 21" 480i TV was huge. Now, the difference is fractional. With home cinema being as god tier as it is today, it's preferable to simply wait a few months and buy a Blu Ray I can watch in the comfort of my own home with the luxury of being able to pause it, eat my own food, or not having to hold in a piss for fear of missing an important scene.

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>go to see latest mission impossible
>man in front of me takes a phonecall during the final scene

Im glad cinemas are dying.

>movies and social media dont compete

Yes they do
actually movies compete with social media. Social media isnt worried about movies at all.

>the two most responsible for infantalizing cinema
>oh now movies are so dumb hollywood is going to die
yeah good job hacks you're the ones who fucking killed it


>only good movie last year was on netflix
yeah it already happened

Dunkirk was like 2 years ago

I dont get senile fuck. HE was the one who said the future of cinema was the TV screen rather than the big screen.

Now hes reeeing about it all coming to fruition.


>movies and social media dont compete
But definately influence trends and culture. Both of which Hollywood cant seem to either keep up with or try changing the culture (which they cant do).

>competes with TV, not film
Started putting out movies last year.

>are in an even worse place than film right now
No not really. Right now you can get a game for practically any genre your interested in.

>Even Netflix is nothing new as people have had video rentals for decades
Retarded statement. Netflix has fucking movies taking academy awards that only release on Netflix.

I agree with your last statement though 100%

It’s not enough to have a great original movie anymore. It has to hit a magic number in profits, and it has to leave itself open for sequels. And in the age of social media, you can’t get away with a teaser and a trailer, oh no... the entire fucking experience has to be documented and reported to the masses, because the lives of actors and filmmakers are so fucking fascinating. Then once the film has been released, all the “important cultural and social statements” have to be examined by bloggers and forced down your throat.

Movies are no longer about art, telling an interesting story or having fun. They are for-profit social policing mechanisms.

>Tfw this is true

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Shekelberg isn’t making shekels so got hell Goyim

NetFlix, Cape Shit, Disney.

This was predicted to happen a decade. It was the reason Avatar was 3D - because it was assumed that you'd need gimmicks or incentives to get people out of their living rooms and into theaters.

Here's the thing, though. No living room has a screen so big with sound so loud with the atmosphere of an excited audience, so I don't know if anything can eliminate theater attendance.

so how is disney gonna get soys to watch cape shit after end game...All the new story lines suck I read them in the comics.

You know whose profiting off all of this though? IMAX. Every big movie release majority of the people in my city would either go to IMAX or the biggest screen set-ups available at the malls (VMAX and Xtreme Screen for Aus). I remember when there were only 2 particular types of movies available at imax which included educational or a movie shot using an imax camera.

Now EVERY movie gets screentime at imax regardless of whether it was made for it or not.

label anyone who doesn't love these shitty movies a racist, sexist etc whatever

Overbloated budgets, overpaid big names, probably a lot of illegal shit going on in the background, and most of all no ones is going to the cinema anymore.

The last several times I've been to my local kinoplex, the only one in the center of the city, it's usually been more or less empty on entering and less than a dozen people have filed in. That said, I usually go on the second week precisely so I can have my pick of seating, but I remember when I was a kid every movie I went to with my family was usually full.

The "excited audience" in my city is all blacks. They alone are the top reason i don't go to the theater anymore. Hooting and hollering, the cackling laughter, the outburts of " AAAWW SHIT MAYNE AAWWWW SHIT YOU SEE DAT MAYNE?!?". They are loud, they stink, they don't turn off their fucking phones,"dey chrirens" kick the back of your chair. I have to drive an hour out of the way to get to a whiter part of town if i really really wanna see something at the cinema.

Now people have streaming, like their entertainment in more bitesized chunks, have less money, less go with family (because less people are having families), tvs are bettering bigger and better, and tickets are getting more expensive (nearly $40 for me to take my little brother to see Shazam in the meme 4D for his birthday).

It doesn't take there being no audience for cinema to die. It just takes the actual venues not to be making enough money from that audience to justify keeping their doors open, and suddenly the audience has nowhere to go, and the film industry has nowhere to air their movies. My local cinemas are both in need of renovation, one changed from 3D showings to a 4D setup at clearly great expense, but only runs a few showings a day with no option not to have an air canister sprayed at the back of your neck, and both seem very low on foot traffic outside the really massive releases.

>bettering bigger and better
Fuck it's late. Time for me to stop posting now.

Dunkirk was absolute dogshit compared to Saving Private Ryan. Its one of the worst World War 2 films I've had the misfortune of watching.

He thought the creative bankruptcy of Hollywood would catch up but people still go crazy for superhero movies and remakes. fucking stupid

I really wish this would have happened

>No living room has a screen so big with sound so loud with the atmosphere of an excited audience, so I don't know if anything can eliminate theater attendance.
Exactly this. My 65” TV has Dolby Vision and enough nits for “proper” display of HDR. I have an (upfiring aka not “proper”) Atmos setup. I buy UHDs even though it’s a niche format (you get the blu and the digital copy, the digital copy might have Dolby Vision even if the disc doesn’t).

But I still go to the theater every month. My home theater is great but the real thing is better. Their projection is inferior to my display but the screen is massive (their sound is better though). Most screens don’t have any HDR equivalent but I don’t even care about that gimmick anyways. 4K is more important than HDR despite those who say the reverse, problem is most content is 2K and 35mm can’t be stretched to 4K anyways despite people erroneously parroting the line about some hypothetical (mythical) 10K resolution on the negative that doesn’t even exist. But it doesn’t matter anyways it still looks fucking great on a 60ft screen even if it’s a glorified TV. People pay full price for Flashback Cinemas releases every week and many of those are sourced from Blu Ray

I didnt hate Dunkirk but it was not a traditional war movie and its not something I'm interested in watching again.

Oh come on Steven, you complain about this after making Ready Player One, the most embarrassing Hollywood movie in recent memory?

Horseshit, Dunkirk was fantastic, SPR is overrated if anything.

Didn't happen. When will he just drink the kool aid and make a Batman movie. Hopefully not starring his boy lover Shia lebouf


Name (1) good movie George Lucas has made to stay relevant in the past 30 years

top fucking kek

I wish Ready Player One was the embarrassing Hollywood movie even in the last twelve months

4k+. Pause anytime. Easy bathroom breaks, easy snake breaks, easy emergency phone/text. Sound customized to your room to sound just right in multiple seats. Screen feels much bigger in your living room than sitting in middle/back at a theater. Cheaper in the long run.

13.50 a ticket. 20+ bucks easy on food. Drive out there, more money. Sit through previews, sit through "thank you for choosing such and such theater" Have to deal with people. Seats are hardly comfortable. Sound is just as bad, as they care more about loudness and boomyness than clear and cut dialogue and action. Seeing a movie in theaters, then watching it at home on a proper sound system, you hear things you easily miss in theaters.

I have no desire of going to a theater after Endgame and Godzilla: King of the Monsters comes out. Home theater does just fine, and the movie to home release seems to be getting shorter and shorter. Still amazed at how fast Venom went from theater to home release in under 2 months.

What was worse?
I mean he complains that no one wants to go to the theater anymore - maybe it's because people are beginning to get physically sick of these movies which look like two hour video game cutscenes, and in his case that's sort of what he literally set out to do. There are no more real actors on the screen anymore interacting with each other, there aren't sets anymore; everyone is walking around on greenscreen talking to men in CGI suits and there's no concreteness to what's on the screen anymore. People breathe a sigh of relief when something like A Quiet Place comes out, and even though it was dog shit it gets praised for not being another capeshit installment.

Mortal Engines was absolutely abysmal.

The recent gapeshid trend has never been sustainable and once it looses popularity there is nothing that can replace it. Reminder that all of the following genres are now dead due to lack of international interest:

Beef cake action
Kung fu
Buddy cop
Serial killer
Live action musical
Hardboiled Detective
Murder mystery/Whodunnit
Contemporary military
Hong Kong blood opera
Legal/Courtroom drama
Historical war
Costume drama
Historical Medieval
Swords and sorcery fantasy
Zombie apocalypse

It's only a matter of time before these 200 million dollar cape productions stop making enough to warrant the risk and then it's all over for cinema.

>Have to deal with people. Seats are hardly comfortable. Sound is just as bad, as they care more about loudness and boomyness than clear and cut dialogue and action.
I am most disappointed in theater surround since I've been building my own. The multiplex near me has no more bass than my system at home, and I have no bass because I live in an apartment. They have one screen that does Atmos, the rest are just 7.0 configurations with additional side speakers, not to mention only capeshit and retarded action movies are played on that one, so I don't get to experience it. The food is expensive, but the seats are at least nice.

oh man, you're right. Jackson is another person who is just completely broken. After all the praise he got and all the enthusiasm for the detailed behind-the-scenes work on Lord of the Rings, he's had the nerve to say recently that he'd like to go back someday and replace the orcs in LotR with CGI versions, George Lucas style.

he predicted it a decade after it happened, must be the second coming of nostradamus

They were both cucked by this man and this quote:

"The Movies are just Amusement rides for big Corporations now."

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The article is from 2013....

These lames need to get with the times.

Screenings like Climax at the Angelika or similar "event" screenings will always be kino, but people aren't going to go out to see some bullshit.

>It's only a matter of time before these 200 million dollar cape productions stop making enough to warrant the risk

I keep thinking the same but audiences are still eating it up

Only because they've made it the numale lifestyle and simultaneously kid friendly. The numale support should drop off in couple more years.

also you can watch stupid boring shit like ready player one and after the first 5 minutes, you can press STOP and throw away that Blu ray and remember to never ever watch Spielberg over hyped shit ever again.

It's only been 10 years of marvel capeshit so far and even that only started getting really popular by the first avengers film.
As all the popular characters start having their actors retire and move on we'll probably see the avengers bubble start to deflate pretty quickly. I mean, you only need to look at other worn out franchises like spider man and x-men to see that what marvel is doing right now is not sustainable.

I wouldn't say he's broken at all, he's just doing what he wants. They Will Not Grow Old was probably the best film I saw in 2018.

I mean the guy spends most of his time having people over at his house for dinner and writing threatening letters to the mayor of Wellington for supporting the residential development of an old naval base in town. Occasionally he goes down to Blenheim to play on his WW1 planes. I dont think he gives a shit about movies anymore desu. The whole operation there in Miramar works independently of him now.

>The numale support should drop off in couple more years.
Doubt it. Even in the 1960s, one of Marvel's biggest demographics was college-aged kids. Stan Lee was giving talks at campuses by 1966, when the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man had only been created in 1962. Marvel's success came from appealing to teenage/young adults who wouldn't be reading comic books otherwise, and with these movies they're doing about the same thing.

reminder RLM is partially responsible for the collapse of cinema by recommending to the Disney execs to hire JJ and put particle effect and have the movie be nothing but cheezy jokes and lolspacemagic.

>. Disney is a fucking media cancer, it destroys everything it touches

Disney is the Mosanto of the entertainment industry.

I blame ShitFlix before small indie directors and studios could get big by making a small indie movie about an established series but now ShitFlix has a monopoly on that shit.

Movies can be readily accessed in the home way easier than ever before without multiple middle men trying to make shekels.

Living rooms have giant flatscreen TVs and comfy couches for relatively little cost.

I predict that once these companies have their streaming services in full gear, they will slowly squeeze out theaters all together.

>massive implosion

In what? Certainly not box office sales. Man children have alot of money to spend on capeshit

it says 2013 in the op image
that was 12 years ago and the implosion still has not happened

Why is Yea Forums illiterate?

>so how is disney gonna get soys to watch cape shit after end game.
It's capeshit. Incels and children will turn up

I'm fairly certain they'll find some other hobby to bleed dry soon, I think they enjoy the attention this stuff generates on social media, thus their participation in it fulfills what they aren't getting irl. And I think it'll take a few years that the endless hype for canned corporate products isn't filling the void in their life they'll move on to something else and recreate the same situation there.

Also not saying I'm right, but their "love" for these movies seems artificial.

This goes for videogames as well.
The indie scene exploded in popularity a few years ago though, wonder if the same could happen with movies.
Netflix would probably be the right platform for it.

I'm a loner and I hate that I have to decide between having to go out alone and pay $20 to see a movie in a crowded theater, download a shitty rip, or wait for months for it to come out on blueray, or even longer for it to come out on netflix, meanwhile I can run into spoilers at any time.

Just let me see the movie when it's released from the comfort of my own home for fucks sake.

whether you like them or not, superhero movies are blockbusters

Idk I like everything he puts out it’s so wholesome down to his tv shows like animaniacs and pinky and the brain

Most of the true indie shit in film is hard to come by for me. The bulk of indie stuff I do see are just hollywood types making lower budget movies. I really hate the idea of streaming services acting as publishers, most of their content blows ass.

Superhero movies are such a weird phenomnenon.

They gross 1 billion plus dollars but everyone forgets what happens in them like 2 months after so that they can easily be excited for the next.

its their fault becuase of their shitty summer block buster movies

Spielberg is a dumb old cunt.

Like everyone here he assumed capeshit would die soon because age of Ultron looked like shit.
It was shit, but the marvel hype train hadn't even begun to peak

Yeah but I don't see another way for distribution.
People have Steam and consoles, even the tiniest indie games can make it on those.
Where would you get a true tiny budget indie film to be seen by the masses other than streaming services? Youtube?


Still waiting for this implosion. Only RDJ dies of the characters that matter. This marvel shit will keep going forever because the chinese love shitty movies with explosions (see transformers.)

Didn't he rape a child actress to death and then they covered it up?

Its the best platform I can think of, but no one wants to put their shit on youtube unless its to be discovered. The ideal thing would be convincing a few investors to start a film industry outside of the cancer that is Hollywood, and distribute via physical media online/streaming.

I don't think that can last.
Direct competition with giants is doomed to fail.
Look up Antstream and tell me that will not immediately be stamped into the ground.

They are the modern cowboy films. Nice and cheap to make (unless they want to overinflate the budget; look at Shazam).

>The indie scene exploded in popularity a few years ago though, wonder if the same could happen with movies.
It will never happen. Netflix is in fact the closest we'll come. Big names have Hollywood and all the assets, and companies, firmly in their grip and have for a century. Normies will never eat up an indie project built on a few thousand bucks in the same way they would anything hollywood shits out.

Games are different because 'everyone' has equal access to the tech and resources and you don't need millions (or even tens to hundreds of thousands) of dollars to make something visually passable and that someone would play. See Minecraft and Undermeme.

Cinema has to die before it can be reborn.

>make a bunch of shit movies that bomb in the box office

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It's the shitty movie games that rockstar puts out that sell the best. God damn was RDR2 beautiful and I had fun looking around for 7 hours but other than that it was boring and meant as a magnet for the lowest tier of normies who want to watch an interactive movie.

Which is why movies today are catered to these groups and cinema as an art form is dead


It does seem like a long shot, given Hollywood's deathgrip on fucking everything. They get deals with national governments, and cinemas are basically the studios bitch.

in America maybe, cinema is fine in other parts of the world that aren't obsessed with identity politics

Pitch me your kino then.

Yeah no, it is like that in The Netherlands as well, and Western Europe is pretty much USA lite anyway now.
A man wakes up.

Fuck this ugly hooknosed kike.

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because he is only giving good shit due to the fact that he is over rated. it is no different than a over rated actor only given good roles.

It's not like he's making it better with shit like ready player one. Not to mention betraying Lucas and putting Kennedy in a position which let her ruin star wars. Fuck this guy. The last good thing he did was war of the worlds

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