Pure 80s kino only

pure 80s kino only

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Other urls found in this thread:


good flick op

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Body Double

doom asylum

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If you dont know what Death Blossom, you need to get the fuck out of thiss thread

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This was unironically good

Dressed to Kill

anyone remember a thread a year or so ago where someone got incredibly butthurt about this movie because he confused it with another one? anyone got screenshots?

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this looks like something my penis would enjoy

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holy shit that was the 80s, it feels so much like the 70s bonds compared to the jump into daltons run.

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holy shit, that's Kristin Davis?!

that graveyard dance scene gave me my first boner

Don't care what people say... this one rocks, too

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The hospital scared the poopie out of me as a 6 year old

Better than Silence of The Lambs

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Good times

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Make way for the Porkchop Express

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this is the 80s-kino-est answer right here

never seen it but it's ripping off fright night's poster pretty hard

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this is the one situation that I would find the worst to be in out of any movie I've seen, pure horror.

Fright Night is carried through time almost purely on nostalgia.

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>tfw no blu ray

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Can't deny it. Both are great IMO


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I absolutely love this movie and its endless weirdness and "one crazy night" plot

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Very underrated!

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Cool movie, but I wish they didn't put in all that filler of the old black and white movies.

It's a classic. No ifs and or buts.

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Has to be seen!

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Pretty Niiice

You forgot..

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Curious as to why he hearts toxic waste! Guess I've gotta watch the movie now.

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80s were the best decade for film

Fuck yes. Great mix of humor and horror.

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Pure kino

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Oh hell yeah.

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I used to cum to Grace Jones a lot.
Thank God she showed off her smoking body all the time.

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Carpenter and De Palma are the kings of the 80s

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based and krullmind

TCM was '74 guys...

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Damn shame we never got the sequel!

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Good shit

I watched this movie on a whim not expecting much... I think it turned out to be my favourite movie.

Make way for the Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers!

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fucking this

US ripped this off.

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Always liked this one myself..

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Now this is a kino thread

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Cock Having Awsome Dude

Pure foreign kino!

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I like this movie. I like the Remo and Chiun dynamic. I wish somebody would do something with The Destroyer again. No one knows who the Destroyer is.

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Good thread

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this and the last battle are early besson kino

me too. it deserved sequels, reboots, ripoffs. the works.

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i just discovered that there's a trilogy and i'm watching the second one right now and it's kino af!!

john meyer and bill maher are in this?!

3 is complete schlock. Like house of the dead VS Night of the living dead tier.

4-5-6 are COMPLETE BORING SHIT, do not watch

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Weird, Hitchcock-biting De Palma is best De Palma

This movie is entertaining as hell

Still my favourite fight of any film.

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>A Jackie Chan's Film

I'm just going to leave this here.
Crom scoffs at your puny 'suggestions'.

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THE Jackie Chan's Film

I'll second this.


its complete shit

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>Val Kilmer

This doesn't seem like the right casting

Anybody else love this movie?

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Nah, you have no taste.

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Imagine if they tried remaking this today

Portraying a tranny as a mentally ill psycho

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i thought it would be shit honestly pretty kino tho

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De Palma made nothing but kino in the 80s


This. It really was a golden age

Wrong reply

How so?

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Oh hell yeah. I only saw that for the first time recent, christ it's good.

Greetings starfighter

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actually pretty classic pick. My asshole 7th grade english teacher made us watch this and I was expecting it to be bullshit but it was actually pretty great from what I remember

horribly underrated, its my favorite 80s high school movie.

>tfw guessed the montage and music before even opening link

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Good shit

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It's funny the titular song for this movie was by Bob Dylan

>tomboy love interest

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Juicy lips

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That cover is based as fuck

the dvd is cool

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This film would cause such a shit storm if it were released in *current year*

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yeah because its shit

Why would you use that poster when this one is the greatest poster ever made

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Complete and absolute kino

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Sorry, I'll delete my post.

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Still one of my favorite movies from my childhood. I was in love with Tami Stronach.

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>It's all in the wrists





The Mexican looking punk with the short Mohawk and trench coat is a pedophile. He’s the one that was suspected of molesting DiCaprio on the set of Growing Pains.

>tfw learned that right before i watch the documentary
i hate that sick fuck

If that were true they wouldnt have put him in the return of the living dead Documentary

you sir are FAKE NEWS

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he even admitted it

But that means.. dicaprio is a homosex

CIA niggers are in the trunk?

This movie is astonishingly good. Its strangely relaxing. I could watch it any day

We need to start making more action films with larger than life muscle men having a big tits female sidekick to be quite honest lads

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The second best Halloween film ever made. This movie is both hilarious and genuinely creepy. One of my all time favorites
>Nurse tells the girl that she doesnt know where the doctor is but he's probably at the bar
>in the fucking AM

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never see anybody talk about the F/X movies

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its not creepy its shit

Wasn't this originally written as a sequel for He-Man movie?

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It's the most boring move ever made and the reason we didn't get more Halloween anthology movies.
>man waits in motel room forever
>sneaks into warehouse
>gets captured by evil capitalists
>children turn into bugs from goofy commercial jingle

It's like a bad episode of the Goosebumps TV show.

Peter Weir is always kino

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Linda Hunt as a chinese man is just plain hilarious casting. AND SHE WON AN OSCAR FOR IT!

they did remake that as a tv show and it caused a very mild shit storm, mostly because no one saw it.

is this like another homage to shitty b movies like Amazon Women on the Moon or Kentucky Fried Movie?

>mfw john wayne was a fag

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Favorite horror movie of all time. Perfect

Sleepaway Camp series god i miss fun horror franchises like this. As a kid i had a crush on sequel Angela played by Bruce Springsteen's sister. I mean sure she was supposed to have a cock in the movie but thats how progressive i was even as a kid! #WOKE!

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the budd dwyer suicide

>Send. More. Paramedics.

I was home from school when that happened. Saw it live.

1979 close enough

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So many classics - playing some C64 and than watching some cool as movies on VHS... those were the days.

Lee Horsley is great in this movie, he's like the Errol Flynn of the eighties.

No, it's a good satire on feminism.

Which of these are actually good folks?

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That is such a creepily depressing movie.

Kino poster for peak 80s vampire kino. Remember this baby scaring the shit out of me in the Blockbuster horror VHS section.

I've been trying to assemble definitive movie lists by theme or aesthetic, and a few of the lists are relevant to the 80s:


And other lists here that have a lot of 80s stuff in there:

That's such a bleak movie. Compellingly watchable though.

>that nutsack ship design

>A Seductive Fable
what a weird name

Pretty sure they're supposed to be ovaries

Oh wait no I'm mixing it up with Betty Blue.

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Distinct lack of Mad Max 2

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>Linda Hunt

that was linda hunt?! holy fucking christ

this is 91 but its 80s kino

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Quality 80s kino

Not as good as the first, but worth checking out for some gnarly scenes

ive been looking for a list like this. i could watch movies all day with monsters like the thing or from beyond. thanks dude

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back when Michael Mann wasn't a hack

Filmed in 89 so fuck it.

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those were the days

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it's shit

just fuck my good poster up senpai

Thief got me hooked on Tangerine Dream

just don't watch the WTF ITS BLUE blu-ray

Sure, glad to help. It's a pretty cool sub-genre or niche aesthetic that is one of those things people were doing but not really giving a name to. Could be called Morph Horror or Slime Horror. It overlaps with Body Horror but there's a little more to it.

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Fuck I just wanted to post the same.
Thief is kino as hell, it has some Drive vibes but is not as autistic

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>Could be called Morph Horror or Slime Horror. It overlaps with Body Horror but there's a little more to it.

In other words, it's like Body Horror's neon-haired, mutoid punk cousin.

Cannonball run!

This ever get a blu ray release? I remember trying to get a dvd or vhs years ago, but it could not be found.

There was a movie box at my local rental store when I was a kid. It had a crash spaceship on a snow or moon scape with a dead astronaut laying on the ground, skull in a cracked helmet.

I never rented it and can't remember what the fuck it was called. Anyone know? What was it about? Was it 2spooky?

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I think the best quality it exists in for home use is a cropped tv capture that can be found online.

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Why would a ten year old be watching a press conference with the State treasurer?

Also Predator, Total Recall, Terminator, Conan, Red Heat, The Running Man, etc. .

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I love The Return of the Living dead.

Also the nerds movies

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>dat bit where he burnt his hands sliding down the lights at the mall

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Downloading now, somehow didn't know about this.

I'm not sure. The pictures don't match what I remember on the box.

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Joan Allen's a cutie.

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sequel was awesome, dont give a fuck what anyone says

Threads like this are why I come back to Yea Forums

Why are the 80's the most Kino movie decade?

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how the fuck has nobody posted the one true kino?

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That movie's ridiculous.

The 80s were the best popcorn / fun movie decade, because of the dual influence of Spielberg and Lucas, which actually produced a lot of really cool stuff although now we might say that a lot of the bad capeshit was also begat by all that.

The best part is the whole getting Stonehenge over to America.

VHS also created a market for these kinds of films.

80-99 was the best time for movies because budgets were expanding, studios took risks, the old guard was still in movies mixed with enough new for interesting shit to get made. Everything was shot on film, fashions was comfy as fuck, and effects were practical. It was a very good time with a lot of interesting and fun movies and we can never go back.

Yeah, there was the B Movie and Midnight Movie theater circuit, that actually did pretty well, but VHS brought all these crazy and fun movies onto the shelves of every video store in every small town.

Strangely, B-level horror STILL thrives... it went straight-to-cable for a while, and some straight-to-dvd, but now a lot of it is going up on streams. Trashy horror has the most devoted, constant fanbase and is probably the most dependably profitable genre.

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Carpenter in his prime basically owned that whole decade.

I rented this one time along with Slave Girls From Beyond Infinity

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4 was my favorite.

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god damn this is a good one


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It's crazy how modern it feels. Stanton is also pure gold.

Man, that movie has one of my favorite opening sequences of all time, just look at this:

still don't get why it was rated r

>based uncut tawianese version poster
I always prefered this cut to the original

Thanks for the recommendations, mates.

She actually fully transitioned in the sequels.

Def-Con 4.

I can't tell if you're meming or not but they're pretty obviously boobs. modelermagic.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Image12Fb.jpg

This was like Carpenter making a Spielberg movie and it was great.

You're opinion makes me angry and I don't like you. I feel I must insult you, so go frick yourself ding dong!

Diane Lane is incredible.

Nice. Some of those use additions but I assume user doesn't want to be fed, user wants to hunt.

One of the worst things about [current year] is how cutie tomboys have all become angry lesbians -or worse- F to M trannys. I miss when they were just chill tomboys.

Oh hell yes.

Me too. Might be my first stirrings of heterosexuality.

I agree but I fear all is lost. The '80s was the last gasp of Western masculine energy.

Those were fuckin' cool.

The cinematography and editing in this is really great.

Chick was hot and naked through most of the film. Gotta love the French.

breeding hips

always thought director phil joanou was overrated. spielberg liked him for some reason.

Underrated for sure

Holy shit. I need to see this on the biggest screen possible.

I remembered it being good, but it's actually shit, sorry


Director's cut is a masterpiece

I love that one too but 3 has a better Jason, Richard Brooker is amazing. Also Chris is the best final girl in the series

They say "Fuck" in the movie and the plot involves a nude mag the bad guys are after. Based teach

Still bugs me why Sean Connery JUST let Young Frankenstein do what ever he wanted. He should of JUST killed him.

Watching this and The Stuff made me curious about Cohen.
Are any of his other movies worth watching?

This poster is 100x better than the actual movie

I have an affinity for a return to salem's lot (1987). the first 15 minutes or so is crap, but it actually gets better as it rolls along. great ending.

based films


I think it's become my absolute favorite opening ever. Seeing this for the first time without knowing anything was incredible. God damn it films, you win again!

You magnificent autist. That's it. Was it good?

Somehow just realizing De Niro plays that character

I'm an adult now and that face in the poster still scares me. Weirdly the movie didn't.


god, i wanna eat that pussy so bad


Damn you Image limit.. but how has no one posted The Wraith yet?

FUCK OFF apex legend player

It was aired live on PBS or something, he probably was trying to watch cartoons after school.

> apex legend player

What are you even on about? The Wraith is a solid horror/revenge flick. A non emo version of The Crow

I think that's a lobby card...

Remember when those used to be a thing? We should have a thread about lobby cards sometime.

comfy as fuck



had to google that, it is a video game reference..I don't really play games so yeah.


Class of 1999 is also great but for completely different reasons.
Man, what a weird ass movie.



here, watch something good you uncultured zoomers

I saw this in Toronto last year with Lisa Langlois in attendance for a post-screening Q & A. Lots of #MeToo-type stories from the biz, including one about Terry Gilliam!


That's one of those I only know from the ads. The poster's turned up here before though.

More 80s anime kino

Outstanding taste in this thread. Too many to give (You)s

unfiltered kino