Want to Grab a Bite to Eat user?

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What gameboy game is this

tfw you will never have a big...... pocketbook

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Nah. All their food is all CG but still greasy af.

Jawa juice....

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You guys praise this, but it's actually so fucking lazy. It's a fucking 1950's diner set far thousands of years in the future. You have to actually question why a NINETY FIFTIES RETRO STYLE DINER IS SET IN THE FAR FUCKING FUTURE IN SPACE, where technology has advanced so fucking much that people have fucking forgotten that type of setting long ago.

I know the prequels are getting renewed praise for some aspects because Disney Wars is shit, but it still stands that Lucas is a lazy fuck and bad at writing some shit.

>No deathstick smoking allowed
fuck tree hugging health nuts

It's in the distant past you mongoloid.

It's an American Graffiti reference. Lucas likes his pottery.

>bass riff plays

Wow even architecture gets you triggered

I wonder if a galaxy far far away was closer during the prequels

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Even worse then... the 50s haven’t even happened yet.

based wake up poster

There is litterally nothing wrong with this. Faggots forget Coruscant actually has streets and markets on it. Plus if any of you mouth breathing faggots says "Reee Cities dont have restaurants" yes they do retards. You country side homeschool inbreds would know that because you lived in the same state and town for 20+ years.

And to all you retards that want to use real life wars on Star Wars, you are 1000x more retarded because what fuck does reallife war have to do with star wars history? Different galaxy with droids, space ships and Space Ninjas and Samurai. Keep your head canon to yourself.

I wouldn't mind grabbing some of Dex's greasy ass food with you user, its not on one of the underground levels so surely it can't be too shit


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>long day working at the space flight insurance office
>late to get home to 2m x 2m 1 room coffin apartment
>stop in at the diner to get a toasted ham and cheese
>STRESS ham and cheese only
>get a toasted ham and cheese with shitty ass leaky disgusting tomato on it
>vomit inducing awful tomato fluids ruin the entire sandwich even if you take the tomato itself off
>angrily throw the shitty ruined sandwich at the greasy fat alien who owns the place and can't even understand simple orders
>suddenly the sandwich stops in midair and a fucking jedi in his dumb jedi bathrobes threatens me with his laser sword if I don't leave
>go home hungry and without getting my money back
>a few days later hear the jedi tried to kill the supreme chancellor but failed and all fought to the death rather than be arrested

>"Reee Cities dont have restaurants"
Best imagined enemy ever.

retards have said this though.

Whats it like to have a man milk your prostate with his penis?

... I thought it was a joke user. Why didn't you just let me live in that world?

like wet bags of sand

>space diner bad!
>space cantina good!
hurr durr

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The weird thing about this diner is it seems like such a small building takes up alot of land. Like you have all these huge towering skyscrapers. And then suddenly a fairly large empty square of concrete except for this tiny little diner in the middle of it. Just seems like something coruscant wouldnt let exist. Like why the fuck wouldnt this diner just exist in one of the skyscrapers?

>That entire text copypasted from wikipedia

God damn I hate star wars so much.

How do i delete my posts?

I’ve always liked the diner scene and never understood the hate. Even when I hated the prequels and this movie. Do people think it’s out of place? Don’t think it matters

>thinking its on the ground and not the roof of a building
omega brainlet detected

Dex Diner (Formerly Sal's)

I think it's funny. The movie is really bad, but I like the idea of hardboiled detective Obi-Wan.