Yea Forums Starter Packs

Post your starter packs

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What's going on here? Yea Forums's favorite films mixed in with Adam Sandler, Numanji, Nu-Mummy, and Dr Giggles? Fail.

I know right, the fuck is this shit

I stopped in ex Machina

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I don't agree with everything on the list either. But it's mostly good.


I've been in such a comfy mystery mood.

The Ghost Writer is legitimately one of my favorite films.

I absolutely love it.

Does anyone have any suggestions? A lot of it is due to Ewan's character though.

A mystery he says and has interstellar

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Yeah I've got a suggestion. Check out this list

Hmmmm yes maybe that one is a stretch

Ghostwriter is unique and it's hard to pick something with exactly the same feel.

Maybe Wind River, The Hidden Face or Prisoners

You didn't exclude The Hateful Eight because one user posted a picture of a black man, did you?

And a bunch of others doesn't make sense
>The arrival
>Reservoir Dogs

>>Reservoir Dogs
Have you seen it?
The central part of the film is the mystery and tensions surrounding who the rat is.

>The arrival
I agree Reservoir dogs doesn't belong. It's only slightly a mystery. It was someone else's suggestion and I've since removed it.

Scream is a classic whodunnit.

The Arrival is a mystery. Perhaps it's a little leftfield for the list.

Too many people say the film is boring. And I haven't seen it despite liking Tarantino.

I mean:
1. A fair few films could be taken off that image based on quality alone (though is quality even relevant in a *starter* pack?)
2. Hateful Eight is a classic whodunit

I give you Scream, but arrival really?
>A alien race comes to earth
>Try to communicate with us
>A linguist trying to understand
>She understood
>They are warning about the end of the world
>Sends her back in time
There's nothing of mystery, the only "mystery" is the language that they are using, and so is not about the mystery but about learning

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I disagree on the quality thing. Is it the 90s erotic thrillers you disagree with?

OK I'll add Hateful 8. Seems to be divisive though

>Aliens have arrived
>We don't know why
>Is listed on imdb as a mystery

It's a mystery film. Admittedly different from most of the other films on the list.

Adam Sendler grown-ups are listed as a comedy too, got your point but still not a mystery, see you man

You're really stretching the definition of mystery there.

wtf this is actually a good list. Maybe Inherent Vice should be there too

Real bad argument there man. Are you saying that because Arrival is so badly written it doesn't qualify as a mystery? And if you don't find something funny, it's not considered a comedy.

Arguing Arrival isn't a mystery is you v the rest of the world. Enjoy.

Is Hateful Eight really divisive? Other than people complaining about the blowjob scene, and people saying it's "boring" (which you get with every film on Yea Forums) I don't think opinion is very split.

I was more thinking The Prestige, and certainly Interstellar. I'm not even sure why Interstellar would be considered a mystery film at all, but maybe I'm forgetting.
I'd put Stalker in its place.
I don't know how much it would qualify as a mystery film, rather than just a thriller, but Gattaca would be worth considering.

I disagree. More detail required.

Fuck that shit film. Just hours of non-sensical talking.

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It's fine that you don't like The Prestige but a lot of people do. One bad film doesn't negate the list. I don't like every film on the list either.

I've removed Interstellar already.

I've recently created a bunch of pretty definitive movie lists, some by genre, but most of them by theme or aesthetic category.

These could function like starter packs, you could explore movies by theme or aesthetic:

And there are more lists here, and I'll be making more, and always adding to these:

I could make charts / images from these too, but I would rather keep adding to them, so I'll probably just share the links.

The arthouse essentials list has nothing post-2000. Biased list.

And since when is Mulholland Drive, Donnie Darko, In Bruges, Moon or Oldboy mainstream?


Some real obscurities here.

Do you actually like Battle Royale 2 and Suicide Squad?


Yeah, a lot of those charts going around were made when posters here were still just exploring movies, and the overall pool of knowledge was less developed, and they haven't been updated since.

Although I'm starting to do that here but a lot of my lists there so far are covering a lot of genre stuff. I'll be getting to arthouse / Euro / slowburn stuff too, but going through more by theme than just making generic European arthouse cinema lists.

This is clearly a list that some 30 year old boomer made back when he was cool and understood culture.

Here's my letterboxd version

These lists are partly made up of stuff I really like, but a lot of them I'm more interested in the overall aesthetic or cultural phenomena... I actually find the stuff in the 'edgecore' list pretty cheesy, if amusing at times. But it's also obviously total trenchcoat/gamer-core.

I just wanted to consider all these different kinds of aesthetic-cultural niches and trace them out, the good and the bad stuff.

Like I did a list of just pure schlock, and I'm not really into that much of this stuff, but the aesthetic is fascinating to me:

Thanks, yeah, it's the result of over a decade of digging around, watching mainstream and super obscure stuff, and taking a major in art school that contained cinematic studies in it, so I've put a lot of thought into this.

I'm just wondering who the audience is. Is it so we can laugh at edgy neckbeards. Or is it so neckbeards can go "Oh, Thirteen Ghosts, that looks cool, thanks I love Korn!"

Nice user

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I don't want to bother making my own thread so I thought this would be a good thread to ask. I have the day off tomorrow and I want to crank out a whole trilogy. I'm thinking either Dead Or Alive by Miike or Pusher by Refn.

I'm not laughing at it at all. Merely recognizing that there is a particular aesthetic and even marketing approach there, but also certain cultural niches that consume it. I have nothing against anyone that likes any of these categories. I'm just observing there that that seemed to be a particular aesthetic that spawned in the late 90s out of The Crow/Fight Club/The Matrix/Blade and informed the tastes and aesthetics of a lot of online and gamer kids in the 00s.

Does the Dream Horror list contain good and bad films? Cos It looks like a good list I'd like to explore, but if it includes bad films then it fails as a recommendation list.

Feel free to bookmark and follow me on there, there's a lot more on the way.

Not to promote myself but I think a lot of you will like a lot of this stuff.

good shit

Either of those sound good, I'm still getting around to them myself.

Some other lists I didn't link in that post:


I have watched most of the dream horror list. It's a good list overall. Hellraiser, Elm Street, Caligari, Don't Look Now. But I'd like to vouch for Jacob's Ladder in particular. It's great and deserves more recognition.

I think its all worth seeing (only a couple of them at the bottom of the list I haven't seen yet).

I made the list partly because I noticed a certain kind of niche genre there that doesn't get discussed specifically, that I find myself liking. Basically, there was this aesthetic in the Freddy movies, The Gate, Bad Dreams... where if they're using 80s music video effect techniques to depict the dreamlike or nightmarish, they'd use a lot of fake fog and pinkish/purplish lights, and imagery like demonic hands reaching out of the smoke. It was also an aesthetic in 80s heavy metal music videos, and there's some crossover there, like Dokken doing a song for Dream Warriors, or some of the Ozzy videos having that 80s horror vibe / theme. It also blends a little into 80s New Age aesthetics and also 80s fantasy imagery like Never Ending Story and Labyrinth.

I realized then that the dream-themed niche in horror includes Lynch, and movies like Don't Look Now, so I expanded the category to include that and Maya Deren's Meshes of the Afternoon. And Mandy definitely is drawing a lot on the 80s version of the aesthetic, with all its pink fog and heavy metal imagery and atmospherics.

Yeah, definitely. Jacob's Ladder is kind of a low-key masterpiece, I'm surprised it hasn't gotten more attention yet.

You should include Videodrome on the list. Maybe Night of the Demons, too. Repulsion and Carnival of Souls aren't 80's movies, but they have that dreamy vibe.

>a couple of them at the bottom of the list I haven't seen yet

That is to say, I haven't seen Paperhouse, Nightmare Detective, or Deadly Dreams yet, which I discovered while doing a little extra research for the list. But I find that horror movies with these themes and aesthetics are usually worth it as an experience in itself.

Yeah, Night of the Demons fits I think, even has that kind of heavy metal aesthetic a lot of the 80s ones have. Carnival of Souls probably belongs on there too, and Repulsion.

I'm going to do some kind of psychological horror or thriller list so I will definitely have those on there too.

Videodrome I'm on the fence there... it definitely gets very strange and surreal, but there's a fleshy materiality to it that makes it a little more specifically suited for some of the other lists. And I want to keep the dream horror category as specific as possible rather than include every trippy or strange horror movie, because horror is already a pretty trippy and strange genre.

not that guy but it is a mystery for all of 5 seconds
the pic is more thriller than mystery I think

Fleshy is a good way to put it. It belongs on a list with Re-Animator and The Fly. Pumpkinhead might be a good pick for your dream horror list.

Have you looked at this one yet?

This list is attempting to cover that 'practical-effects-gone-mutoid' aesthetic in 80s horror, where I'm throwing a lot of what I think you're alluding to.

Also, I still haven't gotten to Pumpkinhead somehow so I haven't gotten an informed opinion on where it goes yet. Thinking it'll probably go on both the Morph Horror list and the Dream Horror list.

Wind River was some seriously unexpected kino.
Just finished it for the first time.
Now onto The Captive.

Nice taste. Icy mysteries. I wish there were more.

