How the FUCK doe's he do it bros?

How the FUCK doe's he do it bros?

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First and most importantly, he's very knowledgeable about trivia. Second, he's very fast on the buzzer. Third, he starts out trying to get the most valuable questions so when he finds the daily double he can wager more.

*breaks your gameshow*

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Hows his dick game though?

game theory autism compounded by seemingly endless trivia knowledge. i remember he was on US "The Chase" a few years ago and he absolutely dominated. i remember thinking that he could easily BTFO the beast in a 1v1, and now i'm certain

He passes the record in the 8000th episode and keeps going.

Too bad Alex is dying.

if hes so smart why cant he smile properly? he is one of those idiots that shows his teeth

He has ashkenazi jew DNA which makes him extremely intelligent, I know that triggers the whitebois on this board, that they think they are the master race yet Jews actually run society

tfw you're a millionaire

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how is he jewish if hes doing the wypipo face?

>Be American
>Win game show for 1 MILLION DOLLARS
>Taxes takes away $800,000 of it
Americans are such cucks

Funfact: 14, 88, 1488, 666, 8008, and 69 are all banned wagers for final jeopardy as of a few months ago.


It's called being SMUG

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8008 = boob. 80085 is still okay though I guess.


i actually can’t see him losing

didnt you ever use a calculator in high school

Still more money than you make.

>mfw he's going to beat Ken Jennings record in half the time

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>European talking about taxes
Oh what a laugh

He does in early to mid May. Screencap this.

Smell the Glove faggots

Enjoy paying for trannies to get their cocks cut off while you wait for months to get that lump checked and die because all the surgeons are lobbing off dicks you retarded subhuman nigger.

He needs at a bare minimum 1.6 Million to be a millionaire with the way Federal US taxes work, probably even higher because the state will tax it too.

He's likely been a millionaire for a very long time already given his profession.

He lives in Las Vegas so 37% federal taxes and there's no state income tax in Nevada and Las Vegas does not have a personal income tax so $1,587,302 (not including any AMT calculations)

>t. Beta boy

James? James! I knew you were user.

Dumbass. He is Japanese. And you are retarded if you believe that Jews are smarter. Apparently you believe anything the Jews tell you

The income is being made in California, where Jeopardy is filmed, not Nevada.

>turns out he was cheating
What would fucking happen?

Its over he will win 50 million in no time

Considering the amount of effort he put into his game show blueprint that everyone will be using from now on, I think the real question would be is your pussy worth the ~50k worth of effort he'd put into it.
Answer is no


He'll lose by the end of the week.

Not after taxes

It's not taxed at a flat 37%.

so this is the power of the huwhite man

shut the FUCK up NERD

Eurasian master rice

make me you FUCKING FAGGOT

What are you basing that prediction on? Nobody has even come close to touching him.


I think he's 1/4th Nip

If you dedicate yourself it's not that hard. You pretty much just spam your brain with useless trivia and set up mental triggers for different types of information so your brain can find it. It's a sad way to live life if you're not abusing it to make money like this guy.

He's already making 6 figures so the amounts taxed at 35% are insignificant to spitball math.

>In the April 17, 2019 episode of Jeopardy!, Holzhauer dedicated his win to his late grandmother, whom he described as Japanese with a very limited command of English and that he would appear on Jeopardy! someday for her

Dude fuck off. You’re the guy in high school that was like “yeah I’m really smart I just don’t apply myself lmao”. If it were easy more people would be doing it. If it were easy you’d do it since you seem to understand the inner workings of his mind. You don’t know shit

fake news

its not about 'being smart' its about having autism and spending hours every day reading kids level trivia

I love that movie

Who remembers that game show 1 vs 100? That was comfy as hell.



>people pretending they're tax masters and then get the numbers completely wrong

This. Prize winners and lottery winners are one time boons. Most don't realize it's like trying to hold on to grains of sand as the years pass. You keep paying on that shit.


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You are complicating a very simple issue.
There is a Jeopardy database. I'm an archivist, and databases like this exist everywhere across nearly every single topic. You just need to try and look.

Game show winnings are normal income and anyone can google the tax bracket rates.

Are you being audited?

fuck off ass master

When he hits 2 million, they seriously need to do Brad Rutter vs Ken Jennings vs James.

>not show your teeth when smiling and happy

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haha isn't it funny how Trebek is going to die soon and all of a sudden there's a superstar player

what a coincidence haha

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great movie, was one of the first movies I watched when I started getting really into movies.


The show is filmed and based in California which has a higher rate of tax, iirc. Also, fun fact, they shoot like 10 episodes in one day.

Its true. Whenever someone wagers one of those amounts, they edit the show so that its something else.

They shoot 5 a day. This is the reason why some champions slip up, they just get too tired from the constant pressure

>guy who perfects gaming the system is a jew
No way.

Take this!

what are you suggesting?

They're going to make him the new host. Screencap this.

Not a chance. Doesn't have the personality.

Neither does (((Trebek))) desu. Most Jeopardy fans are glad he's basically dead.

WMAF hapas are powerful. The BWC and the East Asian womb produces big brain jeopardy winners.

black magic with the blood of aryan children

Drum up ratings for Trebek's death/new host

Trebek had just the right kind of personality for this kind of show and is a big reason why it has been so popular for so long. I doubt this James dude would even leave his easy gambling/family life in Vegas anyways.

>Trebek had just the right kind of personality for this kind of show and is a big reason why it has been so popular for so long.

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Dude stop trying to meme

and the rest of angry primates

>Dude stop trying to meme

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income tax is by place of residence, not location of the source of income.

James is averaging 75k an episode. Before James the record winnings for a single day was 77k. How the fuck does he do it?

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No ones gonna bet 80 thousand tho

Trebek doesn't care anymore and is leaking the answers

How do we stop the euroasian tigers, bros?

By channeling his superior autism

>He has ashkenazi jew
[citation needed]

u cant. hapas will be the new jews in 100 years. canada the new israel

Gambler's instinct. He does what he has to do dab on society. He's going to bankrupt Jeopardy and cancel it once and for all.

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Norm MacDonald tried out for Jeopardy and was not allowed. Talked out of winning 1 million on Millionaire. The Gambler. This guy is what they were afraid of. This is the biggest game show scandal since the 1950s since their screening process prevents this guy. Now they want it for those pancreatic cancer views. Sad!

Source? This is autistic.

Too bad you got out-Jewed by the ghost of Merv. They're doing this to artificially inflate the popularity of the show and imbue it with value as a property without Trebek.

…and this saying is commonly repeated among the Jews to this day.

>Yo Netanyahu let's gamble
>winner owns Israel and Palestine

Underrated movie.

>do not think we should congratulate a man for simply telling the truth

Van Doren BTFO by bronx congressman

Could she beat him by distracting him with her beauty and sweet voice?

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oh no not the gamer number!

Next they're gonna ban 1776



>Be Europoor
>get paycheck
>It reads “Oy, mate! You need a loicence fo that.”
>pence on the pound deposited into your goy account
>log in to 4chins

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Maybe. I saw the episode recorded where he passed the record the day before Trebek announced he had cancer. It was filmed on March 5th.

No, that's true only for traveling employees. Jeopardy contestants are technically independent contractors, and winning contestants are sent a 1099 for the state of California, since that's where the "work" was physically done and compensation earned. They are without a doubt paying California income tax. I've done similar work many times over the years.

Biggest scandal since 1950s game shows. Their screening process weeds out these people. They weeded out Norm MacDonald. How did he do on Regis?

Any day of the week there's a fucker out there like this, living in Las Vegas, ready to take those suckers for all they're worth. Shit's not even gambling. The odds favor him.

How many 1099s has he ducked while eating sushi COMPED at the Mandalay Bay, cashing out $9,999 from his fridge in chips every day?

Breed an Asian woman and your hapa son will become a millionaire

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He'll only lose by suiciding on a Final Jeopardy, and he's a pro gambler so that's not happening. They'll need to send a Terminator from future to kill James.

Trebek himself is going to have to step in and fight him.

Jeopardy! winners don't have to pay taxes on winnings, because it falls under an obscure public schooling exemplary showcase loophole. My deceased neighbor Maxine Ben-David won a match in the late '90s.

I remember that game show with Wink Martindale that had a sparkly logo. It was comfy yet based.

Fuck off Synagoga



Trebek is a national treasure. It will be a mini 9/11 on our timeline when he's gone, and a real 9/11 once Sajak and Vanna White are gone too.

James will bet $800B5 in our lifetime

How is it a scandal if he's not cheating?

My vote for new host.


No different from Ken Jennings. He is still $1m short of record.

Scandal wasn't cheating, it was the producers rigging the game. This game is rigged, but rigged for them to lose money. It's like if Vegas were promoting some Ocean's 14 shit movie and let this guy count cards at 1-pack high-stakes blackjack tables.

You do know there are people who actually make a living being tax masters, right? Just because you can't do something doesn't mean nobody else can.

Nice digits but how is it a scandal to select a hot prospect? They obviously knew Jennings was formidable too back then. It's not "rigged" if they simply selected a strong prospect for Trebek's adios. If they are revealing clues to James etc then it's a scandal.

movie is based

>14, 88, 1488


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>handsome and smart

What's his deal? What kind of skeletons is he hiding to make up for it?

because muh nazis

I would unironically tune in every day to hear her.

had to google it, fuck that's obscure

Then again if you're betting those numbers you're probably doing it to be a prick anyways.

My locked-up, money-in-the-bank, 100% prediction: he will surpass Jennings's total winnings (2.5 million) but not his streak (74 days). As much as he has the skill to back up his aggressive strategy, it's still a big risk to employ those tactics so often. As soon as he gets two expensive daily doubles wrong in one night, which is bound to happen at some point during the next 60 shows, he's gonna have his work cut out for him big time.

Mother: Nachiko Ide Holzhauer
Father: Juergen Holzhauer

He's Kraut/Jap

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How is it that Trebek is the one with cancer when Sajak shows up drunk on set every damn day?

Very Jewpilled

>As soon as he gets two expensive daily doubles wrong in one night, which is bound to happen at some point during the next 60 shows
Is it really?
James is:
>32/35 on Daily Doubles
>13/14 in Final Jeopardy
>497 correct, 18 incorrect in total

most of these gameshows are scripted in some way, so it wouldn't surprise me if he was a plant who made backroom agreements to stir up publicity for a show who's rating are falling.

he can afford to miss daily doubles and still win when he gets everything else right and has the buzzer speed that he does.

Good post statanon.

Sajak controls the wheel of fortune literally. And Vanna White is from Myrtle Beach, she contractually absorbs his hangovers like a sponge.

>had to google 1488, fuck that's obscure
The absolute state. Please leave.

just think, if america had chosen the right side, we'd all be hapa ubermench living on mars by now