Just watched the cam rip of the final battle, because I'm not paying to see anything with Brie "Fungi Kike Cumdumpster" Larson in it, and I am disappointed. Two giant armies clashing while everyone plays hot potato with the Infinity Gauntlet and they kill off the most expensive cast member and pawn it off as a sacrifice. This was fan service galore and empty as shit.
We knew time travel was going to be used because they painted themselves into a corner with Infinity War. But this looks and feels like a clusterfuck.
Yep, IW will be the end of the MCU for me. I'm looking forward to Spider-man 2, Doctor Strange 2 and GOTG 3 but everything after IW is basically fan fiction and I wont be bothering with any further Avengers movies, especially with Captain "May I see your Manager!" as the leader when she's not taking cock from Black Panther, because of course that'll happen.
Feminazi's and their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot cuckolds hate their Fathers soo much that they're determined to destroy anything that straight white males have built and/or enjoy. First it was Star Wars, then Star Trek, then Doctor Who, not to mention games, TV, civilization in general and now they've taken over the MCU and will also bring that to ruin as they do to everything they touch.
Oooooh, this despair of yours is so satisfying to witness. With each seething post of yours, my cock only gets harder. Let it all out. Cry to the skies that this industry doesn't belong to you anymore.
>Feminazi's and their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot cuckolds hate their Fathers soo much that they're determined to destroy anything that straight white males have built and/or enjoy. First it was Star Wars, then Star Trek, then Doctor Who, not to mention games, TV, civilization in general and now they've taken over the MCU and will also bring that to ruin as they do to everything they touch. I hope people wake up too. It's not even subtle anymore.
Camden Sullivan
I'm here. Wide awake. Ready to mine all your salt. Seethe more.
Robert Reed
>I watched 10 minutes of a 3 hour movie over camrip because I'm an incel >I didn't see the rest but it looks like a clusterfuck Jesus Christ
>I hope people wake up too. It's not even subtle anymore.
You may have noticed that the whole SJW thing really didn't start gaining steam until post 2012 and has "progressively" gotten worse.
Know why that is?
It's because Obama got his first term and from 2008-2012 the left kept their bullshit on the down low because their primary objective back then was to make sure he got a second term. But as soon as he won the 2012 election these shitheads went fucking rabid because they were absolutely certain Hillary would run and win in 2016. So they were banking on 12 more years of Democratic rule in the White House. So they took the brakes off the crazy train.
It's no coincidence that in 2013 we started hearing these fuckers crying about the collateral damage and amount of FICTIONAL people killed in Man of Steel when they didn't say shit the year before when Avengers had New York getting BTFO. That's when I knew something was wrong.
Then they started screaming that GODS OF EGYPT was racist for not casting all blacks in every role. That it wasn't "realistic" in a movie about Gods with gold blood and giant fire breathing dragons, fer fuck sakes.
Then it was Ghostbusters 2016 when studios, specifically Sony/Columbia, started using gender politics to shield themselves against criticism by pretending that a soulless reboot of a beloved franchise with an all female cast was some sort of triumph against patriarchy. It's also not a coincidence that this was spearheaded by Columbia President/Stupid Cunt Amy Pascal, who is a Jew, who then cast Idris Elba as the mythic Gunslinger, based upon Clint Eastwood's 'Man with no Name' in the Dollars trilogy, in the hope of using race politics to cover for another fuck awful movie that also bombed like Shitbusters.
Kayden Moore
Then Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election to Donald Trump and this sent them into their current frenzy. Turns out screaming that "SORRY WHITE PEOPLE/MEN, YOUR TIME IS OVER!!!" at voters doesn't play well which is why Trump was given the Presidency despite losing by 3 million votes.
Ever since then it's been nothing but shrill shrieking and the absolute determination to shove their politics into anything and everything that white men enjoy while running it into the ground and if you dare try to criticize them it's "SEXIST, INCEL, MANBABY REEEEEE!!!".
Marvel/Disney used this last year to shill Black Panther, which is just as bad as Captain Marvel, while the SJW drones justify Wakanda's 100% all black ethnostate as being "realistic if the evil white man hadn't of enslaved blacks" but ask them why there are minorities in Asgard and they'll freak the fuck out that "ASGARD IS A FANTASY YOU FUCKING NAZI!!!".
Ultimately, it's fun shitposting but you're not going to get any honest debate with these people because they're ideological zealots who want everything their own way and will say/do anything to justify their position at any given time.
Basically, if you're a white straight male, you're the Devil incarnate, have never done ANYTHING to advance civilization or help others and these people wont stop until every single thing we have is given to them or brought to ruin purely out of spite because they think they're owed something that they didn't get from Daddy!!!FACT!!!
Jonathan Scott
I come on here and all I see is children talking about superheros, whats with that?
You know I dont think I can be comfortable with a bunch of people who cant follow the simple rules of a board, who are teaching these children to follow rules.
You know there parents are probably a bunch of scumbags who dont follow the rules then they come on here and project their horrible parents manners on here its sickening
When some feminazi and/or one of their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot lapdogs calls you an "INCEL", it's because women are nothing more than three holes which is why even the ugliest, fattest, poorest amongst them can get laid whenever they like. Withholding sex from men is the only power they have. Without that they have nothing and are nothing!
And the so-called "men" who use the word are even worse because they're virtue signaling numale cucks who think that they'll get some of that sweet college/university hipster chick pussy when those women will be fucking Chad Thundercock and only settle for them once they're looking to nest with a beta orbiter provider after they're done riding the cock carousel!!!FACT!!!
Obama's 2012 Title IX dear colleague memo that bribed colleges push Social Justice and consider an attempted kiss as sexual assault has scared men away from women due to fear of being labeled and arrested.
Josiah James
Asher Sanchez
Keep getting mad OP who gives a fuck about your opinion
>You may have noticed that the whole SJW thing really didn't start gaining steam until post 2012 and has "progressively" gotten worse.
>Know why that is? because it is a reaction to the right-wing retardation that started in 2008 when obama won and escalated from there into things like the tea party and the birther movement. right wingers are now anti-west terrorists, and SJWs are the patriots that protect the west from them.
Hunter Flores
CreepyThinMan? More like CreepyThinIncel!!!FACT!!!
Yeah they really need to falseflag generic virginposting
Luke Peterson
>Feminazi's and their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot cuckolds hate their Fathers soo much that they're determined to destroy anything that straight white males have built and/or enjoy. >you
>!!!FACT!!! stop doing this, it will never catch on
Colton Peterson
Ryder Adams
I didn't? What are you talking about?
Charles Evans
>muh trannies rent free
Anthony Foster
/pol/tards obsessed with "muh SJWs" think that anyone that mocks them must be a tranny invading from some discord because any true 4channer would totally be with them and their plight. Sad but true. You can't make this shit up.
William Wood
>This is the end of the MCU for me except for the three next releases and maybe more :^) Fuck off shill
Luis Kelly
>Girl: exists
Austin Brown
They're really that paranoid? That's really sad.
Jack Fisher
I honestly don't think I'm going to see this film. These movies are just long nauseating CGI video game cut scenes with SJW propaganda sprinkled into everything and getting worse every few years to a point where they are literally eye cancer.
fucking garbage. id rather have him dying a heroic noble death in battle than this shit. if he went back he better not fuck around and stop all the bad shit from happening w the knowledge he has. HE BETTER SAVE BUCKY THIS TIME
Probably the same or slightly worse. It was always >HES A NAZI IT WAS HER TURN etc. or >FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT THE FUTURE IS FEMALE etc. Truly 4D chess.
Connor Walker
Why does Yea Forums constantly complain about the Marvel movies from a racial perspective when basically every relevant character is white?
Well done sir, you have triggered the degenerate kikes, trannies and feminazis masterfully.
I agree with pretty much everything. Yeah it was only 14 minutes of a (dear god)3 hour movie, but they managed to botch it MULTIPLE times. Glad it´s over though.
>Your 50 sentence manifesto where you autistically screech that you have not been successfully pandered to is triggering other people Uh-uh. Seethe some more, dude. That will show me.
Alexander Carter
I guess I should watch the film unless someone can answer a few questions
Why does Gamora kick Quil in the balls?
Why do they want to put back the infinity stones back to where they were before... Is there honestly a point to that?
Mason Sanchez
>Imagine being this angry because there are women in the media you consume
The woman on the left. One of the most beloved female characters in cinema history (played by one of the most respected actresses of the last 40 years) who is strong, intelligent, determined and succeeds because of her perseverance and yet still feminine while able to command authority by using logic and reason. She has a cat. Same thing could be applied to Clarice Starling in The Silence of the Lambs, except for the cat, although Jodie Foster does like pussy.
The woman on the right. A slithering cunt, played by a sociopathic narcissistic fungi breeding greaseball, being forced upon the public as a feminist icon and shilled by a corporation who is silencing critics while using misguided political activists to promote their product and attack anyone who see's through their agenda. She also has a cat.
You were saying, asswipe?
It's amusing how the left are now dealing in absolutes these days. Either I swallow any shit you shovel out or I'm against you. Captain Marvel is a shit character in a shit movie while Brie Larson is a horrible cunt both inside and out while you and your ind are fucking pathetic losers who think a comic book superhero movie is somehow a blow against "THE PATRIARCHY!!!" when we know your act is all about how much you hate your Daddy while a corporation makes billions from suckers like you!!!FACT!!!
Lol Thanos punks Captain Marvel right before Stark sacrifices himself, just throws her away like nothing. I figured you guys would be happy with that
Luke Robinson
Also is it just bad writing? Why doesn't Dr.Strange just answer Tony. I doubt telling him you'll have to sacrifice yourself would change anything.
"1 out of 14 million, is this the one we win?" "YES, but you gotta grab the stones and kill yourself. Think of a witty one liner please"
Austin Wilson
>How does Iron Man steals the stones?
Just yanks them off the gauntlet and puts them on his own. I was hoping for some 4 dimensional chess where Stark uses quantum mechanics to somehow outsmart Thanos. Like he set up a series of events where Thanos thinks he's getting the upper hand but is actually playing into Starks plan and fulfills some sort of temporal loop that dooms him.
NOPE. Just attack, steal the stones and *SNAP*. Anti-climactic in the extreme!!!FACT!!!
Asher Baker
the apex of CTM posting glad I was here to see it
Mason Powell
Why can't you MHA Cucks fuck off back to a nobody likes your shitty anime except for normies.
Adam Moore
Seethe more
Daniel Reed
where are the iron man bros at. are you all as angry as i am? they did him dirty