If she deals the killing blow, I'm not watching it

If she deals the killing blow, I'm not watching it.

Am I being petty?

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Other urls found in this thread:


she literally solos thanos and leads the nu-avengers whilst the weak men die or hide

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she doesnt user tony does


yes, you retarded crybaby

Go woke …

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... make 1 Billion.

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this would make a good porn film

Can't wait for smut comics on this

Too late...(((they))) already won.

MCU movies i have seen:
Iron man
Avengers Assemble (fell asleep during it)

Stop consuming this garbage

How men are.
>Sure, didn't realize this was a woman's soap opera, my bad.
How bitches are.

>Stop consuming this garbage

You are the problem because you keep rewarding (((them))) for their shitty casting.

Don't forget us …

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Tony does.
He finishes him with a snap.

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My code name, 007

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You're an adult, you shouldn't be watching it anyway.

the brokeness always comes with a slight Retadation. See Solo - A onions wars story.

Nice fanfic. All these women lose and Tony kills Thanos

she overpowers thanos eventhrough he has the powerglove.
thanos punches have no impact.
thanos then shoots her with a laser which somehow throws her way.
last scene is iron man grabbing his glove and secretly taking of all the stones without him noticing.
overall very disappointing
the sjw direction from disney hurt an other wise good way to end the franchise

We literally know for a fact she doesn't deal the killing blow.

God Disney makes women look so bad when they insert shit like this so lazily and inorganically

>he hasn’t seen the leaked videos

>vote with your wallet!!1

Lmfao, there are more WoC in the world than white men; we don't need you.

>If she deals the killing blow, I'm not watching it.
the absolute state of capechit retards
dude, you watch a movie if you are interested, if she kills Thanos then you spit shit all over the fucking world, how logical is search how the stroy go to decide to watch it? are you a retard? it´s like asking how a book ends and then read it, it´s fucking retardation.

>be capeshitter
>cry about feminism

That's funny

>we don't need you.
Then go back to your shitskin lands, since you dont' need us.

What country are you from zoomer

The only country on the planet that matters, bitch.

>Stop consuming this garbage
>implying i've ever paid a single cent to watch any of these movies

Tony kills Thanos. There I saved you giving Disney money

Saudi Arabia?

She doesn't.

Based and truepilled

Was that fucking Pepper in an Iron Man suit?

im fucking done with this planet

I can't see shit on that blurry ass gif, but it wouldn't be the first time Pepper wore an Iron Man suit.

I never saw Iron Man 3, so I'm guessing it was in that?

>Thanos: "...are you even human?"
>Cpt Marvel: "No, I'm huWOMAN"
What did she mean by this?

Yeah, it was in that. Go see Iron Man 3. It's great.

Just saw the 14 minute camrip one and I just realized that is Spiderman in the middle. Now I'm imagining Tom Holland being eight-some'd by those older women.




but but but I was told it was bad because the Mandarin wasn't 1:1 equal with the comics?

Tony kills him. Stop listening to angry Shazamfags.

I've never read a single comic book in my life. So don't ask me how accurate Iron Man 3 is to the source material. But I can tell you, Iron Man 3 is great. The character of Tony Stark is just a great as in the first one and we see him faced with completely new challenges.




Don't give them money anyway, just use this as an excuse to break away from the Disney machine.

Watch more independent films, watch more foreign films, read more books.

>Lmfao, there are more WoC in the world than white men; we don't need you.

you forgot the part where we have more collective money than you

In the comics Pepper had her own suit called "Rescue".

IM3 is steaming horseshit.

only good ironman was the first

yes, but going anyway is just as petty. It's a dumb movie meant for dumber still people, there's nothing artistic or meaningful about it

if our society is truly doomed to die, then it's because we were too content and happy to just consume rather then stand for something or believe in anything
I'm not opposed to comic book movies per se, but the fact these movies- leaders of the dominant form of artistic expression- are only impressive as a money-making scheme is just pathetic. it leaves you empty and only wanting to consume more without changing yourself, go pick up a good book

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Money doesn't mean anything if nobody decides to use it. Women's power comes from numbers and strength. Men's power comes from a made up system that could collapse in a second if everyone wanted it to.

They made any future movies or threats moot so its ded.

there is literally nothing wrong with brienne of tarth. the rest of those cunts can jump off a cliff however

>fails to rescue her husband
>fails to use time stone to undead Tony
>black widow suicides and gets stone negating thanos feels

>The subject of comic-related-films (or film-related-comics) had understandably arisen and, when asked, I had ventured my honest opinion that I found something worrying about the fact that the superhero film audience was now almost entirely composed of adults, men and women in their thirties, forties and fifties who were eagerly lining up to watch characters and situations that had been expressly created to entertain the twelve year-old boys of fifty years ago. I not only feel this is a valid point, I also believe it to be fairly self-evident to any disinterested observer. To my mind, this embracing of what were unambiguously children’s characters at their mid-20th century inception seems to indicate a retreat from the admittedly overwhelming complexities of modern existence. It looks to me very much like a significant section of the public, having given up on attempting to understand the reality they are actually living in, have instead reasoned that they might at least be able to comprehend the sprawling, meaningless, but at-least-still-finite ‘universes’ presented by DC or Marvel Comics. I would also observe that it is, potentially, culturally catastrophic to have the ephemera of a previous century squatting possessively on the cultural stage and refusing to allow this surely unprecedented era to develop a culture of its own, relevant and sufficient to its times

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Yes. Get over yourself.

Also, if you must know, she doesn’t.

>go pick up a good book
What, you mean like harry potter?

>Get over yourself


... fictional dollars.

yea its going to be her and the black chick from thor coming in to save the day.
it's still gonna break 2.5 bil.

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Imagine wanting to see this movie in the first place and being triggered that your favourite superhero movie has another superhero girl in it.

Fuck imagine being a mutt. What a shitty life.

>women's power comes from numbers and strength
Good luck being a cunt to the guys who aren't scared to hit you back.

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Jesus Christ are you all so hilariously detached from reality to know how social cues work

these junkets last all day and are often asked the same grating questions over and over again

even if he disagrees with her, his body language suggests more “I wanna go home now” than “I hate Brie Larson”. that’s just you projecting

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That's awfully classy of Cheadle. Imagine if Brie had responded, what she'd say.




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nah, Iron man reverses the snap but captain marvel almost stops it. She does basically solo him tho.
>just watched the last fight

Thanos was mid snap while she was holding his hand to keep him from doing it. Remember I, he needs to close his hand to use the stones with the gauntlet, so he's not actually channeling any of them until he yanks the power stone out and punches her with it.

Of course she does. Any characters who don't get some type of superhero gimmick crap? For all the shit shonen shit like Naruto and Bleach get, comics don't sound much different.


>Women's power comes from
Apathetic men.

You should want her to. Have you even seen Captain Marvel? The more we get to look at Brie Larson the better.

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muh muh in the comic

She pretty much does user. Torrent the movie later. I regret seeing it in the kinoplex.

Why is Pepper wearing a suit if she already has Extremis virus that pretty much functions as one?

CM has massive tits, but this woman has deflated balloons

No wonder the soviets gave up on the cold war.

We actually have people paying to watch propaganda now.

you know damn well you would fuck her madly, let alone if she wasnt a cunt


Tony wants her to be able to defend herself so instead of giving her a purse gun and firearms training he gives her an Iron Man suit and Iron Man training.

She doesn't. She does do what Cap couldn't though. Stand up to Thanos' strength.

Nathan is based

that was so cringe

>0.10 dollars have beena added to your disney wallet

Porn parody with Jordi when??!

No She fights him for like a minute and loses. it's pretty much Thor,Tony and Cap doing a 3 v 1 for the whole fight

The theatres were empty

Don’t be like that. There’s still hope, pendulum always swings back

you didn't finish that movie right?

>MCU movies
>avengers assemble

She still overpower thanos in a 1on1

>Disney takes 10 years to feel confident enough to make a female centric superhero movie
>has the balls to write this scene to show off how they're so female centric

Is anyone going to actually be impressed with Mickey's harem of "supporting" actresses?

This is fucking forced as fuck. What were they thinking?

She gets fucked by hanos

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Fuck, why did we have 10 years of loser heroes when all we needed was captain femarvelelous?

Everyone who's not a woman, Go Home and Sit Down

Using Spider-Man, the teen twink, the quintessentialhero in the eyes of the public of the nerd who turns into the god tier power fantasy, and using him in this scene in this way, is actually, genuine god tier brainwashing. They're becoming so good with it it's staring to impress me. Tom doesn't even fucking realize what he is being used for. Holy fuck. Poor bastard. Spidey quite literally, hands Cap Marvel the Infinity Gauntlet, if it was anybody else, it wouldn't be good, but because it's specifically him, it's genuine kino. JEW KINO.

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its like spice girls or something with that "we are girls yay!" attitude. this is the best they came up with?

The future route map

>tanks a hit
>brings him to his knees
>is only overpowered because of the power stone
Fuck that.

lol, Thanos literally bent the knee to his queen. what a beta cuck

It's an automatic +2 in the reviews for having that scene.

I want Brie and or ScarJo to give me an infinity handjob with that jewelery on.

have sex

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we already saw the leaks, don't watch it

Iron man dies

stop projecting

Based Uncle Moore and is insane rants.

She doesn't. She's pretty useless in the movie actually. But I'm kinda dissaspointed with Endgame. There's hardly any weight in anything. And any movie that tries to solve shit using time travel shenanigan just bores md. At least in this one, they plug the loopholes quite well.

you regress to your small world to be alone away from the rest of us who live with the truth, remember that.

Based and birth control-pilled

>take an actress that can't act
>turn her into the new face of your cinematic universe

what were they thinking?
she literally can't show any emotion whatsoever

I only seen a few of the marvel movies but I used to read marvel comics growing up and I puke when I hear people say CM is the most powerful avenger. I want to scream to them bitch the hulk beat the entire avengers team and then got sent to a universe of supreme beings and basically destroyed that and they sent him back. He would eat CM alive in the comics.

yea, pretty much this. It's understandable that people are frustrated or disillusioned with the state of the world and their societies, but it's infuriating that their response is to retreat into consumerism and decadence rather than try to make something of themselves

nah man, like a real good book
I'm reading peralandra rn, finished out of the silent planet a little while back, and it's great, given more insight and beauty in 80 pages than any and all of the superhero movies combined

well, except for one superhero movie

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Go to bed Raimi.

most men would fuck any woman, so that's not the point at all. point is she's ugly. still nut in it. but ugly

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>a comic book movie draws content from comic books

more like go capeshit go rich
spiderverse and black panther made money too
brie failed hard with that hindi shit in 2018 and unicorn store is one of the worst 2019 movies

annie "woke version" was a disaster
wrinkle of time was a disaster
that revisionist rome shit was a disaster

Just buy the damn ticket, goy. If you're dumb enough to care about capeshit in the first place then it shouldn't be hard for you to eat whatever shit they put in front of you with a smile.

Margery was good too

Normies would watch an MCU movie if it was Robert Downey Jr. taking a shit for 2 hours (just look at Iron Man 2).

why do all sjw characters feel like they are written by overly jealous preteens?

God i wish i was peter right there

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the actually gets btfo

Where do they get the idea that men are afraid of women? Do they mean legally afraid of them? Because I've never met a female that I've ever felt physically intimidated by.

All these retards complaining when the scene lasts less then a minute, before they then re scatter across the battle

Here is Captain Marvel scenes

[Spoiler]Saves Tony and Nebula

Avengers Compound, lets get Future Thanos

Captain Marvel puts Future Thanos who is totally wrecked and doesn't even put up a fight in a headlock, and Thor kills him

Timeskip has very quick talk in conference

Shows up at the end to blow up Thanos flag ship after it already landed his army. Fights Thanos but he grabs a single stone off her and punts her. Tries to fly stones into antman van, but Thanos blows that up.

Background in Funeral. [/Spoiler]


It's funny how CM retcons the MCU continuity more than Endgame. And endgame as time travel involved

I just threw up a little bit. Infinity War was the true end of MCU desu.

>captain marvel is the hero
>shot with all the women heroes
>peter parker in the middle

Imagine the smell. If he doesn't make a joke about it smelling like fish Marvel is fucking finished.

why dont they go back intime and reverse the invasion of newyork or get back all the crystals?

why don't they reverse time whenever something bad happens in the future?

who cares

Is this their entire encounter? lol

>Infinity War is redpilled
>End Game is bluepilled

What did they mean by this?

She doesn't. She is barely in the movie. Thank Christ

>captain marvel exists and ruined end game by showing up

I fucking hate mcu now

Jesus Christ, add Marvel along with Star Wars for yet another franchise ruined because of feminist pandering

I like you

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I envy him.

I seriously can't fucking believe that scene of all the female heroes exists. I refuse to.

Oh, come on with this shit already. Feminism to say the day. Im sure the Russos was forced to put that trash in

>this disgusting webm
Remember that episode of the Simpsons where they officially went to shit and normies agreed on this? That stupid episode with Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin.

This is what's going to happen when normies look at this crap, it's all downhill from here, saviour this moment because their ride is over, lads.

Does Thanos even have super powers without the stones? I thought he was just some alien maniac who wanted to impress Death and collected the galactic mcguffins so he could do it.

No powers other than Hulk-tier strength and durability.


It's all downhill from here.

>ride being over
no, the ride is changing tracks now but the ride...the ride never ends

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>incels see this is as feminist pandering
>I just see it as all the mommies protecting the teenage boy

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Yeah it is. Oh they'll still make Spidey 2 and Guardians 3 but after that? Nobody gives a fuck about second-string Marvel character even in the comic books. Their best and maybe only shot is new X-Men that doesn't re-tread ground covered over the last 20 years, if that's even possible.

would be better if they were pantless desu

Well you're a retard.

h-how did you know

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It's funny cause in real life I could KO them all with one punch. Most men could. On top of that women are chaotic and emotional children, and that's why GURL POWER will literally always be a joke.

This is how you get the money of the entire Twitter crowd

>>take an actress that can't act
Dude she won an emmy. She was great in The Room and Short Term 12.

None of the actors in these films try at all, because the only people who watch them are manchildren and/or regular children. It's just a paycheck, don't take it so seriously

Why do they ruin their product like this? What's in it for them?

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Anal peggings.


Brie Larson was not in The Room you fucking faggot I would know that movie is the greatest kino.

>makes a billion dollars on opening night
>"hmm, ruined"
Based Yea Forums financial analyst.

Profit is not an indication of quality.

>if a turd makes money its good

truly a simpleton


>if you profit you're actually losing
Is that you, DC?

I just got into a very draining argument with my ex. I couldn't agree with you more user. Logic, reasoning and rationality totally escapes them.

Spiderman's Harem.

Far From Home is set after they all took turns sitting on his face, except Carol.

Theres a scene where Parker tells MJ about the "mindblowing sex" that haunts him.

why the fuck are you watching marvel movies

They do that with male characters all the time. The gay bro shit in the Furious movies, Top Gun, every buddy cop movie ever.

It only seems weird because you're not used to it.

What a femminist jobber hahaha

>cptn fungus has the gauntlet
>stronk black woman nobody knows the name of front and center
>pepper has her own suit and is better with it then Tony


He literally needs a power stone to defeat her what the fuck are you talking

Fuck yeah. The woman in that shat chocolate almonds and pissed 10W30. No way that was Larson.


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>Brie Larson was not in The Room
Yeah bro, it totally wasn't the movie for which she won her best actress AA. No, sire, not at all.

I think he's trying to pull a Room joke on you.

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Because I'm one too.

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He needs the stones to defeat anyone lol what are you even talking about that's literally what he does in the entire first movie.

the reproduction of capital literall sucks your agency out of society

Based perverts.

She doesn't. She gets her shit kicked in and Thanos takes the gauntlet from her.



All based women taking over pathetic white men movies and cartoons.

>Spidey in the middle of a Carol/Pepper/Valkyrie/Hope/Mantis/Wanda/Shuri/Okoye orgy
Where the FUCK are the art.

You dumb ass faggot knew is was capeshit, and you honestly thought it would not fall apart, in the end, shoehorning a literal who?

You did this to yourself.

You're not alone user.

I want all the mommies protecting ME

this triggers Yea Forums


This can't be real right? Please say it's fake

>10 year build up to this movie
>Character literally introduced 1 month ago saves the day
>Am I being petty?

nah, fair enough in my book

I cringed when the feminists assembled


>watching 10 years of superhero movies
Yes, you're a child and therefor petty

We could elevate the level of film and television if we just stopped talking about Disney products. Let the shills shill to each other while we move on from being led like children to the latest focus group claptrap.

Who is with me?

I take the No Disney Pledge!
Say it!


Im booing when I see that. Fucking bullshit with this i an woman nonsense.

>unironically called Renly the first of his name
I get that's who she is loyal to but why just make shit up

what ps1 FMV is this?

No thanks, nigga, the only movie I'm seeing in theaters this year is Frozen 2.

I watched. Here's what happened.

>Hawkeye scene teaching his daughter before they dusted.
>Cap Marvel save Tony
>They headed to space, Thor beheaded Thanos
>Timeskip 5 years later
>Antman got out of quantum space
>Yada yada they decided to use quantum space to take stone from different time
>Steve, Tony, Antman, Hulk go to New York 2012. Hulk gets one stone from The Ancient One. Tony fucked up, gets 2 stones from 1970
>Thor and Rocket gets one
>Natasha died, Clint gets one
>War Machine and Nebula gets one, but glitched happened, Nabula got found out by Thanos!
>Nebula! impersonated current Nebula
>They return, Hulk un-snap everyone
>Thanos! army comes after Nebula! sets the coordinate whatever
>fight scenes
>Cap wields Mjolnir
>Avengers Assemble
>Cap Marvel and Wanda at some point overpowered Thanos while Thor struggle
>Tony gets the glove, snap Thanos and army to dust
>Tony died, funeral scene, Valkyrie the new king, Falcon the new cap america
>Steve stays
>Last scene, Steve and Peggy slow dance in a house

I don't mind women representation but this is still funny

Tony dies????
Fuck you if it's fake

And she doesn't
Iron Man gets the stones, nanos his own gauntlet, snaps his fingers

Moore is a dishonest retard

Firstly, the "characters and situations" are largely from modern era comics, which were written specifically for the teen/adult male market; not for children. Think 20 years ago rather than 50.

Meanwhile the hokey fuck is only known because he wrote adult stories in what he claims to be a children's medium.

Then he talks shit about not allowing culture to progress while failing to realise that what he's sperging about IS the cultural progression. He's thomas hardy whining about industrialisation in the return of the native except infinitely less talented.

quads confirm, also i saw that webm, its true

but how does iron man die? i havent seen that. i assume its because he OD'ed on power from the gauntlet and is consumed by it

He just gets burned out and falls over.

SHe overpower Thanos, this is just as bad

girl power rawt!!! FACT!!!!

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Now THAT'S a woman I could get behind!


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She looks like a forty year old dyke that would drop off her frumpy wool shawls at the cleaners I used to work at.

Why you retarded amercicans have to put your sjw agenda in every fucking movie. Go fuck yourselves

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>We could elevate the level of film and television if we just stopped talking about Disney products
No we wouldn't. Because then we'd be stuck with a fucking DCEU circlejerk instead.

ALL capeshit has to go.

At least DC kind of tries to be something different and people actively shit on DC movies
With MCU it's all dicksuck all the time even though all the movies are the same banal formulaic garbage

How's Marvel comics doing these days? Not the films, based on storylines from the 70s, 80s and 90s. The actually new comics with new storylines about captain transgender and the diversity patrol.

If you think that shit has a future for films you're delusional. If ardent comic nerds aren't buying it, the average consumer sure as hell isn't going to see it.

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the only way to make her character likeable would be to give her the Taimanin Asagi treatment with spandex suit, remodeled shithole and betrayed by all skrulls into a slave/fighter of a Space Arena, sucking a bunch of purple dick. This would be the Cap Marvel 2 of an ideal world and of course she escapes in the end and saves all the people there.


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most cringeworthy thing I've ever seen

that's because you're an incel

This, Marvel Comics is a complete joke.
They had to reboot Captain Marvel something like 9 times and it never sells, people hate that character and all the progressive faggots who claim they want to see strong female heroes and whatever aren't buying that shit. They never did and never do. They keep trying to push Captain Marvel and literally no one likes that character.
And they keep running mainline series into the ground. They gave Captain America to woke black power faggot Ta-Nehisi Coates and all Cap does is whine while people talk down to him about how shitty America is. They keep giving trannies and women with no experience their own books, wasting money.
DC fucked up too recently with the super-woke Vertigo reboot but they are far less bad.

She does jack shit and literally gets tossed aside by him when he outsmarts her in the simplest fucking way
This shit felt like it was added in at the end of production unplanned, just like the whole captain marvel shit.

Not going to give a long rant but basically she get zero screentime what so ever and the movie is far better because of it. Captain marvel (the movie) and her involvement in Avengers are both literally rush-jobs slapped in by the SJWs at the top and the ONLY thing she actually does in endgame is face-ram her retarded ugly face into Thano's capital ship in the final fight to destroy it while it's bombarding the good guys, something many other heroes could have been written to manage in one way or another. She literally lowers the tension and then JOBS to fucking thanos and doesn't stop him in the least.

>underperfoming fudged numbers
Remember the 'donate to buy movie tickets to capeshit marvel for little girls'?

I really can't believe they let Iron Man 2 get made it was so bad.

not as bad as Captain Marvel or Thor 2. I actually enjoyed it except for the shitty villain.

This dumb bitch killed Tony. For all her smugness she's useless in the end and Tony had to be the one making real sacrifices.

This scene was so fucking forced. Like they were all like a mile apart but suddenly get together for this? Fucking ruined the end fight.

Are they implying best boy Peter is a girl?
I mean, we've always known he's best girl too, but still

Get ready to get banned retard

>Thanos then
Bitch slaps the Hulk pre stones, the supposedly strongest being in the universe
>Thanos now
Can't even beat a women without resorting to the gauntlet

*a woman who got her powers from one of the stones
the real jobber here is Carol, she literally is constantly being juiced by an infinity stone

Vision basically is an Infinity Stone and he got sharted on by Thanos.
Captain Marvel is just bullshit.

Sorry, I don't watch MCU films that don't have Downey in them

Vision is one of the weaker stones anyway in straight up combat strength, either way Captain marvel is juicing hard.

I liked the tyrell bitch, am i bluepill trash Yea Forums?

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>and is better with it then Tony
Really? How? Better Jarvis?

It's real







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Based moore poster

>she literally can't show any emotion whatsoever
Come on user, I wouldn't go that far.

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She has like 1 facial expression and 1 emotion
I hate her stupid teen voice too
She also looks like 40 years old and is completely lacking in charisma
Brie Larson is such an awfully miscast actress

When will it be of the watchables?

Based and shoahpilled

based and piratepilled

I think the movie is out in Pirate Bay.

Yeah but even with that DC movies end up being hot garbage. That’s why everyone loves Shazam. It was the same as a Marvel movie. Yes different movies can make it better but what’s the point if WB is going to rush the movies and ruin the IP? Only exception maybe was WW but that was more an average movie than anything.

I don't think DC movies are good and thought WW was overrated as fuck, but DC at least has the balls to try new things while Marvel just rehashes the same Joss Whedon shit ad nauseum.

Thanos removes the power stone from the gauntlet, holds it barehandedand blasts Captain Marvel across the battlefield.

top kek

Remember when Chinese dumped on this movie because Captain Marvel isn't attractive?

From Shazam, Joker, and Birds of Prey, I can see that they’re focusing on making cheap movies for now on. Can be effective but can backfire as well.

Thor decapitates him 20 minutes in
Iron Man says "I am Iron Man" and then snaps his fingers with the stones
Captain Marvel doesn't appear that much


They have Ben Kingsley's character (Trevor) play the role of a fake Mandarin in a bunch of ISIS-style execution videos then in a BluRay extra scene for the film his character is killed in prison by men who were sent by the real Mandarin.

Does she show her pussy in the movie?


because the stone was conveniently destroyed after they revived all dead heroes

i didn't watch the movie, but you know i'm right

Fucking stupid the mad Titan loses like that.
I really like what they did with him in infinity war and thought it was a pretty good movie.
But endgame is just embarrassing.

Why bros? was infinity war just a fluke? Why was it good?

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For a guy named AfroBull I've never actually seen nigger porn in his entire galary, unlike Shädman or that one guy who can't draw worth shit but started with mostly solo female porn and devolved into blacked and sissy shit exclusively.

Stop lying to him user

>Am I being petty?
No, after 20+ movies building up to this, you would expect the main cast of avengers to save the day, not some literal-who who appears out of nowhere, no matter who they are.

>caring about some shitty hollywood kike movie
this is the reason jews are in control of the west. the white man is extremely retarded

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At the end of the movie Captain America returned everything to its natural order without Thanos and the stones were back where they originally were, except Black Widow is still dead for some reason.

Saved me 12 bucks and 3 hours. Thanks, user.

no, aqm and shazam try for actual jokes and not quips, very different

she also was not in the first 20 picks for the role

They're getting less subtle by the second. Good for us, lazy for them.

So He's named Miles Morales but in the spider-verse movie only his mom seems to have any Latina identity and both his father and his uncle seem to be your typical Kangz. So why the fuck is his last name Morales?

>implying anyone posting here is white and not a bunch of third worlders larping as white

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He was Kangz

Bow to the queen of Asgard

His name should be something like Miles DeQwan or some typical negro name.

Top laugh

>valkyrie the new king

Oh fuck this shit.

>43 seething replies
Have sex

The future is female

Attached: D4Dr2uLWkAERwAh.png (448x327, 34K)

>mfw desperate incels who will die virgins seethe over the fact that they are useless and nobody gives a fuck whether they live or die

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twitter screenshots should be banned

>he fell for the 3D jew

Are people seriously complaining Marvel nearly beat Thanos in a 1v1? We're talking about a girl who can punch her way through a fucking mothership and a guy who doesn't even have proper superpowers. If anything Marvel should've fucking pulverised him.

Yea Forums absolutely BTFO

you should be banned

based killing blow posters

RDJ is almost 60, this shit as to stop.

Did DC just win via Marvel suicide?

>joins Yea Forums online groups on various apps
>they're all slavs, asian,pajeets, spics and niggers.
The absolute state of Yea Forums

>is asked to shut up
>respond anyway

and then the pegging!!!

I don't really know, all I know of miles is from the ps4 spider man game, and in that his parents were a couple. I'm assuming they wanted to make him black AND Hispanic and gave him morales as a surname to emphasize that. Im pretty sure hes gay as well. Being afro-latino myself (yeah call me a nigger) its laughably sad that they're pandering to a minority of a minority. I prefer classic peter over that literal faggot

They came for comics, they came for Star Wars now they came for MCU

((They)) came for all media and ways of life user

the scene is very forced, but it's not that bad
all those female heroes try to fight thanos's army and get easily defeated and have to be saved by the male heroes

You lied she did fuck all the entire movie, in fact she had less air time than that black guy with the wings no one remembers the name of that isn't the black iron man but the black captain America tag along. That's how small her part was.

This desu. It's like my Singaporean spreadsheets.

Wait can anyone explain how captain ends up with Peggy? Does he stay in the past or something?

>billion on opening night
Now lets count the
>bought seats
>bought sessions from other movies
>the marketing
>the cgi costs(the cheapest part of the movie)
>the massive paycheck given to Sammy Jackson and Bread Arson for shitty acting
They didnt make 1 billion on opening,and if they managed to in the long run it barely breaks even the cost of the movie


You're already on the losing side of the argument by even participating in it. Argumentum ad populum arguments don't have a winning side.

>the capeshit invasion is finally over
>feminists have killed it with their own hubris

To think, it was so easy all along.

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No. You can't cry about feminism while at the same time consuming dogshit like capeshit.

If you have watched capeshit up until Captain Marvel, that still makes you part of the cancer that's killing cinema.

Stop watching Marvel or capeshit after Endgame.

It's for your own good sweetie.

>after Endgame
After Iron Man 1 you mean.

Captain america floors him, more than twice

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>Hello again, friend of a friend, I knew you when
>Our common goal was waiting for the world to end
>Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend
>You crack the whip, shape-shift and trick the past again

why do Yea Forums likes that movie so much anyway

I fucking love Wasp's little strut hnng muh dick

>it takes 21 women to protect 1 person

Why does Thor look like the bass player in a Norwegian death metal band?

If men shut up then where will you get all of your ideas and all you own from, cupcake?

I wanna beat her with a broom and cum deeply in her while forcing her face into the dirty floor

Dude vidya

she doesnt

they used the almost Brieless cut of the film

Even if it actually "made" 1 billion, then without plankface it must have made 2 billions...

Gonna have to do a hard pass then

Too bad, I actually think the Dr Who actress is kinda nice and a fair lass, but I only know her from that Black Mirror episode.

At the end of the day she and Daisy is still just a victim of the SJW circumstance and they never intentionally perpetrated any of those toxic beliefs.

Brie cheeseface on the other hand...

When she's there she's clearly arrogant. Just the scene with her ordering Spidey to hand shit over she did it in a way that cut his nuts off. I guess she was jealous that he has ass and she doesn't.

Thor was right. She STEALS the torch from the original MCU.

>Why does Thor look like the bass player in a Norwegian death metal band?
He is.

>minority of minority
This. It's just like Kamala. Not only she's muslim, she's an indian as well.
Should've picked Pakistan or something.

Please tell me they're not fucking serious with that hair of hers.

To quote team four star.
>uhhh why are you running
>to get some distance!!!

We wuz Norse space kangs n' sheit!

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>got her powers from a battery made with some power from a stone
Yeah nah they just wanted to shoehorn in caps gauntlet hold and pull a anything you can do I can do better girl power moment

What ethnicity are you?

this is so fucking bad

she isn't strong enough, what's going to happen when someone like Surtur or Hela comes back?