/got/ general - WOKE edition
Other urls found in this thread:
First for Meli
they're going to fuck up, rush and ruin the last eps won't they?
1. There is no Azor Ahai in the show.
2. Night King won't make crypt Starks resurrect
3. Stannis is dead.
4. Arya is Arya. Waif is dead.
5. Littlefinger is dead and Arya didn't peel his face.
6. There is not a Night King we've not seen.
7. The Night King is not in his way to KL, he'll be there in the battle for Winterfell.
8. Cleganebowl IS happening but Arya will kill the Mountain just before he kills the hound.
9. Arya's scene was the last time we are going to see one of the main characters nude or having a sex scene.
10. We have not seen 1/3 of the last season already, not every episode has the same lenght.
That is all.
where art thou melly?
>1. There is no Azor Ahai in the show.
Wrong, Jamie is Azor Ahai
>I am not Bran anymore
tfw this was literally confirmed. check # 8
How much worse can it get
>mfw Storm's end is a repurposed nuclear cooling tower
>lets just make a gigantic Armada out of nowhere
Why the fuck not, if the plot demands.
First for best girl
based and redpilled
We need someone to vocaroo this
> 1. There is no Azor Ahai in the show.
They might not call him that but if you think a male hero such as Jon or Jaime wont save the day in extremis you are an idiot.
> 2. Night King won't make crypt Starks resurrect
literally proven false by leaks
> 3. Stannis is dead.
> 4. Arya is Arya. Waif is dead.
> 5. Littlefinger is dead and Arya didn't peel his face.
> 6. There is not a Night King we've not seen.
not sure what that's about but yes
> 7. The Night King is not in his way to KL, he'll be there in the battle for Winterfell.
> 8. Cleganebowl IS happening but Arya will kill the Mountain just before he kills the hound.
> 9. Arya's scene was the last time we are going to see one of the main characters nude or having a sex scene.
> 10. We have not seen 1/3 of the last season already, not every episode has the same lenght.
What if Gilly contacted the spirit of Brandon the Builder while at Godswood
she needs to be my gf
>Spend multiple years in less than lordly accomodation, including the Wall and beyond it
>Still fat
How did he manage it bros?
>Oh Arya please no... Not again...
"Sure. It’s been hopeless for a long time, from the very beginning. You will never represent, Petyr, a young girl’s erotic dream. You have to resign yourself to the inevitable; such things are not for you. It’s already too late, in any case. The sexual failure you’ve known since your adolescence, Petyr, the frustration that has followed you since the age of thirteen, will leave their indelible mark. Even supposing that you might have women in the future - which in all frankness I doubt - this will not be enough; nothing will ever be enough. You will always be an orphan to those adolescent loves you never knew. In you the wound is already deep; it will get deeper and deeper. An atrocious, unremitting bitterness will end up gripping your heart. For you there will be neither redemption nor deliverance. That’s how it is."
A cute
copying user's post from previous thread:
High in the Halls of the posts that are gone
Janny would dance with his trolls
The self worth he has lost and hot pockets he has made
The posts that upset him the most
The healthy weight thats been gone for so very long
He couldn't remember his face
They spun him around on the damp blue board
Spun away all his money and days
And he always does it for free
Always does it for free
He always does it for free
Always does it for free
High in the Halls of the posts that are gone
Janny would dance with his trolls
The self worth he has lost and hot pockets he has made
The posts that upset him the most
The healthy weight thats been gone for so very long
He couldn't remember his face
They spun him around on the damp blue board
Spun away all his money and days
And he always does it for free
Always does it for free
He always does it for free
Always does it for free
The iron must cool! It's most brittle right now!
how much your life would improve if this was your gf
I'm gonna need to a tune to sing this along to.
You do realize some people are actually unironically big boned?
was it rape?
t. burger
Daily remember no more smirkfu
by not exercising one tiny bit and eating mostly meat.
t. deluded fat cunts
I want her to poison me then hide the antidote in her bumhole
2/6 is one third you fucking human tampon
Why the fuck do they keep giving this smug little cunt so much screen time? Her house is not important. She's not relevant to the plot. She's not a capable fighter. She doesn't have important relationships with any of the main characters.
This was different from another "spoiler".
Are they intentionally releasing false spoilers?
Are the false spoilers going to be better than the actual shows?
When did the Lannisters stop having blonde hair?
which legbeard made that pic?
>love /got/
>love the memes and shitposting
>don't want the show spoiled
>know the spoilers will get worse as the season goes on
>but this is the last time I can ever be in /got/, will likely fade into the abyss when the show ends
I WANT TO pat GILLY'S head!
azor beric
>Stark girls are ugl-
Not every episode has the same lenght you fucking failure salad.
They shitposted through the day
And into the night through the frogs that swept through the threads
From sneed to feed and fuck niggers again
'Til the board did purge and sage
And he always does it for free
Always does it for free
He always does it for free
Always does it for free
When you started being a fag.
Part of the putting old men in their place yay feminism trend.
She is the reason Jorah will die.
why are all the interesting characters male? all this gurl power and female power stuff doesn't work if even redditors know female characters are still inferior
prequel set pic on the bottom
Lyanna Stark
I claimed her first asshole. Fight me for her. Come at me bro
Korra Del Rio
If I die again, don´t bring me back
Just because betas are allowing women to shame them and taking responsibility for their gender doesn´t mean all of us do. Men constantly apologyzing is the female power fantasy but that´s all it is, a fantasy, in reality nothing has changed IRL. Men have not stepped aside and relinquish power, quite the oposite actually, they have pinpointed this inequity as yet another way to profit from a social issue by produccing woke media content.
do they have a plan to stop his 300mph laser guided tomahawk icicles?
Captain, two warbirds have appeared on our scanner
why bros?
Fan response maybe. I remember when she was introduced people on here wouldn't shut up about the "bear loli"
Oh shit, are we gonna have a tourney to fight for her? Tourneys are a welcome distraction from all the raping and starvation back in my village up north.
What is this expression trying to convey?
she turned into a uber-bimbo-slag. check her IG
I know that I meant the actress
I think this is the most obvious one.
what a fucking cutie
So with what seems like various different "spoilers" being released my prediction is that they go with the cuckiest ending possible and attempt to make it seem like a surprise by pushing fake spoilers.
shit acting
how do I pay you a beer?
it dropped from the premiere but still 4th most viewed of the entire series
Yeah, it wasn't even mentioned in their little "strategy" meeting that they're facing a living siege engine who can launch magical ice projectiles from 100+ metres away that can one-shot a dragon.
You'd have thought that'd come up at least once.
she looks like she should be starring in a Goosebumps episode
he deleted for free xd
>S5 was the only one bad enough to drop below the previous one
Shit tier
Why did the writers make Dany have amnesia at the start of the episode? She knows what her father is, why is she treating Jaime as if he did something monumentally evil by killing him? Several people have given her the 'your father actually deserved to die and the kingslayer did nothing wrong' speech.
Post obscure GoT waifus
For me it was this random courtier, sadly blown up at the Sept of Baelor
Launch the onion torpedos
Imagine being autistic enough to ask this question.
Typical female "leadership", all she's interested in is throwing her weight around and making sure everyone is properly pussywhipped regardless of whether they deserve it or not.
It's consistent with her becoming paranoid like the mad king.
This show is full of retard logic but a regent busting someone's ball just to make them sweat feels pretty realistic
Thanks for noticing
Trips of truth.
then give me an answer if it's so obvious, dabid
But they weren't always blonde
fake and gay
His entire family was disinherited right?
You dumb fucking cunt, she's been running from her father's legacy for 7 seasons
still outdid previous season in total numbers
His father was deeply abusive. Note that he doesn't get upset until she tells him that she killed his brother, who Sam actually cared for
look at all the threads once they reach the archive, save the pages, then go back and read them to relive those happy moments. i did that with L O S T
Pistol or sabers bitch!! We meet at dawn
he actually didnt really care about daddy, but was broken by his brother's death
it was really easy to notice it, are you perhaps retarded?
Notice how the drop after the first episode becomes steeper which each season? fucking normies and their add attention span
the son that he had with gilly is the rightful heir
and right now it is gilly until he comes of age
although gilly could get it all when dany applies dornish law after she seizes the iron throne
he was already crying like a bitch when she got to whatever his name is
fuck the gay emperors
too bad the final season of that show was absolute shit.
We need more fucking lights
He did seem somewhat upset by his father's death. But even if he was a cunt he was still his father so it's normal to have some conflcited feelings.
I want to fuck Lyanna's bear c*nny.
He didn't have a son with gilly.
I don't know, are you allowed to sieze a title from a traitor? (you can in crusader kings 2). Problem with just passing it along in inheritence is that if one family member is a traitor you cannot really trust the rest in general so I imagine seizing a title makes a lot of sense.
That's Craster's son, and it's a miracle he's not a drooling retard with all the inbreeding.
i think she knows she shouldn't berate jaime, but she probably thought welcoming him or treating him without hostility would be seen as an act of weakness or being overly trusting
besides, her father may have been a murdering lunatic but his death did mean the targs were banished
obviously, but he knows that its war and would have gotten over it pretty fast
his brother was a good guy at heart and im pretty sure they are of the same nature despite dickon being more built for battle
Because people are naturally defensive of their own family even if their relatives are bad. Plus Dany was cast out and homeless because of what happened
she has a gentle but firm grip
Checked the archives, it's deleted or have expired
best snek
Half of these are things that already happened that everyone knows already. The other half are just made up bullshit.
Why do you do this.
and in the books it's Mance Rayder's son
Imagine if that was your dick
No it didn't. He sent the rest of his family away/they escaped before Jaime killed him.
idk, if i had a father i never met and i found out he actually died and rendered me an orphan because he was batshit insane and wanted to bomb an entire city, i wouldn't be too angry at whoever put him down
I hope the White Walker plot is finished up in ep3. Only a return to political drama can somewhat salvage the show.
The subordination of politics to le ancient evil has already cost us CIA, and has reduced Varys to a one note butt of jokes. No more. No more!
>Brandon Starkitect
Thanks for that.
>Stannis is dead
Still haven't seen a body, fag
King Boaratheon
all of these reply to theories posted in the last thread (and others before) except 8 and 9
They could have made things more interesting by having everyone unite against the evil bad guys but constantly be plotting what to do immediately afterwards.
>1. There is no Azor Ahai in the show.
>2. Night King won't make crypt Starks resurrect
rickon is down there
>3. Stannis is dead.
hundo p.
>4. Arya is Arya. Waif is dead.
>5. Littlefinger is dead and Arya didn't peel his face.
she could have of screen in the same way that stannis died (see above)
>6. There is not a Night King we've not seen.
what moron thought there was?
>7. The Night King is not in his way to KL, he'll be there in the battle for Winterfell.
he will but bail when it gets rough and head south
>8. Cleganebowl IS happening but Arya will kill the Mountain just before he kills the hound.
not happening, canceled. tickets refunded
>9. Arya's scene was the last time we are going to see one of the main characters nude or having a sex scene.
theres at least one more gay sex scene
>10. We have not seen 1/3 of the last season already, not every episode has the same lenght.
you spelled length wrong
>That is all.
Robert, stop this madness.
you won't see his body (or his head) ever again
You look, more swine, your grace.
I think the opposite actually. The political drama has been undermined and butchered for so long while the action has improved to respectable levels. I've given up for GoT's old glory to ever return, at this point I just want to watch ridiculous over the top battles and sexy people fucking. It's the most I expect to get out of the show.
They haven't had complicated politics since like season 4. The "political intrigue" is as cartoonish as any good vs evil undead army fight
My take on Three Heads of the Dragon is that it refers to three branches of House Targaryen in hiding in secret: Daenerys, Aegon, Jaime and Cersei. The Prince Who Was Promised is a figure that will restore one of their houses to glory. Thoughts?
>sexy people fucking
Like who? Its not season 2 boy
I wanted sexy people fucking too and instead we got Arya. There's no hope anymore
First one to get dubs get to crown her Queen of love and beauty
100% dead:
Grey Worm
50/50 chance of survival:
Lyanna Mormont
>Father, Jon is fucking his aunt. That’s the same level of incest as if you were fucking him. This would never have happened if you had let King Robert kill the whore.
I still refuse to believe Tyrion is the son of Tywin and Jaime and Cercei are not
>Everyone's a Suegaryian!!
Wouldn't be shocked
my thought? you're a faggot
friendly reminder the one solace stannisfags have is that TWOW will never come out and therefore he's canonically alive
If Arya is supposed to look like Lyanna why is she so fucking ugly.
she's YAAS GIRL the character and GOT fanbase is all normies
But that is what makes it Kino. The son Tywin hated is actually his only son. Also the timeline doesn't match up otherwise.
This is a pretty hot take. It might need more investigating. I'm going to post it on reddit and see what they have to say about this. Do you want me to credit you?
Hand her over!
They want a heroic role model for little boys.
Don't misuse this term. You mean "contrived"
Cersei will won in the end.
B-but your Grace, Gendry is a bastard, he is not part of the Baratheon line!
lyanna on the show was also ugly?
Expect the Night King to never use that spear move ever again for no reason.
is arya supposed to look like Lyanna? afaik she is supposed to be ugly and Lyanna is supposed to be beautiful.
Dany and Jon are plenty sexy. Dany did dip briefly but somehow recovered nicely.
Remember when we though she was going to grew up pretty? Then puberty hit her like a baseball bat to the face. Meanwhile Sansa is looking pretty good.
real got leaks, only look if you want the show ruined
>Boom boom acka-lacka lacka boom
>Boom boom acka-lacka boom boom
>It was a night like this forty million years ago
>I lit a cigarette, picked up a monkey skull to go
>The sun was spitting fire, the sky was blue as ice
>I felt a little tired, so I watched Miami Vice
>And walked the dinosaur, I walked the dinosaur
>Open the door, get on the floor
>Everybody walk the dinosaur
>I met you in a cave, you were painting buffalo
>I said I'd be your slave, follow wherever you go
>That night we split a rattlesnake and danced beneath the stars
>You fell asleep, I stayed awake and watched the passing cars
>And walked the dinosaur, I walked the dinosaur
>Open the door, get on the floor
>Everybody walk the dinosaur
>Dany and Jon
wont fuck again
what do you mean, men cant be raped
I mean they spent two episodes in the season doing basically nothing and we're filler episodes so yes, it's going to end very poorly.
2nd paragraph referencing Arya obviously
light blue takes over all of westeros episode 4
elio here, its already done my friend. sent to the publisher and edited just waiting till the season ends to print
Suck it Tyrion fag.
Also I prefer none of them being secret Targs.
I dub her Queen of muh dick
Even now, I could cut through the five of you like carving a CAKE!
what the shit was it?
This is always the case. No need to be autistic about it
Sansa is a qt but they won't give her a sex scene because they've paired her with nutless squidboy for some reason
Why aren't the Essosi coming and seizing parts of Westeros now that their government has basically collapsed, anyway? I thought they were struggling to get slaves for their market because of Dany.
I wanna FUCK kit.
>two sexy lads and also Alfie is here too
>mfw the only time we get a mention of Stannis this season is in the “Previously On” of Episode 3 when in a voiceover we hear “I saw a vision in the flames, a great battle in the snow”
But this time the difference is bigger
He's a good looking man no homo
alfie looks shooped in there
Barry is definitely one of my favorite characters of the books and even show. I just like his backstory. I think he's one character that actually lives up to his reputation. No matter who you ask, they knew that dude would fuck their shit up on the battlefield if they ever met him back in his prime.
Why are Stark men so hot but Stark women so not?
news travel slowly, they are always fighting between them, don't want to bring the dragons or the dothraki back to essos to destroy and sack their cities, their fleets are mainly merchant ships, etc. they haven't even claimed all of essos
I am with Brianne
>dies to some jobbers
when will they learn
definitive proof that kit is definitely under 5'7"
Based and Snekpilled
>the Chad Robb vs the virgin Jon
Is Season 2 Jaime the most kino Jaime?
>at 123 years old
First for Euron. I swear I'm always first for Euron.
You faggots proclaim the show is feminist garbage but the only character left who could fuck up yaaas queens plans is nowhere to be found on this board. What are you? A bunch of Dany cucks?
one of the few times I've seen her in an outfit actually acknowledging "Hey, I've got some stonking great tits"
It's because of their hideous-ass DOOT
>implying you wouldn't
Guy looks like a hipster barista and ultimately entered the series too late to have a real impact
that's hot
show euron a pusi
season 3 for me
>kill his cousin even though he only needed him to pretend to have a seizure
2 and 3
d&d fanfiction and not canon
>ywn meet Lena's dad
So will Jaime ever find out that Cersei cucked him for multiple teen boys
she's a proud hot wife dude
They need to come out with a GoT deluxe edition where the superior Margaery is edited in.
>dong clearly visible through the tighty whities
Ah, so her real life family is incestuous too
More dick, your Grace?
Can someone please explain who the hell thinks it is a good idea to lock all the helpless people into a cave full of corpses when they are fighting a fucking Necromancer?
Side effect of his meds
>We both know what it's like to lead people who won't accept a woman's rule
What? When has anyone ever disputed Sansa's claim to Winterfell or right to lead on the basis of gender. Dany is a retard and she's making shit up
that seems so unhygienic, do girls actually do this?
It seems like a real bitch to use the restroom as a woman, especially if you have to wear skirts or dresses. I'm pretty happy that I was born a man.
Holy fucking shit she needs cum
No, Starks will win in the end.
It's probably just stupid writers in this case but luring in Sansa with the stronk women card would be a pretty smart move by Dany
Listen cunt, no one is fucking gay enough to read a 2000 page book. Jaime kills his cousin you faggot.
ywn ride Kit's dick like his 5'10 waifu rides it
every scene where dany and sansa appear together makes sansa look better and dany look worse
The baddest man on the planet
sansa realizes dany is a retard too, she's just letting dany keep talking so she can be in a better position when she asks her about the north
>this shit again
Night King can't bring back to life guys who died so long ago south of his dominion that he isn't seen. Even if he could those skeletons with 4 grams of meat on them couldn't lift the stone they have on top of them
more like the saddest
He won’t have enough mana if he uses it for the crypts dead.
fuck off dabid don't you have a season to finish?
bad writing
Shall I get the dick stretcher, your grace?
Sansa got her sex scene with that bastard Bolton.
She needs to pair up with Tyrion.
Maybe it was just her bad acting but I totally read the scene as Dany being fake as fuck and just trying to weasel her way into Sansa's good graces unsuccessfully. Her smile and tone of voice just seems really saccharine
>When has anyone ever disputed Sansa's claim to Winterfell
she got cucked of the title of lady of winterfell by a literal bastard who had also renounced to take any title or lands or wife and that was a night's watch deserter for all they knew
The only fucker in Westeros bold enough to sport a mohawk.
>W-we have to work together because we're GIRLS!
>Strong wombyn lift each other up, they don't push each other down!
God I hope Sansa stabs her
>mfw Night King performs EDO TENSEI and resurrects all the legendary Starks from Winterfell crypt
Jon and Sansa on Iron Throne
Lots of Stark babies
It would be the best ending
You all know it
You can see his fucking foreskin. Odd choice for horsegrooming with the family.
8 is fucking embarrassing, the old three eyed raven killed several blackfyres, he wasn’t one of them.
no, its cgi
Good. The last thing we need is a fucking laggromancer in our runs.
Weird that they make her look so much less attractive in the show.
elegant yet slightly revealing dresses are my fetish
Jon's allegiance to the Night's Watch died with him. It's the only reason I can think of for them to kill him off and then immediately bring him back.
Send tits
what are the leaks for the next episode?
Based and Jonsapilled
and that is pretty much the reason, but then he came back to Winterfell and haven't explained to anyone why he left the NW, when he isn't allowed to do that. Nevertheless, they forgive him and let him take control of the North just because the other Stark is a woman and women can't rule.
What does bad poosy smell like Yea Forums??
his head looks like a condom in the thumbnail
everytime i see jon and sansa in a scene together, i just feel sorry for kit
Is the Night King going to use his nuke spear again to instant K.O the dragons or is D&D just going to ignore that?
50 minutes of battle
it's going to get boring
lamprey pie
Yeah that doesn't make you fat, dumbfuck, that just makes you thicc.
They don't call him the Cockblock for nothing
Speaking of kit, the leaked nudes and allegations of cheating have literally died, no one has even mentioned it. HBO is powerful as fuck...
Dornish flowers
i think he will probably try but dany and jon will be riding them and able to evade easier
He saw a draft of season 5 script
Tummy alert
Number 9 doesn't even make sense Targs didn't even come to westeros until 7700 years after the first time the NK was driven back.
shut your bitch ass
is she dead?
The actress is alive
No way Bronn saves the bad pussy and becomes ruler of Dorne
I just want it to be over.
4 more episodes to go.
No way she's alive. Cersei probably made sure she died so her mother would suffer.
The daughter, yes.
The mother is being kept alive to watch her corpse rot.
Different standards of beauty in different places, Arya is supposed to have something of a man face, strong features, etc. Rhaegar is a faggot, deepest lore, etc.
the very first lines of the this season were between varys and Tyrion right? what did they talk about?
imagine carying about the plot especially shit one like the one in got
>Marvel-like post credits scene
Fuck your ass
I don't think that part is so hard to believe. Laws are only laws as long as there are people to uphold them and the NW had close to no influence left by the time Jon was made king. If he broke the law or not is debatable since he died, but regardless there doesn't seem to be enough people that care about those laws anymore.
In the books the characters that call Arya ugly are doing so to tease her like Sansa or Jeene Poole. Other characters that arent out to tease her remark that shes cute.
Marry kill fuck
Left to right
Thing is that it used to be a big deal to northerners, in the very first episode Ned is killing a guy for leaving the NW
>Vyserion will be killed by Tyrion in a scorpion
lmao yeah ok
Don't do this.
Marry Bad Pussy, fuck Whipgirl, kill Manface. Easy.
Every day we move further from the old gods
Targaryen Taqiyya
she got fat
Marry whipsnek
Fuck daggersnek
Kill spearsnek
>Was he on your list?
>For a little while.
Is this how they end Arya's storyline? She just got over her craving for revenge?
Ned is portrayed as being very lawful and true to his principles, maybe more so than other norther lords. More importantly though is that happened years ago in a time of relative peace. Since then a civil war has taken place with a lot of in-fighting the north all the while the NW has grown weaker and weaker. Realistically there'd probably be someone to call Jon out for it but I don't think anyone would care considering the situation they're in and the need for a strong leader.
Why the fuck did rickon run in a straight line? Thats the dumbest shit ive ever seen apart from people supporting sanders in 2019
If it is, then her character change is completely unearned. Show Arya is a terrible character, because they're trying to simultaneously make her a stand-up gal while also being a cold-blooded killer
Everyone will kill Obara
>good writing
Based Bobby posters are the real kings of westeros
New thread when
he was a scared shitless kid, give him a pass
Fucking based
Hapas are the best
No doubt. Think of all the weird shit Ramsey did to him off screen. If my only chances to escape were death or outrunning an arrow I would totally take either.
Which is why it would be a guy wrenching twist D&D are going for. They obviously want to shock the audience. Why not have Euron kill Dany and Jon sacrificing himself to stop the NK. The Burlington bar skanks would kill themselves. Everyone would be happy.
sour milk and coins
I'll bite, what happened
My yr old daughter watches a show called Mia and Me where Bad Pussy is a school girl that opens a book and turns in to a fairy. I can’t get passed how hot that chick is whilst watching.
What a sudden career shift
Dany was trying to pull a "it's just us girls" moment and Sansa saw straight through it. Dany's really not that smart when you think about it.
>Burns alive the Tarlys just because they won't kneel instead of keeping them as political prisoners
>Destroys the Lannister grain train while complaining her army doesn't have anything to eat
>Hasn't tried to breed her dragons
How great do them feets smell