>Rey is the Chosen One born from the force and Luke guides her to unlock her 'genetic memories' before she can face the ultimate evil.
>The final boss is AI. Knights of Ren are robots. Palpatine is living in this AI and talks through the Knights pretty much, he does not appear in flesh at all.
>The Death Star seen in the trailer is none of the Death Stars seen in a previous movies, it's a graveyard of failed Death Stars, some of them very ancient. I know how it sounds.
>What I found interesting about the brief is that the ending isn't really happy, everyone comes to consensus that AI should be banned and it ends with R2D2 being shut down.
>Rey is the Chosen One born from the force and Luke guides her to unlock her 'genetic memories' before she can face the...
Other urls found in this thread:
It sets up a sequel. They're making a fourth movie.
That third line unironically sounds likely
>But-but wouldn't people know about them then?!?!?!
This is nu-wars, where there are no rules and the plot don't matter.
Saving this for later.
If you're right i'm gonna lose my shit at this retarded nonsense.
>R2D2, C3P0, and The Millennium Falcon die in TRoS
This sounds so inherently retarded that I believe it.
The galaxy is also fucking huge, but its weird that there would be no records or tales of death stars blowing shit up
I want to like Star Wars again lads.
dude google lol
elon musk lmao
Of all the leaks this is the most moronic so far.
This is not presented as a witch hunt, to be clear, more like a self sacrifice for the good of all, it's bitter sweet.
Super weapons have been in every era. Even the old republic had the star forge
>it's a graveyard of failed Death Stars
Everyone is trying so hard to make up something retarded enough to be true
Butlerian jihad would be fun but I doubt you'll ever see it.
>failed death stars
>assuming they would spend all that money and just throw away hardware that large and expensive
Sounds fucking retarded enough to be real
I really want this to be true because it sounds so bad.
it's a statement against le ebil capitalism
No droid uprising?
>everyone comes to consensus that AI should be banned
....since when did this suddenly turn into Mass Effect 3's dogshit ending? Is JJ actually ripping off BioWare now?
In which BioWare had already ripped off the endings of Deus Ex & Human Revolution?
Please be real
This would cause a bigger shitstorm than TLJ
its bad but at least its not as boring as the other leaks
All these leaks sound so dumb they’re impossible. However, who would have believed there would be a scene where Luke drinks milk straight from a alien sea cow titty, or the leia blown out the window scene, or 1/5 of a Star Wars movie focusing on fin and rose rescuing horses from a casino. It doesn’t make sense. We’re living in a clown world now boyo
Wait. Were the knights of Ren Luke's apprentices? Was he training Palpy?
Lmao this is Mass Effect trilogy levels of bait and switch. I don't believe that it's real but it also wouldn't surprise me at all with all of the hack writers in entertainment media. Just like how out of the dozen different major themes and conflicts in ME series, only one (Geth vs Quarians) revolved around AI vs Organics, then the series conclusion acted like that was the central theme in order to put a face on the reaper threat and give players 3 endings focused around that theme.
You gotta remember they accidentally put the ending of a trilogy right in the second chapter, so now they have to scramble something up that still feels like an ending
>A huge galaxywide civilization tries to cope with life without AI assistance
Is that 4th movie Dune?
This. I don't see how anyone doesn't see it. They're subverting expectations by making the trilogy a four movie group.
AI? I don't get it. Fuck robots btw
It will unironically tie into our real world at the end. The whole "long time ago in a galaxy far far away" will be explained as our very own prehistory.
No, ME3 was high art. Everyone is some kind of trans-organic green glowy greatness.
That'd be super gay
so luke is a reincarnated into a giant yellow penis slug and palpatine is Elon Musk?
sounds like kino to me
>shuts down AI completely
Fuck the Death Star and Fuck Janny
Jihad, Butlerian: (see also Great Revolt) — the crusade against computers, thinking machines, and conscious robots begun in 201 B.G. and concluded in 108 B.G. Its chief commandment remains in the O.C. Bible as "Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind."
please stop, star wars' plot is already dead
>ends with R2D2 being shut down
wow about fucking time the most overrated character gets whacked
Honestly, they are dicks to droids in general. Like who makes a robot that not only feels pain but fears death and then enslaves them.
real insider here to straighten things out
>anakin was the chosen one and fulfilled the prophecy in rotj
>rey is a clone of a clone of a clone of a clone
>it is never explained who the original rey was or why she was created but it is implied that the emperor had plans for her
>its very likely that this will be covered in expanded media
>the knights of ren are the students from luke's temple. kylo didn't kill them. he "killed them in the same way that vader "killed" anakin and kylo "killed ben". he turned them to the dark side. they are all force sensitive but for some reason none of them wield lightsabers.
>the death star seen in the trailer is wreckage from the original death star
>palpatine is very much dead. he only appears in holocron recordings
>the ending is happy, rey starts a new jedi order called the skywalkers on ach-to and kylo exiles himself to tattooine and they link up one last time and watch the twin sunsets together
>opens with a young sheev, the greatest swordsmen of a medieval planet, in the middle of a duel against a group of jedi, he captures a lightsabre and kills them
>two hours of bullshit with all the disney characters pissing around
>sheev, terribly wounded and burnt, stands on a platform within the starforge, it fires and endless rows of mechanical arms begin to move
>'now it begins'
>yuuzhan vong ships jump onto the remnants of the resistance and first order fleets, annihilating them both
next trilogy is the 3 highest grossing movies of all
I just hope they don't get sujheir box offce expectations subverted
The true ending shows some of the "good" robots lived.
never read dune it look like a fucking good idea.
Is dune about a AI overlord that let down humanity ?
>everyone comes to consensus that AI should be banned and it ends with R2D2 being shut down.
Surely the Sith would never disobey the law!
>everyone comes to consensus that AI should be banned
Are we 40k universe now?
Nigger you can use paint to erease the dialog of Moloc, why don't you do it?
>kylo and rey separated
>happy end
lmao good joke
I want the remainder of Star Wars to be a slow decline into the 40k universe
>AI should be banned and it ends with R2D2 being shut down.
Can't these assholes stop copying Dune at all?
Why the fuck did they abandon the original idea of relays slowly killing the stars?
they are on good terms and kylo is good now but he chooses to exile himself and cut himself off from the force like luke did
>The final boss is AI. Knights of Ren are robots. Palpatine is living in this AI and talks through the Knights pretty much, he does not appear in flesh at all.
It's all bullshit, but I actually like this one. It would give us some new possibilities if a force presence could manipulate technology like that.
In Dune backstory humans waged Jihad against robots, computers and other AI.
all shippers must hang
Thank God you're too stupid to ever actually have a career in films, OP.
>so luke is a reincarnated into a giant yellow penis slug
Seriously assholes, stop ripping of Dune.
I told you guys about Creepio
everyone comes to consensus that AI should be banned and it ends with R2D2 being shut down.
But that doesn't even makes any sense with anything that came before. It doesn't even make sense with the rest of the sequel trilogy because there was no emphasis on AI.
>thinking op is more retarded than pascal or kennedy
Honestly wouldn't be surprised if this was true considering the stupidity and awful writing from GOT and Nu-Star Wars.
Kill yourself poofter
>everyone comes to consensus that AI should be banned and it ends with R2D2 being shut down.
someone was dumb enough to write this thinking people would believe it
who is "everyone" even in this scenario. The handful of people left in the rebellion? Who has the authority to shut down AI EVERYWHERE? LOL
Lmao no one fucking cares shill
lmao nah that doesn’t happen
That's depressing, not happy.
>>The final boss is AI. Knights of Ren are robots. Palpatine is living in this AI and talks through the Knights pretty much, he does not appear in flesh at all.
I dont hate this
It's gonna be shit
kys fag
So why are you going to pay for it cunt?
AI is in, it's painted to be the villain in all recent media, so it's very possible that JJ, out of all people particularly, would jump onto this bandwagon too.
A.I. in the classic shodan, mcp, Deus ex way is not a thing in the Star Wars universe. The deathstar plans were saved on a magnetic cassette.
George aped Dune a lot in the originals, hence the appearance of great houses, huge focus on bloodlines, desert planet. If he's back on this one, this makes sense and I can see how it could link to the original concept about the story being a recording made by R2D2 - his HDD might have been preserved when he was shut down.
Some earlier confirmed leaks said that droids play a huge role in this film and we're even going to see a 'planet of rogue droids', this seems to be in line with it.
Same reason I spend 10 bucks for a cheap meal when I'm hungry
So like Tolkien somewhat did with LOTR except worse
I hope you and your disgusting cunt of a mother both get cancer
Because I buy a movie ticket?
Youre human garbage. Your family line should be eradicated
The AI stuff just confirms BS. Palpatine can easily be a Sith Holocron or a ghost sustained by Dark Side Sorcery, it ain't the first time it's happened.
Rey being created by the Force makes the most sense though, no clone bs. Just reveal that the Emperor conceived her with the midichlorians like Anakin and that's why she's so powerful.
fake and gay
That plot belongs more to a sci/fi movie
>Rey is the Chosen One born from the force and Luke guides her to unlock her 'genetic memories' before she can face the ultimate evil.
So in order to guide Rey to become the ultimate Jedi, Luke first had to die? Better do as your teacher says, Rey, not as he does. But wait Luke went to his grave denouncing all that stuff, didn't he? Never mind.
>The final boss is AI. Knights of Ren are robots. Palpatine is living in this AI and talks through the Knights pretty much, he does not appear in flesh at all.
Force Ghost in the shell? Some guy who's *much* more machine now than man? Or has he shrunk down to bite size and is now hiding inside some desk top pc? The dark side of the force *is* a pathway to some unnatural abilities. I doubt this is true. It sounds too imaginative to be JJA.
>The Death Star seen in the trailer is none of the Death Stars seen in a previous movies, it's a graveyard of failed Death Stars, some of them very ancient. I know how it sounds.
What? Build your death star on the surface and then lug it out of that planet's gravity well? Or, just to be environmentally friendly, dispose of one you built in space at the local landfill site?
>What I found interesting about the brief is that the ending isn't really happy, everyone comes to consensus that AI should be banned and it ends with R2D2 being shut down.
If the 'yin' to this is the AI/droid/r2 shut down, then the 'yang' could be the death of "clone" Rey. Why do I think she might be a clone? Those "genetic memories". Droid (favored by the Sith) Palpatine. And Clone (favored by Jedi) Rey. That would make sense in a kind of balance restoring Star Wars way. They'll try to jerk some *more* tears from us whatever happens.
So, all pretty lame but for all I know, I'm responding here to false information.
That's retarded but I belive it
>AI should be banned
Death to robots, Butlerisn jihad now
>rey is a clone of a clone of a clone of a clone
>it is never explained who the original rey was or why she was created but it is implied that the emperor had plans for her
It would give a lot of sense to the cave with infinite clones, but I feel like you'd drop that bombshell in TLJ so that Rey has a ton of time to process being the clone of a science experiment. That should be devastating but instead they're gonna put in the third movie where Rey will easily process it.
>the bad guys were robots, so we had to deactivate all of our completely unrelated robots for some reason
The exact kind of retarded logic I'd expect from media that panders to new-age liberals. The bad guys shoot lasers, too. Maybe the resistance should disarm all of their blasters!
That first one is pretty wrong. Anakin and Obi-Wan were fucking Chads. Amidala did jack shit.
Second one is accurate, but is a big misrepresentation of their importance to the story. Luke has a meaningful arc that only starts with him being a bumbling farmboy, and Han was pretty fucking in-charge, he was just only giving about 1/3 of a shit at any given time.
It's too sci-fi for Star Wars.
so they are ripping off Mass Effect, Dune and Tolkien of all people for their hail mary
based and dasein pilled
> Muh Canon!
>who would have believed there would be a scene where Luke drinks milk straight from a alien sea cow titty, or the leia blown out the window scene, or 1/5 of a Star Wars movie focusing on fin and rose rescuing horses from a casino
Even now it seems impossible
It isn't really, it's just huge bait for the post-movie comics/novels/whatever you know are coming.
do you know how many accidental blaster discharges there are that result in injury or loss of life? this is no laughing matter bro, everyone needs to turn in their blasters right now. for the good of the galaxy
JJ already did it once, they'll do it again.
>Win the war against the empire
>Reinstate the republic
>Immediately dismantle the army
>"What could go wrong?"
>final shot of the movie
>death star graveyard
>a carved hand holding something
>zoom out, zoom out, zoom out
>its the statue of liberty
That would make Rey the first Bene Gesserit
Mass Effect's plotline was bootlegged from the Alastair Reynolds novel, Revelation Space, in which an ancient AI race called the Inhibitors stalks the galaxy eradicating sentient life. The main difference between Revelation Space and Mass Effect is that the Inhibitors actually have a motive that makes sense, and Revelation Space is all around better written. Also, the ME 1/2 writer's original idea for the ending of ME was literally identical to the ending of Revelation Space, so this isn't even debatable, he copied the whole story. It's a never-ending cycle of bootlegs. Oh, and one of Alastair Reynold's other stories, one that I haven't read, has devices very similar to the mass relays, so perhaps that was stolen too.
Star Forge was just a weapons factory though, not a weapon in itself.
In Dune the AI try to overthrow humanity, IIRC. The humans eventually win, and so outlaw machine intelligence. Essentially, computers are banned. The book mentions some of the ways humans get around the lack of AI. One of these is by breeding genetically engineered human computers, called Mentats, who can often predict their enemy’s future actions by studying how they’ve acted in the past. By the way, Jedi mind tricks, and to an extent the concept of the Jedi itself, where already copied from Dune. In Dune it's called the voice, practiced by a group of reclusive nuns (instead of monks), and it works exactly the same way. You wave your hand, tell someone to do something, or ignore something, and they obey your command without thinking about it.
Just because you’re trying to go for a certain feel doesn’t mean you’re doing it right, that it’s working, plays the way you want it to, or even that it was a good idea to start with.
>series finale of a 9 movie kids series
>it all leads up to genocide where everyone leads R2D2 friends to the gas chamber
T..thanks jews
That's Dune. It's also way too original for the new Star Wars.
>Rey is a clone
That's the only kino sounding thing you've said. So I'm guessing the movie will be shit.