Should I buy a ticket for a random movie during the first screening of Endgame, walk into the Endgame theaters...

Should I buy a ticket for a random movie during the first screening of Endgame, walk into the Endgame theaters, yell out the spoilers, and run away?
I'll film it and post it.

Attached: Screen-Shot-2014-02-06-at-12.21.10-PM.png (587x391, 258K)

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do that but bring a gun and instead of shouting spoilers just start firing into the audience haha

Get a portable megaphone and sneak it in so everyone can actually hear you
Otherwise you’ll just be that weird guy shouting something random before a movie before getting tackled by security and arrested on suspicion of being a theatre shooter

okay see you guys in a couple days.
The theater is right down the street from my house so I can make a quick escape easily
ha most likely I'll walk in the theater to do this, and there will be a guy walking in with an AR15. I'll tell him "wait let me ruin their movie before you end their lives"

That’s not funny dude that actually happened in Colorado at The dark knight rises when I was a kid.

doesn't matter if I don't have a gun on me there's no evidence and I'll be let go. It's not illegal to spoil movies. good megaphone idea though

I have a better idea. Stand near the counter where people queue up to by the tickets. Wait for the line to get reasonably long and shout tony stark dies preferably onto a microphone.

most likely there will be more people in the theater at least 20 minutes beforehand getting hyped. The iron will be hot.
I'm gonna bring a bucket and capture the snacks they throw at me and eat them while I continue to yell out more spoilers

doubt you'll be able to carry the mic inside. And outside you'll be able to get a better footage of people's reaction.

not gonna lie it would probably go viral and if you hitched the video to a channel with you showcasing other breaking news you could become an e-celeb

Whoa that's fucked up

>tackled by security
yeah, because minimum wage theatre slaves have the right to tackle people to the ground. theres not a chance some wee dweeb that works there is allowed to tackle you, if he did you beat the shit out of him and the police would still charge the theatre for having 'security' that isnt licensed

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Whoa, story?

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So I could get more followers on my anti-Judaism channel by spoiling an Avengers movie?
How did I not think of this sooner

Livestream it or don't even bother

Just wear a dress, wig, makeup,and panties. Put a mic in your purse.


I seriously hope you get raped in jail you disgusting fucking incel.

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It would be better if you do a mass-murder, but spoiling the movie is fine too.

haha yeah, as a joke though. wouldn't that be funny haha



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Some guy legit came through an emergency entrance into a theater with machine guns and shot a ton of people. It was during the premiere I think. Google would give a lot better details.

>Whoa, story?

Underage detected.

You’re not doing shit, you mumbly fucking beta.

Haha ok bud. Pretty sure I would have heard of that.

Ultra fucking newfaggot detected



what the heck
how do you like Marvel movies so much? what's wrong with you
I hope your theater is the one I yell spoilers at


I just don’t believe anyone here has the balls to go to a public place and shitpost irl. You’ll just get laughed at by the Chads with their dates and get kicked out.

Some basedman wrote in big red caps lock letters HAN SOLO DIES on the morning of release of TFA in my country, all in the public where all the public transport pass by.
Entire articles were written about it lmao.

Is there any efficient important one line spoiler that could be used here?

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tony stark dies

>TDKR was released 40 years ago


Ultra ULTRA newfaggot detected

>chads watch avengers movies
If you think those are Chads I can't imagine what you look like user


lmao what are the spoilers

>college Chads don’t go to Marvel movies in droves

How out of touch is this board?


Oh god dammit


Based, hope you deliver.

>background sound stops for quips


wtf this is so gay.
it's just a giant orgy of five second action sequences and "pew pew" sounds

>kill off half the Avengers
>bring them back in the very next movie so the stakes are purely abstracted


what's the name of this band? i think i've seen them

The Beatles


in Minecraft

This doesn’t load on my phone it’s just cartoon animals with Chinese letters.

Surely OP will deliver. Guaranteed.

anthony stork becomes morbid

How fucking old are both of you to not remember that?


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I will but I probably won't live stream because in the theater in my town the reception sucks.
I'll upload it. It's only a couple bucks for a random theater ticket I just gotta make sure it's playing on the same side of the theater as the avenger's screening.
anyway to figure that out beforehand? I don't want to buy a ticket then realize it's on the opposite side of the theater, and you can't go to the other side without a ticket for that side.

I'd unironically give anyone who does this in a theatre I'm visiting 20 dollars.

>some anxious looking nerd starts yelling something in the back of the theater
>based Chad yells “shut the fuck up, incel”
>everyone points and laughs

you don't even have to run. just have a friend yell out "sorry, he has tourettes", every time you scream a spoiler. stay for the whole movie.

or maybe homosexuality can lead to deeper sins.
Dahmer was a fag

Shit user, Cinemark 24?

Very good idea user.

And Ted Bundy wasn't.

Dahmer wasn't the worst faggot. Dahmer was BEST faggot. If you want worst faggot, head on down to your Catholic church if you're in a heavily Irish or Hispanic parish

I absolutely would do the same if I was in America. Unfortunately people in Russia don’t care as much about capeshit and much more violent and poor, so going to theatre is a really special occasion, so I’d probably get beaten up for nothing.

>Have to read out loud in class
>get to the word 'organism'
>say 'orgasm' instead
Wowie zowie

It's working.


Why are you asking the internet if you should write a page of history?

why doesn’t the prune just click his fingers and delete those faggots from existence

That's a pretty obvious spoiler though, user. He should just shout out every key point in the movie, starting from the end and working his way to the beginning.

what are the main ones? I'll say them I'll, I have a very understandable voice so everybody will hear each word.

I'll say them all

dead link

Kuwait grips.

>wait until the theater is packed
>walk out, bar the door
>pull the levers to release the hot butter reservoirs into the theater

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Another member of the 7th grade micro-orgasms secret society.

>did some far guy just mumble really loud

Based Dog, i am protected now

Only if you wear a tuxedo and a Pepe mask.

>when you were a kid
You must be 18 or older to post here




just found about the Colorado movie theater shooting. damn, that shit sucks man...

Fucking retarded brainlet die.

That plump little pup must be fat from eating a lot of curses

Very clever.

Fuck you

I had to google this story. Was Yea Forums around then? Did it meme the tragedy? I hope not, that would be disgusting.