The first review is published! IT'S MEDIOCRE!!!

The first review is published! IT'S MEDIOCRE!!!


Attached: Based potato nigger.png (1920x1080, 168K)

Sadly capeshit fans are children.
Reminder that Infinity War has over 25% 10 star rating on IMDB and is rated higher on all points than Godfather

still 3/5 to push it into fucking fresh

based ireland man

how long before Disney pays RottenTomatos to remove it for being 'hateful'?

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1. It's rated as the best movie of all time on IMDB and RT and Metacritic, bar none
2. It's on pace to make $6.5 BILLION at the box office

It's over. Disney won movies for all of time. It's over.

>make 6.5 billion at the box office
>still doesn't beat Avatar

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Female avengers scene is confirmed to be cringy. LOL THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF DISNEY.

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yeah, we saw it

Attached: The Future Is Female.webm (854x480, 2.65M)


>It's a clip show
>it will make >2B

What's so bad about it? They're all powerful characters. If it was a bunch of civilians I'd get the point.
The paddy is just being contrarian for publicity.

D+ internet defense force is here

>What's so bad about it
They forget about all the heroes that came before, just to have a YAS QUEEN movie. appealing to the lowest common denominator, sjws. as we have already known, sjws arent a good market. Ghostbusters 2016 failed miserably because of appealing to them.

do they have pussy magnet, disney shill? why do all the female group together in the middle of the chaos?

This white(!) man will be blacklisted by disney now.

This really is the new s0i face huh?
I bet all the other infamous s0i-face guys are either; unaware, or thankful as shit this dork did what he did.

It's still a Fresh review you low IQ dog fucker.

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It's just a shot for grrl power since it's the only movie where all the girls share the same stage.

Who are the girl Spiderman and Iron Man? Did they invent new characters just for this trash?

