Can we all admit Family Guy is better than The Simpsons?

Prime Family Guy is better than The Simpsons and "bad' Family Guy (it never became zombied, I still watch it on Sundays and laugh multiple times an episode)

The only people who still think otherwise are that cringe 30-42 year old bluecheck receeding hairline glasses (mostly Jewish) Twitter user who are usually also cover politics/sports and make le epic Simpsons references to pop culture events.

The show was absolutely never as laugh out loud funny as Family Guy and anyone who watches fucking cartoons for le deep storylines (which The Simpsons didn't have any good ones, by the way) is a straight up fucking nerd.

Zoomers prefer Family Guy
Boomers prefer Family Guy

"The Simpsons are better" demographic is so limited and are literally using a preference in a carton to seem more "sophisticated"

Family Guy is better. Period.

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Sneedposting is actually more Family Guy type humor

Absurd and meta

Simpsons humor was always much blander and safe


Farmer #2? Why was he on Family Guy

based and redpilled


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Sneedchad btfo

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Sneed shitter btfo
Stop pretending to be me

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Sneed's Feed & Seed (Formerly Chuck's)

Chuck Garabedian is an underrated one-off character.


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Inb4 Sneed's Feed and Seed, formerly Chuck's

Prime simpsons was one of the funniest things that was ever on television. Family guy has had its moments and never quite fell off as hard as the simpsons but peak vs peak the simpsons wins every time

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The Simpsons at its peak is the finest television programme ever made

Family Guy is and always has been shit

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The Sneedson's is better than both combined

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Prime Simpsons being Season 11 Episode 5 of course.

>Sneedsons is better

It's good but there's not many jokes in it

It feels more like a drama than a comedy tbqhwy

All they sneeded was one episode to be better all of prime family guy

>simpsons 2- 10 being good while fg 3 - 8 being good
after this they both turned to shit/reverted back

American Dad! Is better than them both

I preferred the simpons humor only because it was more subtle. FG seemed try hard.

prime american dad is the best animated comedy