Is it doomed to fail?

Is it doomed to fail?

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Any idea why? Not feminist/retarded enough for modern audiences? Holland is doing reshoots now.

>six writers in the billing alone
>probably more writers who didn't get billing
>director changed during pre-production

Why would an established director like Doug Liman jeopardize his career with an obvious shitshow like this?

Wasn't he making luna park? I hope he doesn't axe it

>Daisy Ridley


Tom Holland is ugly as fuck

It's destined to fail.

Liman is notorious for shooting his movies twice and writing as he goes along. On Bourne they almost banned him from the industry and on Edge Of Tommorow he had a meltdown in front of the cast.

His movies turn out great...somehow its really weird.

Should have had Tom Hardy dressed as Bane read Shakespeare for two hours, would have been cheaper and made more money.

i which is going to be the bigger trainwreck. this or ad astra which is coming out next month and still has no trailer

This is deemed unreleasable but their Robin Hood movie wasn’t?
Charlie Kaufman wrote the first draft

>deemed unreleasable by the company that distributed A Madea Family Funeral


Madea films always make money. They're cheap to produce and a subset of black people see them no matter what.

He’s beautiful

what is marketing ?


Fuck kind of syntax is that

Never heard of this person or movie

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It's Hollywood lingo

>Bourne Identity
>Mr. and Mrs. Smith
>Edge of Tomorrow
stick to capeshit threads

They had Mads Mikkelson playing the evil mayor in this one.
I wanted to see it, if only for his cameo.
Goddamn it, if they axe it I'll be pissed.

I'd watch the man take a shit and think my money was well spent.

Watch Polar if you haven't, nice flick.

How bad must it be that the studio that released Mortdecai, Power Rangers & the Point Break remake think it’s too bad to release.

my girl daisy needs to leave and sue them not to release it. pls no

two good movies, not bad

>this getting cancelled after reshoots
>Dr Doolittle to reshoot
will my bf tom ever get a break?

Young adult novels are stupid with plots that are borderline unfilmable, and any that aren't megabest sellers aren't going to have hit movies, especially not hit movies when the last book in the series is a decade old and all the then tasteless kids and teens who read this crap are all grown up. Imagine trying to release Twilight, Harry Potter, or The Hunger games for the first time in 2020-25.

I can understand buying the series for cheap and spending 30 or 40 million on it, but a nine digit budget? Best case scenario is it breaks even.

They’re going to have to list a new release date, which works out for Disney anyway because they can pick a day that doesn’t compete with their other releases, and the VFX team can have more time to finish everything. I’m surprised they haven’t announced anything yet.

Holy shit. Daisy Ridley is like 10x hotter as a blonde.

>Another adaptation of a YA novel series that I've never heard of yet is somehow popular

Why is this being considered unreleasable?

Madea films cost only a few million to make, require almost no advertising, can be released steadily on a yearly basis, and consistently make tens of millions of dollars. Going by their official production budgets, each Madea film makes 3-5x it's budget back, which is still the standard of success for most films. In reality those budgets are grossly inflated for cash scams, so each movie actually makes way way more in terms of budget to box office ratios.

Sure it's not a billion dollar franchise like Marvel, but the Madea Cinematic Universe is a solid money making machine, and isn't wholly dependant on massive advertising campaigns, domestic retards, and stupid Asians to make a profit. Hollywood collapses when the Chinese economy does. Madea's Family Nursing Home will still be making money 30 years from now.

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>Liman is notorious for shooting his movies twice
>Edge Of Tomorrow

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