Someone spoil endgame for me.
I'm not paying money to watch Captain Feminism kill Thanos and generically rescue all of the MCU so they can keep selling Spiderman merch.
Someone spoil endgame for me.
I'm not paying money to watch Captain Feminism kill Thanos and generically rescue all of the MCU so they can keep selling Spiderman merch.
>Thanos destroys the stones to make his changes permanent
>Avengers find and kill him
>5 years later
>They develop time travel
>They go back to different points in time, mainly to the battle of new york
>They fight over the gauntlet and ironman snaps thanos, killing himself in the process
>Captain America stays behind to live his life with Peggy
>End credits is a bow by the actors
I read the spoilers and I literally don’t understand them because I don’t watch marvel movies. All I know is sneed’s feed and seed formerly chuck’s fuck and suck
the good guys win and the bad guy loses. Some good guys probably die while emotional music plays. Then the credits roll and people clap.
>Tony dies
>Cap dies
>Thor dies
>Black Widow dies
>Hulk dies, Banner can no longer transform
>Hawkeye nigs out on the final battle
>Captain Fungus undoes the snap with the help of Ant-Man (destroying his suit in the process)
>Thanos gets rekt by all of the unsnapped Avengers
>of course, fucking Brie Larson gets to finish him off while wielding the infinity gauntlet
>everyone goes back to Earth and celebrates at the Avengers tower, honoring all of the dead Avengers
>Hawkeye gets his family back
>Bruce Banner becomes the R&D along with the niggress from Wewuzkanda
>Captain Feminism becomes the new leader, Falcon becomes the new Cap, Bucky becomes the new Black Widow, Spiderman is told he is still too young, and Black Panther nigs off back to Africa
>also, ur gey
>also, is completely wrong and retarded
>yes, seriously, this movie is fucking terrible, plenty of quips and stupid jokes like the raccoon not being aware he is a raccoon
>niggers tongue my anus
Thank you. Yeah I'm never paying money to see that, more or less what I expected, Brie Larson as new MCU face killing a character who was actually interesting with a personality and undoing real consequences.
Feminism is cancer.
Has Ginsburg even been seen in public in the last year?
I don't know why they blew their load on her, considering Black Widow could have easily pushed all of the feminist bullshit while not being scorned as the newbie. Seriously, it is so unbelievably depressing to see these actors forcefully sidestep for her. It's as though they are frightened of her character and never get in her way because she's a strong tough woman. She doesn't even acknowledge the deaths of any of the heroes either and just spends the whole movie insulting every other person that has a dialogue with her or tries to do anything. Everyone else becomes a stumbling babyman, which is incredibly out of line with what we saw from the past movie, especially fucking Thor who literally got scorched by a fucking star and survived, who now gets killed in two hits.
the joke in the top right is kind of funny
You people are so sad...
So basically what you're saying is; she's every female character from The Last Jedi?
Is this thread serious? Brie has maybe 10 minutes of screen time and she's absolutely not essential for the end fight. There's just a fight scene and two yass grrl bits
Back to leftypol you retard
Their use of Stonetoss's own comic is proof of the intelligence behind it.
If you thought it was a bad narrative tool, you would use something else.
Can you verify the spoilers above as being legit?
Somehow worse, because at least the Mary Sue from SJW Wars didn't talk much
You clearly haven't seen the movie. This bitch gets way too much screen time for a movie about all of the Avengers, and the final fight focuses on her more than anyone else. Every time someone else is in the center of the screen, she has to be involved or she's shouting off-screen or it cuts back to her. I'm fucking surprised they didn't have all of the surviving Avengers clap after she kills Thanos
>how dare you not want blatant political propaganda in your comics!
Whatever leak you're reading is wrong, the first post was correct
Stonetoss is a brainlet but atleast he's good at triggering people
>Thanos destroys the stones to make his changes permanent
>Avengers find and kill him
>They develop time travel
10/10 writing here
>Hawkeye nigs out on the final battle
can someone translate this from Neo/pol/itan?
It's all true
I saw the last fight scene, she's at least there for a good reason. Thor and Cap aren't doing shit though
He NIGS out because NIGGERS can't commit to anything and run away from all of the responsibilities and problems
And I bet ScarJo would do feminist bullshit in a more palettable form than Brie’s detestable screeching. I don’t like it in any form but Captain Marvel just may be the worst feminism posting I’ve ever seen.
I mean all the written spoilers involving brie are trash, just see the weibo videos man
Black guys are fucking your mom as we speak
Ok, nigger
They aren't YOUR comics. They are political comics. Arguing that you don't want politics in a political comic makes you seem unhinged. You could always just not read them if they bother you so much.
god dam it kek
Top laffs
Captain Marvel beats Thanos single handedly because FUCK MEN
sorry, you need to understand that literally everything bad is attributed to black people by you guys, so if you use "nig" as a verb it isn't clear what specific stereotype you're referring to.
it's honestly a problem for communicating what you're trying to say. just a heads up! :)
i don't get it?
Just because you're a triggered millennial doesn't meant it's not funny.
Apply the above advice to the rest of your life and it will improve 200% guaranteed, faggot.
>one of the rules is that you aren't allowed to question their motives
how can people read this and think they're joining a group of intellectual freedom fighters.
So is stonetoss Yea Forums's version of ribbonfag on /tg/
i.e. makes threads using his comics and spams them in an effort to make them seem more popular than they really are
At least stonetoss has the value of causing internet drama
Ruth Ginsburg is very old.
I think he's an unfunny crank who thinks himself witty. His entire schtick is to be politically incorrect, and nothing more.
Andrew Dice Clay was funnier.
>your comics
nigger what
>so if you use "nig" as a verb it isn't clear what specific stereotype you're referring to
Yes it is, you are just acting dumb because you are virtue signaling on a fucking anonymous vietnamese basket weaving forum. The only reason you wouldn't understand what nigging is would be if you are an outsider and do not belong here, and in that case, you are willfully exposing yourself to words that bother you for some undefinable reason.
Maybe you should nig off of this site, newfriend
whats really depressing is that he doesn't even make jokes, he's just pointing out liberal delusion which is in itself, fucking hilarious.
>9000 people getting mad and editing 1 (one) comic writer
lmao, liberals are pathetic
>we don't allow debates of fascism, antifascist action and on justifying the existence of groupsthat defend fascists
and brainlets.
That was pretty good desu
I want them to analyze my dick if you catch my drift
>our world is so hopped on political correctness that this is actually supposed to be a joke and not something incredibly real and sad
Iron Man beats Thanos.
you could have meant he stole Thanos' bike or fucked his wife or any number of things. anyway its clear was correct and you were just transcribing your bipolar disorder.
Taking a screencap of yourself being faux-persecuted and posting it on Yea Forums is pretty cringe, to be frank.
It’s weird how anti-liberal memes are generated on Yea Forums organically by bored autists, and how lefties need to organize groups with regulations to make memes that aren’t really that funny or interesting. And by weird I mean sad.
>believing spoilers that are actually concealed by spoiler brackets
I guess you really are new here. Have fun nigging around here
Movies, anime, films, tv shows, videogames, manga, comics, magazines, newspapers can have politics. But Cartoons not?
What else can you do but sit back and laugh at the world, honk honk motherfucker.
>he doesn't even make jokes
On that, we agree.
You know it's possible to dislike people without also denying their talents, right? In fact, the willingness to lie to yourself and others about the people you dislike only serves to push those people closer to relevance relative to you.
If I made myself believe that Noam Chomsky was an idiot, I wouldn't be diminishing Chomsky's standing in the world, I wouldn't be doing anything constructive to limit the impact of his ideas, I would only be diminishing my own ability to make sense of the world around me.
So you can go on thinking Stonetoss is an idiot, you can go on claiming he's not funny. He relies on people acting the way you do, it makes him relevant.
I thought after credits was galactus?
>don't worry, she's got help
Stopped watching there. Absolutely pointless women power bullshit. IW was actually decent compared to this garbage.
These redpill sperm comics are terrible. Please stop shilling them on every board.
im sure you're one of those people who is happy to admit that modern science has proven beyond a reasonable doubt, that black people are indeed the fastest humans on earth. I can admit that, because its true, so why does the notion of other races being more intelligent bother you?
Posting an actually good webcomic for comparative purposes.
Please stop posting this horrible art high school-boy tier intellect trash on my board.
They're really not though, they just fall under that umbrella. He uses the panel setup for gags, but it usually falls on its face because it assumes the audience is as prejudiced as he is. Then he pats himself on the back for exposing the hypocrisy of his strawman.
Not that most political cartoonists are particularly witty either.
The """""libertarian""""" and the fascist are both tools of the capitalist, though. I'm guessing the Soviet guy is supposed to represent a liberal (because this artist is an amerimutt) in which case all three of them are.
It has?
Try to refute a simple comic, tranny.
nta but what if I think stonetoss is funny and agree with his points but also think it's more funny and pathetic that he spams his comic so much
This doesn't make any sense,stupid.
>White people don't own pitbulls
What's the deal with the crate and axe on the grey shirt
Is that guy a gamer
[citation needed]
Humans aren't dogs that have been selectively breed by humans
This is so fucking dumb
>I'm guessing the Soviet guy is supposed to represent a liberal
Or communists?
I literally don't get it
Learn basic biology cletus
Of course they own pitbulls.
Hehesilly is the superior right-leaning political comic
you're right niggers literally have no excuse at all do they?
Also draws lolis, kekekek.
The environment does select for certain traits. Nigger noses for hot and humid climates, for instance.
What about negros?
Who are the relevant communists working with big business against fascists and right-wingers?
Graduate high school
how about every sprinter who wins gold in the olympics being a black dude? every long distance runner who wins gold is from africa? you won't find much information on any of this because of the political implications it brings up, but if you have a better theory for why black people have won every running competition in the last 50 years, I'd love to hear it. I can post you some scientific theories that aren't well renowned because people get fucking butthurt every time you bring up the topic.
Just saw it
>Thanos destroys infinity stones, has head chopped off by Thor
>Five years pass, Stark now has daughter. Thor gets fat
>Ant man comes back from being in quantum space or some shit
>Comes up with time travel idea
>Travel back, get stones, Black Widow dies for soul stone
>Come back, Hulk uses glove and snaps back everyone
>Unfortunately Thanos comes back with them
>Le big epic fight scene
>Cap picks up Thor's hammer
>Woke girl power scene
>Iron man snaps Thanos
>Iron man dies
>Cap goes back in time to put back stones, stays there and smashes major puss
>Cap gives shield to new Black Captain America
>Thor fucks off to space with Quill
Ginsberg is one of few surviving good liberals. When she's dead she's either going to get replaced with some freedom hating faggot, regardless of which party gets to appoint it.
do tell friend, why do black people always win running competitions?
What seems to be the problem here?
Obama is a (neo)liberal and Bernie is a social democrat.
>modern science has proven beyond a reasonable doubt, that black people are indeed the fastest humans on earth
This was your claim, I requested a citation and you've failed to provide one.
Almost every blue check mark on twitter, for one.
>Dogs have literally been selectively bred with incestuous pairing and extreme conditioning for 300 plus years
>this is the same as Humans that have migrated and spread their genes freely for even longer period
/pol/ is a echo chamber for children
Who are these people and how are they relevant? I don't use twatter.
not him, but the same people on tumblr who wanted bernie to win are the same ones who wanted le epic revolution.
>/leftypol/ can't handle the bantle
Have sex
/pol/ might have the lowest IQ of all boards yet they're obsessed with it since most their IQ statistics are from the 20th century
That would imply that everyone else is a mutant off-shoot, adapted for their climate. And that's wrong.
and I told you why, I tried to produce a "credible source" and all i found was articles saying "WELLLLLL THE THING IS, PEOPLE GET KINDA TOUCHY WHEN WE BRING THIS UP". so I'll concede that point to you and ask you why you think black people always win running competitions?
Where I'm from it was a mixture of millennial social democrats and blue collar people who mostly ended up voting Trump.
>why you think black people always win running competitions?
Could I get a source that this is true before I make my guess(es)?
>That would imply that everyone else is a mutant off-shoot, adapted for their climate.
Only if you're a brainlet who thinks the people living in modern Africa have been there since the dawn of humanity and didn't move back there later
>natural selection and evolution stops at humans
Cults and science really don't go well together, do they.
There's no maybe about it. You have to be brain addled to swallow that nonsense.
No other fucking board could turn shitposting into some secret code bullshit.
ESL fags please leave
Take a gander at that subreddit and see how all of their memes are just walls of text to make their horrifically unfunny points.
Take this opportunity to post actual funny OG Stonetoss.
>Could I get a source that this is true before I make my guess(es)?
nta but all the men's winners since 1980 have been black
So evolution caused black people to start winning the 100 metre dash at the Olympics since 1980?
>artificial breeding is the same as natural selection
Get a dictionary, get your GED, and have sex
Increased ease of transportation since 1980 allowed more Africans to compete at the international level where they quickly dominated and outcompeted other groups, yes.
What does the red and black scarf mean again
Is that the ones who want privatized sidewalks
>satire of the overly PC culture of today
>retards take it seriously and tear it apart from every conceivable angle
rethink your life
>human intelligence is specifically immune from the group variability observed in every aspect of every living thing
Whoa, is this the power of science? What will science prove next, that males who wear dresses have no athletic advantage over females?
that, I should be able to provide you with.
this list covers pretty much everything. in the early 1900's you can see most of the winners are white guys, but we all know the deal with jessie owens so a lot of that can likely be attributed to racism and not letting black guys compete. after the 1930's however, you begin to see that basically 90% of the winners are black guys from america/jamaica/africa. now if we're talking about racial differences here, theres obviously going to be X factors, even the most hard core racist has to admit there are many black scientists and philosophers, which means there must also be a lot of fast non black dudes. but we're also talking in general terms here about the ones who came in first place aka the fastest ones.
on a side note, most of the strongest men on earth are white dudes (there are obviously many non white strong dudes). Why do you think these trends exist?
natural selection is deterred by humans thanks to shit like modern medicine, you dumb faggot
okay well that explains the quality of most webcomics.
>dogs need to be artificial breed to be retarded
>niggers are retarded naturally
Really makes you think
>Literally one shot ruins an otherwise Kino scene
>The van's horn heard across the battlefield
>All of the Strange monks
>Everyone using Mjolnir
>"You take the small one"
>She just sort of glows at him
>Stark does everything she does better anyways
Cap. Marvel is the worst thing to happen to the MCU by a long shot. I get that needed a "Big gun" to deal with Thanos, but not in this way. Deadpool would unironically have been better if he totally bullshit his way into victory
Why did you just list two entirely congruent constructs?
Someone please go into random Reddit threads and post “Tony Stark Dies”
Let's try the "triggered millennial responds, missing the joke" thing from the dog comic on this one.
>set one foot across the US border into mexico
>immediately kidnapped by a roving gang of cartel gangsters
>border patrol watches placidly as I'm dragged away and an execution is performed
Wow, that was extremely easy.
Remember this the next time someone makes a joke and you sperg out.
What heritable intelligence deniers don't realise is that if human intelligence didn't vary between populations, that evidence would agree more with evangelical creation theory than evolution.
In fact, it would be very strong evidence AGAINST the theory that humans evolved.
Best post in the thread
The guy on the right in that comic you replied to is a Antifa. They hate corporations but always walk around with their Starbucks and iPhones while claiming that black Republicans are voting against their interests.
That’s one of the few Stonetoss edits that makes me laugh.
Serious question, is Redpanels the same guy? His site seems to be down, by the way.
What a load of shit compared to the IW. Captain Fungus literally kills Thanos with kick in the infinity stones
Is he trying to copy Bone's style?
No, he's a copycat
this is bait right?
this is Totally bait
Do you work for Disney or are you just some underage trying to pretend like he's watched the leaks?
This is all untrue except for RDJ basically, don't listen to this dood
>terrible "artist" has terrible taste
>"Based black man"
I pity you people
Anarcho communism, black from the anarchy flag and the obvious red from the communist one. Basically the biggest retards you could come across.
You aren't people.
Thank you for finally posting some Yea Forums-related content.
What the fuck??? Where's the cut where Ant-Man goes up Thanos' ass and expands?
Serious question, what was this site's boogieman before feminism? Was there even one? And dont say scientology, no one was rampant schizo posting about how everything they like was being ruined by scietologists
Red panels came first though. Are you saying Stonetoss is a copycat?
Humans have also been selectively bred by humans, dummie.
>blatantly ignoring the point it makes about antifafags
>He relies on people acting the way you do
not thinking he's funny?
It didn't really have one in the sense you're thinking of. Yea Forums as le right-wing COUNA CULCHA HQ has its roots in a combination of the Scientology autism, stormfags discovering the O.G. /n/ and gaymurgate.
>Basically the biggest retards you could come across.
I came across your mom
>Serious question, what was this site's boogieman before feminism?
Scientology is for newfags. Back in the early-mid 2000s conservative Christians were the closest thing to a boogeyman but that was mostly just fedora-tier outrage trolling (feels weird to use "fedora" to describe something from before that meme's current connotations existed). In the early days we were just here to have fun and mess with each other.
>the people telling you to “have sex”
I'm telling you to draw better comics.
Can someone with higher levels of autism translate this "humor" for me?
It has to do with women's abandonment of Rationality
Show drawing
I’m not Stonetoss. If you looked at the file names, you would realize I’m a lowly phoneposter. Also, I’m not the only one posting his comics in this thread.
It's funny how libcucks talk up and down about how much they FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE until the subject turns to race.
I AM SILLY takes quite the untapped amount of creativity.
holy redpilled batman
>Can someone with higher levels of autism translate this "humor" for me?
>Ray orders a prostitute
>The prostitute is physically unattractive to Ray
>Furthermore, she has brought her son along, which is highly inappropriate and any decent person would refuse to perform sexual intercourse with the child witnessing
>The child is mixed-race, which causes Ray to become less attracted still to the prostitute
>The blatant acknowledgement of the child's mixed-race parentage is a source of shame, likely related to the mother being a single parent who must work as a prostitute to care for herself and her son
>Regardless, Ray will have sex with her because he wants fuck
It's my favorite
It sucks that the guy who draws these can't afford a phone.
This post should be framed
You're the dumbest person I've ever seen. So stupid in your brainwashing you use words without their definition, call others idiots for it, and post irrelevant wiki links like that's all you needed to "win" an argument.
So, just like conservacucks?
now this is kino
boobsposter reporting in
assposters get OUT
You would think he wouldn’t go as far as to download them from his website onto his phone to promote them. I’m just someone who likes Stonetoss and figured it was relevant to this thread and funny. Chances are, if he was posting, it would be fresh from his tablet’s hard drive and not from his iPhone.
All that effort just because you can't read the wiki article on selective breeding and see how retarded you are
It's a good thing you put the question mark in there, you were dangerously close to proving my point.
Seriously, why did you respond to the observation about lying diminishing the liar, by intentionally misrepresenting the statement containing it? Have you heard of irony?
>I’m just someone who likes Stonetoss
>Said on 4channel
Is there a new villain? After credits scene?
Stonetoss confirmed zoomer who can't handle his boomer parents enjoying some sports
What’s wrong, fren?
You're supposed to make the decision.
There’s nothing wrong with enjoying sports. Just don’t shit on people for what they like. Video games are fine. If you consider them a waste of time, then it’s also a waste of time if you spend the same amount of time watching sports.
powerful and societypilled
Then I say that nothing is wrong, since all power has been delegated to me.
Might have an argument if he was misrepresenting the punchlines of his comics.
The claim that leftists deny the IQ gap between whites and blacks is not misrepresentation, it's true.
The claim that leftists are hypocrites regarding group punishment and reparations is not misrepresentation, it's true.
The claim that circumcision advocates are dishonestly shifting the definition of "consent" is not misrepresentation, it's true.
self awareness: 0
You're supposed to tell the girl what to do, retard
holy shit
Oy vey, that’s not very feminist of you. The comic doesn’t disagree with your lesson, just shows what happens when you don’t take charge, retard.
I really don’t understand the point the edit is trying to make. Does anyone have the original of that one?
How is this incel shit? This actually happens a lot to women these days.
Hrs not wrong though. Women like that hit the wall and wonder where all of the nice boys are. It’s fucking hilarious to watch a cat lady in the making.
Okay this is epic
>equating voluntarily going to a movie and travel privileges to basic civic duties
holy cringe
It's not the same. Evolution however applies everywhere and unlike some scientific frauds like yourself it cannot be punished for racism, so it does not make any effort to avoid genetic differences of any sort.
Expecting no differences is statistically retarded, but since it is politically correct, you will engage in the fraud.
I love the edits of that particular strip. Just a bunch of people declaring their fetishes the victor. Kind of want to see more of this.
He's mocking incels there, retard.
>you need an ID for everything in society but you shouldn’t be forced to prove you’re you when you directly impact the outcome of the state and your nation
>also, we believe black people are too stupid to get IDs but we swear the Republicans are racist.
Surely civic duties are more important than going to a movie and travel privileges? So why is ID required for those but not for civic duties?
He's fishing for sympathy, retard
You don't understand that science is a magic word. An invocation. It's not a thing to be discussed/debated/analyzed, but rather a sacred utterance that shuts up bigots and ignorant people.
Begone you ignorant bigot! Science!
Let's see if you can explain how without just using a dismissive insult to dodge the question.
Women's happiness correlates inversely with the percentage of women married.
Criminality correlates inversely with the percentage of two-parent households.
If that's not an indictment of hookup culture, then I don't know what is. The arguments for hookup culture are now so contrived that proponents seem to think AIDS no longer being a death sentence is an argument in their favour.
>ineffective sign
>psychopath walks in and slaughters a bunch of people
>armed guards in addition to sign warning criminals what will happen to them if they attack anyone
I don't get it? If this pro or anti gun?
>Regardless, Ray will have sex with her because he wants fuck
I feel like he did that because he feels bad for the mother
Because if that happened IRL that isn't how any woman would react, but incels don't realize it.
I would take any of those things if I needed them
Imagine being such an autistic loser that you devote your free time to do this.
i dun giddit
>because stormfront don't have the same beliefs
She single handedly destroys thanos' big ship, and almost beats him when he has all of the stones
I don't know how the fuck you made that leap.
>I feel like he did that because he feels bad for the mother
I think you're right because I looked at the last panels a little closer
It’s saying that gun control won’t stop a shooting. The before picture is them implementing gun control. The after is the police showing up after the shooting occurred. Its pro-gun.
Sure! Here goes:
Captain Marvel kills Thanos by making him suck on her fungus toes.
The Avengers burn the body.
Thor pounds his chest and screams "Next Endgame after twelve more years of movies! GALACTUS: ENDGAME 2031, BITCHES!!!"
The End
I didn't see the police line
The comic is mocking the incel fantasy about how whores (any woman who won't have sex with him) will get what is coming to them for not fucking them eventually. Sometimes they do hit the wall, but when they do they are still lusting over Chad. Pic related wasn't thinking about all the neckbeards she turned down when she killed herself.
I'm laughing at how bad this is
Methinks it’s to make fun of fedora enlightened centrists who are obviously lefties in disguise.
fucking hell, full fucking retard
Literally the second and last panel. Cops are called because it’s implied that there was a shooting despite it being a “gun-free zone.”
Wow, you actually have some kind of complex
Still don't see an argument.
Typical libkeks
Kek, she still killed herself though.
The girl power moment is literally the most retarded thing I have seen in a major motion picture in a very, very long time. And I fucking saw Jupiter Ascending in the theaters.
What the fuck are you smoking? It's about vapid cunts who don't marry and lead unfulfilling lives full of regret. Nothing to do with incels, other than the possibility that maybe they would have been happy with an incel instead of sleeping around with chads.
Not an argument
kek, that's females for ya
>underlining "HE"
Pretty gay
Would be much better without the tank
you sure showed him
True. Brevity is the soul of wit, or something like that. Sill better than the 15-paragraph Antifa edits, though.
Actually had a cheeky giggle at this
on the whole I enjoy stonetoss but, like everything, it's not perfect
Likely dead. Has she ever been seen in public since her hospitalisation ?
>Instead of killing the only threats to his plans with the Infinity Stones, he just destroys them
>They also make this moment pointless with time travel
at least you guys are funny in spite of yourselves
Leftist and generally they are ''relevant'' by having a blog or a column in some lefty paper. They were supposed to demark public people from fakes but twatter started distriubting them to any lefty with a few hundred followers.
>in reality, Walt dies while waiting for proper treatment because socialized healthcare is even shittier
>Making superhero films political when they weren’t is ok
>Being political in a political cartoon you made is not ok
I haven't laughed that hard in awhile say what you want hes atleast on our level of hate for the world
America has some of the best cancer outcomes in the world, and pioneers the vast majority of new techniques and surgeries.
Imagine hating Republicans so much that you have to lie this fucking hard.
imagine making this comic
also here's the (you)
>I guess I'll go back to my unfulfilling jobs teaching shitheads and washing the cars of shitheads
way to completely miss the point of breaking bad
Based. They need to make more shit.
i don't get it
>tfw I found both versions funny
Blue piled and caltech as hell.
>literally "I am silly"
say what you want about stonetoss but he doesn't do this very often
you haven't seen shit yet
oh shit nevermind. I got it, I just thought it was something funnier
Whoever made this didn't actually watch Breaking Bad since Walt's insurance covered his cancer treatment.
the left can't meme
Like what you posted? You think that's funnier?
Trannies kill themselves
That's what retards don't realize when they try to insult our healthcare; we actually have the greatest quality of healthcare on the planet.
Almost all innovations and breakthroughs in healthcare come from America. The problem is the COST which is a direct result of government interference.
have sex
the left can't meme
cool your jets autismo, it just wasn't a good comic
It wasn’t his insurance. Gretchen and Elliot offered to pay it in full, but he turned them down.
>makes threads using his comics and spams them in an effort to make them seem more popular than they really are
No he only does that on /pol/, this is just a byproduct of how /pol/ is the biggest board now
>they develop time travel
This is retarded and feels like bad storytelling. Why couldnt Thanos gather the smartest minds in the galaxy and go back in time and fuck with shit? Absolutely ridiculous plotline.
based and americapilled
dumb euroslaves will never understand
But Copyright laws are anti-capitalist
some gay old symbol a failure tried to make popular again
is he saying sucking cock is not gay? holy shit, is he trying to convince people he's not gay because he sucks cock?
I'm British, and I recognise that Americans paying their medical insurance are essentially subsidising my healthcare.
The UK government doesn't allow the NHS to buy new medicines unless the costs of manufacture are shared. They keep new life-saving drugs from British cancer patients because they don't want to pay for R&D.
And the American drug companies accept these ridiculous deals, because they'd rather make SOME money than NO money. So Americans get stuck with the costs of R&D, which are typically 70-90% of a drug company's entire operation expenses.
And then people arguing for socialised healthcare make a simple observation of the cost difference, and think they have unearthed something true about the world.
>heh, let’s take the meme the right made and throw it back at them!
Time and time again, the left proves that they cannot meme.
>NPC meme
>made up by the right