Be in in class

>be in in class
>randomly think of Sneed
>start bursting out laughing, get kicked out

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Other urls found in this thread:

I have never been to school

two posts in and this thread is already more based than anything in the catalog

nice dubs

>teacher announcing he will step away from the university
>he actually starts with "ladies and gentleman I'd like to me an announcement"
>immediatly tuxedo_pepe.jpg comes to mind
>burst out laughing

>be alone at home
>think of Sneed
>burst out laughing

>look in the mirror when home alone and practice my CIA pose while doing the bane voice

that explains the state of this board

>"so sir what plane ticket should it be?"
>".... Plane?"
This happened. Fuck you Yea Forums

>drive by a feed and seed store in my fancy german car
>considered walking in and buying some gummy bears
I'm a city-slicker though, they would have made fun of me.

>at a wedding
>someone does the *tinktinktink* with their glass
>look over at friend and giggle about niggers and FUCK jannies

Attached: 1555786458890.gif (800x450, 2.59M)

>have no gf
>randomly think 'that feel when'
Am I too much of a memester?

>be in mom's basement
>randomly think of Sneed
>start bursting out laughing, get kicked out

>Be me
>Started watching a twitch streamer who would frequently get nigger song requests
>the trolls got more creative and started sending him shocker and gore videos with 8bit happy music in the background or some shit like they're taking the hobbits to Isengard
>At class
>Some dude open ups that song
>I think of a shocker video where a snake crawls up a mans ass and burst out laughing

In literally what context anywhere ever would someone ask you “So sir, what plane ticket should it be?”


If your interested in the videos or don't know what i'm talking about:

>be incel
>some user tells me 'have sex'

>coworker makes a comment about a "...big guy"
>immediately say "For you"
I love you, Yea Forums

edgy kiddo

Morally, ethically, spiritually, physically, positively, absolutely, undeniably and reliably *based* retards.

Attached: 1550923248687.gif (286x400, 1.96M)

Holy based

Okay this is epic.

Who the fuck said you could reply? Fuck you.

ESL fags shouldn’t be allowed to post.

When you buy a ticket for a non American jumbo shit plane. An island to island one in this case. There was two kinds of planes

>he unironically laughs at sneed
jesus, someone should do you a favor and put you down.

Unsanctimoniously Based.


>work in high finance
>boss talking about deploying our capital in the form of high interest loans in urban areas
>think of UUUU
>Have to cover my face from laughter

Fuck, this shit happened at a family reunion when my brother wanted to announce he was gonna marry his gf. I laughed and he got mad at me.