Why do girlfriends seem to dislike this show?

Why do girlfriends seem to dislike this show?

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Women don't understand the subtle humor of early TPB, i've only seen women appreciate the show on a surface level. Le Ricky is so wacky and swears a lot xD bubbles loves cats xD Lahey le drunk xD which is meant to appeal to the low IQ stoner crowd and women usually dislike that type of humor.

To be fair, it's pretty crass and dude-heavy. Most of the women characters are fucking arseholes with no redeeming qualities unlike the boys

it's just some boys horsing around being failures and not providing for thier families(women). It's funny but honestly must be disturbing for normie womemes

randy and leahy are gay
bubbles is a
julian only goes after the black girl and erica
the one consistent female romantic interest is lucy

the show doesn't attach much value to women, it's about brotherhood, women hate that

For the same reason people didn't like this show either, it was made for blue collar white trash.

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i watched like 4 episodes of this show, when does it get good?

maybe you should start with the movie

what season? season 3 is probably easiest to start with

Because it's just the boys fuckin' around and
>it's about brotherhood, women hate that

my ex used to love this show but we were both degenerate stoners at the time.
She still is, dumb bitch.

cause of the bassed cunny Page

>holding a grudge against a woman
Yikes bro

They do actually. I watched all the seasons up till like 9 with my ex. She fucking loved all of it and hated the new seasons for all the reasons a real fan would.
You guys hang out with lame as fuck women, all i'm saying.

perfect sumary

woah you cant discriminate bro. gotta hold both sides equal

it's not a grudge its disdain for her and myself for falling in love with her potential instead of the reality of who she was.
I feel bad for her. She's drinking often now, smoking lots of weed, has a tinder account, got dumped by her rebound boyfriend who she adored, and is losing her hair due to the stress. her hairline is receding like an old man's

what's everyone's favorite episode? i'd go with "mr. lahey's got my porno tape".

girls are dumb and think stupid shit like late night shows are the pinnacle of humor

"It happened to me, it can happen to you"

Impossible to choose. Every episode for the first 8 seasons has memorable moments and character interactions. It's some of the tightest writing I have ever seen on TV and half of it wasn't even fucking written.

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>my rhyme and my beat are like a corporate merger, they go together like Randy's gut and a cheeseburger


For me it's "Who's The Microphone Assassin?"

Mr DVD we'll get you your money
>Its DVS, muthafucka

>Detroit Velvet Smooth
>From Moncton
Gets me every time

My sister loves it. We used to watch it with my brother every night at dinner.
My mother hated it though. Even when she laughed. Said it was mean spirited.

>candy calls julian's wedding off
>ricky tells he's not getting married if julian's not getting married

man, it really is a true friendship

>expecting anything from women

Women don't care about stories that don't involve acts of deceit or violence performed by attractive males.

Just as good

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>The situation broke out when i smoked too much bud, reached in my drawers n pulled out my pud..bust open a jar of petroleum jelly, started thinkin bout Donna n Nicky n Shelly... In my mind we was hittin it, we was almost there, then the door busted open n fuck my moms was there... Dont disrespect J R O C, it could happen to u because it happened to me

two things you gotta know about the J to da R-O-C.
one: i spin more rhymes than a lazy susan
two: i'm innocent till my guilt is proven

>what are you, the gmonesayin police? You countin my gnomesayins?
>you takin a gnomecensus?

hes a fucking genius honestly

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so she's british?

Fuck Community College. Let's Get Drunk and Eat Chicken Fingers
Brilliant episode

Holy shit I'm fucking crying

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>bubbles is a

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Nice is your sister single? Tell her user said "what's up?"

>"Hey this anonymous guy on a TV show discussion site online said to tell you what's up"
Based, he should do it

girlfriend likes tpb more than I do

its just ed ed and eddy for big boyz, both are canadian made

>Lying to the guy in the chair

You wouldn’t do something like that would you Yea Forums?

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Girlfriends, user? Oh yeah, my girlfriend, haha

>what is drunk

Those first 3 seasons are pure gold. Subtle humour mixed with on-point delivery and good storylines and characters. After season 4 you could tell it was starting to get a bit too over-the-top but Seasons 4-7 still had some moments.

>I ain't never been so frisky in my life

>*dog howl*

Cause they cant smart good on account of being drunk and failing their grade ten dummy

>no I've never actually watched it with anyone except my mom, but what does that have to do with anything?


>Trinity shoots Ricky
>He doesn't yell at her
>blames it on Trevor and Corey
Ricky's a good dad

every scene with ray is just so funny

Has anybody here checked this out? Is it worth giving a chance? I still haven't gotten through all the netflix seasons because they are so terrible compared to the early seasons.

There's only like one or two okay episodes. It's like they wrote the scripts based on the feedback given by YouTube comments (i.e every other word out of Ricky's mouth is some "'"'rickyism"'"')

Canadian women know how to appreciate it

Low key the best character

TPB has been wildly successful, you must be retarded or something.

My ex liked it, but she was from a trashy part of Minnesota. That's pretty close to trashy parts of Canada. Maybe. I dunno. No one cares about Canada.

i decided to go off the food for a while and get on the liquor

The humor is too crude in parts and it just appeals mpre to men in general with the type of situations they get in and their antics.

Are you trashy, user?

>you better step off mr lahey
>step off where trevor?
>...shit ledge

kills me erry time

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J-Roc getting caught masturbating and the awkward silence immediately afterward is one of the funniest moments on television

>Some incel on a TV page of a Mongolian basket weaving website says what up

reminder that as soon as netflix touched it, the show was ruined in the course of 1 season.
>all the men are cucks and lose their character
>all the women are girl power dykes

"If I Can't Smoke and Swear, I'm Fucked" has the best courtroom/police scene. I always lose it when he bums the cig off the prosecutor.

way of the road bubs

>tfw no Ricky bf

Why you playin' me like this in front of my friends?

Gf hates this show and especially Nathan for You. Its tough but also weird since people have said I have Nathan’s deadpan speak and awkwarness

>smokes, lets go
>*everyone in the courtroom pulls out their darts*

Wat. I marathoned this show with me ex when it was new. She loved it


Actually, it's interestingly poetic how they handle the women characters. All of them are way more competent than the males on the surface and the show seemingly exhibits this, but they eventually show off in an episode or two that they are just as ridiculously retarded and foolish as the men.

Trinity and the blonde bitch are the most level headed of the denizens in the trailer park, rivaling Bubbles (who is also the least "manly" [and according to the animated series, the one with the biggest dick by a good inch] and was also seen as a 'sage' in the first season), but they are shown time and time again to have deep seated character flaws and poor decision making skills rivaling the boys - the main difference being, something which reflects the reality of the world, is that the boys are willing to get down and dirty to bring home the bacon whereas the women wait around for the men to do shit and nag them every step of the way.

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>women can only like women characters

Settle down roastie.

i recently rewatched that entire season and there is so much gold, and yeah that episode is fucking god tier

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If you love something, set it free

Granted it's a little heavy on Bubbles, but the dynamic between Ricky and the big stoned lion is fucking great

Had a couple drinks

Saw a couple things

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Don't suck your teeth at me!

>I mean, nobody wants to admit they ate 9 cans of Ravioli

>I don't know if you noticed or not Ray but you're not on the road!


>I gotta be honest with you guys I don't know ANYTHING about tracking chickens, I just did it for the free liquor

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Fuck off normie scum

The situations are all exclusively male. Women can't relate. It's like city scum like me trying to watch letterkenny. I just don't sympathize with it.

He was getting changed

my gf loves it. get a better gf.

you're not gonna tell everyone he was getting changed, are you?

>I don't hear anything. Dad, are you drunk?
>Yes, but listen

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Why did they get rid of him, literally the funniest character

When I was in HS guys and girls loved and quoted TBP constantly but I'm a small town leaf so it's pretty relatable, a lot of people quote letterkenny now that it's become the new funny talking leaf show

Shit Leopard Can't Change His Spots is the first one I saw and the first one I show people

because it's fucking stupid.

Because they're fucking stupid*

It took me about 4 or 5 attempts to get into trailer park boys.

The early seasons are really good, but I had to stop around 5.

And "Suits" and "White collar" were made for preppies only. Fuck off with that logic

Why is there so much TPB spinoff content on Netflix. I constantly see so much bullshit (cartoon TPB, The Boys in Europe, etc). Is it just because it seems cheap to make. It’s just weird because there hasn’t been a good season in 11 years

>"Dad can you lend me 20 dollars"?

>"Ricky I don't have that kind of money.

This. It blows me away how tight and well written it is. Obvious genius went into it laid on the dumb and degenerate tailor park setting makes it better. The show is about dumb people in low life dumb things, but it is so well written.

>tfw watching it with my dad and he laughs and goes into a story about when he and his friends had a meat stealing operation

One of my favourites


>You will never live a comfy life growing dope, stealing shit with your buddies and chilling with your kids at night while watching a shitty Bigfoot documentary
it sucks,

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Men are intelligent and like to laugh at comical portrayals of people acting silly because they don't identify with it. Women are not intelligent and get uncomfortable at portrayals of people acting silly because they identify with it.

That show is comfy as fuck, love to watch it high and drunk with my best friends

Too bad one of them moved to the other side of the country, can't do that anymore

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yeah that's pretty much exactly what my friend does. all girls seem to only love bubbles and they like lahey because they think that because they have a margarita at lunch they completely relate to him

why is a mom on /tv

>while living in a cer

Mine loves it. We watched all the good seasons each for the first time together

The one that begins with Ricky sleeping in a drain pipe and explaining that he can still get drunk in the morning but he has responsibles now.


The one where the cops take Lucy away and Ricky goes to court and in the podium he starts his monologue about his house is his car and he can have open liquor in his house.

Me and my dad love it, but my mom always gives us shit when we watch it together. Her main argument against it is "it's trashy."

All the characters are so well written even the background and one off's
>Its rainin' mah fuckas

Am in the only person who is surrounded by women who aren't complete morons? I don't know one girl who doesn't get this show or most shows or scenes you guys talk about

I can only watch this show in the summer on days off because I always start drinking and getting high even if I don't want to.

her name Sarah?


I dated an Arthoe briefly that LOVED this fucking show. She had an amazing pussy, but she was really dumb and a drug addict. Also her roomates were all vegan pretentious art faggot pieces of shit that I wanted to strangle.

Anyway, I hate the show. It's not funny. I could care less about white trash trying to do the office. The office isn't funny either.

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my chick likes it.

Look at the ultra contrarian here!