This shit cannot be real can it? How could they come up with such an incredibly retarded idea? Atleast make Luke Skywalker a force ghost or something. Some one tell me all these leaks are fake.
Is this leak real?
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those leaks are all fake. trust me bro
Its the best fucking photoshop I've seen. The only reasonable explanation is some one built that from scratch and probably spent their life-savings on making it, then dumped it outside J.J Abram's apartment and photograph him gawking at it.
What's the leak? The Jabba ripoff? Yeah, thats real.
Excuse me.
Are you saying there is a leak out there that claims that thing is Luke?
What's happening here?
Why did they do it though? Any leaked explanation?
confirmed true yesterday
what is that? is it supposed to be Luke reincarnated? or what?
Apparently, when he died his soul legit went into a slug and that's his true force form or some shit
lmao that is so retarded
if i were mark hammill I'd be lividly mad and suicidal right now
This is confirmed? Surely not
>Why did they do it though? Any leaked explanation?
Jabba used to look like this, remember?
It's the same situation, basically.
Thats why I started the thread.
No, but that was an actor for Jabba before they could do the CGI/Practical effect stuff.
I'd say that you are literally retarded to believe this but after TLJ alien tit milk I'm not so sure.
There was a leaker a few days ago, posted multiple pictures. High quality shit as well, so either this guy has got a degree in graphic design or its real.
>before they could
no, George was literally making it up as he went along
that's why the prequels blew so hard - no one told him no like in the originals
he didn't plan on jabba being a big blobby worm from the beginning. that was a "later" idea
Fair enough, the original cut of the original trilogy was 2 more hours of politics and learning about geo-political situations.
Oh hey it's a microscopic critter that was a meme like a decade ago. How very original Disney.
That's fucking hilarious. Staw Waws babbies might disagree b/c "muh childrens movie series needs needs to be super srs" but they can go whinge elsewhere
>a alien penis with tits
very freudianesque but not lovekafkian enough without religious symbolism.
>not lovekafkian enough without religious symbolism.
Its Jew Jew Abram's foreskin monster come to haunt him, doubt you could get any more symbolic of Jewish rituals and tradition.
Ahahaha, Hamill brought about so much butthurt to the hollywood subhumans.
Yeah and when "leaks" were posted about TLJ they said Anakin was a force sloth.
This is truly Jewish trolling of the goyim taken to antiChrist extremes anons. Jfc. This is exactly how they will end the series too.
If you believe this you are too stupid to remember to breathe and you need to stop reminding yourself to out of habit.
It's the larvae form of a hutt.
What a wacky brilliant idea
Surely he wouldn't agree to voice that shit or whatever?
I'm calling Bullshit.
That sounds way better than what we got.
God I hope that's true just to see how far Star Wars fags will go to defend it.
this is just the force sloth/anakin being a sea dragon "leak" from TLJ all over again.
why believe
>Apparently, when he died his soul legit went into a slug and that's his true force form or some shit
Please be true
Please be true
Please be true
Good lord please let this be true
Boy, I hope this is true
we'll soon get force Stands in Star Wars
Please god be real. Id love to see the onions bois try and defend this crap.
That menorah of lights in the background. John Wayne emasculated. Then they do the same thing to Luke Skywalker.
That sounds boring as fuck
I would actually prefer it if they went all out with the ridiculousness and just did this. They're already making non-star wars movies and slapping the name star wars onto them. Why not just do something completely different like jojo in space?
Maybe to a non-autistic normalfag.
>Why not just do something completely different
This is how he will like in the end
I’m not a normiefag. You really wanna sit through more political bullshit? Isn’t that what everyone hated about the prequels?
You all understand what this visual metaphor means, right?
Obviously not. Tell us.
That is so bad that I hope it's true. SW would then truly be dead and gone.
That was the best part of the prequels, user.
Damn, that white boy is SEXY
Oh ok you’re autistic sorry.
Just like Anakin being a force sloth that Rey has to tame during training. Ignored
imagine if its true bros
I already told you that user. I prefer the slower, more in depth world building in my sci-fi. Hard sci-fi stories (which rarely gets film adaptations) are great because of this.
I have no sides and I must kek
looks like farscape
disclaimer: I have never watched farscape but from images this looks like something that'd be in it
also is farscape good?
I'm a big TOS fan if it helps
Watch Blade Runner. That’s got the world building you’re craving.
After the dumpsterfire that will be this final movie, Iger will sack Kennedy and probably shut down Lucas Arts.
Maybe we will get the Mandalorean, but the final movie will bomb so hard for the travesty it will be that Star Wars will be dead as a dodo.
I watched the first episode and it was pretty good
Lots of people who watch it say they like it
I haven't seen many people who watched it say they don't like it
I can see it, lol.
>I showed you my flagellum pls respond
Farscape is the best. Best villain. Catchy intro. Cool puppets. Funny. Great chemistry between the actors. Watch it.
this one is too obviously a shop
That's because it was so bad, only batshit crazy people kept watching it.
cool thanks
the Henson creatures aspect appeals to me.
this can't be fucking real
This triggers Vietnam flashbacks of that Force tree in the EU
it's probably not.
>this can't be fucking real
We will MAKE it real.
The purpose is to ruin your childhood memories. It's about demoralizing the population. Yuri warned us.
There a reason Disney isn't using any of the alien species from the previous movies?
I would actually respect this jew if he had the balls to do this
It´s obviously bullshit but man oh man, how great could it be? that´s too awesomely ridiculous to be true. Excellent bait.
I actually hope it is true because fuck it
I miss original trilogy Luke so fucking much, fellas. How come nobody can write decent and earnest heroes like that anymore?
Just like TLJ leaks claimed Anakin would come back as a "Force sloth." I wouldn't put too much stock in it.
c o o l
Disney wants to completely get rid of everything pre-Disney Wars so the children growing up with the sequels will only have nostalgia for Disney Wars.
It's the reason they scrapped the EU. it's the reason they invalidated everything that happened in the PT and OT and had the Sequel characters instead be the ones that make a lasting impact on the galaxy(since declaring the movies non-canon would be suicide), it's the reason they canned TCW and immediately made SW Rebels after(only for that show to be a massive failure, forcing Disney to bring back TCW to appease the old fans), and it's the reason why they only use their shitty nu-aliens in everything.
1. Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back
2. Star Wars
3. Star Wars The Last Jedi
4. Solo A Star Wars Story
5. Star Wars The Force Awakens
6. Star Wars Return of the Jedi
7. Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace
8. Rogue One A Star Wars Story
9. Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones
10. Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith
Long have I studied these films and meditated
>mfw this going to be a bigger shitstorm than TLJ
Please let this be real
Did they really have to cast the fat cop from Heroes? Couldn't they have cast someone less recognisable and distracting, so that every time you see him you aren't pulled out of the movie by thinking "Oh yeah, I remember that guy"?
you do realize he is JJ's trademark, right? He puts him in everything.
that's not the fat cop from Heroes, that's an alien design
Damn the kikes sure are mad at Hamil.
>Did they really have to cast the fat cop from Heroes?
He is Jed Porkin's son, another tie to the OT
If I'm watching this in the theater and the fucking lukeslug actually comes out I'm going to die of laughter.
It is stupid and then you remember this is the same series that had Luke squeezing blue milk out of a monster's tits and gulping it down.
The slug is called Claude and he speaks with a French accent in a Star Wars 'almost racist' tradition. He can read minds of droids, access the memories etc, he's used to decode an old message from C3PO's old chipset.
I don't know a lot about the movie in this detail, but feel free to ask (working on a media tie-in for children).
Is that the little fella from Farscape?
>I don't know a lot about the movie in this detail, but feel free to ask (working on a media tie-in for children).
I'm more interested in this desu
He's childhood friends with JJ, the man would not have a career if it wasn't for him. I don;t think he even has any roles outside of JJ projects
Do it see if I give a fuck.
Resistance wants to get help from droids that live on a robot planet, but it's location is secret, they escaped after the Clone Wars from persecution. C3PO recognizes a part of the memory with the location in his leg (yes), they go to old Leia's starship to find a silver droid and find out that basically the parts were scrambled between Threepio and that droid, the droid has old 3PO's memory chip. The slug is on the same planet where the wreck of the starship is, it's a jungle planet, Rose knows this slug Claude and leads heroes to it, the slug can read the memory, but I don't know where this storyline leads eventually.
No, I mean I'm interested in the tie-in
What is it, a book?
In a way yes, but not a traditional book.
Alright, thanks
Is a penis...a talking one
>Episode X
>Opening Crawl goes
>Pan down
>Petrified Kars gets hurled into random planet's atmosphere
Nothing better than the complete flameout of nu-wars.
it's a pop-up book isn't it?
whatever happened to those
So glad I don't waste my time/money on mouse wars
Jesus Disney has fucking DESTROYED Star Wars.
They want to make shitty original aliens that all have the same aspects instead of a bunch of original things
The reason is : previous alien species were bad, ugly and cartoonish. Especially the prequel ones, the worst of the worst (nono the robot bip bop bip)
The sequel ones maybe look the same but they credible and mature
That's just not true.
You can't call the previous aliens bad and ugly then call these ones good.
I think you are a contrarian
I think you're a faggot
>but they credible and mature
Will Disney ever be done killing my childhood/soul?
>that interview with Hamil just repeating "Luke, would NEVER DO THAT. He would never abandon the force. He would -never- do that, but, hey, it's not my story."