What's his name again?

What's his name again?

Attached: Vern_Schillinger.jpg (610x450, 142K)

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OZ seasons 4-5 were garbage

J. Jonah Jamison.
And he needs pictures! Pictures of Spider-Man!!!

Nazi Fuck

Werner Shekelgruber

Varn Shellbanger


Nomai Tempo
probably japanese



Season 5-6 were amazing due to Robson

>Sorry about what happened to Leroy Tidd, or... Ooga Booga. Or whatever

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Vain Shelbygrr

Verge Stillwater

Attached: hey-vern-did-you-say-you-like-me-hard.jpg (728x409, 172K)

Now I'm imagining them as cellmates.

The last season was probably the worst season of any tv show I have seen. It was like a contest for the writers to come up with the worst ideas possible.

Varney Sharts

Watching the show for the first time right now, what's so bad about the last 2 seasons?

Attached: 1548538065593.jpg (540x564, 67K)

Jake Rowling?

Vagenie Schliz

i dont get these threads, just reverse image search the picture and you'll get his name you fucking dumbass retard.

Shut the fuck up, prag.

Based retard

vghsdjk sjklasldjkljads

Oz is supposed to be a big ass joke right? it's pretty entertaining I guess but it's probably the most retarded shit i've ever seen

i don't understand why oz is appealing to my friends, its so fucking stupid

virgin spellbinder

Jay Jonah Jameson. And he wants pictures of spider-man on his desk by this time tomorrow!

President Howard T. Ackerman

> the Chad Beecher vs the Virgin Spellbinder

the gay rape is great

>not liking the twin peaks of prison dramas
Keys prags

If I remember they start killing important characters and replacing them with random ass boring characters. The plots are also about really stupid, boring shit (like shit that has nothing to do with drugs, personal grudges, or religion/clashing of ideologies) and the ending is very anticlimactic.

was he rushing or was he dragging?

The first few seasons had a lot more of a serious feeling and by the end, especially the last season it just becomes a big joke.

Hbo did the same thing with true blood which had a couple good seasons at the start but just went down this ridiculous route tarnishing all the characters by the end. I don't know why they do it.

Poorer Bezos


I really think the shit started in Season 3 with the boxing matches with the retarded brother. That was pretty fucking stupid.

Worse than Season 4, where there's a magic drug that makes you age fast into an old man?

The first two seasons were played a bit more straight I thought

It has the greatest loves story ever told(between two male characters) in a tv show.

did like how people actually thought he was a nazi because of the show and bullied him irl for it

It was all garbage. OZ was just a gay prison soap opera.

>that scene where Meloni spreads his ass cheeks and you can see into his prostate


>that scene where he kills himself for beecher
Not kino

it all started going downhill after his retarded brother came to prison