What is your favorite live action film that is in japanese?

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Throne of Blood

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Top 5 (in no particular order) has to be

Battles With Honor and Humanity
Vengeance is Mine
Godzilla (1954)

Attached: Battles-Without-Honor-Humanity-Poster.jpg (300x427, 55K)

Letters from Iwo Jima

*Battles Without Honor and Humanity

I can't be bothered to watch films in another language. How am I supposed to read and watch the movie at the same time? No thanks

>Battles With Honor and Humanity
>Vengeance is Mine
great taste

Attached: versus.jpg (1419x788, 78K)

All about Lily Chou Chou followed closely by Survive Style 5+

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Saw it for a class. It really helped me deal with the recent death of a loved one.

Hana-bi. Favorite film of all time too.


Love Exposure
it's also my favourite movie period. although I've seen a lot of people describe it as 'live action anime' so I dunno

kill bill

I've seen a number of live action japanese films, but none have really stuck with me. I've seen three Kurosawa movies, and they were good. I just saw Big Man Japan not to long ago, and although it's extremely flawed there are a few genius moments that maybe make it my choice. The ending is perfect.

the one about the old guy who dies and builds a park or some shit

I have a joke answer for this. Jiro Dreams of Sushi.


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Battle Royale

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Cure or maybe Crows Zero

Branded To Kill

Very good pick. Slowly getting Miike, and while I'm still partial to Audition and Rainy Dog, Gozu was effective from beginning to end.

Planning on watching Crows Zero soon.

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somewhere in the gojira series....

Based and Banzaipilled



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Tale of Zatoichi.


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Cmd + F: "Seven Samurai"

>zero results

plebs all of you.

Look, if you want low hanging fruit go hangout in /fa/.

Great movie but if it's your absolute favorite Japanese film you're a basic bitch.

>mac user with entry level taste
reddit is thataway ---->

it's a toss up between these two

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Based and Shibuya pilled

where can I find this kino

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

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Tokyo Sonata
Our Home


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same desu