Endgame reviews drop in one hour

Predict the Tomatometer

Attached: screenshot-www.rottentomatoes.com-2019.04.23-16-45-18.jpg (748x315, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:


95+ but I could see it hitting 98 or 99 because of how "important" the movie is


100% and 99 when armond's review drops

Shazam is better than Endgame

100% until the "trolls" ruin it

Roten tomatoes pay disney thats they there scores are so high and DC is always so low

Did the embargo not just lift? I'm seeing reviews coming in as of the last few minutes on Twitter

>Rotten tomatoes pay disney

Attached: screenshot-www.rottentomatoes.com-2019.04.23-17-08-33.jpg (747x320, 65K)

Those are reactions, the actual reviews are what we're waiting for.

They don't pay RT, they just block people from attending events and getting exclusives if they poorly review their film



96 and up nigga


Attached: screenshot-www.rottentomatoes.com-2019.04.23-17-12-10.jpg (741x317, 71K)

Not even disney wanted dumbo to succeed

probaly in the high 90s I'd guess.

They're not, I'm Irish and seeing reviews come in right now (maybe it's timezone dependent?);





they expect some of us in the wreckage, brother

Gotta let one go down so they don't look suspicious

they're banking credibility for the movies that they actually need to get 96% fresh reviews


only in lucrative franchises, marvel, star wars etc...
i hope lion king will be fucking rotten too, but they like to lick nog asses so... hmm

Solid 90%

Twitter/premier reactions looked a little better than Infinity War

There will be a decent handful of negative reviews to the effect of "I didn't see the other movies, so I was lost and didn't understand it, complex world-building across multiple films shouldn't be a thing"

I guess the Irish were too drunk to get the memo.

Also, Yea Forums will parade those first two reviews

Shit's going to win 10 oscars at least including Best Picture.


and they're right

compains and still ends with 3/5 (6/10) so it will get "fresh". if it was other movie it would be 2/5. fucking asslickers

probably the greatest use of this quote I've ever seen

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99% fresh

100%: the RT are cucks as hell


Do you believe the hype?

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hardly anything is sold out at my theater

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You are aware there's a reason there's so many showings there, right?

>showings every 20 minutes

I think most people still buy at the theather, for Infinity War I looked on the internet and there were only 20 seats bought but at the local there were over 30 minutes lines.

is that...every single theater at that location playing that one movie?


no there are several other movies showing like Us, some penguins movie, Missing Link, and Captain Marvel

I remember when I saw The Force Awakens in IMAX, there were so many people the management had to organize a line to get into the theater

The tomatometer is irrelevant. Let's predict the box office. I would say $280m opening and $2.5b gross (better than Titanic but not Avatar).

This always happens where I live with every big release, for The Force Awakens I went like 5 days after the release on a week day at 8pm and it was packed.

I hope it makes more than Avatar, that shit started this 3D trend that just ruins the experience of watching and made the tickets more expesive.

A review is already online

Attached: screenshot-www.comicbookmovie.com-2019.04.23-17-56-51.jpg (673x287, 64K)

most people buy in the theater

Who could doubt the objective cinematic criteria of "www.comicbookmovie.com"

are there any actual good reviewers who are not basedboy cucks left?

Tax writeoff

nigga the live actons are just to hold ownership of the IP

based armond really boutta do it to em

Critic score ~75%
Audience score ~90%

It's 6:00 PM...

We should get a Tomatometer in a bit...

It's a fairly easy prediction but yeah

...and of course the first review on there is one Yea Forums will be parading around

Attached: screenshot-www.rottentomatoes.com-2019.04.23-18-02-30.jpg (751x311, 33K)

If it was literally anyone else making this other than the Russos it probably wouldn't have worked, but I'm guessing it did and the reviews will reflect that.

based mick


sounds kinda negaitve but of course 3/5 to get "fresh" pass.. legit.

She looks cute and wholesome, who is that?

>This time round, the members of the superhero team need to find all of six glowy things — the jewels in Thanos’s oven mitt — and, after travelling through time, bring around 50 per cent of the universe’s population back to life.
>That’s going to take a while.

this movie is obviously not made for a 50 years old irish man, why do they even review this? cant the newpaper hire a younger guy for that?

Fuck off capefag

>Reviewers spoiling the entire movie
Not again.

its a satire on brie's comment dude...

Probably 100% Tony dies to snap Thanos with the Stark Gauntlet and leaves his kid half-orphan, Widow sacrifices herself for the Soul Stone and Cap stays in the past at the end

Here are some more reviews I'm gathering from Google...

Attached: screenshot-news.google.com-2019.04.23-18-10-37.jpg (1008x285, 53K)

my bad, I don't pay any attention to what celebrities have to say

It will probably be 95+%.
There's not really an agenda-based reason not to give a negative review and there are surely a few contrarians in the woodwork for a film with this much hype.

>true believers
this shit really has become a cult

93% screencap this

>like you've never seen before
you gotta be shitting me

110%, seriously.


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Code-word for “had to pee.”

That phrase has been around since the 60s.


3/5 is the equivalent of 6/10
2/5 and is 4/10
Audience would be outraged at a 4/10 due to muh CGI work and soundtrack, so 6/10 is probably the lowest score we're going to see even though that's somehow technically a "Fresh" and not completely average and mediocre.

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did you miss "reserved seating"?

was waiting for that

78 on metacritic. Based Boston Globe gave it a 50

seething incel

97% absolute minimum.

maybe even bleed

WTF it just jumped to 85

It’s still at 78

for you

haha he made you check faggot

>Like You've Never Seen Before
>time travel to fix everything
>YAS QUEEN moment
>"noble" sacrifice of character that did absolutely fucking nothing
lol ok

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Based Barry destroying capeshit

>Metacritic score 80
This is what 11 years and 22 movies led up to?

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>ad hominem projecting

100% because of stronk women

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99% and wins Best Picture

it'll get worse

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200% because it's 3 hours long so it's really like two amazing films put together !
Not just good CapeShit but a great film and an important one!!!!!

>it's pompous... also 3/5
What did he mean by this?

What is there to "truly believe"? That they weren't going to let all the characters stay dead? That they weren't going to kill off Thanos? That they weren't going to give it a bittersweet happy ending? Come the fuck on, m8.

Starting to see the YT reviews like Magnus's pop up.

>not understanding that it's still a high score
Critics can't cover a disaster . They just spin mediocre flicks
Only time they tried to paint a bad movie good was Last jedi

256% seeing how Disney own it

are you retarded? even the best marvel movie avengers infinity war is like a 65, all the best marvel movines are around 60-70

lmaoing @ infinity war being the best marvel movie let alone being a movie

100% Disney isn't letting this bomb. All reviews are already bought.

>10 years of build and a worse Metacritic score than Spider-Man 2
Why don't they just ask based Raimi back, bros?

Raimi's powerlevel is too high for them.


spiderman 2 is one of only 2 or 3 legit capekinos.

should I fork out 8 bucks to see it tomorrow morning

Grace's Review: Endgame

You'll be replaced by brown immigration regardless :)

>A gargantuan love letter to Marvel's equally enormous mythology.
man film "criticism" today is something else

is this bitch retarded? Why does she talk like Lights Camera Jackson?

couldn't watch more than 15 seconds, who the fuck follow this kind of shit content?

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a tour de force

why is RT so slow? are they waiting for Disney's approval?

>capeshitter fantasizing about brown immigrants

>given early access to see movie before anyone else by disney
>rates the movie a 10 out of 10

I would say 65%ish, so after the 25% Disney bonus that's at least 90%

People who wet themselves over rt scores.


it's here

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>Hasn't seen the movie
>Questioning someone who has
>Someone that even fucking Yea Forums thinks is ok
Cope harder

I never understand why people post these when you can easily look it up.

to make you look, retard

That does stop them from reviewing the film

you need to look up "fake news"

the goal is to make you check


>came here to post 101%
>it's already the 2nd post

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Attached: screenshot-www.rottentomatoes.com-2019.04.23-18-39-56.jpg (365x32, 4K)

I already have the page up though, so he failed in his goal

>three points higher than Carmine Street Guitars.


It will drop to 80

Solid 100

The abengers did it :D

Trump will be impeached

You probably never heard of that movie, let alone plan to see that movie

It's just something Stan Lee always called his readers you sperg

Stan Lee sounds like a huge faggot

Alan Moore said Stan Lee is a massive fraud

>reviews counted: N/A
what does it mean?

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Reviews are pouring in too fast for the main Tomatometer to count them right now.

Probably be above 90, but it's probably a 75 in honesty

Also, when did Spike Lee become a driver for the Knight Bus?

Daily reminder that Kino Book > Black Shitman

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I love Phase 1 but fucking hate 2 and 3 and even I think that Endgame will probably be one of the more decent movies. I'll probably dislike the jokes and CGI but hell, at least this shit finally comes to an end. I also hate the fact that I have so much hate for Tony because he was my favourite character by far when this started. Disney really fucked him up by shoving him down people's throats, goddamn

Infinity War and Endgame both being directed by the Russos helped immensely. I can't even imagine how bad it would've been if it was a Star Wars situation with episodes 7 and 8.

Top Critics

Attached: screenshot-www.rottentomatoes.com-2019.04.23-19-00-27.jpg (249x245, 14K)


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That’s the Avengers

im positive it will stay above 90

No, this is.


Attached: screenshot-www.rottentomatoes.com-2019.04.23-19-06-38.jpg (251x242, 15K)

Meanwhile, on Metacritic....

Attached: screenshot-www.metacritic.com-2019.04.23-19-08-05.jpg (233x255, 19K)

>neglecting to add 10 points for D.C.

I agree. Hated Civil War but Infinity War was actually decent. Not good since I think that the jokes fuck up the tone way too much and the CGI really fucks up the overall aesthetics but I'd easily give it a 7/10 since they didn't fill the entire movie with political agendas and actually tried to deliver a solid story

They expect one of us in the wreckage brother

What a suprise

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That’s Infinity War

No, this is.

Attached: screenshot-www.rottentomatoes.com-2019.04.23-19-18-03.jpg (247x241, 14K)

That's gay

Is this Keith Uhlich fellow basically white Armond?


>I’d tell you more about the film, but then I’d have to kill myself at the spoiler-averse Marvel Studios’s behest. Even noting certain elements out of context—like, say, “Nerd Hulk” or “Lebowski Thor”—might be considered too revealing by the powers that be. So, let’s dance around the narrative architecture and instead ruminate on whether this 22nd entry in the MCU serves as a satisfying culmination of all that’s preceded it.

>That’s a firm no, though the Russo brothers and screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely certainly lean hard into the dewy-eyed, apocalyptic sturm und drang. You’d think they were putting the finishing touches on the Bible. There are allusions to The Leftovers, J.G. Ballard, and Picasso’s Guernica, though there’s never a sense, as in those works, that society is truly in irrevocable decay. It’s all good, even when it isn’t: Death is a mostly reversible ploy, and sacrifice is a self-centered concept, a burnish to the ego above all else. It’s telling that, in one scene, Captain America stops to admire his own ass.

I wonder if he's actually seen the other 21 movies

Disney only instructed him to rate it 3/5 or higher. They didn't instruct him on what to say.

That’s Age of Ultron

No, this is.

Attached: screenshot-www.rottentomatoes.com-2019.04.23-19-39-27.jpg (250x239, 15K)


AHAHAHAHAHAHA it really is a cult

>None of the 22 films in this cycle are likely to be remembered as great works of cinema, because none have really tried. It’s fun to see the actors in these roles we know are capable of better, and also satisfying to appreciate the efforts of those who might not be. Some first-rate directors have taken up the banner and burnished the brand. Their past and future masterpieces will most likely be found elsewhere.

>Still, “Endgame” is a monument to adequacy, a fitting capstone to an enterprise that figured out how to be good enough for enough people enough of the time. Not that it’s really over, of course: Disney and Marvel are still working out new wrinkles in the time-money continuum. But the Russos do provide the sense of an ending, a chance to appreciate what has been done before the timelines reset and we all get back to work. The story, which involves time travel, allows for some greatest-hits nostalgic flourishes, and the denouement is like the encore at the big concert when all the musicians come out and link arms and sing something like “Will the Circle Be Unbroken.” You didn’t think it would get to you, but it does.



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Open them and look at the seats. No one takes the very shit seats

anyone else waiting for the only one that matters? you know who i'm nalking about...

comic book girl 13

Marvel shills fuck off

>Still, “Endgame” is a monument to adequacy


>Ten years from now, moviegoers will be able to watch all 21 movies that led to this and experience a storytelling narrative that stands truly on its own. There’s no take backs and no do-overs, this is the end for some of our heroes and the doorways that open to what might happen next in the MCU — both on the big screen and on Disney’s upcoming streaming service — are ceaselessly intriguing.

Is this a review or a Disney ad?

>the entire genre of superhero movies could end


>Billion dollar movie productions
>CGI so shit there are head glitches
What does the mouse mean by this?

What was the other one then

this is the stupidest excuse I have ever seen, you would save more by not even making the movie than the tax write-off

>Not that it’s really over, of course: Disney and Marvel are still working out new wrinkles in the time-money continuum.

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That is actually a pretty good review to be honest. It's cynical but at the same time, the guy manages to perfectly summarise what Disney has been doing to these movies
>Death is a mostly reversible ploy
>though there’s never a sense
The latter couldn't be more true for the Disney MCU movies

>None of the 22 films in this cycle are likely to be remembered as great works of cinema, because none have really tried
I love Iron Man 1 to death but I have to agree. None of the movies feel like something special and I say this as a huge Phase 1 fan. Meanwhile, Days of Future Past, First Class, and X2 had a far bigger artistic vision to them. I'd say Spider-Man 1, 2, Watchmen, MoS and BvS (Ultimate Cut) manage to do that as well but most people here outright hate Sony and WB movies

>BvS (Ultimate Cut)

More filler and slightly improved characterization doesn't make a bad movie good.

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>Billion dollar movie productions

It's almost as if Hollywood studios artificially inflates the expenditures of production in order to avoid paying taxes. Imagine that.

Except that the added scenes weren't actually filler but added coherency to the overall plot. The theatrical cut felt disjointed to me for some reason only for me to find out later on that there was an actual investigation Clark was doing in the ultimate cut of the movie. Lex getting caught (Steppenwolf scene) was also pretty vital if you ask me, yet they left it out for some reason. There's tons of mistakes the executives made with that movie even though tons of people immediately try to put all the blame on Snyder all the time

Okay, it was MOSTLY more filler

>that one subplot about a witness to the terrorist attack that ended with her getting pushed in front of a train

I agree, that can be regarded as filler if you're looking for criticism but I still have nothing against that storyline. I don't know why people and studios in particular are bothered by more story. People used to like long-running movies and now, it seems to me that the only time people want to watch a long movie is if it has the Disney label on it


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§y / by



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