The Newsroom

imagine how even more unbearable this shit show would be in the DRUMPF era

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forgot this piece of shit existed

You sound frustrated.

Emily Mortimer is my waifu, is she good in this?

nobody is good, everybody is a puppet for sorkin to win arguments with himself.

But does she look pretty doing it?

>loved Studio 60 despite Sorkin's inability to write comedy and his compulsion to shove MUH SERIOUS POLITICS DRAMA into everything
>decide to give this a watch
>literally starts with DUDE AMERICA SUCKS LMAO
Dropped right then and there. I have no more patience for this shit.

>despite Sorkin's inability to write comedy
Sports Night

The scene where is says that the US is shit is kino.

i couldn't bring myself to watch the last season. holy christ, it's so bad.

aren't all of Sorkin's shows insufferably didactic?

it was cringe and embarassing

>When he says European countries have freedom

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Friendly reminder that Aaron Sorkin is at his best when he's under the effects of cocaine.

It had good waifus, made up for the soapboxing

>old boomer
>remember the good old days

maybe we'll get a decent social network sequel if he picks up crack again.

yes, and the people who watch it praise it because it makes them feel smart


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every character was literally the exact same. fast talking quippers. fucking god that shit was awful

Our producer was caught do-ing-blow

only freedom Americans have is freedom to be a good goy to their overlords

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At least I can call someone a tranny or a faggot without getting a call from the constabulary

one of the worst shows i've ever seen

hey tranny faggot mutt, you're a tranny faggot


I'm waiting for the tranny police to bust down my doors, where are they faggot tranny?

huh? HUH? thought so tranny

No it's not. It was vapid bullshit for brainwashed globalist zoomers to honk at.

It's not, it was a bad rehash of the opening monologue of Studio 60.

>I'm waiting for the tranny police to bust down my doors, where are they faggot tranny?
Put your name to it, eurocuck. It is objectively true you will get in deep legal shit saying this anywhere else but here. Like always, foreigners are the freedom of speech refugees of Yea Forums.

Not a Eurocuck, Mutt.

have dialation

KEk. I always thought this too.

at least the called out that rollingstones college gangrape bs, close to when it was all happening too. also Munn was hot and fun

its shit but the story arc where Will shares a prison cell with an anonymous dirtbag who turns out to be the ghost of his father was pretty kino

>disregarding the serious tone and adding unnecessary humor
Why did they do this?

The insufferableness varies. Newsroom is the most insufferable of them and Daniels fucking nails the extra insufferable character so the impact is even more insufferable. It's high quality but it'll probably rot your brain if you're one of those losers who thinks ideologies that come from the idiot box are feasible.

sounds extremely gay

well you would know

there's no need to go batting for Snorkin's liberal agenda

Purest Sorkino coming through

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I'll never stop loving Sorkin, even at his absolute worst and most libtarded, I just can't.

Wanted to fuck the shit out of Munn when she was in this.

only season 1 was bad. 2 and 3 were tight, focused character dramas.

my nigga

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What was it about before?

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Sorkin basically preempted #MeToo and called it all bullshit and a witchhunt in this show

It would have been ripped to shreds

She looks great in the professional dresses the role calls for

>pre empted

Yeah, no that shit has gone on for decades and consodering all that shit was mostly about hollywood, they got away with it remarkably scot free.