Anyone else scared to watch this reaction vid with sound? I still haven't made it past the first 2 seconds

Anyone else scared to watch this reaction vid with sound? I still haven't made it past the first 2 seconds

Attached: 1555177871156.webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

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He makes James Youniverse seem like Don fucking Draper.

why does teevee like this guy so much
he looks like a real life seething wojak

I found it pretty amusing actually. Is he genuine? He starts crying as soon as Rey appears

i was able to do it when i was heavily drunk.

also it makes me slightly depressed

i cant enjoy things like that, that and people screaming at each other in real situations

Why would you ever want to watch a reaction video?


God damn, user

he seems like a mouse shill or a geniune retard because he fucking gets his eyes red and about to cry when Rey appears staring at the distance.

why is this guy being memed so hard

I actually miss Youniverse now, it was an acceptable dose of s o y, this just hurts to watch

This creature's pallid, flabby visage

Eyes shining with tears in a s o y-fueled ecstasy

over the latest cgi spectacle for children,

fills me with revulsion.

Star wars fans should get a Douai-Rheims bible

(not the Challoner revision)

and read the Gospels.

The original

"new hope."

Yea Forums karma. Bullied Youniverse off of YouTube only to be presented with the true final boss of S O Y, Eric Butts, who basically became famous overnight after a twitter virtue signalling campaign.

Autists who think men are supposed to be stoic

check these dubs

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This guy has already been forgotten.
You tried too hard to make your beloved numale look succesful.

It's just resetera defending the only kind of leftist white men there are in the world.

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He legit doesn't blink the entire time. Is that to make himself cry? Or is it because he's trying to see every single frame?

Famous is hyperbole but the reaction completely backfired. Instead of ridicule he was met with applause on twitter and by Mark Hamill etc., compared to a video which would otherwise have been completely forgotten.

he's an actor. actors learn not to blink because it makes audiences unconsciously respect you more.

It's been like two weeks and Yea Forums is STILL obsessed with this guy.

James was /ourguy/, he laughed at his reaction but not at him specifically.

“A refurbished Star Wars is on somewhere or everywhere. I have no intention of revisiting any galaxy. I shrivel inside each time it is mentioned. Twenty years ago, when the film was first shown, it had a freshness, also a sense of moral good and fun. Then I began to be uneasy at the influence it might be having. The first bad penny dropped in San Francisco when a sweet-faced boy of twelve told me proudly that he had seen Star Wars over a hundred times. His elegant mother nodded with approval. Looking into the boy's eyes I thought I detected little star-shells of madness beginning to form and I guessed that one day they would explode.

'I would love you to do something for me,' I said.

'Anything! Anything!' the boy said rapturously.

'You won't like what I'm going to ask you to do,' I said.

'Anything, sir, anything!'

'Well,' I said, 'do you think you could promise never to see Star Wars again?'

He burst into tears. His mother drew herself up to an immense height. 'What a dreadful thing to say to a child!' she barked, and dragged the poor kid away. Maybe she was right but I just hope the lad, now in his thirties, is not living in a fantasy world of secondhand, childish banalities.”

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He was met with ridicule, the only applause came from a handful of ethots who make a living out of ripping off "men" like them.
The point was showing that this is the average Star Wars fan.

He's the physical manifestation of every nu-male meme out there, you're going to be seeing his face for a while.

>Goes on Holy with his wife/gf
>Name drops 'Mary' in video
>Up at the spa
>The Hotel room's beds are separate

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Damn Guinness was a legend

Except it was appropriated and co-opted by Disney shills churning out articles and videos about how it's a good thing to cry at a SW trailer. Sure he was ridiculed on Yea Forums, but really twitter etc. supported him.

Has anyone made an edit with the plane scene yet?

The only people who supported him were the shills, the rest were ridiculing him.

The only ridicule was from Yea Forums and alt-right twitteridiots. Everyone else was supportive or apathetic.

Indeed, I actually like James now after watching Eric because he just comes off as q more reasonable level of excitement.

>with the plane scene yet?
Honestly if this guy tears up over that he much have been jumping for joy when he saw the footage of the planes hitting the towers.

Ahh, the culture wars, where millennials fight over whether a manchild who cried over a trailer for a movie for kids was a good or bad thing.
God, I can't wait until all millennials die of cancer in their 40s due to their garbage lifestyle.

oo can't see through the tearsss...

Eric is like söy on steroids.


Nearly 500k YouTube views, 31k likes to 18k dislikes, mainly supportive comments, lots of social media virtue signalling. The guy came out on top, there's no denying it.


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Where did he go?

When the only people supporting you are marketeers doing damage control because you are the average fan of a dying franchise, that's not a victory.
It's obvious Disney is desperate to salvage Star Wars' reputation.

You might actually be schizophrenic. Get help.

Why is is so hard for Yea Forums to accept people have incredible powerful emotional outburts to the final Star Wars movie of the Skywalker saga?

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wtf I love numales now

Those feels when we live in a clown world where to become famous you have to humiliate yourself

Most hotel rooms come with two beds, have you never traveled in your life?

>video has 5k views
>literally-who show

He received pity. And for some odd reason lefties don't associate pity with shame.

Imagine being a man and having tens of thousands of strangers comfort you out of pity. Shit, most men I know would choose ridicule over pity in a fucking heartbeat.

>mainly supportive comments
that's because he deleted all the negative ones

That's what I'm saying man, the marketers did their work. Butts was everything they hated and have tried to move away from for decades - a fat, slobby white nerd. Obviously when they found out this guy was becoming the face of the new SW they had to act fast to do damage control, but they did a pretty good job at it. Butts is a freak but if you take the piss people will call you a bully.

reality shows and the 15 minutes of fame very much paradigm are already decades old and perfected

Most hotel rooms come with an option for bed size dumbass. This isn't the 1990s anymore.

He said that they'd already had an 'amazing day' and what most people do is check in to the hotel, dump off luggage and go do what ever. They'd chill for about an hour or so, usually on their beds as to watch TV. Yet, they never pushed the beds together.

* and pretty much perfected

>Autists who think men are supposed to be stoic

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I travel all the time, many hotels do not give that option they just have two beds. There are so many things to shit on this “man” for and that is not one of them.

When you get two queen size beds usually you and your wife/gf will put shit on top the one bed and sleep together in the other.

Lets see if Resetera keeps attacking her now like they did in Yea Forums the first few days.
I still remember when they went full retard and said that all right wing women are whores and that the only worthwhile women are feminists and leftist.

you might actually be schizophrenic yourself if you unironically believe ANYONE was sincerely supportive and accepting of this söibois atrocious non-neurotypical behavior. I feel bad for Disney for having to damage control for this loser.

its only okey to cry at funerals and births

It's not about being "stoic," it's about maintaining any sort of dignity. He's an abomination to manhood, and deserves to be shamed

>And for some odd reason lefties don't associate pity with shame
That's the thing. Only women and soibois comforted him, and soibois aren't really men. Neither of them understand the principle of pride or honor.

>I am going to cry
>I am crying
>I told mom I wouldn't cry
>I need to call mom and get a diaper change

Why are you so obsessed with this man's sex life?

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They were though, never underestimate the average SW fan/twitter user

Imagine this guy in a real War, space or otherwise.

Fucking based

Yes user, you are the only real person, everyone else is just paid off by disney.


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This guy's face makes me want to strangle him.
I've never felt like this about anyone.

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How can anyone be against National Socialism at this point?

No they don't you lying autist, they wouldn't want to needlessly change two sets of bedding.

They 1000% aren't queensized though, my gf when we traveled just put our shit in any free space. Admittedly we booked a one small bedroom to save money. The cuddling was pretty kino although the sex was 'limiting' due to the size. Ended up holding her against the bathroom wall.

Sweaty, when I am with a girl on vacation I always get one bed. So you can bone and grab tit all night. The dude is cucked.

>They just have two beds
We are talking hotels here not pee stained hooker motels.

>He's an abomination to manhood
he's an abomination to any kind of emotion in general
he's an abomination to nuance
he's an abomination to actual abominations

Nice epic overreaction, reddit

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Literally what is with the hate for him? What is wrong with being emotional?

Post your T levels

He's the quintessential millennial.
He represents everything wrong with the western man.

Hello, Eric

It's literally just Yea Forums looking themselves in a mirror and hating what they see

Anyone who defends him looks similar to him, physiognomy fact

What's wrong with the western man?

Sup Eric.

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That he's a fucking faggot.

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It’s not worth the attention from either camp desu

this is a bit, right? he's doing a bit? please tell me hes doing a bit.

This guy can´t be real... i mean, i would kind of understand this kind of reaction for TFA back when we didn´t know it was shit and it has been like 40 years since the OT. I mean, i guess someone could get this sensitive over the sequels actually happening back then... but after 4 movies in a row and every single one being shit i just don´t buy it. No one can be this beta.

Do you guys think he realizes he is going to live as the new SW kid till he eventually decides to take his own life because of all the bullying? Do you think he will think that the hellish life he is going to have is worth it just to meet Hamill and go to the red carpet of that piss poor excuse of a movie?

And you aren't?

...As opposed to what, Africans? Muslims?

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As opposed to what it used to be.
This is what happens when you have a world that's too peaceful and it's too much of a safespace, you allow the proliferation of betas.

>Starwars kid was rightfully bullied and grew up to be a powerhouse law attorney with a wife and kids
>Söy boy Eric is cheered, and applauded for crying at a children's movie trailer l, and will continue to rent two bed hotel rooms so he can watch his wife get fucked by a black bull on the other bed

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It’s okay for men to be emotional.
It’s legitimately not okay to be emotional at Star Wars, at any time in its history. Unless it was like something that you bonded with your dad with before he died of bone cancer, there is no reason ever to become emotionally distraught about Star Wars.
That goes for you nerds who ree so hard at ‘they’re ruining it with muh sjw’ shit too. Control yourself you spastics. It’s a toy commercial.

i think the magnetic shift, sea levels and volcanos will us all somewhere during this century

Magnetic shifts are processes that take thousands of years to be completed.

how is it possible to be that excited for anything

>that webm

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He's having a religious experience.
We killed God, but man still has a need for the spiritual.
In the absence of religion, people will find other things to fill the void.
We have lots of modern things that people have an irrational and religious passion for.
Freedom, democracy and equality are all ideas you are supposed to accept on faith as unquestionably good, and to which any criticism is met with cries of heresy.
Capeshit has filled the God shaped hole in some men's lives.

Time to destroy capeshit.

uh oh

Hi Jordan

Probably because most of this stuff is fake as shit.

White men were always effeminate fops, faggot. If you want manly look at blacks.

Lucas Prequels (revenge of the sith, attack of the clones etc) = avant garde HIGH BROW art--cultural artifacts that will live on for centuries, appreciated by a small number of film critics and aesthetes who live for the beauty and the pleasure of movies

Disney Wars = jewish mind control

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>He thinks American numales represents whites

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Can we kill capeshit?

To kill capeshit, you must remove the creators of capeshit.
Which, funnily enough, tends to be the source of a remarkably disproportionate amount of societal corruption.

Why are you so in denial?

Face it, regardless of location or time period, white men are always like this.

Attached: submission_3_figure_3_-john_montagu_1.jpg (280x410, 37K)

>Whites in the US: 66%
>Percentage of white trannies in the US: 55%
>Blacks in the US: 12%
>Percentage of black trannies in the US: 16%

I know percentages isn't your peoples strong suit, so allow me to give you the conclusion in plain english; A black man in the US is far more likely to become a tranny than a white man in the US.

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said no one ever

I sure hope so. A human race that believes this or any capeshit are master pieces and that listen to 3rd rate rappers deserves extinction. Western culture has failed and it´s time to start over or step aside as the dominant species.

Shit is shit

Rise against the Disney Dystopia!

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like you

but the percentage of white trannies is higher.

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But just said it, user.

The only overreaction in this thread is the fat numale in OP crying about fucking star wars.

Ahh yes.
Disney. Chairman Bob Iger.

But I sure can't wait for the new Avengers film.
I sure do love all the heroes created by Stanley Lieber.
My favourite is Captain America, created by Joe Simon.
Or maybe the Justice League?
I like Batman, created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger.
I also like The Flash, created by Harry Lampert.
Or Wonder Woman given to us by Max Gaines.
Or Superman, created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster.
Or Aquaman, from the mind of Mort Weisinger.

I wonder what common thread links all these merchants of capeshit?

>Unironically watching Juden Peterstein
>Clean your penis, bucko! Radical individualism is the only solution to the organised forces trying to undermine your civilisation!


I never even watched it. Just seeing a few seconds of this webm makes my stomach turn.

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fucking crazy how normal james looks in comparison to the fatass in the op now

why does he look like hes about to start crying?

How long until blacked edits start getting spammed?

American """men"""

Nice tiddays, Doughbert

>why does teevee like this guy so much
>he looks like a real life seething wojak
I think you answered your own question there.

absolute state of chan

they always get cucked by the ugliest women too, that's a fucking cave troll with glasses

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did he like it?

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>/ouronions/ is back