Is Brienne done?

Give it to me straight, guys. I Brienne a goner next episode?

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No. The future is female

Oh it's worse than that!

I hope so. Can't stand her and the sound she makes when she yells.

I hope not. She's not one of the infuriating females who needs to be killed (which probably means she's dead)

Jamie is supposed to die in her arms if the writers have been paying attention.

Nah, she needs to live and become a legendary knight or King Jaime's Guard

It's ser Brienne to you, pleb!

she's going to be raped to death by the zombie dragon

nah her character's purpose was merely developing Jaime's character and he brought her closure last episode. I don't see Jaime dying yet so I think she will die saving Jaime

I hope they chit-chat a little more next episode. The character development they've done in the last 2 episodes has built up my anticipation to the climactic ending ten-fold. I'm so emotionally invested in some of these characters we literally grew up with that I have no doubts this will be the biggest gut punch of a series finale I will ever experience

Aside from Davos, she's the only character who holds some affiliation to the Stormlands, so there's your new Lady Paramount.

Pretty sure if watching 8 seasons of this show has told me anything about the writers everyone is going to die and Cersei keeps the throne. Last episode is probably her beheading whoever survives the next few battles.

What makes her qualified to be a general now?

I honestly doubt D&D kill anymore female characters except cersei

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shit man why didnt he do it sooner

Brienne and Jaime both die, hound dies, Arya lives and kills the mountain for him on her way to Cersei who dies in childbirth, Sam kills the night king, Jon is set on fire and hair becomes white, Danerys dies ep3 completely undoing all tension of whether or not she'll murder the north after the wight walkers, jon tries to take the throne as tribute to her, grey work dies and nobody cares, sansa lives, little girl in crypt kills a wight walker saving gilly/little sam

i wish but probably not. dumb ugly bitch.

Hope not, she's literally the only character in the show with true honor.

No, Jaime has to die in her arms ep 4
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