
Fuck this guy. He loves the MCU. A boring slog of unmemorable movies that have a ton of plot holes. He pretends to be objective but likes some of the most unmemorable safe and lame movies in the world. He defends fucking age of ultra. The only good part of EFAP is when wolf goes off on retarded clickbait content creators (which is low hanging fruit). Why does Yea Forums like this loser?

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Wow, this guy really makes you seethe if you feel the need to make a thread to bitch about him

So, you don't like him because he likes movies you don't? Okay, sure. Whatever.

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you can make a thread even if you're not furious beyond belief

I don't know I just find his videos obnoxious

>He pretends to be objective but likes some of the most unmemorable safe and lame movies in the world
That's not really a contradiction, just you not liking the same things he likes.

I like MauLer

Fuck off he is literally /ourguy/

Contrarians. he hates things I hate as well. But I'm not gonna sperg out and make 5 hour video breaking down the plot. Also you both just admitted to being capeshitters

>see this thread
>check youtube
>still no TFA review part 3

fuck it

You've watched all 4 hours of the first videos? I managed to get through the first song. But it was just him ranting about youtube losers he doesn't like.

pumps and a bump

I like the fact he shits on nuWars. That's primarily what I watch him for. Also, I enjoy autistically dissecting capeshit movie inconsistencies for 2 hours, because that's the autistic shit I like.

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I likem shitting on NuWars as much as the next guy. But he literally makes 6 hour long streams attacking content creators he doesn't like. And spergs out if you criticize him

>6 hour long streams attacking content creators he doesn't like
I don't watch that stuff, so there's your reason why I like him and you don't.

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You're not the only one user, I only really watch him for the nuWars shit. It's cathartic watching someone tear into the gigantic flaming piles of shit that Disney has graced us with and run it all through a detailed, autism-fueled analysis.

Its become a genre. The master of which is E;R

Yea Forums cares?

but user if you repeat the same thing over and over again over hours that means you're an indepth critic

Because the MCU are fun popcorn movies you can turn your brain off to. Star Wars used to be more than that.

TL;DR different expectations

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>Response to HBomberGuy's Dark Souls 2 Video (Part 28-B)

>He pretends to be objective but likes some of the most unmemorable safe and lame movies in the world.
Look, it's okay if you don't actually understand what you're talking about, and there's no shame in asking for clarification.

You are a sad pathetic child who should spend less time using the internet and more time working a job or something else. Nobody cares.

Why do you fucking faggots watch these fucking losers? I’m dead fucking serious. Like are you people that limo wristed you watch movie reviewers? Why?

I listen to that series to fall asleep
I like it because he has a very soothing voice, and hbomberguy does too, and dark souls has soft and unobtrusive graphics, and it's still playing when I wake up the next morning

So when are you gonna upload the video of him fucking you in the ass and filling your guts with his love?

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Didn't you hear his warning about this rant and giving the timestamp for the actual monologue on tfa? I certanly skipped all his youtube drama and only watched the autistic review

Because I'm autistic and I like listening him tear apart Dark Souls 2 while coding for hours

He said ant man and thor ragnorok are good. I don't remember anything about either of those movies. They're god awful


Same here without the coding part. Too retarded for that

I agree, he should stick to video games

>>>/reddit/, normalfag. mauler is the kind of autist who would write lengthy posts on this site contributing to the discussion and you're the kind of nigger who would unironically post "have sex" in reaction to anything you don't like. Kill yourself.

Have sex