How much money will Dora make?

How much money will Dora make?

Attached: Dora.jpg (1800x2700, 941K)

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About 3.50

Less than the tissue maker

3 billion.

0 pesos

50-60 mil domestic

Not so much money as mestizo mutt babies it will make. I’m ready to start impregnating just from the photo.

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Post Monercunny

i don't know but she can have all my semen

an absolute shitload, these kiddie movies always make a bunch of money because there are apparently more parents who dislike parenting and just foist their kids off onto disney etc. movies, than normal moviegoers. stuff like this and frozen always makes absurd cash, and especially since it's dora, since it's such a famous IP even random Yea Forums shitposters are familiar with it

I hope enough to get a sequel

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She was pretty ugly as cunny tho

44 million dollars.

her entire appeal is looking 5-10 years older than she is lol

300-400 million. Their movies don't make that much.

>tfw no energentic perky latina high school gf with a super high libido that wants to fuck 4 times a day

Stay on topic. This is for the movie.

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That's a shit load of money. The budget is under $50 million.

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Yea, but do kids like Dora?

And Moner was getting Yea Forums attention before Dora.

If she works my corner, 75.00 bux guarunteed!

She is so out of his league it's amazing.

Kids won't want to see this garbage, the target audience is suposed to be teens that watched the cartoon when they were young.

Unironically cute af.